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Yıl 2019, Sayı: 20, 29 - 40, 01.09.2019


Tire Müzesi’nde bulunan 147 Envanter numaralı sütun başlığı kartal figürleri ve insan yüzü tasvirleri içeren dekorasyonu ile Bizans taş eserleri içerisinde nadir rastlanan bir örnektir. Kesik piramit formundaki sütun başlığının köşelerinde kabartma tekniği ile işlenmiş, kanatları açık şekilde cepheden tasvir edilmiş, günümüze başları boyun kısmından kırılmış halde ulaşabilmiş dört adet kartal figürü yer alır. Kartalların aralarında ise abakus topuzlarından, başlığın kalathosuna taşan insan yüzleri betimlenmiştir. Mermerden imal edilmiş sütun başlığında, belirttiğimiz tasvirler dışında başka herhangi bir motif yer almamaktadır. Geç Antik Çağ’dan itibaren Bizans sanatında insan ve hayvan figürleri içeren sütun başlıkları sıklıkla kullanılmıştır. Ancak günümüze kadar yapılan çalışmalarla 9-11. yüzyıllara tarihlendirilmiş olan Tire örneği ve az sayıdaki benzeri, Bizans sanatında görülen diğer sütun başlıklarından çeşitli özellikleriyle farklılık gösterir. Literatüre bakıldığında benzer örneklerinin sayısının yalnızca üç adet olduğu görülür. Kartal ve insan yüzü tasvirlerinin yer aldığı bu sütun başlıkları daha önce çeşitli yayınlara girmiştir ancak başlı başına konu teşkil ettiği çalışmalarda dahi, tanımlanıp tarihlendirilerek, sadece benzer örnekleriyle bir arada sunulmuştur. Tire örneği ve benzerlerinin nerede kullanılmış olabileceği, ikonografisi, ait olduğu kontekst ile ilgili herhangi bir değerlendirme günümüze kadar hiçbir çalışmada yer almamakta fakat sütun başlığı aslında bir çok soruyu beraberinde getirmektedir. Tire örneğinin ve benzerlerinin sayısının neden bu kadar az olduğu, başlığın konteksti ile olası kullanım yeri, tasvir edilen kişilerin kimler olduğu ve neyi sembolize etmiş olabileceği ile ilgili bu sorular, sütun başlığının tarihlendirildiği 9-11.yüzyılı da kapsayan Ortaçağ’da, kiliseler ve kamusal mekanların algılanması, anıtlar, Küçük Asya’da 8.yüzyıldan itibaren görülmeye başlanan feodal aristokrasi ve ikametgahları, kırsal yerleşimler, kentsel alanlar ve konutlar ile ilgili veriler dahilinde yorumlanmış ve başlığın olası kullanım yeri ile ilgili öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • BARDILL, J., 2012 Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age, Cambridge.
  • BARSANTI, C., 1988 “Scultura anatolica di epoca mediobizantina”, Million 1, ed. Barsanti, C., Guidobaldi, A.G., Iacobini, A., Roma, s. 275- 306.
  • BEYLIÉ, L., 1902 L’habitation Byzantine, recherches sur l’architecture civile des Byzantins et son influence en Europe, Falque & F. Perrin.
  • BRUBAKER, L. – HALDON, J., 2001 Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca 680–850): The Sources: An Annotated Survey, Londra.
  • BUCHWALD, H., 2006 “Byzantine Town Planning- Does it Exist?”, Material Culture and Well-Being in Byzantium (400- 1453) : Proceedings of the International Conference (Cambridge, 8-10 September 2001), ed. M. Grünbart, 57-74.
  • CAMERON, A. - HERRIN, J., 1984 Constantinople in the Early Eighth Century, The Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai : Introduction, Translation, and Commentary, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Vol 10.
  • CANER YÜKSEL, Ç., 2009 A Spatial Inquiry into Western Anatolian Urban Centres: Tire in the Making (14th-16th Centuries), (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara.
