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Kaçarlar Devleti’nde Tarihi, Siyasi ve Dini Dönüşüm Koşullarında Uluslararası İlişkiler

Yıl 2024, , 33 - 48, 30.06.2024


Sunulan makale II. Katerina'nın iç politikasının dini faktörünü ve Kaçarlar devletinin sosyo-politik yaşamındaki Babid (Babiler) isyanını incelemektedir. Rus dış politikasının Güney Kafkasya'ya etkisi; Rusya ile Azerbaycan hanlıkları arasındaki ilişkiler; Ağa Mohammed Kaçar ve Kaçar Şehzadelerinin dış politikası ve diplomasisi araştırılıyor. Kaçar İran'ında 18. yüzyılın sonlarından 19. yüzyılın ortalarına kadar tarihi, siyasi ve dini süreçler analiz edilmekte ve bu durum Kaçarlar devletinin hem iç hem de dış politikasındaki mevcut duruma yansımaktadır. Azerbaycanlı bilim adamlarının bu sorunları objektif bir şekilde incelemesi Ortadoğu'nun bilimsel düşüncesine eşsiz bir katkıdır. Dini faktör göz önünde bulundurularak yorumlandığında, devletin siyasi çıkarları bağlamında Kaçarlar devletinin tarihi, Orta Çağ'ın sonlarında Kaçarların hesaba katmak zorunda kaldığı seküler gücün din tarafından bastırılmasına ilişkin geçmiş teolojik deneyimi ortaya koymaktadır. Son dönemde Azerbaycan-Ermenistan çatışması ve İran'ın Ermenistan'a verdiği destekle ilgili bir dizi olay, Azerbaycan ile İran arasında düşmanlığın tohumlarını ekti. Ancak kavramsal mantık, barış ve işbirliğine yönelimi gerektiriyordu; bunun temel faktörleri, Hazar Denizi'nin batı kıyısı boyunca Kuzey-Güney projesi kapsamında vektör mantıksal ve ekonomik bağların güçlendirilmesi ve Reşt-Astara demiryolu hattının hizmete açılmasıydı.


