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Obezite Hastası Bireyler Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma: Ne Deneyimliyorlar? Nasıl Hissediyorlar? Beklentileri Nelerdir? Konya İlinden Bir Örnek

Yıl 2024, , 256 - 264, 30.12.2024


Amaç: Obezite çağın önemli sorunlarından biridir. Bu makalede Konya ilinde obezite ile yaşayan bireylerin deneyimlerinin, obezite ile
baş etme çabalarının ve alana yönelik önerilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu nitel bir çalışmadır. Mayıs Temmuz 2022 Araştırma verileri derinlemesine bireysel yüz yüze görüşmeler
yoluyla toplanmıştır. Geleneksel nitel veri analizi ve Colaizzi'nin fenomenolojik yorumlama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Nitel
Araştırmaların Raporlanması için Konsolide Kriterler (COREQ) kılavuzuna uygun olarak raporlanmıştır. Katılımcılar obezite hastası
Bulgular ve Sonuç: Örneklem 12 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Bireylerin yaş ortalaması 56,58±7,07 yıl, beden kütle indeksi (BKİ) 48,69±10,41
ve çoğunluğu (%83,3) kadındır. Bireylerin deneyimleri 14 kategori ve beş tema olmak üzere toplam 370 kod altında toplanmıştır.
Obeziteye sahip bireylerin fiziksel, psikolojik sorunları ve damgalanma gibi olumsuz deneyimleri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çevresel
düzenlemeler ve sağlık personelinin farkındalığının artırılması obez bireylerin yaşadığı dezavantajları azaltabilir.


