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Yıl 2020, , 1 - 21, 29.01.2020


Probation system provides an important process to strengthen the juveniles and youngsters’ social support system, development of prosocial behaviours and enable them to reach social resources. This research which was designed as a quantitative research had been carried out for 2-month-period (May-June 2014) and data were gathered by using questionnaire and Provision of Social Relations (PSR) Scale.The research discusses the perception of social support provided by the juvenile delinquents and young offenders on probation at the Directorate of Probation in Ankara, as well as the factors shaping these perceptions. A series of information about the socio-demographic characteristics, families, delinquent behavior and factors related to the probation process was received from 150 juveniles and youngsters involved in the probation system at the Directorate of Probation in Ankara. It was determined that 150 juveniles' perception of social support varies in terms of their education level, birth or adopted parent status, education level of parents, type of family, employment status, type of committed crimes, criminal situation of friends and family, violence in the family, the frequency of substance use, taking support in the process of probation and meeting with the family during probation process. The aim of this research is to determine the perception of social support of the juveniles/youngsters on probation process and to put forward proposals for the development of social support resources of young people involved in the probation system.


  • Akduman, A.G., Akduman, B., Cantürk, G. (2007). Investigation of the some personal and familial characteristics of juvenile delinquency. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 42, 156-161.
  • Aksoy, A. and Ögel, K. (2007). Substance use in delinquent adolescents. Journal of addiction, 8, 11-17.
  • Anderson, D.M. (2012). In school and out of trouble? The minimum dropout age and juvenile crime. Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics Montana State University.
  • Baykara, A.Y. (2004). The study of life story of juveniles convicted of sexual offense and social work practice with group. PhD thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Social work, Ankara.
  • Best, D., Hernando, R., Gossop, M., Sidwell., c., Strang, J. (2003). Getting by with a little help from your friends: the impact of peer networks on criminality in a cohort of treatment-seeking drug users. Addictive Behaviors, 28(3), 597–603.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1986). Ecology of the family as a context for human development: Research perspectives. Developmental Psychology, 22, 723–742.
  • Danış, Z. M and Şahbikan, İ. (2014). The place and importance of social work approaches in ae-socialization process of children who have committed crime and in the context of human rights. Journal of history school, 7, 627-651.
  • Duyan, V., Gelbal, S., Var, Ç.E. (2013). The adaptation study of the provision of social relations scale to Turkish. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Sciences, 44, 159-169.
  • Erdoğan, F. (2010). Juvenile delinquency and socio-economical effects on juvenile delinquency. Unpublished PhD Thesis, İstanbul University Institute of Forensic Science, İstanbul.
  • Farrington, D. P. (2003). Developmental and life-course criminology: Key theoretical and empirical issues – the 2002 Sutherland award address. Criminology, 41, 221–255.
  • Freire, P. (2003). Pedagogy of the oppressed (4th ed). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Heinz, S. (2006). Probation assistance and humanistic criminal justice. Series of Crime Policy and Comparative Contemporary Criminal Law, 380-384.
  • Kierkus, C.A., and Hewitt, J.D. (2009). The contextual nature of the family structure/ delinquency relationship. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 123-132.
  • Kunt, V. (2003). Crime and children. Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished master’s thesis, Ankara.
  • McLoyd, V. C. (1998). Socioeconomic disadvantage and child development. American Psychologist, 53(2), 185–204.
  • Nijnatten, V.C. and Stevens, G. (2011). Juvenile participation in conversations with probation officers. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56, 483–499.
  • Ögel, K. (2014). Children, crime and individualized recovery: Project of justice for children.
  • Probation in Turkey Information note. (2015). General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses Department of Probation, Ankara.
  • Rimkus, V. (2008). Aspects of social support in families of delinquent and non-delinquent children. Tiltai / Bridges, 43 (2), 75–92.
  • Robins, L. (1979). Study childhood predictors of adult antisocial behavior: Replications from longitudinal studies. In: Barrett JE, Rose RM and Klerman GL (eds), Stress and Mental Disorder, 8(4), 611-622.
  • Rhodes, A. (2014). Drug use and social support outcomes in probationers: a longitudinal social network analysis. Virginia Common wealth University. Retrieved from
  • Rose, N. (2000). Government and control. British Journal of Criminology, 40, 321-339.
  • Schwalbe, S.C. (2012). Toward and integrated theory of probation. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 39, 185-201.
  • Schwalbe, S.C. and Maschi, T. (2011). Confronting delinquency: probations officers' use of coercion and client-centered tactics to foster out compliance. Crime&Delinquency, 57, 801-810.
  • Shoemaker, D.J. (2009). Juvenile delinquency. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Lanham. Retrieved from:
  • Steinberg, L., Chung, H. L. and Little, M. (2004). Reentry of young offenders from the justice system: a developmental perspective. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 2 (1), 21–38.
  • Şahinli, K. (2012). Çocuk suçluluğuna sebep olan ailesel faktörler: Ankara çocuk ve gençlik kapalı ceza infaz kurumunda bulunan tutuklu ve hükümlü çocuklar üzerine bir çalışma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Güvenlik Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ceza Adaleti Anabilim Dalı.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (1991). Juveniles and resocialization. Ankara: Our Office press.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (2004). Juvenile courts and social study reports. Ankara: Union of bars of Turkey.
  • Van Ness, D. (2001). Introducing restorative justice. Restorative justice for juveniles: conferencing. Mediation and Circles, Oxford.
  • Valente, W.T. (2003). Social network influences on adolescent substance use: an ıntroduction. Retrived from:
  • Vidal, S. and Woolard, J. (2017). Youth’s perceptions of parental support and parental knowledge as moderators of the association between youth-probation officer relationship and probation non-compliance. J Youth Adolesc, 46(7), 1452-1471.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2004). Children and crime. İstanbul: Remzi Press,

