Bu çalışmada,
öncelikli olarak Kuzey ve Güney Kore arasındaki propaganda faaliyetleri ancak bunun yanı sıra Rusya, Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri ve Çin gibi bölgede hâkimiyet kurmaya çalışan süper güçlerin propaganda
yayınları incelenmiştir. Uzak Asya’daki propaganda faaliyetleri, uçaklardan atılan afişler,
radyo, televizyon ve diğer tüm kitle iletişim araçları vasıtasıyla yapılmış olup makalede belli bir oranda
açıklanmış, ancak konu açısından önem arz etmesi bakımından radyo yayınları ana kitle
iletişim aracı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada literatür tarama yönteminin yanı sıra, tarihsel
betimleyici bir model kullanılmıştır. Bunun sebebi radyonun Kore Savaşı’yla beraber bir
propaganda aracı olarak kullanılması ve Koreliler haricinde yarımadada söz sahibi olmak isteyen
Japonya’da dâhil diğer ülkelerce de önem atfedilmesidir. Radyo, Kuzey ve Güney Kore tarafından kendi
sistem ve ideolojilerini korumak ve sonrasında da yaymak amacıyla günümüzde bile
kullanılan bir kitle iletişim aracıdır.
Teknik desteklerinden dolayı eşim Gözde Güven'e teşekkürü bir borç bilirim.
Borrat, H. (2007). “Periódicos de calidad: primeras propuestas para una lectura crítica”, http://portalcomunicacao.com/download/21.pdf.
Byman, D. & Lind, J. (2010). Pyongyang’s Survival Strategy: Tools of Authoritarian Control in North Korea. International Security, 35:1, 44-74.
Bytwerk, R.L. (2008). Landmark Speeches of National Socialism, New York: Texas A&M University.
Crook, T. (2002). International Radio Journalism: History, Theory and Practice, New York: Routledge.
Collins, R.F. & Pritchard, A.D. (2016). Pictures From the Sky: Propaganda Leaflet Psyop During the Korean War. Visual Communication Quarterly, 23:4, 210-222.
Cumings, B. (2007). Por qué Corea del Norte no colapso? Y por qué muchos estadounidenses influyentes piensan que deberia haberlo hecho?. Estudios, 20, 101-123.
Dalton, B.; Jung, K. & Willis, J. (2017). Fashion and the Social Construction of Femininity in North Korea. Asian Studies Review, 41:4, 507-525.
Dmytryshyn, B. (1982). Soviet Perceptions of South Korea. Asian Perspective, 6:2, 72-104.
Dobb, L.W. (1950). Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 14:3, 419-442.
Far East Command Report. (1951). Psychological Warfare in Korea. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 15:1, 65-75.
Gassert, P. (2001). ‘This is Hans Fritzsche’: A Nazi Broadcaster and His Audience. Journal of Radio Studies, 8:1, 81-103.
Goebbels, J. (2019). Büyük Yalanlar: Yalanın ve Çürümenin Kitabı, İstanbul: Zeplin.
Goody, A. (2018). BBC Features, Radio Voices and the Propaganda of War 1939-1941. Media History, 24:2, 194-211.
Gordonker, L. (1954). United Nations Use of Mass Communications in Korea, 1950-1951. International Organization, 8:3, 331-345.
Güven, E. (2018). Kapitalizmin Merkezinde Vahşi Kapitalizme Karşı Direniş: Occupy Wall Street ve Sosyal Medya. Suat Gezgin (Ed.). Dijital Çağda İletişim içinde (s. 27-48). Konya: Eğitim.
Güven, E. (2018). Juche İdeolojisinin Hizmetinde Gelenekselden Dijitale Kuzey Kore Medyası. Selçuk İletişim, 11:1, 190-211.
Jacobson, M.R. (2005). ‘Minds then Hearts’: U.S. Political and Psychological Warfare During the Korean War (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Ohio: The Ohio State University.
Jan, G. P. (1967). Radio Propaganda in Chinese Villages. Asian Survey, 7:5, 305-315.
Johnson, T. “U.S.-funded broadcasters in S. Korea bombard North”, https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article 24469774.html (Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2019).
Kuruoğlu, H. (2006). Propaganda ve Özgürlük Aracı Olarak Radyo, Ankara: Nobel.
Lankov, A. (2009). Changing North Korea: An Information Campaign Can Beat the Regime. Foreign Affairs, 88:6, 95-105.
Hamm, C. (1991). Music and Radio in the People’s Republic of China. Asian Music, 22:2, 1-42.
Holden, G. (2002). Radio Goes to War: The Cultural Politics of Propaganda during World War II, Berkeley: University of California.