  • 1. Okunogbe A, Nugent R, Spencer G, Ralston J, Wilding J. Economic impacts of overweight and obesity: current and future estimates for eight countries. BMJ Glob Heal [Internet]. 2021 Oct 4;6(10):e006351. pii/S0140673620307522
  • 2. Chu DT, Minh Nguyet NT, Nga VT, Thai Lien N V, Vo DD, Lien N, Vo DD, Lien N, Nhu Ngoc, V T, Son, L H, Le, D H, Nga, V B, Van Tu, P, Van To, T, Ha, L S, Tao, Y, Pham, V H. An update on obesity: Mental consequences and psychological interventions. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2019;13(1):155-60.
  • 3. Elçi Boğaz M, Kutlu R, Cihan FG. The relationship between obesity and eating behavior, body image and self-esteem. Cukurova Med J. 2019;44(3):1064-73.
  • 4. Jester R, Rodney A. The relationship between obesity and primary Total Knee Replacement: A scoping review of the literature. Int J Orthop Trauma Nurs. 2021;42:100850.
  • 5. Lillis J, Thomas JG, Levin ME, Wing RR. Self-stigma and weight loss: The impact of fear of being stigmatized. J Heal Psychol . 2020;25(7):922-30.: pubmed/29105491
  • 6. Puhl RM, Himmelstein MS, Pearl RL. Weight stigma as a psychosocial contributor to obesity. Am Psychol . 2020;75(2):274- 89. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.09.2022 : pubmed/32053000)
  • 7. Jung S, Whittemore R, Jeon S, Nam S. Mediating roles of psychological factors and physical and social environments between socioeconomic status and dietary behaviors among African Americans with overweight or obesity. Res Nurs Heal . 2021;44(3):513-24. (Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2022 : https://www.
  • 8. Memon AN, Gowda AS, Rallabhandi B, Bidika E, Fayyaz H, Salib M, et al. Have Our Attempts to Curb Obesity Done More Harm Than Good? Cureus .2020;12(9):e10275. (Erişim Tarihi:02.10.2022: 33042711)
  • 9. Rana ZH, Reed DB, Oldewage-Theron W, Lyford C, Colwell M, Dawson JA. Overweight or Obesity Onset and Past Attempts to Lose/Manage Weight: A Qualitative Study. Obesities. 2021;1(3):136-43.
  • 10. Albano G, Rowlands K, Baciadonna L, Coco GL, Cardi V. Interpersonal difficulties in obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform a rejection sensitivity-based model. Neurosci Biobehav Rev . 2019;107:846-61. Erişim Tarihi: 05.12.2022: 31585134)
  • 11. Fernandez SD, Leon SG, Bazan MJA, Cerro J, Marques-Vieira CMA, Rivas FJP. Application of anthropometric methods in the nursing process of nursing research. Rev Bras Enferm . 2020;73(suppl 6):e20190604. (Erişim Tarihi:02.08.2022:
  • 12. Sainsbury K, Evans EH, Pedersen S, Marques MM, Teixeira PJ, Lahteenmaki L, Stubbs, R J, Heitmann, B L, Sniehotta, F FAttribution of weight regain to emotional reasons amongst European adults with overweight and obesity who regained weight following a weight loss attempt. Eat Weight Disord. 2019;24(2):351-61. (Erişim Tarihi:05.12.2022: https://www.
  • 13. Işık MT, Altun Ugras G, Uzanmaz Z. Are nurses biased against obese patients? Van Med J. 2019;26(4):491-7.
  • 14. Yilmaz Yavuz A, Baysal H. Prejudice Obesity of Midwives and Nurses in the Primary Health Care. J Adnan Menderes Univ Heal Sci Fac. 2020;4(3):195-202.
  • 15. Aydin T, Erçelİk ZE, Gönen B, Aydin D, Günşen U. Determining the Obesity Pre-Judgments of University Students. Balıkesir Heal Sci J. 2020;9(2):66-74.
  • 16. Bellikçi Koyu E, Karaağaç Y, Miçooğullari Ş. Obesity Prejudice and Related Factors Among Health Sciences Students. Turkish J Diabetes Obes. 2020;4(3):260-9.
  • 17. Williams O, Annandale E. Obesity, stigma and reflexive embodiment: Feeling the “weight” of expectation. Heal . 2020;24(4):421-41. (Erişim Tarihi:05.10.2022: https://www.
  • 18. Geng J, Ni Q, Sun W, Li L, Feng X. The links between gut microbiota and obesity and obesity related diseases. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Mar;147:112678.
  • 19. Zabar S, Adams J, Kurland S, Shaker-Brown A, Porter B, Horlick M, Hanley, K, Altshuler, Kalet, A, Gillespie, C. Charting a Key Competency Domain: Understanding Resident Physician Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) Skills. J Gen Intern Med . 2016;31(8):846-53. (Erişim Tarihi:05.01.2022: https://
  • 20. Cooper L, Ells L, Ryan C, Martin D. Perceptions of adults with overweight/obesity and chronic musculoskeletal pain: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. J Clin Nurs . 2017/11/18. 2018;27(5-6):e776-86. (Erişim Tarihi:05.12.2022:
  • 21. Hamer O, Larkin D, Relph N, Dey P. Fear as a barrier to physical activity in young adults with obesity: a qualitative study. Qual Res Sport Exerc Heal . 2023;15(1):18-34. (Erişim Tarihi: 17.05.2022: 2159676X.2021.2012243)
  • 22. McVay MA, Yancy Jr. WS, Bennett GG, Jung SH, Voils CI. Perceived barriers and facilitators of initiation of behavioral weight loss interventions among adults with obesity: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health . 2018;18(1):854. (Erişim Tarihi:05.11.2022: 29996812)
  • 23. Ringel MM, Ditto PH. The moralization of obesity. Soc Sci Med . 2019;237:112399. (Erişim Tarihi:15.04.2022: https://
  • 24. Creswell JW. Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri (Beş Yaklaşıma Göre Nitel Araştırma ve Araştırma Deseni). 3rd ed. Demir SB, Bütün M, editors. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi; 2021. 83 p.
  • 25. Morrow R, Rodriguez A, King N. Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method. Psychologist. 2015;28(8):643-4.
  • 26. Çelebi M. Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Pagem Akad. 2021;Ankara, 1. Baskı:186-209.
  • 27. Yıldırım A, Şimşek H. Nitel Araştırmalarda geçerlik ve Güvenirlik( in Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri). Seçkin Akad ve Mesleki Yayınlar. 2021;Ankara, 12. Baskı:269-99.
  • 28. Bao B, Guo J, Zhang L, Pan Z, Huang H, Qin Z, Chen L, Zhou X, Liu B. Effects of obesity‐related anthropometric indices and body composition on erectile dysfunction mediated by coronary artery disease: A Mendelian randomization study. Andrology . 2024;12(1):75-86. (Erişim Tarihi:13.06.2024: https://
  • 29. Shumnalieva R, Kotov G, Monov S. Obesity-Related Knee Osteoarthritis— Current Concepts. Life. 2023;13(8):1650.
  • 30. Palanivel JA, Millington GWM. Obesity‐induced immunological effects on the skin. Ski Heal Dis . 2023;3(3):e160. (Erişim Tarihi:13.12.2023: doi/10.1002/ski2.160)
  • 31. Plackett B. The vicious cycle of depression and obesity. Nature. 2022;608(7924):S42-3.
  • 32. Burucu R, Durmaz M. Giving Nursing Care to the Patient who Underwent Total Hip Replacement Surgery Using the Roy Adaptation Model: A Case Report and Sample Care Plan. Hemşirelik Bilim Derg. 2020;3:36-43.
  • 33. Rodriguez-Calero MA, Blanco-Mavillard I, Morales-Asencio JM, Fernandez-Fernandez I, Castro-Sanchez E, de Pedro- Gomez JE. Defining risk factors associated with difficult peripheral venous Cannulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hear Lung . 2020;49(3):273-86. (Erişim Tarihi:11.02.2022: 32057426)
  • 34. Ryan L, Coyne R, Heary C, Birney S, Crotty M, Dunne R, Conlan O, Walsh JC. Weight Stigma Responses: Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Interactions With Healthcare Professionals Across Healthcare Settings-A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Protocol. Int J Qual Methods. 2022;21:160940692211027.
  • 35. Yazdani N, Hosseini SV, Amini M, Sobhani Z, Sharif F, Khazraei H. Relationship between Body Image and Psychological Well-being in Patients with Morbid Obesity. Int J community based Nurs midwifery . 2018;6(2):175-84. (Erişim Tarihi:18.06.2020: 29607346
  • 36. Lindberg L, Hagman E, Danielsson P, Marcus C, Persson M. Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with obesity: a nationwide study in Sweden. BMC Med. 2020;18(1):30.
  • 37. Yunus NA, Russell G, Muhamad R, Chai TL, Ahmad Zawawi MAF, Sturgiss E. The experience of living with obesity for adults in Asian countries: A scoping review of qualitative studies. Obes Rev. 2023;24(11).
  • 38. Yazdani N, Sharif F, Elahi N, Hosseini S, Ebadi A. Exploration of the Quality of Life in Iranian Morbid Obese People: A Qualitative Study. IJCBNM. 2019;7(2):138-49.
  • 39. Odgers KR, Jurado LFM, Kamienski M. Nurse Practitioner- Led Ketogenic Diet for Adults With Overweight/Obesity. J Nurse Pract. 2023;19(2):104478.
  • 40. Güçhan Topçu Z, Tomaç H, Önkol Y, Korucu G. Determining the Accessibility of Social Places in Famagusta for People with Disabilities Using Wheelchair. Sağlık ve Toplum. 2022;32(2):165-70.
  • 41. Kumari A, Anand N. Exploration of Indian plus-size women’s ready-to-wear: problems and preferences. J Fash Mark Manag An Int J. 2023;27(6):1088-112.
  • 42. Aksoy E, Aydın D. A research on the differentiation of hospital designs from past to present based on patient rooms. Bodrum J Art Des. 2022;1(2):221-40.

A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?

Yıl 2024, , 256 - 264, 30.12.2024


Aim: Obesity is one of the important problems of the age. In this article, it was aimed to determine the experiences of individuals living
with obesity in Konya province, their efforts to cope with obesity and their suggestions for the field.
Material and Methods: This is a qualitative study. May July 2022 Research data were collected through in-depth individual face-toface
interviews. Traditional qualitative data analysis and Colaizzi's phenomenological interpretation method were used. This study was
reported in accordance with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines. The participants were
individuals with obesity.
Results and Conclusion: The sample consisted of 12 people. The average age of the individuals was 56.58±7.07 years, body mass index
(BMI) was 48.69±10.41 and the majority (83.3%) were women. The experiences of individuals were collected under a total of 370 codes,
including 14 categories and five themes. It has been determined that individuals with obesity have physical, psychological problems
and negative experiences such as stigma. Environmental regulations and raising the awareness of health personnel can reduce the
disadvantages experienced by obese individuals.


  • 1. Okunogbe A, Nugent R, Spencer G, Ralston J, Wilding J. Economic impacts of overweight and obesity: current and future estimates for eight countries. BMJ Glob Heal [Internet]. 2021 Oct 4;6(10):e006351. pii/S0140673620307522
  • 2. Chu DT, Minh Nguyet NT, Nga VT, Thai Lien N V, Vo DD, Lien N, Vo DD, Lien N, Nhu Ngoc, V T, Son, L H, Le, D H, Nga, V B, Van Tu, P, Van To, T, Ha, L S, Tao, Y, Pham, V H. An update on obesity: Mental consequences and psychological interventions. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2019;13(1):155-60.
  • 3. Elçi Boğaz M, Kutlu R, Cihan FG. The relationship between obesity and eating behavior, body image and self-esteem. Cukurova Med J. 2019;44(3):1064-73.
  • 4. Jester R, Rodney A. The relationship between obesity and primary Total Knee Replacement: A scoping review of the literature. Int J Orthop Trauma Nurs. 2021;42:100850.
  • 5. Lillis J, Thomas JG, Levin ME, Wing RR. Self-stigma and weight loss: The impact of fear of being stigmatized. J Heal Psychol . 2020;25(7):922-30.: pubmed/29105491
  • 6. Puhl RM, Himmelstein MS, Pearl RL. Weight stigma as a psychosocial contributor to obesity. Am Psychol . 2020;75(2):274- 89. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.09.2022 : pubmed/32053000)
  • 7. Jung S, Whittemore R, Jeon S, Nam S. Mediating roles of psychological factors and physical and social environments between socioeconomic status and dietary behaviors among African Americans with overweight or obesity. Res Nurs Heal . 2021;44(3):513-24. (Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2022 : https://www.
  • 8. Memon AN, Gowda AS, Rallabhandi B, Bidika E, Fayyaz H, Salib M, et al. Have Our Attempts to Curb Obesity Done More Harm Than Good? Cureus .2020;12(9):e10275. (Erişim Tarihi:02.10.2022: 33042711)
  • 9. Rana ZH, Reed DB, Oldewage-Theron W, Lyford C, Colwell M, Dawson JA. Overweight or Obesity Onset and Past Attempts to Lose/Manage Weight: A Qualitative Study. Obesities. 2021;1(3):136-43.
  • 10. Albano G, Rowlands K, Baciadonna L, Coco GL, Cardi V. Interpersonal difficulties in obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform a rejection sensitivity-based model. Neurosci Biobehav Rev . 2019;107:846-61. Erişim Tarihi: 05.12.2022: 31585134)
  • 11. Fernandez SD, Leon SG, Bazan MJA, Cerro J, Marques-Vieira CMA, Rivas FJP. Application of anthropometric methods in the nursing process of nursing research. Rev Bras Enferm . 2020;73(suppl 6):e20190604. (Erişim Tarihi:02.08.2022:
  • 12. Sainsbury K, Evans EH, Pedersen S, Marques MM, Teixeira PJ, Lahteenmaki L, Stubbs, R J, Heitmann, B L, Sniehotta, F FAttribution of weight regain to emotional reasons amongst European adults with overweight and obesity who regained weight following a weight loss attempt. Eat Weight Disord. 2019;24(2):351-61. (Erişim Tarihi:05.12.2022: https://www.
  • 13. Işık MT, Altun Ugras G, Uzanmaz Z. Are nurses biased against obese patients? Van Med J. 2019;26(4):491-7.
  • 14. Yilmaz Yavuz A, Baysal H. Prejudice Obesity of Midwives and Nurses in the Primary Health Care. J Adnan Menderes Univ Heal Sci Fac. 2020;4(3):195-202.
  • 15. Aydin T, Erçelİk ZE, Gönen B, Aydin D, Günşen U. Determining the Obesity Pre-Judgments of University Students. Balıkesir Heal Sci J. 2020;9(2):66-74.
  • 16. Bellikçi Koyu E, Karaağaç Y, Miçooğullari Ş. Obesity Prejudice and Related Factors Among Health Sciences Students. Turkish J Diabetes Obes. 2020;4(3):260-9.
  • 17. Williams O, Annandale E. Obesity, stigma and reflexive embodiment: Feeling the “weight” of expectation. Heal . 2020;24(4):421-41. (Erişim Tarihi:05.10.2022: https://www.
  • 18. Geng J, Ni Q, Sun W, Li L, Feng X. The links between gut microbiota and obesity and obesity related diseases. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Mar;147:112678.