Denetimli Serbestlik Sistemindeki Suça Sürüklenen Çocuk ve Gençlerin Sosyal Destek Algısı

Yıl 2020, , 1 - 21, 29.01.2020


Denetimli serbestlik sistemi, suça sürüklenen çocuk ve gençlerin sosyal destek sisteminin güçlenmesi, prososyal davranış geliştirmeleri ve sosyal kaynaklara ulaşmalarının sağlanması adına önemli bir süreç sunmaktadır. Nicel araştırma olarak tasarlanan bu araştırma 2 aylık (Mayıs-Haziran 2014) bir sürede gerçekleştirilmiş ve veriler anket ve Sosyal İlişki Unsurları Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Bu araştırma, Ankara Denetimli Serbestlik Müdürlüğü’nde bulunan suça sürüklenen çocuk ve gençlerin sosyal destek algısını ve bu algıyı şekillendiren faktörleri tartışmaktadır. Ankara Denetimli Serbestlik Müdürlüğü’nde denetimli serbestlik sistemine dahil olan 150 çocuk ve gencin sosyodemografik özellikler, aile, suçlu davranış ve denetimli serbestlik sürecine ilişkin faktörler hakkında bir dizi bilgi edinilmiştir.
Araştırmaya dahil olan 150 çocuk ve gencin sosyal destek algısının eğitim düzeyi, doğum veya evlat edinme durumu, ebeveynlerin eğitim düzeyi, aile türü, iş durumu, suç türü, ailenin ve ailenin cezai durumu, ailede şiddet, madde kullanım sıklığı, denetimli serbestlik sürecinde destek alma ve denetimli serbestlik sürecine ailenin katılımına göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, denetimli serbestlik sistemine dahil olan çocuk ve gençlerin sosyal destek algılarını belirlemek ve gençlerin sosyal destek kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi için önerilerde bulunmaktır.