Holt, R.T. (1958). Radio Free Europe, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Howse, H. (1960). The Use of Radio in China. The China Quarterly, 2, 59-68.
Ka, Y.C. (2019). Media as soft power: the role of the South Korean media in North Korea. The Journal of International Communication, 25:1, 137-157.
Kasım, M. (2011). Hitler Döneminde Propaganda Aracı Olarak Radyo. Selçuk İletişim, 6:4, 64-75.
Kim, E.J. (2016). North Korea’s Response to US Army Propaganda Leaflets during the Korean War. War and Society, 35:4, 298-314.
Kim, S. & Haley, E. (2018). Propaganda Strategies of Korean war-era leaflets, International Journal of Advertising, 37:6, 937-957.
Lepeuple, A.C. (1995). “Radio Free Europe” et “Radio Liberty” (1950-1994). Revue d’historie, 48, 31-45.
Lovell, S. (2015). Russia in the Microphone Age: A History of Soviet Radio, 1919-1970, New York: Oxford University.
Meyer, C. (2000). The CIA and Radio Free Europe. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 1(1), 127-130.
Miller, C.R. (1941). Radio and Propaganda. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 213, 69-74.
Munoz, A.S. (2011). La Propaganda en la Guerra Civil: El Uso de la Radio y el Cine. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Almeria: Universidad de Almeria.
Myers, B.R. (2010). The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves And Why It Matters, New York: Melville House Publishing.
Quintero, A.P. (1990). Historia de la Propaganda, Madrid: Eudema.
Richards, E.B. (1960). Pravda and Izvestia Look at Korea. The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly, 41:2, 163-168.
Schramm, W. & Riley, J.W. (1951). Communication in the Sovietized State, as Demonstrated in Korea. American Sociological Review, 16:6, 757-766.
S.D.U. (1950). Soviet Radio Propaganda on the Far East. The World Today, 6:10, 434-441.
Somerville, K. (2012). Radio Propaganda and the Broadcasting of Hatred: Historical Development and Definitions, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Song, W. (2005). The Changed, the Unchanged, and the Implications: A Historical Examination of Mass Media in North Korea since 1945. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi).
New York: State University of New York at Buffalo.
Uttaro, R.A. (1982). The Voices of America in International Radio Propaganda. Law and Contemporary Problems, 45(1), 103-122.
Zygulski, K. (1970). Radio and Television in Japan. Social Research, 37(1), 147-151.
Sputnik Türkiye “Güney Kore’ye kaçan Kuzey Koreli asker: Sizin şarkılarınızı dinlemek istiyorum”, https://tr.sputniknews.com/asya/ 201711211031092978-guney-kore-kuzey-kore, Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2019.
Propaganda Wars in the Korean Peninsula: Radio Broadcasting Between Two Koreas
In this research, propaganda activities between North and South Korea, along with the super- powers such as Russia, U.S. and China is examined. Propaganda activities in the Far East was made by all means necessary such as propaganda leaflets, radio, television and other kinds of mass medium. In this article, other means of communication and propaganda with other mass medium devices will be explained but as compatible with the research the radio broadcasts will be examined as the main communication device. Along with the literature review method, the historical descriptive model will be used in order to explain the situation. Radio was used as a propaganda tool starting with the Korean War and many nations who was involved to the war and also other nations such as Japan that has ambitions over the peninsula have used the radio as a tool for propaganda. Radio also used effectively by North and South Korean governments in order to protect their ideologies and also exporting it even today.
Borrat, H. (2007). “Periódicos de calidad: primeras propuestas para una lectura crítica”, http://portalcomunicacao.com/download/21.pdf.
Byman, D. & Lind, J. (2010). Pyongyang’s Survival Strategy: Tools of Authoritarian Control in North Korea. International Security, 35:1, 44-74.
Bytwerk, R.L. (2008). Landmark Speeches of National Socialism, New York: Texas A&M University.
Crook, T. (2002). International Radio Journalism: History, Theory and Practice, New York: Routledge.
Collins, R.F. & Pritchard, A.D. (2016). Pictures From the Sky: Propaganda Leaflet Psyop During the Korean War. Visual Communication Quarterly, 23:4, 210-222.
Cumings, B. (2007). Por qué Corea del Norte no colapso? Y por qué muchos estadounidenses influyentes piensan que deberia haberlo hecho?. Estudios, 20, 101-123.
Dalton, B.; Jung, K. & Willis, J. (2017). Fashion and the Social Construction of Femininity in North Korea. Asian Studies Review, 41:4, 507-525.
Dmytryshyn, B. (1982). Soviet Perceptions of South Korea. Asian Perspective, 6:2, 72-104.
Dobb, L.W. (1950). Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 14:3, 419-442.
Far East Command Report. (1951). Psychological Warfare in Korea. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 15:1, 65-75.
Gassert, P. (2001). ‘This is Hans Fritzsche’: A Nazi Broadcaster and His Audience. Journal of Radio Studies, 8:1, 81-103.
Goebbels, J. (2019). Büyük Yalanlar: Yalanın ve Çürümenin Kitabı, İstanbul: Zeplin.
Goody, A. (2018). BBC Features, Radio Voices and the Propaganda of War 1939-1941. Media History, 24:2, 194-211.
Gordonker, L. (1954). United Nations Use of Mass Communications in Korea, 1950-1951. International Organization, 8:3, 331-345.
Güven, E. (2018). Kapitalizmin Merkezinde Vahşi Kapitalizme Karşı Direniş: Occupy Wall Street ve Sosyal Medya. Suat Gezgin (Ed.). Dijital Çağda İletişim içinde (s. 27-48). Konya: Eğitim.
Güven, E. (2018). Juche İdeolojisinin Hizmetinde Gelenekselden Dijitale Kuzey Kore Medyası. Selçuk İletişim, 11:1, 190-211.
Jacobson, M.R. (2005). ‘Minds then Hearts’: U.S. Political and Psychological Warfare During the Korean War (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Ohio: The Ohio State University.
Jan, G. P. (1967). Radio Propaganda in Chinese Villages. Asian Survey, 7:5, 305-315.
Johnson, T. “U.S.-funded broadcasters in S. Korea bombard North”, https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article 24469774.html (Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2019).
Kuruoğlu, H. (2006). Propaganda ve Özgürlük Aracı Olarak Radyo, Ankara: Nobel.
Lankov, A. (2009). Changing North Korea: An Information Campaign Can Beat the Regime. Foreign Affairs, 88:6, 95-105.
Hamm, C. (1991). Music and Radio in the People’s Republic of China. Asian Music, 22:2, 1-42.
Holden, G. (2002). Radio Goes to War: The Cultural Politics of Propaganda during World War II, Berkeley: University of California.
Holt, R.T. (1958). Radio Free Europe, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Howse, H. (1960). The Use of Radio in China. The China Quarterly, 2, 59-68.
Ka, Y.C. (2019). Media as soft power: the role of the South Korean media in North Korea. The Journal of International Communication, 25:1, 137-157.
Kasım, M. (2011). Hitler Döneminde Propaganda Aracı Olarak Radyo. Selçuk İletişim, 6:4, 64-75.
Kim, E.J. (2016). North Korea’s Response to US Army Propaganda Leaflets during the Korean War. War and Society, 35:4, 298-314.
Kim, S. & Haley, E. (2018). Propaganda Strategies of Korean war-era leaflets, International Journal of Advertising, 37:6, 937-957.
Lepeuple, A.C. (1995). “Radio Free Europe” et “Radio Liberty” (1950-1994). Revue d’historie, 48, 31-45.
Lovell, S. (2015). Russia in the Microphone Age: A History of Soviet Radio, 1919-1970, New York: Oxford University.
Meyer, C. (2000). The CIA and Radio Free Europe. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 1(1), 127-130.
Miller, C.R. (1941). Radio and Propaganda. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 213, 69-74.
Munoz, A.S. (2011). La Propaganda en la Guerra Civil: El Uso de la Radio y el Cine. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Almeria: Universidad de Almeria.
Myers, B.R. (2010). The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves And Why It Matters, New York: Melville House Publishing.
Quintero, A.P. (1990). Historia de la Propaganda, Madrid: Eudema.
Richards, E.B. (1960). Pravda and Izvestia Look at Korea. The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly, 41:2, 163-168.
Schramm, W. & Riley, J.W. (1951). Communication in the Sovietized State, as Demonstrated in Korea. American Sociological Review, 16:6, 757-766.
S.D.U. (1950). Soviet Radio Propaganda on the Far East. The World Today, 6:10, 434-441.
Somerville, K. (2012). Radio Propaganda and the Broadcasting of Hatred: Historical Development and Definitions, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Song, W. (2005). The Changed, the Unchanged, and the Implications: A Historical Examination of Mass Media in North Korea since 1945. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi).
New York: State University of New York at Buffalo.
Uttaro, R.A. (1982). The Voices of America in International Radio Propaganda. Law and Contemporary Problems, 45(1), 103-122.
Zygulski, K. (1970). Radio and Television in Japan. Social Research, 37(1), 147-151.
Sputnik Türkiye “Güney Kore’ye kaçan Kuzey Koreli asker: Sizin şarkılarınızı dinlemek istiyorum”, https://tr.sputniknews.com/asya/ 201711211031092978-guney-kore-kuzey-kore, Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2019.