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Crystallization of Anti-Immigration Discourse in Times of Crises : Rising Toxic Narratives About Syrians in Turkey

Yıl 2022, , 574 - 597, 31.05.2022


This study explores topics of anti-immigration discourse against Syrians on Twitter, as well as the accounts and hashtags and mentions in which negative sentiments is most frequently processed. We provide quantitative evidence on some of the key points that contain various wordings that would directly relate to Syrians including "Suriyeli, Suriye etc." and some others indirectly related as in "mülteci, mülteciler, etc." Data included various intersections of the derivative words used together or separately, posted from March 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 on Twitter. The search revealed five key points representing an agenda of high profile events related to Syrians. Next, these threads were compared with the same timelines on the Twitter Turkey agenda. Social Media data analysis was made by compiling Twitter data about the interactions related to the Twitter Syrian agenda. The tweets sent in line with the keywords and date limits were collected and placed in the excel sheet, and these data were loaded into the SPSS program and quantitative content analysis were generated. The word phrases in the cluster were developed in accordance with the algorithms of Brand Watch, which is a software that can analyze content using artificial intelligence. Even on the busiest days, data revealed Twitter's Syrian agenda accounted for only 2.02 percent of the Turkish agenda. Significant events were found indicative of the key points of the Syrian agenda and negative sentiments against Syrians. Finally, evidence shows high-activity hashtags and accounts hold the power to dominate the Twitter Syrian agenda. The current study reveals how negative sentiments on social media represents a very small part of the agenda in volume, yet to our awe, a certain segment is effective enough to set the agenda using significant events.


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  • Appendix 1- List of Traditional Media Agenda Topics
  • Point A:
  • Operation Spring Shield or Operation Idlib launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the Syrian National Army (SMO) on Februwas ary 27, 20202.
  • Idlib attack; 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in an airstrike in Syria’s Idlib province on, February 27, 2020. Reuters news agency reported that 54 Turkish soldiers lost their lives in Syria within a month with the latest attack3. (28.02.2020)
  • Last minute... Doors were opened to Syrian reofes! They flock to Europe4. (28.02.2Last-minuteB:
  • Announcement of the final results of the 23 June Istanbul Metropolitan Munici pality election results by the Supreme Election Board (YSK)5 (27.06.2019).
  • S400 missile defense system tension with the USA, the arrival of the first batch of S-400s to Turkey 6 (12.07.2019).
  • The allegations that a child was abused in the İkitelli neighborhood of Istanbul Küçükçekmece turned into a lynching attempt against Syrians.7 (30.06.2019).
  • Turkey proposed a safe zone for 3 million Syrians8 (25.09.2019).
  • Point C: Turkish Central Bank’s rate cut by 425 basis points9 (25.07.2019)
  • Discussing the possible operation to the east of the Euphrates for the Safe Zone10 (29.07.2019)
  • Discussions on the Readmission Agreement on Refugees that Turkey signed with the EU in 2016 11(22.07.2019)
  • Statement from Istanbul Governor Yerlikaya on unregistered Syrians: “There will be no unregistered Syrians in Istanbul”12(30.07.2019). The return of Syrians to their countries during the Eid is again a polemical issue13(19.08.2019).
  • D Point: In the local elections of March 31, 2019, the debate about the Istanbul elections continues and the issue of the cancellation of the election is on the agenda. The government and the opposition are mutually blaming each other 14(10.04.2019).
  • The first action of the newly elected Bolu mayor of the Chp, Tanju Özcan, was to cut the aid given to refugees15 (10.04.2019).
  • President Erdoğan said: “We will not allow the establishment of a terrorist state in the north of Syria”, emphasizing that a terror corridor will never be allowed in the south of Turkey, and that the necessary steps will be taken soon 16(13.10.2019).
  • The economy package as announced by the Minister of Economy, Berat Albayrak 17(10.04.2019).
  • E Point:
  • F-35 Desk without Turkey 18 (09.06.2019)
  • Election polemics before the 23 June 2019 Istanbul election 19(11.06.2019)
  • The new migration wave is at the door, the Russian-backed regime forces attacking Idlib by violating the Sochi agreement, causing 2 million people to pile up on the Turkish border 20(09.09.2019)
  • Appendix 2- List of Tweets, retweets and links of Significant Events
  • Point A:
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/ismailsaym,az/statuses/1233357798962089985
  • Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1234372752024461313/pu/vid/1280x684/5vak9FyYTGHQpToA.mp4?tag=10
  • Retweet 2: http://twitter.com/ismailsaymaz/statuses/1234240124428439553
  • Point B: Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1145233612016689152/pu/vi d/640x360/ZMBCc2Jjsw9x9rOy.mp4?tag=10
  • Point C:
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/DrSinanOgan/statuses/1155931412647645184
  • Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1154660287653535745/pu/vi d/1280x720/H3CjalXGUGT9q6cL.mp4?tag=10
  • Point D:
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/TolgaCevik/statuses/111696726751567873
  • Retweet 2: http://twitter.com/tanjuozcanchp/statuses/1115731532818284544
  • Retweet 3: http://twitter.com/tanjuozcanchp/statuses/1115725277819224065
  • Retweet 4: http://twitter.com/06melihgokcek/statuses/1115830074752819200
  • Retweet 5: http://twitter.com/SavciSayan/statuses/1116039566585151488
  • Retweet 6: http://twitter.com/ismailsaymaz/statuses/1116246425342550016
  • Retweet 7: http://twitter.com/ismailsaymaz/statuses/1116328649790230529
  • Retweet 8: http://twitter.com/uzunabdurrahman/statuses/1115995945714573313
  • Point E:
  • Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1138163308790525952/pu/vi d/352x640/OBUAwnxiHXC-h28T.mp4?tag=10
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/Kocayildiz1/statuses/1138178221801955328
  • Retweet 2: http://twitter.com/kurtilkcan/statuses/1137756362740510721
  • Link 2: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1138084195094401026/pu/vi d/720x720/jYLLpfEyvwlmgFJd.mp4?tag=10
  • Retweet 3: http://twitter.com/NihalOlcok/statuses/1138779737499799552
  • Link 3: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1138339247285514240/pu/vi d/640x360/CMSlvQQPRvYyUrM0.mp4?tag=10

Kriz Zamanlarında Göçmen Karşıtı Söylemin Kristalleşmesi: Türkiye'deki Suriyeliler Hakkında Yükselen Zehirli Dil

Yıl 2022, , 574 - 597, 31.05.2022


Bu araştırma ile Twitter’da, Suriyeli göçmenlere yönelik göçmen karşıtı söylem içeriklerinin Twitter Türkiye gündemine oranı, yaşanılan yüksek profilli olaylarla birlikte olumsuz söylemlerin ne yönde seyrettiği, Suriyelilere karşı kullanılan dilin tonunun nasıl olduğu, nefret söyleminin en sık üretildiği hashtag ve hesapların özellikleri hakkında nicel kanıtlar sunulmaktadır. Bu amaçla, 1 Mart 2019 ile 31 Mart 2020 arasında Twitter Suriye gündemini oluşturan anahtar kelimeler türevleri en çok kullanıldığı zaman aralıkları incelenmiş ve Suriyeli gündeminin en yoğun olduğu beş kilit nokta tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda önemli olayların gerçekleştiği bu kilit noktalarda, Twitter Türkiye gündemi, Twitter Suriyeli gündemiyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Son olarak Twitter Suriyeli gündemini en çok belirleyen hashtag ve hesaplar incelenmiştir. Suriye gündemine ilişkin Twitter verileri derlenerek, anahtar kelimeler ve tarih sınırları doğrultusunda gönderilen Tweetler toplanmış ve excel sayfasına yerleştirilmiştir. Veriler SPSS programına yüklenerek ve nicel içerik analizi verileri oluşturulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler, yapay zeka kullanarak içeriği analiz edebilen bir yazılım olan Brand Watch'un algoritmalarına uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Belirlenen kilit noktalardan Suriyeli gündeminin en yoğun konuşulduğu tarihlerde bile Twitter Türkiye gündeminin yalnızca %2.02’sine tekabül ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Yaşanan önemli olayların Suriyeli gündeminin en yoğun olduğu bu kilit noktaları ve bu noktalardaki olumsuz söylemi de belirlediği ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Son olarak Twitter’da Suriyeli gündemini, büyük oranda etkinliği yüksek hashtag ve hesapların belirlediği bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma ile sosyal medyada olumsuz söylemin hacim olarak gündemin çok küçük bir kısmını temsil etmesine rağmen belirli bir kesimin, önemli olayları kullanarak gündemi belirleyebilecek kadar etkili oldukları tespit edilmiştir


