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Psychological Dimension of HIV/AIDS

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 61 - 76, 15.04.2001


HIV/AIDS has negative effects on mental health, social relations and quality of life. With this paper, psychological aspect of the illness was considered. Psychological responses to the HIV/AIDS have emotional, cognitive and behavioral dimensions. Depression, grief and bereavement, suicidal risk, anxiety, somatization and hypochondriasis, guilt and anger were taken into the account in this paper. These responses changes in process of the illness İlke asymptomatic phases, early symptomatic phases, later symptomatic phases and AIDS phases. As a result, psychological responses like depression, anxiety, somatization, anger and guilt emerge as a result of HIV/AIDS. These responses changes över the course of the illness in conjunction with uncertainty and the emergence of the illness symptoms. Gi ving in forma tion to the Hl V/AIDS clients about comorbidity of physical symptoms of the illness and psychological reactions may help them to cope with these reactions and examine their experiences more objectively.


  • Belkin, G.S.; Fleİshman, J.A., Stin, M.D., Piette, J. ve Mor, V. (1992). “Physİcal symptoms and depressive symptoms among individuals with HIV infectîon". Psychosomatics, 33, 416-427.
  • Breİtbart, W; Rosenfeld, BD; Passik, SD (1996). “Interest in physician-assîsted suicide among ambulatory HlV-infected patients." American Journal of Psychiatry. 153(2): 238-42
  • Bussing, R; Burket, RC (1993) “Anxiety and intrafamilial stress in children with hemophilia after the HIV crisis.” J-Am-Acad-Child- Adoiesc-Psychiatry. 1993 May; 32(3): 562-7.
  • Chuang, H.T.; Devİns, G., Hunsley, J. ve Gill, M.J. (1989). “Psychological distress and well- being among gay and bisexual men with human immunodeficiency virüs infection”. American Journal of Psychiatry, 146, 876- 880.
  • Evangelisto-M (1996). “Death with dignity. End-of-lİfe issues for the HIV/AIDS patient." J- Psychosoc-Nurs-Ment-Health-Serv. 34(6): 45-7.
  • Hintz, S.; Kuck, J., Peterkin, J.J., Volk, D.M. ve Zisook, S. (1990). “Depressİon in the context of human immunodeficiency virüs infection: Implications for treatment". Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 51,497-501.
  • Holland, J.C. ve S. Tross (1985). 'The psychosocial and neuropsychiatric sequelae of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and related disorders”. Annals of Internal Medicine, 103, 760-764.
  • Jones, QJ; Garsia, RJ; Wıı, RT; Job, RF; Dunn, SM (1995) "A controlled study of anxiety and morbid cognitions at initial screening for human immunodeficiency virüs (HIV) in a cohort of people with haemophilia." J-Psychosom-Res. 39 (5): 597-608.
  • Kalichman, S.C. (1995). Understanding AIDS. APA. Washington.
  • Kessler, R.C.; O'Brein, K., Joseph, J.G., Ostrow, D.G., Phaîr, J.P., Chmiel, J.S., Wortman, C.B., ve Emmons, C.A. (1988). “Effects of HIV infection, perceived health and clinical status on a cohort at risk for AIDS”. Society of Science and Medicine, 27, 569- 578.
  • Krikorian-R; Kay-J; Liang-WM (1995)”Emotional distress, copıng, and adjustment İn human immunodeficiency virüs infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.” J-Nerv-Ment-Dis. 183 (5): 293-8.
  • Linn-JG; Monnig-RL; Caİn-VA; Usoh-D (1993). "Stage of illness, level of HIV symptoms, sense of coherence and psychologıcal functioning in clients of community-based AIDS counseling centers.” J-Assoc-Nurses-AIDS-Care. 4(2): 24-32.
  • Maj. M. (1990). “Psychİatrİc aspects of HIV-1 İnfection and AIDS". Psychological Medicine, 20, 547-563.
  • Martin, J.L. (1988). "Psychological consepuences of AlDS-related bereavement among gay men". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 856-862.
  • McDonell-JR (1993). “Judgments of personal responsîbility for HIV infection; an attributional analysis." Social Work. 38 (4), 403-10.
  • Neugebauer, R.; Rabkin, J., VVİlliams, J., Remien, R., Goetz, R. ve Gorman, J. (1992). “Bereavement reactions among homosexual men experiencing multiple losses in the AIDS epidemtc”. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 1374-1379.
  • Nichols, S.E. (1985). “Psychosocial reactions of persons with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”. Annals of Internal Medicine, 103, 765-767.
  • O'Dovvd, M.A., Biderman, D.J., ve McKegney, F.P. (1993). “Incidence of suicidality in AIDS and HlV-positive patients attending a psychiatry outpatient program". Psychosomatics, 34, 33-40.
  • Ostrow, D., Monjan, A., Joseph, J. VanRaden, M. Fox, R. Kingsley, L., Dudley, J., ve Phair, J. (1989). “HlV-related symptoms and psychoolgical functioning in a cohort of homosexual men”. American Journal of Psychiatry, 146, 737-742.
  • Öztürk, O. (1989) Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları. Evrim Basım Yayım Dağıtım; İstanbul.
  • Perry S. Jacobsberg, L, Fishman, B., Weiler, P., Gold, ve Frances, A. (1990). "Psychologicai responses to serological testing for HIV”. AIDS, 4, 145-152.
  • Rabkin J.G. Remien, R. Katoff, L. Ve VVİlliams, J. (1993). “Resiliency İn adversity among long-term survivors if AIDS". Hospitai and Community Psychology, 44,162-167.
  • Rabkin-JG; Remien-R; Katoff-L; VVillİams-JB (1993) "Suicidality in AIDS long-term survivors: what is the evidence?” AIDS-Care. 5(4); 401-11.
  • Siegel-K; Gorey-E (1994). “Childhood bereavement due to parental death from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." J- Dev-Behav- Pediatr. 15 (3): S66-70.
  • Tross, S. ve D. Hirsch (1989). “Psychological distress and neuropsychological complications of HIV infection and AIDS”. American Psychologist, 43, 929-934.
  • VVolcott, D.L., Namir, S., Fawzy, F., GottIİeb, M., ve Mitsuyasu, R. (1986). “İllness concerns, attitudes towards homosexuality, and social support in gay men with AIDS". General Hospitai Psychiatry, 8, 395-403.


