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Yıl 2017, Cilt: Volume 2 Sayı: İssue 1 (1) - 2.İnternational Congress Of Forensic Toxicology, 66 - 66, 16.02.2017


medicine investigates individual genetic variations in susceptibility to the
foreseen effects of a drug or of xenobiotics. Indeed, adverse drug reactions
can cause morbidity or mortality and different subjects with the same diagnosis
could respond differently to the same drug administered at the same dose. There
is a series of causes for this, one of them being genetic make-up or
polymorphisms. The human genomic sequence varies at the level of 0.1 %, meaning
that there are several millions of nucleotide differences between individuals.
This genetic diversity that is expected to have no functional significance may
be the cause for death, severe disability, and heterogeneous capacity of each individual
to respond to xenobiotics. The detection of these variations has been
facilitated the last years by the enormous development that has been achieved
in the field of genetics. Personalized medicine promises to optimize therapy
and minimize side effects on the one hand and on the other can provide insight
to issues of legal medicine like drug related deaths, unintentional poisoning
and generally cases where the cause of death is unclear. As an example,
substance abuse which is a public health problem worldwide has both genetic and
environmental causes. Knowledge of genetic factors may enable the
individualization of prevention and treatment of drug addiction. Malpractice
cases due to drug administration may be examined in a person-based manner for a
precise result.  Although the technology
seems highly promising, still a serious amount of research is required in order
to safely use the idea in the medico-legal context because justice is not ready
to introduce this new concept easily to its system. 


  • Ersi Abaci KALFOGLU Faculty of Medicine, Yeni Yüzyıl University, Turkey
Yıl 2017, Cilt: Volume 2 Sayı: İssue 1 (1) - 2.İnternational Congress Of Forensic Toxicology, 66 - 66, 16.02.2017



  • Ersi Abaci KALFOGLU Faculty of Medicine, Yeni Yüzyıl University, Turkey
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Articles

Ersi Abaci Kalfoglu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Şubat 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: Volume 2 Sayı: İssue 1 (1) - 2.İnternational Congress Of Forensic Toxicology

Kaynak Göster

APA Kalfoglu, E. A. (2017). PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES. The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety, Volume 2(İssue 1 (1), 66-66.
AMA Kalfoglu EA. PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES. turjoem. Şubat 2017;Volume 2(İssue 1 (1):66-66.
Chicago Kalfoglu, Ersi Abaci. “PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES”. The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety Volume 2, sy. İssue 1 (1) (Şubat 2017): 66-66.
EndNote Kalfoglu EA (01 Şubat 2017) PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES. The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety Volume 2 İssue 1 (1) 66–66.
IEEE E. A. Kalfoglu, “PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES”, turjoem, c. Volume 2, sy. İssue 1 (1), ss. 66–66, 2017.
ISNAD Kalfoglu, Ersi Abaci. “PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES”. The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety VOLUME 2/İssue 1 (1) (Şubat 2017), 66-66.
MLA Kalfoglu, Ersi Abaci. “PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES”. The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety, c. Volume 2, sy. İssue 1 (1), 2017, ss. 66-66.
Vancouver Kalfoglu EA. PERSONALIZED MEDICINE IN SOLVING FORENSIC CASES. turjoem. 2017;Volume 2(İssue 1 (1):66-.