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Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 782 - 795, 29.12.2019


Companies are social organizations with economic characteristics and
they are in contact with all social sectors as a part of the community.
However, there are specific stakeholder groups that companies are specifically
affiliated with and these stakeholders can be different according to the
companies. Companies are in constant connection and communication with
stakeholder groups so they both affect stakeholders and are influenced by them.
Companies have various responsibilities for their stakeholders and they can only
survive through accomplish their responsibilities to the stakeholders, meet the
stakeholders' expectations, and permanently inform them about the company.
In this study, BIST
100 Index companies web-based stakeholder relations are discussed and these
companies’ target stakeholders and message contents
for public relations activities were questioned.

Stakeholder relations are evaluated by the information on these companies’ web
pages and information was evaluated by content analysis method. According to
customer group is the most intense group of
messages for all sectors.


  • Basten, D., Stavrou, G. and Pankratz, O. (2016). “Closing the Stakeholder Expectation Gap: Managing Customer Expectations Toward the Process of Developing Information Systems”. Project Management Journal, October/November, 70-88.
  • Benn, S., Abratt, R. and Kleyn, N. (2016). “Reducing Reputational Risk: Evaluating Stakeholder Salience and Prioritising Stakeholder Claims”. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 34(6), 828-842. doi:10.1108/MIP-10-2015-0191
  • Boiral, O. and Heras-Saizarbitoria, I. (2017). “Managing Biodiversity Through Stakeholder Involvement: Why, Who, and for What Initiatives?”. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(3), 403-421. doi: 10.1007/s10551-015-2668-3
  • Bourne, L. (2008). “Advancing Theory and Practice for Successful Implementation of Stakeholder Management in Organisations”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(4), 587-601. doi:10.1108/17538370810906273
  • Brummette, J. and Zoch, L. M. (2016). “How Stakeholders’ Personal Values Influence Their Value Expectations for Legitimate Organizations”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 21(3), 309-321. doi:10.1108/CCIJ-12-2015-0085
  • Bunn, M. D., Savage, G. T. and Holloway, B. B. (2002). “Stakeholder Analysis for Multi‐Sector Innovations”. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 17(2/3), 181-203.
  • Clarkson, M. (1995). “A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance”. Academy of Management Review, 20(1), 92-117.Cornelissen, J. (2004). Corporate Communications: Theory and Practice. London: Sage.
  • Daft, R. L. (2008). Management. Mason: Thomson South-Western.
  • Freeman R. E. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Boston: Pitman.
  • Goodjik, R., (2003). “Partnership at Corporate Level: The Meaning of The Stakeholder Model”. Journal of Change Management, 3(3), 225-241.
  • Goodpaster, K. (1991). “Business Ethics and Stakeholder Analysis”. Business Ethics Quarterly, 1(1), 53-73.
  • Grinstein, A. and Goldman, A. (2011). “Beyond the Final Consumer: The Effectiveness of A Generalist Stakeholder Strategy”. European Journal of Marketing, 45(4), 567-595.
  • Grosser, K. (2009). “Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality: Women as Stakeholders and The European Union Sustainability Strategy”. Business Ethics: A European Review, 18(3), 290-307. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8608.2009.01564.x
  • Guibert, L. and Roloff, J. (2017). “Stakeholder Dialogue: Strategic Tool or Wasted Words?” Journal of Business Strategy, 38(5), 3-11.
  • Huang, C. and Kung, F. (2010). “Drivers of Environmental Disclosure and Stakeholder Expectation: Evidence from Taiwan”. Journal of Business Ethics, 96, 435-451.
  • Jacobson, M. R. and Azzam, T. (2018). “The Effects of Stakeholder Involvement on Perceptions of An Evaluation's Credibility”. Evaluation and Program Planning, 68, 64-73. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.02.006
  • Jonker, J. and David, F. (2002). “Stakeholder Excellence? Framing the Evolution and Complexity of a Stakeholder Perspective of the Firm”. Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Management, 9, 187-195.