  • Akduman, A.G., Akduman, B., Cantürk, G. (2007). Investigation of the some personal and familial characteristics of juvenile delinquency. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 42, 156-161.
  • Aksoy, A. and Ögel, K. (2007). Substance use in delinquent adolescents. Journal of addiction, 8, 11-17.
  • Anderson, D.M. (2012). In school and out of trouble? The minimum dropout age and juvenile crime. Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics Montana State University.
  • Baykara, A.Y. (2004). The study of life story of juveniles convicted of sexual offense and social work practice with group. PhD thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Social work, Ankara.
  • Best, D., Hernando, R., Gossop, M., Sidwell., c., Strang, J. (2003). Getting by with a little help from your friends: the impact of peer networks on criminality in a cohort of treatment-seeking drug users. Addictive Behaviors, 28(3), 597–603.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1986). Ecology of the family as a context for human development: Research perspectives. Developmental Psychology, 22, 723–742.
  • Danış, Z. M and Şahbikan, İ. (2014). The place and importance of social work approaches in ae-socialization process of children who have committed crime and in the context of human rights. Journal of history school, 7, 627-651.
  • Duyan, V., Gelbal, S., Var, Ç.E. (2013). The adaptation study of the provision of social relations scale to Turkish. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Sciences, 44, 159-169.
  • Erdoğan, F. (2010). Juvenile delinquency and socio-economical effects on juvenile delinquency. Unpublished PhD Thesis, İstanbul University Institute of Forensic Science, İstanbul.
  • Farrington, D. P. (2003). Developmental and life-course criminology: Key theoretical and empirical issues – the 2002 Sutherland award address. Criminology, 41, 221–255.
  • Freire, P. (2003). Pedagogy of the oppressed (4th ed). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Heinz, S. (2006). Probation assistance and humanistic criminal justice. Series of Crime Policy and Comparative Contemporary Criminal Law, 380-384.
  • Kierkus, C.A., and Hewitt, J.D. (2009). The contextual nature of the family structure/ delinquency relationship. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 123-132.
  • Kunt, V. (2003). Crime and children. Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished master’s thesis, Ankara.
  • McLoyd, V. C. (1998). Socioeconomic disadvantage and child development. American Psychologist, 53(2), 185–204.
  • Nijnatten, V.C. and Stevens, G. (2011). Juvenile participation in conversations with probation officers. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56, 483–499.
  • Ögel, K. (2014). Children, crime and individualized recovery: Project of justice for children.
  • Probation in Turkey Information note. (2015). General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses Department of Probation, Ankara.
  • Rimkus, V. (2008). Aspects of social support in families of delinquent and non-delinquent children. Tiltai / Bridges, 43 (2), 75–92.
  • Robins, L. (1979). Study childhood predictors of adult antisocial behavior: Replications from longitudinal studies. In: Barrett JE, Rose RM and Klerman GL (eds), Stress and Mental Disorder, 8(4), 611-622.
  • Rhodes, A. (2014). Drug use and social support outcomes in probationers: a longitudinal social network analysis. Virginia Common wealth University. Retrieved from
  • Rose, N. (2000). Government and control. British Journal of Criminology, 40, 321-339.
  • Schwalbe, S.C. (2012). Toward and integrated theory of probation. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 39, 185-201.
  • Schwalbe, S.C. and Maschi, T. (2011). Confronting delinquency: probations officers' use of coercion and client-centered tactics to foster out compliance. Crime&Delinquency, 57, 801-810.
  • Shoemaker, D.J. (2009). Juvenile delinquency. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Lanham. Retrieved from:
  • Steinberg, L., Chung, H. L. and Little, M. (2004). Reentry of young offenders from the justice system: a developmental perspective. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 2 (1), 21–38.
  • Şahinli, K. (2012). Çocuk suçluluğuna sebep olan ailesel faktörler: Ankara çocuk ve gençlik kapalı ceza infaz kurumunda bulunan tutuklu ve hükümlü çocuklar üzerine bir çalışma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Güvenlik Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ceza Adaleti Anabilim Dalı.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (1991). Juveniles and resocialization. Ankara: Our Office press.
  • Uluğtekin, S. (2004). Juvenile courts and social study reports. Ankara: Union of bars of Turkey.
  • Van Ness, D. (2001). Introducing restorative justice. Restorative justice for juveniles: conferencing. Mediation and Circles, Oxford.
  • Valente, W.T. (2003). Social network influences on adolescent substance use: an ıntroduction. Retrived from:
  • Vidal, S. and Woolard, J. (2017). Youth’s perceptions of parental support and parental knowledge as moderators of the association between youth-probation officer relationship and probation non-compliance. J Youth Adolesc, 46(7), 1452-1471.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2004). Children and crime. İstanbul: Remzi Press,
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Sosyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Münevver Eryalçın Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4177-1381

Veli Duyan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4316-5756

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ocak 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster