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Halkla İlişkilerin Geleceği İçin Yenilikçi Bir İletişim Paradigması: Yapay Zekâ

Yıl 2024, Sayı: Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Geleceğin İletişimi Özel Sayısı, 128 - 147, 18.03.2024


Bu makale, halkla ilişkilerin geleceğine yönelik yenilikçi bir iletişim paradigması olan yapay zekânın rolünü incelemektedir. Yapay zekâ, iletişim sektöründe önemli değişiklikler ve dönüşümlere yol açan bir faktör olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu makalede, bilgi işleme, veri analizi ve karar alma süreçlerini optimize etmek için kullanılan yapay zekânın halkla ilişkiler alanında nasıl geliştirici bir etki sağlayabileceği, iş verimliliğini nasıl artırabileceği ve daha etkili iletişim stratejilerinin oluşturulmasına nasıl katkıda bulunabileceği konuları ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır. Makale, yapay zekânın medya izleme, kriz yönetimi, itibar yönetimi, müşteri ilişkileri yönetimi ve içerik üretimi gibi konularda halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarını değiştirme ve geliştirmesine odaklanmaktadır. Ayrıca, yapay zekânın veri analizi ve tahmin yeteneklerini özellikle vurgulayarak, daha iyi hedefleme ve iletişim stratejilerinin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olabilecek potansiyeli üzerinde durmaktadır. Bu makale, halkla ilişkiler profesyonellerine, işletmelere ve iletişim sektörü paydaşlarına, yapay zekâ teknolojisinin potansiyelini anlamalarına katkı sağlayacak kapsamlı bir değerlendirme sunmaktadır. Ayrıca, gelecekteki iletişim trendlerini ve yapay zekânın etik boyutuyla ilgili mevcut ve potansiyel soruları ele alarak, halkla ilişkilerin bu yenilikçi teknolojiyle nasıl entegre edilebileceği konusunda rehberlik sunmaktadır.