Yıl 2001, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 61 - 76, 15.04.2001


HIV/AlDS’in ruh sağlığı, sosyal ilişkiler ve yaşam kalitesi üzerinde olumsuz etkilen vardır.. Hastalığa verilen psikolojik tep­kilerin duygusal, bilişsel ve davranışsal boyutları bulunmaktadır. Bu yazıda dep­resyon, keder ve kayıp, intihar riski, anksiyete, somatizasyon ve hipokondriazis, suçluluk ve öfke üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu tepkiler hastalığın aşa­maları, asemptomatik aşama, erken semptomatik aşama, ilen semptomatik aşama ve AIDS aşamasında farklılaş­maktadır. Sonuç olarak depresyon, anksiyete, somatizasyon, öfke ve suçlu­luk gibi psikolojik tepkiler HIV/AIDS'e bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu tep­kiler hastalığın seyrindeki belirsizlikle birleşerek, hastalık belirtilerinin ortaya çıkmasıyla hızla değişmektedir. HIV/AlDS’İi müracaatçılara hastalığın fiziksel semptomları ve psikolojik belirtiler konusunda bilgi verilmesi onların bu tep­kilerle başetmesine ve kendi deneyimle­rini daha objektif olarak değerlendirmele­rine yardımcı olabilir.