  • CANER YÜKSEL, Ç., 2015 “The Making of The Commercial Centre in Tire/14th- 16th Centuries”, METU JFA 2015/1(32.1), 147-164.
  • CONSTANTINIDES, C.N., 2002 “Byzantine Gardens and Horticulture in the Late Byzantine Period, 1204–1453: The Secular Sources”, Byzantine Garden Culture, ed. Littlewood, A., Maguire, H., Wolschke-Bulmahn, J., Washington, 87- 104.
  • ÇAYLAK TÜRKER, A., 2018 Research Into The Early Christian and Byzantine Periods on the Valleys That Reached the Hellespont I, Byzantine Architectural Sculpture in Çanakkale, Ankara.
  • DAWKINS, R. M., 1924 “Ancient Statues in Medieval Constantinople” , Folklore, Vol. 35, No. 3, 209-248
  • DEICHMANN, F.W., 1966 “Zu einigen spätantiken Figuralkapittellen”, Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, Vol. 4, 71-81.
  • DEMİREL GÖKALP, Z., 2009 Yalvaç Müzesi Bizans Sikkeleri, Ankara.
  • DEMİRKENT, I., 1992 Mikhail Psellos’un Khronographia’sı, Ankara.
  • DEMUS, O., 1955 Byzantine Mosaic Decoration: Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium, Boston.
  • DENNERT, M., 1997 Mittelbyzantinische Kapitelle: Studien zu Typologie und Chronologie (Asia Minor Studien 25), Bonn.
  • DENNERT, M., 1998 “Zum Vorbildcharakter Justinianischer Bauplastik Für Die Mittelbyzantinische Kapitellproduktion”, Spatantike Und Byzantinische Bauskulptur, Beitrage Eines Symposions in Mainz, Februar 1994, ed. Peschlow, U. - Möllers, S., 119-131.
  • DOĞAN, S., 2009 “Bizans Sanatında Yaşam Haçı Moti ve Alanya Müzesi’ndeki Bir Bizans Sütun Başlığı”, Ebru Parman’a Armağan, Sanat Tarihi ve Arkeoloji Yazıları, ed. Alp, O., Ankara, 139-154.
  • DÖLGER, F., 1975 “Das byzantinische Mitkaisertum in den Urkunden”, Das Byzantinische Herrscherbild, ed. Hunger, H., 13-48.
  • DRPIĆ, I., 2016 Epigram, Art and Devotion in Later Byzantium, Cambridge University Press.
  • FEATHERSTONE, J.M., 2000 Theodore Metochites’s Poems to Himself, Introduction, Text and Translation, çev. Featherstone, J.M., Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
  • FIRATLI, N., 1990 La Sculpture Byzantine Figurée au Musée Archéologique d’Istanbul, ed. Metzger, C.,Pralong, A., Sodini, J.P., çev. Arel, A., Paris.
  • GERSTEL, E.J.S., 1999 Beholding the Sacred Mysteries, Program of the Byzantine Sanctuary, Washington.
  • GRABAR, A., 1976 Sculptures Byzantines Du Moyen Age II (XIe - XIVe siécle), Paris.
  • GRIERSON,P., 1982 Byzantine Coins, University of California Press, California.
  • GROTOWSKI, P.L., 2010 Arms and Armour of the Warrior Saints, Tradition and Innovation in Byzantine Iconography (842-1261), Boston.
  • HARVEY, A. 2008 “The Village”, The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies, ed. Jeffreys, E.- Haldon, J.- Cormack, R., Oxford, 328- 334.
  • HEIDEMANN, S., 2010 “The Standing Caliph Type – The Object on the Reverse”, Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East 2, 2009, ed. Oddy, A., Cambridge, 23-34.
  • HELLENKEMPER, H., 1986 “I trofei del Doge”, Dins Il tesoro di San Marco, ed. Cambiaghi, R., Milano, 31-41.
  • HJORT, O., 1979 “The Sculpture of Kariye Camii”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 33, 199-289.