  • Alawaad, H. A. (2021). The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in public relations and product marketing in modern organizations. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 3180- 3187.
  • Arief, N., & Gustomo, A. (2020). Analyzing the impact of big data and artificial intelligence on the communications profession: A case study on public relations (PR) practitioners in Indonesia. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineeering Information Technology, 10(3), 1066-1071.
  • Arief, N. N., & Saputra, M. A. (2019). Kompetensi baru public relations (PR) pada era artificial intelligence: Case study praktisi PR di Indonesia. Jurnal Sistem Cerdas, 2(1), 1-12.
  • Aydınalp, Ş. G. (2020). Halkla ilişkiler perspektifiyle yapay zekâ. Turkish Studies – Social, 15(4), 2283-2300.
  • Başcıllar, M., Karataş, M., & Güre, M. D. P. (2022). Dijital çağda sosyal algoritmalar: Yapay zekâ ve sosyal hizmet. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 56(22), 539-565.
  • Boddington, P. (2017). Towards a code of ethics for artificial intelligence. Springer International Publishing. Bourne, C. D. (2019). AI cheerleaders: Public relations, neoliberalism and artificial ıntelligence. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(8), 109-125.
  • Buhmann, A., & White, C. L. (2022). Artificial intelligence in public relations: Role and implications. In J. Lipschultz (Ed.) , The emerald handbook of computer-mediated communication and social media (pp. 625-638). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Canöz, K., İrez, B., & Kaya, K. K. (2023). Halkla ilişkiler, yapay zekâ ve hegemonya: Eleştirel bir değerlendirme. Karatay Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, (11), 335-352.
  • Chen, H., Chiang, R. H. L., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1165–1188.
  • Chui, M., Manyika, J., Miremadi, M., Henke, N., Chung, R., Nel, P., & Malhotra, S. (2018). Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning. McKinsey Global Institute.
  • Çağlayan, S. (2021). Yapay zekânın halkla ı̇lişkilerin geleceğine etkisi: Türkiye’de halkla ı̇lişkiler profesyonelleri ekseninde bir alan araştırması. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (e-gifder), 9(2), 783-816.
  • Çataldaş, İ., & Özgen, E. (2021). Dijital halkla ilişkiler aracı olarak algoritmalar ve yapay zekâ. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 7(91), 5227-5238.
  • Çataldaş, İ., & Özgen, E. (2023). Artificial intelligence in digital public relations: A delphi study. Etkileşim, (12), 84-103.
  • Davenport, T., & Ronanki, R. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for the real world. Harvard Business Review, 96(1), 108-116.
  • Galloway, C., & Swiatek, L. (2018). Public relations and artificial intelligence: It’s not (just) about robots. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 734-740.
  • Gandini, A. (2016). Digital work: Self-branding and social capital in the freelance knowledge economy. Marketing Theory, 16(1), 123-141.
  • Gloria, M. (2018). Utılızatıon of artıfıcıal intelligence in public relations as a boundary spanning in e-commerce type of B2c. Sociae Polites, 19(1), 4-17.
  • Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Qadri, M., Sing, R., & Suman, R. (2022). Artificial intelligence (AI) applications for marketing: A literature-based study. International Journal of Intelligent Networks, 3, 119–132. https://
  • Huang, M. H., & Rust, R. T. (2018). Artificial intelligence in service. Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 155–172.
  • Huang, M. H., & Rust, R.T. (2021). A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing. Journal of the Academic Marketing Science, 49, 30–50.
  • Jeong, J., & Park, N. (2023). Examining the ınfluence of artificial ıntelligence on public relations: Insights from the organization-situation-public-communication (OSPC) Model. Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange, 9(7), 485-495. 10.47116/apjcri.2023.07.38
  • Mardhika, H. (2023). How the introduction of AI (Media Monitoring) tools affects the field of public relations. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 10(2), 555–569.
  • Misischia, V. C., Poecze, F., & Strauss, C. (2022). Chatbots in customer service: Their relevance and impact on service quality. Procedia Computer Science, 201, 421-428.
  • Mohamed, K., & Bayraktar, Ü. A. (2022). Artificial intelligence in public relations and association rule mining as a decision support tool. SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 9(3), 23-32.
  • Munandar, D., & Irwansyah, I. (2020, March). Artificial intelligence disruption on public relations practice: What do practitioners think about it [Conference presentation]. The 5th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Nazarkul Tyzy Soldan, T. (2022). Halkla ilişkilerde yapay zekâ kullanımı üzerine nitel bir araştırma. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 7(2), 191-206.
  • Obradović, Đ., Volarić, T., & Tomić, Z. (2023). Artificial intelligence Chatgpt on public relations knowledge test–case study. South Eastern European Journal of Communication, 5(1), 7-18. https://doi. org/10.47960/2712-0457.2023.1.5.7 Özçelik, G. (2022). Teknoloji – örgüt yapısı ilişkisi bağlamında yapay zekâ izleri. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 84(21), 2120-2140.
  • Özgen, E. (2019). Hedef kitlenin dijital dönüşümü. In E. Sarıoğlu (Ed.), Dijital halkla ilişkiler (pp. 15-28). Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Panda, G., Upadhyay, A., & Khandelwal, K. (2019). Artificial intelligence: A strategic disruption in public relations. Journal of Creative Communications, 14(3) 196–213.
  • Perakakis, E., Mastorakis, G., & Kopanakis, I. (2019). Social media monitoring: An ınnovative ıntelligent approach. Designs, 2(3), 24.
  • Plekhova, I. O., Ludushkina, E. N., Savkina, M. A., Garanina, A. A., Aldabaeva, M. S., & Pertseva, L. N. (2022). Legal regulation of public relations connected with the development and application of artificial intelligence. International Journal of Ecosystems & Ecology Sciences, 12(4), 497-504. https://doi. org/10.31407/ijees
  • Polat, H. (2023). Public relations-artificial intelligence relationship from the perspective of Turkish academy: A meta-thematic analysis. Contemporary Issues of Communication, 2(2), 2-10.
  • Priyadarshini, S., Bagjadab, A., & Mishra, B.(2021). A brief overview of natural language processing and artificial intelligence. In B. Mishra, & R. Kumar (Eds.), Natural language processing in artificial intelligence (pp. 211-224). . Apple Academic Press.
  • Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: Modern approach. Pearson Education Limited. Samek, W., Stanczak, S., & Wiegand, T. (2017). The convergence of machine learning and communications. ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries Special Issue, 1(13), 49-58.
  • Santa Soriano, A., & Valdés, R. M. T. (2021). Engaging universe 4.0: The case for forming a public relations- strategic intelligence hybrid. Public Relations Review, 47(2), 1-12. pubrev.2021.102035
  • Suciati, P., Maulidiyanti, M., & Wiwesa, N. R. (2021). The public relations acceptance towards press release application with artificial intelligence. Communicare: Journal of Communication Studies, 8(1), 20-40.
  • Sheikh, H., Prins, C., & Schrijverrs, E. (2023). Mission AI the new system technology. Springer.
  • Siau, K., & Yang, Y. (2017, May 17-18). Impact of artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning on sales and marketing [Conference presentation]. The Twelfth Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
  • Swiatek, L., Galloway, C., Vujnovic, M., & Kruckeberg, D. (2023). Humanoid artificial intelligence, media conferences and natural responses to journalists’ questions: The end of (human-to-human) public relations?. Public Relations Inquiry, 13(1), 113-121. Tanyıldızı, N. (2021). Dijital dünyada halkla ilişkiler. Iksad Yayınevi.
  • Tegmark, M. (2017). Life 3.0: Being human in the age of artificial intelligence. Knopf.
  • Turan, T., & Turan, G. (2022). Ethics of artificial intelligence: Impact on society. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(13), 292-299.
  • Türksoy, N. (2022). The future of public relations, advertising and journalism: How artificial intelligence may transform the communication profession and why society should care?. Turkish Review of Communication Studies, 40, 394-410.
  • Veil, S. R., Buehner, T., & Palenchar, M. J. (2011). A work-in-process literature review: Incorporating social media in risk and crisis communication. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2(19), 110- 122.
  • Vita, N. I., Encluna, V. E., Siregar, N. S. S., Rusmardiana, A., & Anantadjaya, S. P. (2023). AI public relations: The early rise of Kizuna AI. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 7(2), 417 – 429. v7i2.6689.
  • Wirtz, B. W., Weyerer, J. C., & Geyer, C. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the public sector—applications and challenges. International Journal of Public Administration, 7(42), 596-615. 00.692.2018.1498103.
  • Wright, D., Harold, P., & Hinson, M. (2012). Examining how social and emerging media have been used in public relations between 2006 and 2012: A longitudinal analysis. Public Relations Journal, 6(4), 1-40. Yaman, E. S. (2023). Halkla ilişkilerin gelecek öngörüsü. Uluslararası Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklam Çalışmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 99-120.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Yılmaz, D. M., Yıldırım, D., Korhan, E. A., & Kaya, D. (2021). Yapay zekâ ve sağlıkta yapay zekânın kullanımına yönelik sağlık bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin görüşleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(12), 297-308.