  • Belkin, G.S.; Fleİshman, J.A., Stin, M.D., Piette, J. ve Mor, V. (1992). “Physİcal symptoms and depressive symptoms among individuals with HIV infectîon". Psychosomatics, 33, 416-427.
  • Breİtbart, W; Rosenfeld, BD; Passik, SD (1996). “Interest in physician-assîsted suicide among ambulatory HlV-infected patients." American Journal of Psychiatry. 153(2): 238-42
  • Bussing, R; Burket, RC (1993) “Anxiety and intrafamilial stress in children with hemophilia after the HIV crisis.” J-Am-Acad-Child- Adoiesc-Psychiatry. 1993 May; 32(3): 562-7.
  • Chuang, H.T.; Devİns, G., Hunsley, J. ve Gill, M.J. (1989). “Psychological distress and well- being among gay and bisexual men with human immunodeficiency virüs infection”. American Journal of Psychiatry, 146, 876- 880.
  • Evangelisto-M (1996). “Death with dignity. End-of-lİfe issues for the HIV/AIDS patient." J- Psychosoc-Nurs-Ment-Health-Serv. 34(6): 45-7.
  • Hintz, S.; Kuck, J., Peterkin, J.J., Volk, D.M. ve Zisook, S. (1990). “Depressİon in the context of human immunodeficiency virüs infection: Implications for treatment". Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 51,497-501.
  • Holland, J.C. ve S. Tross (1985). 'The psychosocial and neuropsychiatric sequelae of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and related disorders”. Annals of Internal Medicine, 103, 760-764.
  • Jones, QJ; Garsia, RJ; Wıı, RT; Job, RF; Dunn, SM (1995) "A controlled study of anxiety and morbid cognitions at initial screening for human immunodeficiency virüs (HIV) in a cohort of people with haemophilia." J-Psychosom-Res. 39 (5): 597-608.
  • Kalichman, S.C. (1995). Understanding AIDS. APA. Washington.
  • Kessler, R.C.; O'Brein, K., Joseph, J.G., Ostrow, D.G., Phaîr, J.P., Chmiel, J.S., Wortman, C.B., ve Emmons, C.A. (1988). “Effects of HIV infection, perceived health and clinical status on a cohort at risk for AIDS”. Society of Science and Medicine, 27, 569- 578.
  • Krikorian-R; Kay-J; Liang-WM (1995)”Emotional distress, copıng, and adjustment İn human immunodeficiency virüs infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.” J-Nerv-Ment-Dis. 183 (5): 293-8.
  • Linn-JG; Monnig-RL; Caİn-VA; Usoh-D (1993). "Stage of illness, level of HIV symptoms, sense of coherence and psychologıcal functioning in clients of community-based AIDS counseling centers.” J-Assoc-Nurses-AIDS-Care. 4(2): 24-32.
  • Maj. M. (1990). “Psychİatrİc aspects of HIV-1 İnfection and AIDS". Psychological Medicine, 20, 547-563.
  • Martin, J.L. (1988). "Psychological consepuences of AlDS-related bereavement among gay men". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 856-862.
  • McDonell-JR (1993). “Judgments of personal responsîbility for HIV infection; an attributional analysis." Social Work. 38 (4), 403-10.
  • Neugebauer, R.; Rabkin, J., VVİlliams, J., Remien, R., Goetz, R. ve Gorman, J. (1992). “Bereavement reactions among homosexual men experiencing multiple losses in the AIDS epidemtc”. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 1374-1379.
  • Nichols, S.E. (1985). “Psychosocial reactions of persons with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”. Annals of Internal Medicine, 103, 765-767.
  • O'Dovvd, M.A., Biderman, D.J., ve McKegney, F.P. (1993). “Incidence of suicidality in AIDS and HlV-positive patients attending a psychiatry outpatient program". Psychosomatics, 34, 33-40.
  • Ostrow, D., Monjan, A., Joseph, J. VanRaden, M. Fox, R. Kingsley, L., Dudley, J., ve Phair, J. (1989). “HlV-related symptoms and psychoolgical functioning in a cohort of homosexual men”. American Journal of Psychiatry, 146, 737-742.
  • Öztürk, O. (1989) Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları. Evrim Basım Yayım Dağıtım; İstanbul.
  • Perry S. Jacobsberg, L, Fishman, B., Weiler, P., Gold, ve Frances, A. (1990). "Psychologicai responses to serological testing for HIV”. AIDS, 4, 145-152.
  • Rabkin J.G. Remien, R. Katoff, L. Ve VVİlliams, J. (1993). “Resiliency İn adversity among long-term survivors if AIDS". Hospitai and Community Psychology, 44,162-167.
  • Rabkin-JG; Remien-R; Katoff-L; VVillİams-JB (1993) "Suicidality in AIDS long-term survivors: what is the evidence?” AIDS-Care. 5(4); 401-11.
  • Siegel-K; Gorey-E (1994). “Childhood bereavement due to parental death from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." J- Dev-Behav- Pediatr. 15 (3): S66-70.
  • Tross, S. ve D. Hirsch (1989). “Psychological distress and neuropsychological complications of HIV infection and AIDS”. American Psychologist, 43, 929-934.
  • VVolcott, D.L., Namir, S., Fawzy, F., GottIİeb, M., ve Mitsuyasu, R. (1986). “İllness concerns, attitudes towards homosexuality, and social support in gay men with AIDS". General Hospitai Psychiatry, 8, 395-403.
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2001
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2001
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Duyan, V. (2001). HIV/AIDS’İN PSİKOLOJİK BOYUTU. Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 12(2), 61-76.