  • Julian, R. (2016). “Is it for Donors or Locals? The Relationship Between Stakeholder Interests and Demonstrating Results in International Development”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(3), 505-527. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-09-2015-0091
  • Kim, S., Park, J. and Wertz, E. K. (2010). “Expectation Gaps Between Stakeholders and Web-Based Corporate Public Relations Efforts: Focusing on Fortune 500 Corporate Web Sites”. Public Relations Review, 36(3), 215-221.
  • Kim, S. and Rader, S. (2010). “What They Can Do Versus How Much They Care: Assessing Corporate Communication Strategies on Fortune 500 Web Sites”. Journal of Communication Management, 14(1), 59-80. doi: 10.1108/13632541011017816
  • Kumar, K. and Subramanian, R. (1998). “Meeting the Expectations of Key Stakeholders: Stakeholder Management in The Health Care Industry”. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 63(2), 31-40.
  • Kumar, V., Rahman, Z. and Kazmi, A. A. (2016). “Stakeholder Identification and Classification: A Sustainability Marketing Perspective”. Management Research Review, 39(1), 35-61.
  • Larner, J. and Mason, C. (2014). “Beyond Box-Ticking: A Study of Stakeholder Involvement in Social Enterprise Governance”. Corporate Governance, 14(2), 181-196. doi:10.1108/CG-06-2011-0050
  • Laszlo, Z. (2006). “Extended Stakeholder Theory”. Society and Business Review, 1(1), 37-44.
  • Mainardes, E. W., Alves, H. and Raposo, M. (2012). “A Model for Stakeholder Classification and Stakeholder Relationships”. Management Decision, 50(10), 1861-1879.
  • McEnroe, J. E. and Martens, S. C. (2001). “Auditors' and Investors' Perceptions of the Expectation Gap”. Accounting Horizons, 15(4), 345-358.
  • McGrath, S. K. and Whitty, S. J. (2017). “Stakeholder Defined”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 10(4), 721-748. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-12-2016-0097
  • Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R. and Wood, D. J. (1997). “Toward a Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience: Defining the Principle of Who and What Really Counts”. Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 853-886.
  • Mygind, N. (2009). “Stakeholder Ownership and Maximization”. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 9(2), 158-174.
  • Neill, M. S. (2015). “Beyond the C-Suite: Corporate Communications’ Power and Influence”. Journal of Communication Management, 19(2), 118-132. doi:10.1108/ JCOM-06-2013-0046
  • Parker, C. M., Bellucci, E., Zutshi, A., Torlina, L. and Fraunholz, B. (2015). “SME Stakeholder Relationship Descriptions in Website CSR Communications”. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(2), 364-386.
  • Paul, K. (2015). “Stakeholder Theory, Meet Communications Theory: Media Systems Dependency and Community Infrastructure Theory, with an Application to California’s Cannabis/Marijuana Industry”. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(3). 705-720.
  • Reinig, C. J. and Tilt, C. A. (2009). “Corporate Social Responsibility Issues in Media Releases: A Stakeholder Analysis of Australian Banks”. Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 2(2), 176–197.Rowley, T. (1997). “Moving Beyond Dyadic Ties: A Network Theory of Stakeholder Influences”. Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 887-910.
  • Savage, G., Nix, T., Whitehead, C. and Blair, J. (1991). “Strategies for Assessing and Managing Organizational Stakeholders”. Academy of Management Executive, 5(1), 61-75.
  • Shams, S. M. R. (2015). “Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Reputational Antecedents: A Review of Stakeholder Relationships, Reputation and Brand Positioning”. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 12(3), 314-329. doi:10.1108/JAMR-08-2014-0050
  • Steurer, R., Langer. M. E., Konrad, A. and Martinuzzi, A. (2005). “Corporations, Stakeholders and Sustainable Development I: A Theoretical Exploration of Business–Society Relations”. Journal of Business Ethics, 61, 263–281. doi:10.1007/s10551-005-7054-0
  • Welch, M. and Jackson, P. R. (2007). “Rethinking Internal Communication: A Stakeholder Approach”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12(2), 177-198.

Web Tabanlı Örgütsel Halkla İlişkiler Faaliyetlerinde Paydaş Türlerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 782 - 795, 29.12.2019


Şirketler, ekonomik özelliklere sahip sosyal
organizasyonlardır ve toplumun bir parçası olarak toplumun tüm kesimleri ile
temas halindedir. Şirketlerin özellikle bağlı oldukları belirli paydaş grupları
vardır ve bu paydaşlar şirketlere göre farklılık gösterebilir. Şirketler,
paydaşları ile sürekli bağlantı ve iletişim halindedir dolayısıyla hem
paydaşlarını etkiler hem de onlardan etkilenirler. Paydaşlarına yönelik çeşitli
sorumlulukları olan şirketler ancak bu tür sorumluluklarını yerine getirerek
hayatta kalabilir, paydaşlarının beklentilerini karşılayabilir ve onları şirket
hakkında bilgilendirebilirler. Bu çalışmada, BIST 100 Endeksi şirketlerinin web
tabanlı paydaş ilişkileri tartışılmış, bu şirketlerin hedef paydaşlarına
yönelik halkla ilişkiler faaliyetleri incelenmiştir. Paydaş ilişkilerinin
belirlenmesinde şirketlerin web sayfalarında bulunan bilgilerden yararlanılmış
ve bilgiler, içerik analiz ile değerlendirilmiştir. Alınan sonuçlara göre en
yoğun mesajın olduğu paydaş türü müşterilerdir.


  • Basten, D., Stavrou, G. and Pankratz, O. (2016). “Closing the Stakeholder Expectation Gap: Managing Customer Expectations Toward the Process of Developing Information Systems”. Project Management Journal, October/November, 70-88.
  • Benn, S., Abratt, R. and Kleyn, N. (2016). “Reducing Reputational Risk: Evaluating Stakeholder Salience and Prioritising Stakeholder Claims”. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 34(6), 828-842. doi:10.1108/MIP-10-2015-0191
  • Boiral, O. and Heras-Saizarbitoria, I. (2017). “Managing Biodiversity Through Stakeholder Involvement: Why, Who, and for What Initiatives?”. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(3), 403-421. doi: 10.1007/s10551-015-2668-3
  • Bourne, L. (2008). “Advancing Theory and Practice for Successful Implementation of Stakeholder Management in Organisations”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(4), 587-601. doi:10.1108/17538370810906273
  • Brummette, J. and Zoch, L. M. (2016). “How Stakeholders’ Personal Values Influence Their Value Expectations for Legitimate Organizations”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 21(3), 309-321. doi:10.1108/CCIJ-12-2015-0085
  • Bunn, M. D., Savage, G. T. and Holloway, B. B. (2002). “Stakeholder Analysis for Multi‐Sector Innovations”. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 17(2/3), 181-203.
  • Clarkson, M. (1995). “A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance”. Academy of Management Review, 20(1), 92-117.Cornelissen, J. (2004). Corporate Communications: Theory and Practice. London: Sage.
  • Daft, R. L. (2008). Management. Mason: Thomson South-Western.
  • Freeman R. E. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Boston: Pitman.
  • Goodjik, R., (2003). “Partnership at Corporate Level: The Meaning of The Stakeholder Model”. Journal of Change Management, 3(3), 225-241.
  • Goodpaster, K. (1991). “Business Ethics and Stakeholder Analysis”. Business Ethics Quarterly, 1(1), 53-73.
  • Grinstein, A. and Goldman, A. (2011). “Beyond the Final Consumer: The Effectiveness of A Generalist Stakeholder Strategy”. European Journal of Marketing, 45(4), 567-595.
  • Grosser, K. (2009). “Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality: Women as Stakeholders and The European Union Sustainability Strategy”. Business Ethics: A European Review, 18(3), 290-307. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8608.2009.01564.x
  • Guibert, L. and Roloff, J. (2017). “Stakeholder Dialogue: Strategic Tool or Wasted Words?” Journal of Business Strategy, 38(5), 3-11.
  • Huang, C. and Kung, F. (2010). “Drivers of Environmental Disclosure and Stakeholder Expectation: Evidence from Taiwan”. Journal of Business Ethics, 96, 435-451.
  • Jacobson, M. R. and Azzam, T. (2018). “The Effects of Stakeholder Involvement on Perceptions of An Evaluation's Credibility”. Evaluation and Program Planning, 68, 64-73. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.02.006
  • Jonker, J. and David, F. (2002). “Stakeholder Excellence? Framing the Evolution and Complexity of a Stakeholder Perspective of the Firm”. Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Management, 9, 187-195.
  • Julian, R. (2016). “Is it for Donors or Locals? The Relationship Between Stakeholder Interests and Demonstrating Results in International Development”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(3), 505-527. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-09-2015-0091
  • Kim, S., Park, J. and Wertz, E. K. (2010). “Expectation Gaps Between Stakeholders and Web-Based Corporate Public Relations Efforts: Focusing on Fortune 500 Corporate Web Sites”. Public Relations Review, 36(3), 215-221.
  • Kim, S. and Rader, S. (2010). “What They Can Do Versus How Much They Care: Assessing Corporate Communication Strategies on Fortune 500 Web Sites”. Journal of Communication Management, 14(1), 59-80. doi: 10.1108/13632541011017816
  • Kumar, K. and Subramanian, R. (1998). “Meeting the Expectations of Key Stakeholders: Stakeholder Management in The Health Care Industry”. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 63(2), 31-40.
  • Kumar, V., Rahman, Z. and Kazmi, A. A. (2016). “Stakeholder Identification and Classification: A Sustainability Marketing Perspective”. Management Research Review, 39(1), 35-61.
  • Larner, J. and Mason, C. (2014). “Beyond Box-Ticking: A Study of Stakeholder Involvement in Social Enterprise Governance”. Corporate Governance, 14(2), 181-196. doi:10.1108/CG-06-2011-0050
  • Laszlo, Z. (2006). “Extended Stakeholder Theory”. Society and Business Review, 1(1), 37-44.
  • Mainardes, E. W., Alves, H. and Raposo, M. (2012). “A Model for Stakeholder Classification and Stakeholder Relationships”. Management Decision, 50(10), 1861-1879.
  • McEnroe, J. E. and Martens, S. C. (2001). “Auditors' and Investors' Perceptions of the Expectation Gap”. Accounting Horizons, 15(4), 345-358.
  • McGrath, S. K. and Whitty, S. J. (2017). “Stakeholder Defined”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 10(4), 721-748. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-12-2016-0097
  • Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R. and Wood, D. J. (1997). “Toward a Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience: Defining the Principle of Who and What Really Counts”. Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 853-886.
  • Mygind, N. (2009). “Stakeholder Ownership and Maximization”. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 9(2), 158-174.
  • Neill, M. S. (2015). “Beyond the C-Suite: Corporate Communications’ Power and Influence”. Journal of Communication Management, 19(2), 118-132. doi:10.1108/ JCOM-06-2013-0046
  • Parker, C. M., Bellucci, E., Zutshi, A., Torlina, L. and Fraunholz, B. (2015). “SME Stakeholder Relationship Descriptions in Website CSR Communications”. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(2), 364-386.
  • Paul, K. (2015). “Stakeholder Theory, Meet Communications Theory: Media Systems Dependency and Community Infrastructure Theory, with an Application to California’s Cannabis/Marijuana Industry”. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(3). 705-720.
  • Reinig, C. J. and Tilt, C. A. (2009). “Corporate Social Responsibility Issues in Media Releases: A Stakeholder Analysis of Australian Banks”. Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 2(2), 176–197.Rowley, T. (1997). “Moving Beyond Dyadic Ties: A Network Theory of Stakeholder Influences”. Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 887-910.
  • Savage, G., Nix, T., Whitehead, C. and Blair, J. (1991). “Strategies for Assessing and Managing Organizational Stakeholders”. Academy of Management Executive, 5(1), 61-75.
  • Shams, S. M. R. (2015). “Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Reputational Antecedents: A Review of Stakeholder Relationships, Reputation and Brand Positioning”. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 12(3), 314-329. doi:10.1108/JAMR-08-2014-0050
  • Steurer, R., Langer. M. E., Konrad, A. and Martinuzzi, A. (2005). “Corporations, Stakeholders and Sustainable Development I: A Theoretical Exploration of Business–Society Relations”. Journal of Business Ethics, 61, 263–281. doi:10.1007/s10551-005-7054-0
  • Welch, M. and Jackson, P. R. (2007). “Rethinking Internal Communication: A Stakeholder Approach”. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12(2), 177-198.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Halit Buluthan Çetintaş 0000-0002-1734-5174

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetintaş, H. B. (2019). Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 23(3), 782-795.
AMA Çetintaş HB. Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. Aralık 2019;23(3):782-795.
Chicago Çetintaş, Halit Buluthan. “Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities”. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 23, sy. 3 (Aralık 2019): 782-95.
EndNote Çetintaş HB (01 Aralık 2019) Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 23 3 782–795.
IEEE H. B. Çetintaş, “Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 23, sy. 3, ss. 782–795, 2019.
ISNAD Çetintaş, Halit Buluthan. “Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities”. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 23/3 (Aralık 2019), 782-795.
JAMA Çetintaş HB. Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2019;23:782–795.
MLA Çetintaş, Halit Buluthan. “Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities”. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 23, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 782-95.
Vancouver Çetintaş HB. Determination of Stakeholder Types On Web-Based Organizational Public Relations Activities. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2019;23(3):782-95.