An Innovative Communication Paradigm for the Future of Public Relations: Artificial Intelligence

Yıl 2024, Sayı: Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Geleceğin İletişimi Özel Sayısı, 128 - 147, 18.03.2024


This article examines the role of artificial intelligence, an innovative communication paradigm for the future of public relations. Artificial intelligence stands out as a factor that leads to significant changes and transformations in the communications industry. This article extensively examines how artificial intelligence, utilized to optimize information processing, data analysis, and decision-making processes, can have a transformative impact within the field of public relations. The article focuses on how artificial intelligence changes and improves public relations practices in areas such as media monitoring, crisis management, reputation management, customer relationship management and content production. It also focuses on the potential of AI to help develop better targeting and communication strategies, with particular emphasis on its data analysis and predictive capabilities. This article provides a comprehensive evaluation that will help public relations professionals, businesses and communications industry stakeholders understand the potential of artificial intelligence technology. It also addresses future communications trends and current and potential questions regarding the ethical dimension of artificial intelligence, offering guidance on how public relations can be integrated with this innovative technology.


  • Alawaad, H. A. (2021). The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in public relations and product marketing in modern organizations. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 3180- 3187.
  • Arief, N., & Gustomo, A. (2020). Analyzing the impact of big data and artificial intelligence on the communications profession: A case study on public relations (PR) practitioners in Indonesia. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineeering Information Technology, 10(3), 1066-1071.
  • Arief, N. N., & Saputra, M. A. (2019). Kompetensi baru public relations (PR) pada era artificial intelligence: Case study praktisi PR di Indonesia. Jurnal Sistem Cerdas, 2(1), 1-12.
  • Aydınalp, Ş. G. (2020). Halkla ilişkiler perspektifiyle yapay zekâ. Turkish Studies – Social, 15(4), 2283-2300.
  • Başcıllar, M., Karataş, M., & Güre, M. D. P. (2022). Dijital çağda sosyal algoritmalar: Yapay zekâ ve sosyal hizmet. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 56(22), 539-565.
  • Boddington, P. (2017). Towards a code of ethics for artificial intelligence. Springer International Publishing. Bourne, C. D. (2019). AI cheerleaders: Public relations, neoliberalism and artificial ıntelligence. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(8), 109-125.
  • Buhmann, A., & White, C. L. (2022). Artificial intelligence in public relations: Role and implications. In J. Lipschultz (Ed.) , The emerald handbook of computer-mediated communication and social media (pp. 625-638). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Canöz, K., İrez, B., & Kaya, K. K. (2023). Halkla ilişkiler, yapay zekâ ve hegemonya: Eleştirel bir değerlendirme. Karatay Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, (11), 335-352.
  • Chen, H., Chiang, R. H. L., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1165–1188.
  • Chui, M., Manyika, J., Miremadi, M., Henke, N., Chung, R., Nel, P., & Malhotra, S. (2018). Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning. McKinsey Global Institute.
  • Çağlayan, S. (2021). Yapay zekânın halkla ı̇lişkilerin geleceğine etkisi: Türkiye’de halkla ı̇lişkiler profesyonelleri ekseninde bir alan araştırması. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (e-gifder), 9(2), 783-816.
  • Çataldaş, İ., & Özgen, E. (2021). Dijital halkla ilişkiler aracı olarak algoritmalar ve yapay zekâ. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 7(91), 5227-5238.
  • Çataldaş, İ., & Özgen, E. (2023). Artificial intelligence in digital public relations: A delphi study. Etkileşim, (12), 84-103.
  • Davenport, T., & Ronanki, R. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for the real world. Harvard Business Review, 96(1), 108-116.
  • Galloway, C., & Swiatek, L. (2018). Public relations and artificial intelligence: It’s not (just) about robots. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 734-740.
  • Gandini, A. (2016). Digital work: Self-branding and social capital in the freelance knowledge economy. Marketing Theory, 16(1), 123-141.
  • Gloria, M. (2018). Utılızatıon of artıfıcıal intelligence in public relations as a boundary spanning in e-commerce type of B2c. Sociae Polites, 19(1), 4-17.
  • Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Qadri, M., Sing, R., & Suman, R. (2022). Artificial intelligence (AI) applications for marketing: A literature-based study. International Journal of Intelligent Networks, 3, 119–132. https://
  • Huang, M. H., & Rust, R. T. (2018). Artificial intelligence in service. Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 155–172.
  • Huang, M. H., & Rust, R.T. (2021). A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing. Journal of the Academic Marketing Science, 49, 30–50.
  • Jeong, J., & Park, N. (2023). Examining the ınfluence of artificial ıntelligence on public relations: Insights from the organization-situation-public-communication (OSPC) Model. Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange, 9(7), 485-495. 10.47116/apjcri.2023.07.38
  • Mardhika, H. (2023). How the introduction of AI (Media Monitoring) tools affects the field of public relations. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 10(2), 555–569.
  • Misischia, V. C., Poecze, F., & Strauss, C. (2022). Chatbots in customer service: Their relevance and impact on service quality. Procedia Computer Science, 201, 421-428.