  • Akyeşilmen, N. (2018). Disiplinllerarası bir yaklaşımla Siber politika & Siber Güvenlik. Orion Kitabevi: 194-204.
  • Alğan, T. C., & Şensever, F. L. (2010). Ulusal Basında Nefret Suçları: 10 yıl, 10 Örnek. İstanbul: Sosyal Değişim Derneği Yayınları.
  • Althusser, L. (2010). İdeoloji ve Devletin İdeolojik Aygıtları. İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları.
  • Awan, I. (2014). Islamophobia and Twitter: A Typology of Online Hate Against Muslims on Social Media. Policy Internet, 133–150.
  • Bartlett, J., & et al, e. a. (2014). Anti-Social Media. London: Demos.
  • Bostancı, M. (2017). Suriyeli Sığınmacı Sorunu ve Basına Yansımalar. İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar Yayınevi.
  • Brennan, F. (2009). Legislating against Internet race hate. Information & Communications Technology Law, 18(2), , 123-153.
  • Brodersen, K., & et al. (2015). Inferring causal impact using Bayesian strtural time-series models. Ann. Appl. Stat., 247–274.
  • Burnap, P., & Williams, M. (2015 ). Cyber Hate Speech on Twitter: An Application of Machine Classification and Statistical Modeling for Policy and Decision Making. . Policy Internet, 223–242.
  • Campbell, P. J. (2010). An Introduction to Global Studies. Wiley -Blackwell.
  • Clay, S. (2016). Sosyal Medyaya Eleştirel Bir Giriş Nedir?” Sosyal Medya -Eleştirel Bir Giriş. 1st Ed.. Ankara: NotaBene Yayınları, 2016. 8-42. Ankara: NotaBene Yayınları.
  • Çayır, K. (2012). Gruplararası İlişkiler Bağlamında Ayrımcılık. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Çomu, T., & Binark, M. (2013). Yeni Medya Ortamlarında Nefret Söylemi, Medya ve Nefret Söylemi Kavramlar mecralar Tartışmalar,. İstanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Dede, A. (2011). The Arab Uprisings: Debating the Turkish Model. Insight Turkey,-Cilt: 13, No: 2, , 23-24.
  • Dirini, İ. (2010). Okur Yorumlarıyla Yeniden Üretilen Nefret Söylemi. A. Akın içinde, Yeni medyada Nefret Söylemi (s. 55-93). İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları.
  • Doğanay, Ü. ve Keneş, H. Ç. (2016). Yazılı basında Suriyeli ‘mülteciler’: Ayrımcı söylemlerin rasyonel ve duygusal gerekçelerinin inşası. Mülkiye dergisi. 40(1): 143-184.
  • Eagleton, T. (2011). İdeoloji. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Ekiz, D. (2003). Eğitimde araştırma yöntem ve metodlarına giriş: Nitel, nicel ve eleştirel kuram metodojileri. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Ersoy, U. (2018). Çağımızın Pandemisi: Nefret Suçları. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 111-174.
  • Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace, and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Rese arch, Vol. 6, No. 3, 167-191.
  • Galtung, J. (2007). Frieden mit friedlichen Mitteln. Friede und Konflikt, Entwick lung und Kultur. Münster: Agenda Verlag.
  • Gambetti, Z. (2007). Linç Girişimleri, Neo-Liberalizm ve Güvenlik Devleti. Toplum ve Bilim, , 7-35.
  • Gerbaudo, P. (2012). Tweets and Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism –, London, UK, p.134-135. London: Pluto Press.
  • Göregenli, M. (2012). Temel kavramlar:önyargı, kalıpyargı ve ayrımcılık. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sosyoloji ve Eğitim Çalışmaları, .
  • Göregenli, M. (2013). Temel Kavramlar: Önyargılar, özgü İnançlar ve Ayrımcılık”, Medya ve Nefret Söylemi Kavramlar, Mecralar, Tartışmalar,. istanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfı yayınları.
  • Grobet, A. (2014). Responsible reporting and perceptions of migrants in an era of unprecedented mobility. In G. Dell’Orto & V. L. Birchfeld (Eds.), Reporting at the southern borders. New York: Routledge.
  • Kara, T., & Özgen, E. (2012). Sosyal medya-akademi. İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık.
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  • Appendix 1- List of Traditional Media Agenda Topics
  • Point A:
  • Operation Spring Shield or Operation Idlib launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the Syrian National Army (SMO) on Februwas ary 27, 20202.
  • Idlib attack; 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in an airstrike in Syria’s Idlib province on, February 27, 2020. Reuters news agency reported that 54 Turkish soldiers lost their lives in Syria within a month with the latest attack3. (28.02.2020)
  • Last minute... Doors were opened to Syrian reofes! They flock to Europe4. (28.02.2Last-minuteB:
  • Announcement of the final results of the 23 June Istanbul Metropolitan Munici pality election results by the Supreme Election Board (YSK)5 (27.06.2019).
  • S400 missile defense system tension with the USA, the arrival of the first batch of S-400s to Turkey 6 (12.07.2019).
  • The allegations that a child was abused in the İkitelli neighborhood of Istanbul Küçükçekmece turned into a lynching attempt against Syrians.7 (30.06.2019).
  • Turkey proposed a safe zone for 3 million Syrians8 (25.09.2019).
  • Point C: Turkish Central Bank’s rate cut by 425 basis points9 (25.07.2019)
  • Discussing the possible operation to the east of the Euphrates for the Safe Zone10 (29.07.2019)
  • Discussions on the Readmission Agreement on Refugees that Turkey signed with the EU in 2016 11(22.07.2019)
  • Statement from Istanbul Governor Yerlikaya on unregistered Syrians: “There will be no unregistered Syrians in Istanbul”12(30.07.2019). The return of Syrians to their countries during the Eid is again a polemical issue13(19.08.2019).
  • D Point: In the local elections of March 31, 2019, the debate about the Istanbul elections continues and the issue of the cancellation of the election is on the agenda. The government and the opposition are mutually blaming each other 14(10.04.2019).
  • The first action of the newly elected Bolu mayor of the Chp, Tanju Özcan, was to cut the aid given to refugees15 (10.04.2019).
  • President Erdoğan said: “We will not allow the establishment of a terrorist state in the north of Syria”, emphasizing that a terror corridor will never be allowed in the south of Turkey, and that the necessary steps will be taken soon 16(13.10.2019).
  • The economy package as announced by the Minister of Economy, Berat Albayrak 17(10.04.2019).
  • E Point:
  • F-35 Desk without Turkey 18 (09.06.2019)
  • Election polemics before the 23 June 2019 Istanbul election 19(11.06.2019)
  • The new migration wave is at the door, the Russian-backed regime forces attacking Idlib by violating the Sochi agreement, causing 2 million people to pile up on the Turkish border 20(09.09.2019)
  • Appendix 2- List of Tweets, retweets and links of Significant Events
  • Point A:
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/ismailsaym,az/statuses/1233357798962089985
  • Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1234372752024461313/pu/vid/1280x684/5vak9FyYTGHQpToA.mp4?tag=10
  • Retweet 2: http://twitter.com/ismailsaymaz/statuses/1234240124428439553
  • Point B: Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1145233612016689152/pu/vi d/640x360/ZMBCc2Jjsw9x9rOy.mp4?tag=10
  • Point C:
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/DrSinanOgan/statuses/1155931412647645184
  • Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1154660287653535745/pu/vi d/1280x720/H3CjalXGUGT9q6cL.mp4?tag=10
  • Point D:
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/TolgaCevik/statuses/111696726751567873
  • Retweet 2: http://twitter.com/tanjuozcanchp/statuses/1115731532818284544
  • Retweet 3: http://twitter.com/tanjuozcanchp/statuses/1115725277819224065
  • Retweet 4: http://twitter.com/06melihgokcek/statuses/1115830074752819200
  • Retweet 5: http://twitter.com/SavciSayan/statuses/1116039566585151488
  • Retweet 6: http://twitter.com/ismailsaymaz/statuses/1116246425342550016
  • Retweet 7: http://twitter.com/ismailsaymaz/statuses/1116328649790230529
  • Retweet 8: http://twitter.com/uzunabdurrahman/statuses/1115995945714573313
  • Point E:
  • Link 1: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1138163308790525952/pu/vi d/352x640/OBUAwnxiHXC-h28T.mp4?tag=10
  • Retweet 1: http://twitter.com/Kocayildiz1/statuses/1138178221801955328
  • Retweet 2: http://twitter.com/kurtilkcan/statuses/1137756362740510721
  • Link 2: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1138084195094401026/pu/vi d/720x720/jYLLpfEyvwlmgFJd.mp4?tag=10
  • Retweet 3: http://twitter.com/NihalOlcok/statuses/1138779737499799552
  • Link 3: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1138339247285514240/pu/vi d/640x360/CMSlvQQPRvYyUrM0.mp4?tag=10
Toplam 111 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Varış 0000-0002-9054-0320

Nevfel Boz 0000-0001-6109-1610

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Nisan 2022
Kabul Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Varış, M., & Boz, N. (2022). Crystallization of Anti-Immigration Discourse in Times of Crises : Rising Toxic Narratives About Syrians in Turkey. TRT Akademi, 7(15), 574-597. https://doi.org/10.37679/trta.1110767