  • 19. Zabar S, Adams J, Kurland S, Shaker-Brown A, Porter B, Horlick M, Hanley, K, Altshuler, Kalet, A, Gillespie, C. Charting a Key Competency Domain: Understanding Resident Physician Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) Skills. J Gen Intern Med . 2016;31(8):846-53. (Erişim Tarihi:05.01.2022: https://
  • 20. Cooper L, Ells L, Ryan C, Martin D. Perceptions of adults with overweight/obesity and chronic musculoskeletal pain: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. J Clin Nurs . 2017/11/18. 2018;27(5-6):e776-86. (Erişim Tarihi:05.12.2022:
  • 21. Hamer O, Larkin D, Relph N, Dey P. Fear as a barrier to physical activity in young adults with obesity: a qualitative study. Qual Res Sport Exerc Heal . 2023;15(1):18-34. (Erişim Tarihi: 17.05.2022: 2159676X.2021.2012243)
  • 22. McVay MA, Yancy Jr. WS, Bennett GG, Jung SH, Voils CI. Perceived barriers and facilitators of initiation of behavioral weight loss interventions among adults with obesity: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health . 2018;18(1):854. (Erişim Tarihi:05.11.2022: 29996812)
  • 23. Ringel MM, Ditto PH. The moralization of obesity. Soc Sci Med . 2019;237:112399. (Erişim Tarihi:15.04.2022: https://
  • 24. Creswell JW. Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri (Beş Yaklaşıma Göre Nitel Araştırma ve Araştırma Deseni). 3rd ed. Demir SB, Bütün M, editors. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi; 2021. 83 p.
  • 25. Morrow R, Rodriguez A, King N. Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method. Psychologist. 2015;28(8):643-4.
  • 26. Çelebi M. Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Pagem Akad. 2021;Ankara, 1. Baskı:186-209.
  • 27. Yıldırım A, Şimşek H. Nitel Araştırmalarda geçerlik ve Güvenirlik( in Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri). Seçkin Akad ve Mesleki Yayınlar. 2021;Ankara, 12. Baskı:269-99.
  • 28. Bao B, Guo J, Zhang L, Pan Z, Huang H, Qin Z, Chen L, Zhou X, Liu B. Effects of obesity‐related anthropometric indices and body composition on erectile dysfunction mediated by coronary artery disease: A Mendelian randomization study. Andrology . 2024;12(1):75-86. (Erişim Tarihi:13.06.2024: https://
  • 29. Shumnalieva R, Kotov G, Monov S. Obesity-Related Knee Osteoarthritis— Current Concepts. Life. 2023;13(8):1650.
  • 30. Palanivel JA, Millington GWM. Obesity‐induced immunological effects on the skin. Ski Heal Dis . 2023;3(3):e160. (Erişim Tarihi:13.12.2023: doi/10.1002/ski2.160)
  • 31. Plackett B. The vicious cycle of depression and obesity. Nature. 2022;608(7924):S42-3.
  • 32. Burucu R, Durmaz M. Giving Nursing Care to the Patient who Underwent Total Hip Replacement Surgery Using the Roy Adaptation Model: A Case Report and Sample Care Plan. Hemşirelik Bilim Derg. 2020;3:36-43.
  • 33. Rodriguez-Calero MA, Blanco-Mavillard I, Morales-Asencio JM, Fernandez-Fernandez I, Castro-Sanchez E, de Pedro- Gomez JE. Defining risk factors associated with difficult peripheral venous Cannulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hear Lung . 2020;49(3):273-86. (Erişim Tarihi:11.02.2022: 32057426)
  • 34. Ryan L, Coyne R, Heary C, Birney S, Crotty M, Dunne R, Conlan O, Walsh JC. Weight Stigma Responses: Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Interactions With Healthcare Professionals Across Healthcare Settings-A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Protocol. Int J Qual Methods. 2022;21:160940692211027.
  • 35. Yazdani N, Hosseini SV, Amini M, Sobhani Z, Sharif F, Khazraei H. Relationship between Body Image and Psychological Well-being in Patients with Morbid Obesity. Int J community based Nurs midwifery . 2018;6(2):175-84. (Erişim Tarihi:18.06.2020: 29607346
  • 36. Lindberg L, Hagman E, Danielsson P, Marcus C, Persson M. Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with obesity: a nationwide study in Sweden. BMC Med. 2020;18(1):30.
  • 37. Yunus NA, Russell G, Muhamad R, Chai TL, Ahmad Zawawi MAF, Sturgiss E. The experience of living with obesity for adults in Asian countries: A scoping review of qualitative studies. Obes Rev. 2023;24(11).
  • 38. Yazdani N, Sharif F, Elahi N, Hosseini S, Ebadi A. Exploration of the Quality of Life in Iranian Morbid Obese People: A Qualitative Study. IJCBNM. 2019;7(2):138-49.
  • 39. Odgers KR, Jurado LFM, Kamienski M. Nurse Practitioner- Led Ketogenic Diet for Adults With Overweight/Obesity. J Nurse Pract. 2023;19(2):104478.
  • 40. Güçhan Topçu Z, Tomaç H, Önkol Y, Korucu G. Determining the Accessibility of Social Places in Famagusta for People with Disabilities Using Wheelchair. Sağlık ve Toplum. 2022;32(2):165-70.
  • 41. Kumari A, Anand N. Exploration of Indian plus-size women’s ready-to-wear: problems and preferences. J Fash Mark Manag An Int J. 2023;27(6):1088-112.
  • 42. Aksoy E, Aydın D. A research on the differentiation of hospital designs from past to present based on patient rooms. Bodrum J Art Des. 2022;1(2):221-40.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Rukiye Burucu 0000-0002-9284-5486