  • Azerbaycan tarihi (Uzag keçmişden 1870-ci illere geder). 3. cild, 1999. Bakü: Elm ve Tehsil, 500 s. [History of Azerbaijan (from the distant past to the 1870s). Volume 3, Elm ve Tehsil: Bakü, 1999, 500 p.].
  • Azerbaycan tarihi, 3. cild, Bakü, Elm, 1999, s.438 [History of Azerbaijan, volume 3, Baku, Elm, 1999, 438 p.].
  • Dalili H.A. (1979). Azerbaycanın cenub hanlıgları 18. esrin II yarısında. Bakü: Elm. [Dalili H.A. (1979). Southern khanates of Azerbaijan in the second half of the 18th century]. Elm: Bakü.
  • Doklad na rabochem soveshshanii “Gosudarstvenniy stroy stran Vostoka v novoye vremya”. 16.06.1987), s.18 [Report at the workshop. “Public system of the countries of the East in modern times” 06/16/1987), p.18].
  • Gadjimuradov M.T. Vostochno-kavkazskoye napravleniye vneşney politiki Rossii v kontse 18. v.:zadeachi i metody ikh realizatsii. Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, N4, 2014, s. 112 [Gadzhimuradov M.T. The East Caucasian direction of Russian foreign policy at the end of the 18th century: tasks and methods of their implementation. Bulletin of Dagestan State University, No. 4, 2014, p.23]. Gadzhi Murat Ibragimbeyli. Rossiya i Azerbaydzhan v pervoy treti XIX veka. Moskva: Nauka, 1969. c.16 [Hadji Murat Ibrahimbayli. Russia and Azerbaijan in the first third of the 19th century. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. p.16].
  • Gözalova N. R. Abbas-Mirza i reorganizatsiya Iranskoy Armii v pervoy chetverti 19. veka. Vostok (Oriens), 2019, N6, s. 112, [Gyozalova N.R. Abbas Mirza and the reorganization of the Iranian Army in the first quarter of the 19th century. East (Oriens), 2019, No. 6, p.112].
  • Hamidova Shafiga. (2014). 18. esrin 2. yarısında Azerbaycan-Gürcüstan münasibetleri tarihinden. [From the history of Azerbaijan-Georgia relations in the second half of the 18th century]. Elm: Bakü, 427 p.
  • Hasanzade T.D. (2014). 18-19. esr Afsharlar ve Gacarlar Devrinin görkemli Azerbaycan türkleri. [Outstanding Azerbaijani Turks of the Afshars and Qajars of the 18th-19th centuries. Baku, p.96, 181].
  • İvanov M. S. (1937). Babidskiye vosstaniya v İrane (kand. disser.). [Babid uprisings in Iran (PhD dissertation). Moskova: İVR RAN, 40-41, 177 p.]
  • Kuznetsov O. Gyulistanskiy dogovor: 200 let spustya (Opyt istoricheskogo osmysleniya sobytiy russko-persidskoy voyny 1804-1813) // Kavkaz i globalizatsiya. T. 7, B. 3-4, 2013, s. 173 [Kuznetsov O. Treaty of Gulistan: 200 years later (Experience of historical understanding of the events of the Russian-Persian War of 1804-1813) // Caucasus and globalization. T. 7, V. 3-4, 2013, p.173].
  • Kuznetsova N. A. Iran v pervoy polovine 19. veka. Moskva, Nauka, 1983, s. 18, 33 [Iran in the first half of the 19th century. Moscow: Nauka, 1983, p. 18, 33].
  • Kuznetsova N. S. Evolution of the state apparatus of Qajar Iran (from the late 18th to the 60s of the 19th century. 1987.
  • Kuznetsova N. S. Evolyutsiya gosudarstvennogo apparata Kadzharskogo Irana (s kontsa 18 do 60-kh godov 19 v. [Kuznetsova N.S. The evolution of the state apparatus of Qajar Iran (from the late 18th to the 60s of the 19th century, p.].
  • Leviatov V.N. (1948). Oçerki istorii Azerbaydjana v 18. veke. [Essays on the history of Azerbaijan in the 18th century]. Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR: Baku, 227 p.
  • Magomedov N. A. Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya na Severo-Vostochnom Kavkaze v XVIII – pervoy treti XIX v. Makhachkala, 2019, s.156 [International relations in the North-Eastern Caucasus in the 18th – first third of the 19th centuries. Makhachkala, 2019, s.156].
  • Mahmudov Y. M. (2005). Azerbaycanin gısa dövletçilik tarihi. [Brief history of Azerbaijan's statehood]. Bakü: Tehsil, p.34. Manifest der Zarin Katharina II. (22. Juli 1763)/
  • Markova O. P. (1966). Rossiya, Zakavkazye i mejdunarodnıye otnoşeniya v 18. veke. [Russia, Transcaucasia and international relations in the 18th century]. Moskova: Nauka, 323 p.
  • Martynenko A. K voprosu o sotsiokulturnykh osobennostyakh shiizma v Kadzharskom Irane. Sovremennyy musulmanskiy mir. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchnyy zhurnal Rossiyskogo islamskogo instituta. 2018, s.2 [Martynenko A. On the issue of socio-cultural characteristics of Shiism in Qajar Iran. Modern Muslim world. International scientific journal of the Russian Islamic Institute. 2018, p.2].
  • Mustafayev C. M. (1989). Severnıye hanstva Azerbaydjana i Rossiya (konets 18. ˗ naçalo 19. vv.), [Northern khanates of Azerbaijan and Russia (late 18th – early 19th centuries)]. Bakü: Elm, 128 p.
  • Mustafazadeh T. T. (2018). Rossiya i Azerbaydjanskiye hanstva vo vtoroy polovine 18˗19 vekov: (sbornik dokumentov). [Russia and the Azerbaijani khanates in the second half of the 18th – 19th centuries: (collection of documents)]. Volume I. Bakü: Elm, pp.16-17, 22.
  • Mustafazadeh T. Т. (2009). Ümumi Tarih. Derslik. [General history. Textbook]. Bakü: İgtisad Universiteti.
  • Rahimli G. R. (2018). Azerbaydjanskiye hanstva v diplomatiçeskikh otnoşeniyakh Turtsii, Rossii i İrana (vtoraya polovina 18. ˗ naçalo 19. veka), [Azerbaijani khanates in diplomatic relations between Turkey, Russia and Iran (second half of the 18th – early 19th century)]. Bakü, 330 p.
  • Saray, M. (2010). Guzey ve Güney Azerbaycan türklerinin tarihi, [History of North and South Azerbaijani Turks]. Bakü: Sherg-Gerb, 724 p.
  • Suleymanov M. Ubiystvo Griboyedova – fakty yavnyye i taynyye // Zhurnal IRS, 2019, №2 (98), c.17 [Suleymanov M. Murder of Griboedov – obvious and secret facts // IRS Magazine, 2019, No 2(98), p.17].

