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21. Yüzyılın Meta Savaşları: Medya Gösterileri, Soykırım, Toplumsal Kayıtsızlık ve Direniş

Yıl 2024, , 144 - 168, 31.12.2024


John Keane bu halka açık konferansında, savaş meselelerinde artık büyüklerimizin bilmediği tuhaf bir dünyada yaşadığımızı öne sürüyor. 20. yüzyılın Soğuk Savaşı’ndan ve yakın zamanda konuşulan 2. Soğuk Savaş'tan son derecede farklı bir dünyadayız. Tahrip edici meta savaşlar çağındayız. Günümüzde dijital iletişim teknolojileri, yalnızca Hellfire hassas güdümlü havadan yere füzeler ve düşman uydularının kontrolünü ele geçirebilen karmaşık siber silahlar gibi savaş yöntemlerini ve silahlarını ürkütücü bir şekilde geliştirmekle kalmıyor; aynı zamanda, paradoksal bir şekilde, savaşın medyadaki temsillerini de biçimlendiriyor. Hükümetlerin, askeri halkla ilişkiler propagandacılarının, son dakika habercilerinin, askerlerin ve vatandaşların oluşturduğu bu değişen medya temsilleri, savaşları adeta bir “oyun” gibi sunarak, savaşın dehşetini estetize etmekte ve milyonlarca insanı, kan, zulüm ve soykırım boyutundaki yıkımlardan arındırılmış gibi görünen bu savaşlara karşı kayıtsızlığa itmektedir. Özellikle Atlantik bölgesinin eski demokrasilerinde bu yeni meta savaşları, toplumsal kayıtsızlık, duygusal kopukluk ve kendi meşguliyetleriyle boğulmuş insanların umursamazlık hislerini beslemektedir. Ancak bu toplumsal kayıtsızlığın karşısında meta savaşlar çağına özgü bir karşı çıkış da mevcuttur. Bu karşı çıkış, isyancı gazetecilerin bu savaşların korkunç gerçeklerini dijital olarak açığa çıkardığı, onların ahlaki ve pratik gerekliliklerini sorguladığı ve dünyanın her yerindeki sivillere meta savaşlara maruz kalmak zorunda olmadıklarını, hatta bir gün savaşın her türünün ortadan kaldırılmasının zorunlu olacağı bir zamanın geleceğini öğrettiği yeni medya platformlarının doğuşudur. Prof. Keane’in bu dersini Özümsu Alagöz’ün çevirisiyle Türk iletişim akademisinin ilgisine sunmaktan memnuniyet duyarız.