Melike Durmaz 0000-0002-6028-5592

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Burucu, R., & Durmaz, M. (2024). A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, 8(3), 256-264.
AMA Burucu R, Durmaz M. A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?. Turk J Diab Obes. Aralık 2024;8(3):256-264. doi:10.25048/tudod.1512661
Chicago Burucu, Rukiye, ve Melike Durmaz. “A Qualitative Study on Individuals With Obesity: What Do They Experience? How Do They Feel? What Are Their Expectations?”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 8, sy. 3 (Aralık 2024): 256-64.
EndNote Burucu R, Durmaz M (01 Aralık 2024) A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 8 3 256–264.
IEEE R. Burucu ve M. Durmaz, “A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?”, Turk J Diab Obes, c. 8, sy. 3, ss. 256–264, 2024, doi: 10.25048/tudod.1512661.
ISNAD Burucu, Rukiye - Durmaz, Melike. “A Qualitative Study on Individuals With Obesity: What Do They Experience? How Do They Feel? What Are Their Expectations?”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 8/3 (Aralık 2024), 256-264.
JAMA Burucu R, Durmaz M. A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?. Turk J Diab Obes. 2024;8:256–264.
MLA Burucu, Rukiye ve Melike Durmaz. “A Qualitative Study on Individuals With Obesity: What Do They Experience? How Do They Feel? What Are Their Expectations?”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, c. 8, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 256-64, doi:10.25048/tudod.1512661.
Vancouver Burucu R, Durmaz M. A Qualitative Study on Individuals with Obesity: What do They Experience? How do They Feel? What are Their Expectations?. Turk J Diab Obes. 2024;8(3):256-64.

Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Obezite ve Diyabet Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi’nin bilimsel yayım organıdır.

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