  • JEFFREYS, E., 1998 Digenis Akritis: The Grottaferrata and Escorial Versions, Cambridge University Press.
  • KALDELLIS, A., 2007 Hellenism in Byzantium: The Tranformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition, Cambridge.
  • KALOPISSI VERTI, S. – PANAYOTIDI KESISOGLOU, M., 2010 Multilingual Illustrated Dictionary of Byzantine Architecture and Sculpture Terminology, ed.Verti – Kesisoglou, Crete University Press, Herakleion.
  • KAHZDAN, A.P – EPSTEIN A.W., 1990 Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, University of California Press.
  • KARABACAK, E., 2019 “Tire Çeşmelerinde Devşirme Malzeme Kullanımının Düşündürdükleri”, Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi, Özel Ek Sayı, Cilt 13, Antalya, 247-264.
  • KAUTZSCH, R., 1936 Kapitellstudien, Beiträge zu einer Geschichte des Spätantiken Kapitells im Osten vom vierten bis ins siebente Jahrhundert (Studien zur Spätantiken Kunstgeschichte Band 9), Berlin.
  • KIILERICH, B., 1993 “Sculpture in the Round in the Early Byzantine Period”, Constantinople and East, Aspects of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, ed. Reyden, L., Transactions of the Swedish Institute at Istanbul, 4, 85-97.
  • KITZINGER, E., 1980 Byzantine Art in the Making, Main lines of stylistic development in Mediterranean Art 3rd-7th Century, Harvard University Press.
  • KRAMER, J., 1968 Skulpturen mit AdlerFotoğrafn an Bauten des 5.Jahrhunderts n.Chr. in Konstantinopel, Köln.
  • LADSTATTER, S., 2011 “Bizans Döneminde Ephesos – Büyük bir antik kentin tarihinde son sayfa”, Bizans Döneminde Ephesos, ed. Daim,F. – Ladstatter, S. , İstanbul, 3-28.
  • MAGDALINO, P., 1984 “The Byzantine Aristocratic Oikos”, The Byzantine Aristocracy, IX–XIII centuries, ed. Angold, M., Oxford, 92–111.
  • MANGO, C., 1986 The Art of the Byzantine Empire 312-1453: Sources and Documents, Canada.
  • MANGO,C., 2005 Bizans, Yeni Roma İmparatorluğu, İstanbul.
  • MANGO, C., 1984 “Antique Statuary & The Byzantine Beholder”, Byzantium and its Image, Variorium Reprints, London, 55-75.
  • MATHEW, G., 1963 Byzantine Aesthetics, London.
  • MATHEWS, T.F., 1997 “Religious Organisation and Church Architecture”,ed. Evans, H.- Wixom, W.D., The Glory of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era AD 843- 1261, New York, 21-35.
  • MELVANI, N., 2013 Late Byzantine Sculpture, Brepols.
  • MERCKLIN, E., 1962 Antike Figuralkapitelle, Berlin.
  • MILOSEVIC, P., 2003 “Foundations of Byzantine Late Middle Ages Architecture Thoughfulness”, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol.2, No.5, 395-404.
  • MÜLLER WIENER, W., 2007 İstanbul’un Tarihsel Topografyası, İstanbul.
  • NICOL, D., 2000 Bizans ve Venedik: Diplomatik ve Kültürel İlişkiler Üzerine, İstanbul.
  • NIEWÖHNER, P., 2017A “Urbanism”, The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia, From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, ed.Niewöhner, P., Oxford, 39-59.
  • NIEWÖHNER, P., 2017B “Houses”, The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia, From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, ed.Niewöhner, P., Oxford, 109- 118.
  • NIEWÖHNER,P. – PESCHLOW, U., 2012 “Neues zu den Tetrarchenfiguren in Venedig und ihrer Aufstellung in Konstantinopel”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Band 62, 341- 367.
  • OSTROGORSKY, G., 1971 “Observations on the Aristocracy in Byzantium,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 25, 1-32.
  • OSTROGORSKY, G., 2006 Bizans Devleti Tarihi, çev. Işıltan, F., TTK, Ankara.
  • OUSTERHOUT, R., 2002 Sanatsal Açıdan Kariye Cami, çev. Durukan, A., İstanbul.
  • OUSTERHOUT, R., 2006 “Secular Architecture”, The Glory of Byzantium, Art and Culture of The Middle Byzantine Era A.D. 843 -1261, ed. Evans, H.C. – Wixom, W.D., New York, 192-200.
  • OUSTERHOUT , R., 2011 Bizans’ın Yapı Ustaları,İstanbul.
  • PANAGIOTIDI, M., 1972 “Chapiteaux Byzantins a Decoration Animale”, Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society,Vol. 6, 82-129.
  • PARMAN, E., 2002 Ortaçağda Bizans Döneminde Frigya (Phrygia) ve Bölge Müzelerindeki Bizans Taş Eserleri, Eskişehir.
  • PESCHLOW, U., 1994 “Ein paläologisches Reliefdenkmal in Konstantinopel”, Gesta, Vol. 33, No. 2, 93-103.
  • PIERCE, H. – TYLER, R., 1941 “A Marble Emperor-Roundel of the 12th Century”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 2 , 3-9.
  • PRUSAC, M., 2016 From Face to Face: Recarving of Roman Portraits and the Late-Antique Portrait Arts, Brill, Boston.
  • RAMIREZ, L.M.R., 2018 XI. Ve XV.yy Arasında Bizans Aristokrasisi Işığında Konut Mimarisi, (Akdeniz Üniversitesi, yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Antalya.
  • REES, R., 1993 “Images and Image: A Re-Examination of Tetrarchic Iconography”, Greece & Rome, Vol. 40, No. 2 , 181- 200.
  • SCHRRER, P., 2001 “The Historical Topography of Ephesus”, Urbanism in Western Asia Minor: New Studies on Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Hierapolis, Pergamon, Perge and Xanthos, ed. Parrish, D.-Abbasoğlu, H., Journal of Roman archaeology, No.45, 57-95.
  • SKLAVOU MAVROIDI, M., 1988 “Masks in Byzantine Sculpture”, Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, Vol. 13, 175-180.
  • TEMPLE, Ç., 2013 Konya/Ikonion Çevresinde Bulunan Bizans Dönemi Taş Eserleri, (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi), Ankara.
  • TETERIATNIKOV, N., 1996 The Liturgical Planning of Byzantine Churches in Cappadocia. Rome.
  • USMAN ANABOLU, M., 1981 “Tire Müzesi’nde Bulunan 147 Env.Nolu Bizans Sütun Baş- lığı”, Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı / Journal of Art History, Sayı 11, 27-30.
  • VERZONE, P., 1958 “I due gruppi in por do di S. Marco in Venezia ed il Philadelphion di Costantinopoli”, Palladio, Vol. VIII, 8-14.
  • VRYONIS S., 1959 “Byzantium: The Social Basis of Decline in The Eleventh Century”, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, Vol.2, 157-175.
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  • WOODFIN, W.T., 2010 “Celestial Hierarchies and Earthly Hierarchies in the Art of the Byzantine Church.”, Byzantine World, ed. Stephenson, London, 334-351.