  • Angell, N. (1925). Human nature and the peace problem. G. Allen & Unwin.
  • Benjamin, W. (1936). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. H. Zohn (Çev.), Illuminations içinde (ss. 217–251). Schocken Books.
  • Bibó, I. (2015). The art of peacemaking: Political essays. University of Chicago Press. Brouk. (2024, Haziran). The intensifying rohingya genocide. https://www.brouk.org.uk/wp-content/ uploads/2024/06/BROUK_ICJ_The-Intensifying-Rohingya-Genocide_FULL-Report.pdf
  • Eco, U. (1984). Towards a semiological guerrilla warfare. Travels in hyperreality içinde (ss. 55-71). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Ferguson, N. (2023, 1 Mayıs). Cold war II: Niall Ferguson on the emerging conflict with China. Hoover Institution. https://www.hoover.org/research/cold-war-ii-niall-ferguson-emerging-conflict-china
  • Hage, G. (2024). “Zone of Interest” as an ethnography of indifference. Journal of Genocide Research, 1–7. https:// doi.org/10.1080/14623.528.2024.2350147
  • Hasan, M. (2024, 11 Ağustos). My sunday request: Please watch and share our new zeteo documentary. Zeteo. https://zeteo.com/p/my-sunday-request-please-watch-and?utm_source=podcast-email&publication_ id=2325511&post_id=147585916&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&utm_content=watch_ now_gif&r=2mzvn&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
  • Hobbes, T. (1651). Leviathan, or, the matter, form, and power of a common-wealth ecclesiastical and civil. Printed for Andrew Crooke.
  • Howard, M. (2000). The invention of peace: Reflections on war and international order. Yale University Press.
  • Jaynes, J. (1976). The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind. Houghton Mifflin.
  • Lex Fridman (2023, 9 Kasım). Elon Musk: War, AI, aliens, politics, physics, video games, and humanity [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN3KPFbWCy8
  • Lovink, G. (2024, 8 Ocak). Copium compendium. Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/copium-compendium/
  • Machiavelli, N. (2019). Machiavelli: Prens (Q. Skinner ve R. Price, Ed.) (2. baskı). Cambridge University Press. (Asıl eser 1532’de yayımlandı)
  • McGreal, C. (2024, 4 Şubat). CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias
  • McLuhan, M. (1968). War and peace in the global village. Bantam Books.
  • Mead, M. (2019). “War is only an invention—Not a biological necessity”. R. J. González, H. Gusterson & G. Houtman (Ed.), Militarization: A reader içinde (ss. 336-339). Duke University Press. https://doi. org/10.1515/978.147.8007135-071
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (2006). Politics among nations: The struggle for power and peace (7. baskı). McGraw-Hill.
  • Morozov, E. (2012). The net delusion: The dark side of internet freedom. Public Affairs.
  • Niggemeier, S. (2023, 20 Aralık). Aus Solidarität mit Israel verzichtet „Bild“ darauf, über palästinensische Opfer in Gaza zu berichten. Übermeiden. https://uebermedien.de/90840/aus-solidaritaet-mit-israel-verzichtet- bild-darauf-ueber-palaestinensische-opfer-in-gaza-zu-berichten/
  • Orwell, G. (1946). Second thoughts on James Burnham. S. Orwell & I. Angus (Ed.), The collected essays, journalism and letters of George Orwell: Volume 4 içinde (ss. 150–158). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. (2024, 3 Mayıs). We interviewed Ukraine’s new AI-generated spokesperson [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eMmwidZ4ts
  • RFI. (2024, 7 Mart). Gaza war vanishing from French news channels amid fears of media bias. https://www.rfi.fr/ en/france/20240307-gaza-war-vanishing-from-french-news-channels-amid-fears-of-media-bias
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1917). A lasting peace through the federation of Europe and the state of war (C. E. Vaughan, Çev.). Constable and Co. (Asıl eser 1756’da yayımlandı)
  • Rousseau, J. J. (2008). Fragments of an essay on the state of war (C. E. Vaughan, Çev.). https://www.files.ethz.ch/ isn/125478/5015_Rousseau_The_State_of_War.pdf (Asıl eser erken 1750’lerde yayımlandı) Russell, B. (1943). The future of pacifism. The American Scholar, 13(1), 7–13. http://www.jstor.org/ stable/41204635
  • SeattleThen. (2014, 3 Ocak). Operation restore hope beach landing, Mogadishu Somalia [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj9Fn3qG-Cw
  • SIPRI. (2024, 22 Nisan). Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions and insecurity. https://www. sipri.org/media/press-release/2024/global-military-spending-surges-amid-war-rising-tensions-and- insecurity
  • Taylor, A. J. P. (1969). War by time-table. MacDonald & Co.
  • The White House. (2024, 24 Temmuz). Remarks by President Biden in statement to the American people. https:// www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/07/24/remarks-by-president-biden-in- statement-to-the-american-people/?utm_source=link
  • Voltaire. (1962). Philosophical dictionary (1764). Basic Books.
  • Wijnberg, R. (2018, 12 Eylül). The problem with real news — and what we can do about it. Medium. https:// medium.com/de-correspondent/the-problem-with-real-news-and-what-we-can-do-about-it- f29aca95c2ea

Meta Wars of the 21st Century: Media Spectacles, Genocide, Public Indifference and Resistance

Yıl 2024, , 144 - 168, 31.12.2024


John Keane’s public lecture proposes that in matters of war we are now living in a strange world unknown to our grandparents and great grandparents, a world immeasurably different than both the Cold War of the 20th century and recent talk of ‘Cold War II’. We have entered the age of destructive meta wars. Digital communications technologies are nowadays enabling not only frightening transformations of the modes and weapons of warfare – Hellfire precision-guided, air-to-ground missiles and sophisticated cyber weapons capable of jamming and seizing control of enemy satellites - but also, paradoxically, media representations of war by governments, military PR propagandists, breaking news journalists, soldiers and citizens that ‘gamify’ war, beautify its horrors, and lullaby millions of people into indifference towards wars that are seemingly emptied of blood, cruelty, and genocidal destruction. Especially in the old democracies of the Atlantic region, the new meta wars generate public indifference, feelings of emotional disconnection and the cold unconcern of people busily preoccupied with their own cluttered lives. But this public indifference is vulnerable to a counter-trend unique to the age of meta wars: the birth of new media platforms whose rebel journalists digitally expose the terrible realities of these wars, cast doubts on their moral and practical necessity, and teach civilians everywhere that they have the right not to suffer meta wars, even that there’s a time coming when war in every form will have to be abolished. We are pleased to present Professor Keane's lecture to the Turkish communication academy, translated by Özümsu Alagöz.