  • Mohamed, K., & Bayraktar, Ü. A. (2022). Artificial intelligence in public relations and association rule mining as a decision support tool. SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 9(3), 23-32.
  • Munandar, D., & Irwansyah, I. (2020, March). Artificial intelligence disruption on public relations practice: What do practitioners think about it [Conference presentation]. The 5th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Nazarkul Tyzy Soldan, T. (2022). Halkla ilişkilerde yapay zekâ kullanımı üzerine nitel bir araştırma. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 7(2), 191-206.
  • Obradović, Đ., Volarić, T., & Tomić, Z. (2023). Artificial intelligence Chatgpt on public relations knowledge test–case study. South Eastern European Journal of Communication, 5(1), 7-18. https://doi. org/10.47960/2712-0457.2023.1.5.7 Özçelik, G. (2022). Teknoloji – örgüt yapısı ilişkisi bağlamında yapay zekâ izleri. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 84(21), 2120-2140.
  • Özgen, E. (2019). Hedef kitlenin dijital dönüşümü. In E. Sarıoğlu (Ed.), Dijital halkla ilişkiler (pp. 15-28). Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Panda, G., Upadhyay, A., & Khandelwal, K. (2019). Artificial intelligence: A strategic disruption in public relations. Journal of Creative Communications, 14(3) 196–213.
  • Perakakis, E., Mastorakis, G., & Kopanakis, I. (2019). Social media monitoring: An ınnovative ıntelligent approach. Designs, 2(3), 24.
  • Plekhova, I. O., Ludushkina, E. N., Savkina, M. A., Garanina, A. A., Aldabaeva, M. S., & Pertseva, L. N. (2022). Legal regulation of public relations connected with the development and application of artificial intelligence. International Journal of Ecosystems & Ecology Sciences, 12(4), 497-504. https://doi. org/10.31407/ijees
  • Polat, H. (2023). Public relations-artificial intelligence relationship from the perspective of Turkish academy: A meta-thematic analysis. Contemporary Issues of Communication, 2(2), 2-10.
  • Priyadarshini, S., Bagjadab, A., & Mishra, B.(2021). A brief overview of natural language processing and artificial intelligence. In B. Mishra, & R. Kumar (Eds.), Natural language processing in artificial intelligence (pp. 211-224). . Apple Academic Press.
  • Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: Modern approach. Pearson Education Limited. Samek, W., Stanczak, S., & Wiegand, T. (2017). The convergence of machine learning and communications. ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries Special Issue, 1(13), 49-58.
  • Santa Soriano, A., & Valdés, R. M. T. (2021). Engaging universe 4.0: The case for forming a public relations- strategic intelligence hybrid. Public Relations Review, 47(2), 1-12. pubrev.2021.102035
  • Suciati, P., Maulidiyanti, M., & Wiwesa, N. R. (2021). The public relations acceptance towards press release application with artificial intelligence. Communicare: Journal of Communication Studies, 8(1), 20-40.
  • Sheikh, H., Prins, C., & Schrijverrs, E. (2023). Mission AI the new system technology. Springer.
  • Siau, K., & Yang, Y. (2017, May 17-18). Impact of artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning on sales and marketing [Conference presentation]. The Twelfth Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
  • Swiatek, L., Galloway, C., Vujnovic, M., & Kruckeberg, D. (2023). Humanoid artificial intelligence, media conferences and natural responses to journalists’ questions: The end of (human-to-human) public relations?. Public Relations Inquiry, 13(1), 113-121. Tanyıldızı, N. (2021). Dijital dünyada halkla ilişkiler. Iksad Yayınevi.
  • Tegmark, M. (2017). Life 3.0: Being human in the age of artificial intelligence. Knopf.
  • Turan, T., & Turan, G. (2022). Ethics of artificial intelligence: Impact on society. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(13), 292-299.
  • Türksoy, N. (2022). The future of public relations, advertising and journalism: How artificial intelligence may transform the communication profession and why society should care?. Turkish Review of Communication Studies, 40, 394-410.
  • Veil, S. R., Buehner, T., & Palenchar, M. J. (2011). A work-in-process literature review: Incorporating social media in risk and crisis communication. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2(19), 110- 122.
  • Vita, N. I., Encluna, V. E., Siregar, N. S. S., Rusmardiana, A., & Anantadjaya, S. P. (2023). AI public relations: The early rise of Kizuna AI. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 7(2), 417 – 429. v7i2.6689.
  • Wirtz, B. W., Weyerer, J. C., & Geyer, C. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the public sector—applications and challenges. International Journal of Public Administration, 7(42), 596-615. 00.692.2018.1498103.
  • Wright, D., Harold, P., & Hinson, M. (2012). Examining how social and emerging media have been used in public relations between 2006 and 2012: A longitudinal analysis. Public Relations Journal, 6(4), 1-40. Yaman, E. S. (2023). Halkla ilişkilerin gelecek öngörüsü. Uluslararası Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklam Çalışmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 99-120.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Yılmaz, D. M., Yıldırım, D., Korhan, E. A., & Kaya, D. (2021). Yapay zekâ ve sağlıkta yapay zekânın kullanımına yönelik sağlık bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin görüşleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(12), 297-308.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri, Halkla İlişkiler
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Ümmü Özlem Çerçi 0000-0002-5581-5587

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Geleceğin İletişimi Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Çerçi, Ü. Ö. (2024). An Innovative Communication Paradigm for the Future of Public Relations: Artificial Intelligence. Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi(Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Geleceğin İletişimi Özel Sayısı), 128-147.

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