Yıl 2019, Sayı: 20, 29 - 40, 01.09.2019


The capital with the inventory number 147 in the Tire Museum carries decoration consisting of the figures of eagles and of human faces and is to-date a unique example of Byzantine architectural sculpture. The four relief-carved figures of eagles decorate the corners of this impost capital, with spread wings and frontal view has survived to the present day but the eagles are broken at the neck. Between these eagles, human faces were carved, extending over the abacus knots to the calathos. On this marble capital, there is no other motif except for those mentioned above. Beginning from Late Antiquity, capitals with animal figures were frequently employed in Byzantine art. However, the Tire example and the limited number of related examples which date from the 9th-11thcenturies are different in various features from other column capitals in Byzantine art. From the literature there are three similar examples. These column capitals decorated with reliefs of human faces have been mentioned in various publications, but even in those studies where these capitals form the sole subject, they are described, dated and presented together with similar examples. Although the iconography for the Tire and similar examples has not been determined, and any evaluation relating to the contexts for these capital has not been suggested in any study to date, yet this capital and those like it raise a number of questions. In general, these questions relate to why there are so few examples like that of Tire and the group of related capitals, the possible original location of the capital and its context, who the depicted faces represent and what do they symbolise. The questions detailed in this paper, in the context of the 9th-11th centuries to which the capital is dated, are commented upon within the data concerning the conception of churches and public spaces, monuments, the feudal aristocracy and their lands since 8th century in Asia Minor, the rural settlements, urban areas and houses. And the suggestions about the possible location and function of this capital are presented


  • BARDILL, J., 2012 Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age, Cambridge.
  • BARSANTI, C., 1988 “Scultura anatolica di epoca mediobizantina”, Million 1, ed. Barsanti, C., Guidobaldi, A.G., Iacobini, A., Roma, s. 275- 306.
  • BEYLIÉ, L., 1902 L’habitation Byzantine, recherches sur l’architecture civile des Byzantins et son influence en Europe, Falque & F. Perrin.
  • BRUBAKER, L. – HALDON, J., 2001 Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca 680–850): The Sources: An Annotated Survey, Londra.
  • BUCHWALD, H., 2006 “Byzantine Town Planning- Does it Exist?”, Material Culture and Well-Being in Byzantium (400- 1453) : Proceedings of the International Conference (Cambridge, 8-10 September 2001), ed. M. Grünbart, 57-74.
  • CAMERON, A. - HERRIN, J., 1984 Constantinople in the Early Eighth Century, The Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai : Introduction, Translation, and Commentary, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Vol 10.
  • CANER YÜKSEL, Ç., 2009 A Spatial Inquiry into Western Anatolian Urban Centres: Tire in the Making (14th-16th Centuries), (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara.
  • CANER YÜKSEL, Ç., 2015 “The Making of The Commercial Centre in Tire/14th- 16th Centuries”, METU JFA 2015/1(32.1), 147-164.
  • CONSTANTINIDES, C.N., 2002 “Byzantine Gardens and Horticulture in the Late Byzantine Period, 1204–1453: The Secular Sources”, Byzantine Garden Culture, ed. Littlewood, A., Maguire, H., Wolschke-Bulmahn, J., Washington, 87- 104.
  • ÇAYLAK TÜRKER, A., 2018 Research Into The Early Christian and Byzantine Periods on the Valleys That Reached the Hellespont I, Byzantine Architectural Sculpture in Çanakkale, Ankara.
  • DAWKINS, R. M., 1924 “Ancient Statues in Medieval Constantinople” , Folklore, Vol. 35, No. 3, 209-248
  • DEICHMANN, F.W., 1966 “Zu einigen spätantiken Figuralkapittellen”, Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, Vol. 4, 71-81.
  • DEMİREL GÖKALP, Z., 2009 Yalvaç Müzesi Bizans Sikkeleri, Ankara.
  • DEMİRKENT, I., 1992 Mikhail Psellos’un Khronographia’sı, Ankara.
  • DEMUS, O., 1955 Byzantine Mosaic Decoration: Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium, Boston.
  • DENNERT, M., 1997 Mittelbyzantinische Kapitelle: Studien zu Typologie und Chronologie (Asia Minor Studien 25), Bonn.
  • DENNERT, M., 1998 “Zum Vorbildcharakter Justinianischer Bauplastik Für Die Mittelbyzantinische Kapitellproduktion”, Spatantike Und Byzantinische Bauskulptur, Beitrage Eines Symposions in Mainz, Februar 1994, ed. Peschlow, U. - Möllers, S., 119-131.
  • DOĞAN, S., 2009 “Bizans Sanatında Yaşam Haçı Moti ve Alanya Müzesi’ndeki Bir Bizans Sütun Başlığı”, Ebru Parman’a Armağan, Sanat Tarihi ve Arkeoloji Yazıları, ed. Alp, O., Ankara, 139-154.
  • DÖLGER, F., 1975 “Das byzantinische Mitkaisertum in den Urkunden”, Das Byzantinische Herrscherbild, ed. Hunger, H., 13-48.
  • DRPIĆ, I., 2016 Epigram, Art and Devotion in Later Byzantium, Cambridge University Press.
  • FEATHERSTONE, J.M., 2000 Theodore Metochites’s Poems to Himself, Introduction, Text and Translation, çev. Featherstone, J.M., Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
  • FIRATLI, N., 1990 La Sculpture Byzantine Figurée au Musée Archéologique d’Istanbul, ed. Metzger, C.,Pralong, A., Sodini, J.P., çev. Arel, A., Paris.
  • GERSTEL, E.J.S., 1999 Beholding the Sacred Mysteries, Program of the Byzantine Sanctuary, Washington.
  • GRABAR, A., 1976 Sculptures Byzantines Du Moyen Age II (XIe - XIVe siécle), Paris.
  • GRIERSON,P., 1982 Byzantine Coins, University of California Press, California.
  • GROTOWSKI, P.L., 2010 Arms and Armour of the Warrior Saints, Tradition and Innovation in Byzantine Iconography (842-1261), Boston.
  • HARVEY, A. 2008 “The Village”, The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies, ed. Jeffreys, E.- Haldon, J.- Cormack, R., Oxford, 328- 334.
  • HEIDEMANN, S., 2010 “The Standing Caliph Type – The Object on the Reverse”, Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East 2, 2009, ed. Oddy, A., Cambridge, 23-34.
  • HELLENKEMPER, H., 1986 “I trofei del Doge”, Dins Il tesoro di San Marco, ed. Cambiaghi, R., Milano, 31-41.
  • HJORT, O., 1979 “The Sculpture of Kariye Camii”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 33, 199-289.
  • JEFFREYS, E., 1998 Digenis Akritis: The Grottaferrata and Escorial Versions, Cambridge University Press.
  • KALDELLIS, A., 2007 Hellenism in Byzantium: The Tranformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition, Cambridge.
  • KALOPISSI VERTI, S. – PANAYOTIDI KESISOGLOU, M., 2010 Multilingual Illustrated Dictionary of Byzantine Architecture and Sculpture Terminology, ed.Verti – Kesisoglou, Crete University Press, Herakleion.
  • KAHZDAN, A.P – EPSTEIN A.W., 1990 Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, University of California Press.
  • KARABACAK, E., 2019 “Tire Çeşmelerinde Devşirme Malzeme Kullanımının Düşündürdükleri”, Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi, Özel Ek Sayı, Cilt 13, Antalya, 247-264.
  • KAUTZSCH, R., 1936 Kapitellstudien, Beiträge zu einer Geschichte des Spätantiken Kapitells im Osten vom vierten bis ins siebente Jahrhundert (Studien zur Spätantiken Kunstgeschichte Band 9), Berlin.
  • KIILERICH, B., 1993 “Sculpture in the Round in the Early Byzantine Period”, Constantinople and East, Aspects of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, ed. Reyden, L., Transactions of the Swedish Institute at Istanbul, 4, 85-97.
  • KITZINGER, E., 1980 Byzantine Art in the Making, Main lines of stylistic development in Mediterranean Art 3rd-7th Century, Harvard University Press.
  • KRAMER, J., 1968 Skulpturen mit AdlerFotoğrafn an Bauten des 5.Jahrhunderts n.Chr. in Konstantinopel, Köln.
  • LADSTATTER, S., 2011 “Bizans Döneminde Ephesos – Büyük bir antik kentin tarihinde son sayfa”, Bizans Döneminde Ephesos, ed. Daim,F. – Ladstatter, S. , İstanbul, 3-28.
  • MAGDALINO, P., 1984 “The Byzantine Aristocratic Oikos”, The Byzantine Aristocracy, IX–XIII centuries, ed. Angold, M., Oxford, 92–111.
  • MANGO, C., 1986 The Art of the Byzantine Empire 312-1453: Sources and Documents, Canada.
  • MANGO,C., 2005 Bizans, Yeni Roma İmparatorluğu, İstanbul.
  • MANGO, C., 1984 “Antique Statuary & The Byzantine Beholder”, Byzantium and its Image, Variorium Reprints, London, 55-75.
  • MATHEW, G., 1963 Byzantine Aesthetics, London.
  • MATHEWS, T.F., 1997 “Religious Organisation and Church Architecture”,ed. Evans, H.- Wixom, W.D., The Glory of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era AD 843- 1261, New York, 21-35.
  • MELVANI, N., 2013 Late Byzantine Sculpture, Brepols.
  • MERCKLIN, E., 1962 Antike Figuralkapitelle, Berlin.
  • MILOSEVIC, P., 2003 “Foundations of Byzantine Late Middle Ages Architecture Thoughfulness”, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol.2, No.5, 395-404.
  • MÜLLER WIENER, W., 2007 İstanbul’un Tarihsel Topografyası, İstanbul.
  • NICOL, D., 2000 Bizans ve Venedik: Diplomatik ve Kültürel İlişkiler Üzerine, İstanbul.
  • NIEWÖHNER, P., 2017A “Urbanism”, The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia, From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, ed.Niewöhner, P., Oxford, 39-59.
  • NIEWÖHNER, P., 2017B “Houses”, The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia, From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, ed.Niewöhner, P., Oxford, 109- 118.
  • NIEWÖHNER,P. – PESCHLOW, U., 2012 “Neues zu den Tetrarchenfiguren in Venedig und ihrer Aufstellung in Konstantinopel”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Band 62, 341- 367.
  • OSTROGORSKY, G., 1971 “Observations on the Aristocracy in Byzantium,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 25, 1-32.
  • OSTROGORSKY, G., 2006 Bizans Devleti Tarihi, çev. Işıltan, F., TTK, Ankara.
  • OUSTERHOUT, R., 2002 Sanatsal Açıdan Kariye Cami, çev. Durukan, A., İstanbul.
  • OUSTERHOUT, R., 2006 “Secular Architecture”, The Glory of Byzantium, Art and Culture of The Middle Byzantine Era A.D. 843 -1261, ed. Evans, H.C. – Wixom, W.D., New York, 192-200.
  • OUSTERHOUT , R., 2011 Bizans’ın Yapı Ustaları,İstanbul.
  • PANAGIOTIDI, M., 1972 “Chapiteaux Byzantins a Decoration Animale”, Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society,Vol. 6, 82-129.
  • PARMAN, E., 2002 Ortaçağda Bizans Döneminde Frigya (Phrygia) ve Bölge Müzelerindeki Bizans Taş Eserleri, Eskişehir.
  • PESCHLOW, U., 1994 “Ein paläologisches Reliefdenkmal in Konstantinopel”, Gesta, Vol. 33, No. 2, 93-103.
  • PIERCE, H. – TYLER, R., 1941 “A Marble Emperor-Roundel of the 12th Century”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 2 , 3-9.
  • PRUSAC, M., 2016 From Face to Face: Recarving of Roman Portraits and the Late-Antique Portrait Arts, Brill, Boston.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Elif Karabacak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 20

Kaynak Göster

APA Karabacak, E. (2019). BİR ORTA BİZANS DÖNEMİ SÜTUN BAŞLIĞI VE KULLANIM YERİ ÜZERİNE TARTIŞMALAR. TÜBA-KED Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi(20), 29-40.

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