  • Angell, N. (1925). Human nature and the peace problem. G. Allen & Unwin.
  • Benjamin, W. (1936). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. H. Zohn (Çev.), Illuminations içinde (ss. 217–251). Schocken Books.
  • Bibó, I. (2015). The art of peacemaking: Political essays. University of Chicago Press. Brouk. (2024, Haziran). The intensifying rohingya genocide. https://www.brouk.org.uk/wp-content/ uploads/2024/06/BROUK_ICJ_The-Intensifying-Rohingya-Genocide_FULL-Report.pdf
  • Eco, U. (1984). Towards a semiological guerrilla warfare. Travels in hyperreality içinde (ss. 55-71). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Ferguson, N. (2023, 1 Mayıs). Cold war II: Niall Ferguson on the emerging conflict with China. Hoover Institution. https://www.hoover.org/research/cold-war-ii-niall-ferguson-emerging-conflict-china
  • Hage, G. (2024). “Zone of Interest” as an ethnography of indifference. Journal of Genocide Research, 1–7. https:// doi.org/10.1080/14623.528.2024.2350147
  • Hasan, M. (2024, 11 Ağustos). My sunday request: Please watch and share our new zeteo documentary. Zeteo. https://zeteo.com/p/my-sunday-request-please-watch-and?utm_source=podcast-email&publication_ id=2325511&post_id=147585916&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&utm_content=watch_ now_gif&r=2mzvn&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
  • Hobbes, T. (1651). Leviathan, or, the matter, form, and power of a common-wealth ecclesiastical and civil. Printed for Andrew Crooke.
  • Howard, M. (2000). The invention of peace: Reflections on war and international order. Yale University Press.
  • Jaynes, J. (1976). The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind. Houghton Mifflin.
  • Lex Fridman (2023, 9 Kasım). Elon Musk: War, AI, aliens, politics, physics, video games, and humanity [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN3KPFbWCy8
  • Lovink, G. (2024, 8 Ocak). Copium compendium. Eurozine. https://www.eurozine.com/copium-compendium/
  • Machiavelli, N. (2019). Machiavelli: Prens (Q. Skinner ve R. Price, Ed.) (2. baskı). Cambridge University Press. (Asıl eser 1532’de yayımlandı)
  • McGreal, C. (2024, 4 Şubat). CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias
  • McLuhan, M. (1968). War and peace in the global village. Bantam Books.
  • Mead, M. (2019). “War is only an invention—Not a biological necessity”. R. J. González, H. Gusterson & G. Houtman (Ed.), Militarization: A reader içinde (ss. 336-339). Duke University Press. https://doi. org/10.1515/978.147.8007135-071
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (2006). Politics among nations: The struggle for power and peace (7. baskı). McGraw-Hill.
  • Morozov, E. (2012). The net delusion: The dark side of internet freedom. Public Affairs.
  • Niggemeier, S. (2023, 20 Aralık). Aus Solidarität mit Israel verzichtet „Bild“ darauf, über palästinensische Opfer in Gaza zu berichten. Übermeiden. https://uebermedien.de/90840/aus-solidaritaet-mit-israel-verzichtet- bild-darauf-ueber-palaestinensische-opfer-in-gaza-zu-berichten/
  • Orwell, G. (1946). Second thoughts on James Burnham. S. Orwell & I. Angus (Ed.), The collected essays, journalism and letters of George Orwell: Volume 4 içinde (ss. 150–158). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. (2024, 3 Mayıs). We interviewed Ukraine’s new AI-generated spokesperson [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eMmwidZ4ts
  • RFI. (2024, 7 Mart). Gaza war vanishing from French news channels amid fears of media bias. https://www.rfi.fr/ en/france/20240307-gaza-war-vanishing-from-french-news-channels-amid-fears-of-media-bias
  • Rousseau, J. J. (1917). A lasting peace through the federation of Europe and the state of war (C. E. Vaughan, Çev.). Constable and Co. (Asıl eser 1756’da yayımlandı)
  • Rousseau, J. J. (2008). Fragments of an essay on the state of war (C. E. Vaughan, Çev.). https://www.files.ethz.ch/ isn/125478/5015_Rousseau_The_State_of_War.pdf (Asıl eser erken 1750’lerde yayımlandı) Russell, B. (1943). The future of pacifism. The American Scholar, 13(1), 7–13. http://www.jstor.org/ stable/41204635
  • SeattleThen. (2014, 3 Ocak). Operation restore hope beach landing, Mogadishu Somalia [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj9Fn3qG-Cw
  • SIPRI. (2024, 22 Nisan). Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions and insecurity. https://www. sipri.org/media/press-release/2024/global-military-spending-surges-amid-war-rising-tensions-and- insecurity
  • Taylor, A. J. P. (1969). War by time-table. MacDonald & Co.
  • The White House. (2024, 24 Temmuz). Remarks by President Biden in statement to the American people. https:// www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/07/24/remarks-by-president-biden-in- statement-to-the-american-people/?utm_source=link
  • Voltaire. (1962). Philosophical dictionary (1764). Basic Books.
  • Wijnberg, R. (2018, 12 Eylül). The problem with real news — and what we can do about it. Medium. https:// medium.com/de-correspondent/the-problem-with-real-news-and-what-we-can-do-about-it- f29aca95c2ea
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Çalışmaları
Bölüm Çeviri

John Keane


Özümsu Alagöz 0009-0007-9066-1759

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Keane, J. (2024). 21. Yüzyılın Meta Savaşları: Medya Gösterileri, Soykırım, Toplumsal Kayıtsızlık ve Direniş (Ö. Alagöz, çev.). Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi(46), 144-168. https://doi.org/10.17829/turcom.1607543

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