International Relations in the Conditions of Historical, Political and Religious Transformations in the Qajar State

Yıl 2024, , 33 - 48, 30.06.2024


The presented article examines the religious factor in the domestic policy of Catherine II and the Babid uprising in the socio-political life of the Qajar State. The influence of Russian foreign policy on the South Caucasus is explored; relations between Russia and the Azerbaijani khanates; foreign policy and diplomacy of Agha Mohammed Qajar and the Qajar princes. The historical, political and religious processes in the Qajar State from the late 18th to the mid-19th centuries are analyzed, echoing the modern situation in Iran, both in domestic and foreign policy. An objective study of these problems by an Azerbaijani scientist is a kind of contribution to the scientific thought of the Middle East. The history of the Qajar State in the context of the political interests of the state, interpreted with a religious factor, lifts the veil from the former theological experience of suppression of secular power by religious, which the Qajars had to reckon with in the late Middle Ages. The paradox is that this factor is present in modern Iran, which is why internal unrest occurs, which affects foreign policy relations with secular Azerbaijan, professing Shiism and other cultural countries. More recently, a series of events in the issue of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict and Iran’s support for Armenia sowed the seeds of hostility between Azerbaijan and Iran. But conceptual logic dictated an orientation towards peace and cooperation, the key factors of which were the strengthening of vector logical and economic ties under the North-South project along the western coast of the Caspian Sea and the launch of the Rasht-Astara railway line.


  • Azerbaycan tarihi (Uzag keçmişden 1870-ci illere geder). 3. cild, 1999. Bakü: Elm ve Tehsil, 500 s. [History of Azerbaijan (from the distant past to the 1870s). Volume 3, Elm ve Tehsil: Bakü, 1999, 500 p.].
  • Azerbaycan tarihi, 3. cild, Bakü, Elm, 1999, s.438 [History of Azerbaijan, volume 3, Baku, Elm, 1999, 438 p.].
  • Dalili H.A. (1979). Azerbaycanın cenub hanlıgları 18. esrin II yarısında. Bakü: Elm. [Dalili H.A. (1979). Southern khanates of Azerbaijan in the second half of the 18th century]. Elm: Bakü.
  • Doklad na rabochem soveshshanii “Gosudarstvenniy stroy stran Vostoka v novoye vremya”. 16.06.1987), s.18 [Report at the workshop. “Public system of the countries of the East in modern times” 06/16/1987), p.18].
  • Gadjimuradov M.T. Vostochno-kavkazskoye napravleniye vneşney politiki Rossii v kontse 18. v.:zadeachi i metody ikh realizatsii. Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, N4, 2014, s. 112 [Gadzhimuradov M.T. The East Caucasian direction of Russian foreign policy at the end of the 18th century: tasks and methods of their implementation. Bulletin of Dagestan State University, No. 4, 2014, p.23]. Gadzhi Murat Ibragimbeyli. Rossiya i Azerbaydzhan v pervoy treti XIX veka. Moskva: Nauka, 1969. c.16 [Hadji Murat Ibrahimbayli. Russia and Azerbaijan in the first third of the 19th century. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. p.16].
  • Gözalova N. R. Abbas-Mirza i reorganizatsiya Iranskoy Armii v pervoy chetverti 19. veka. Vostok (Oriens), 2019, N6, s. 112, [Gyozalova N.R. Abbas Mirza and the reorganization of the Iranian Army in the first quarter of the 19th century. East (Oriens), 2019, No. 6, p.112].
  • Hamidova Shafiga. (2014). 18. esrin 2. yarısında Azerbaycan-Gürcüstan münasibetleri tarihinden. [From the history of Azerbaijan-Georgia relations in the second half of the 18th century]. Elm: Bakü, 427 p.
  • Hasanzade T.D. (2014). 18-19. esr Afsharlar ve Gacarlar Devrinin görkemli Azerbaycan türkleri. [Outstanding Azerbaijani Turks of the Afshars and Qajars of the 18th-19th centuries. Baku, p.96, 181].
  • İvanov M. S. (1937). Babidskiye vosstaniya v İrane (kand. disser.). [Babid uprisings in Iran (PhD dissertation). Moskova: İVR RAN, 40-41, 177 p.]
  • Kuznetsov O. Gyulistanskiy dogovor: 200 let spustya (Opyt istoricheskogo osmysleniya sobytiy russko-persidskoy voyny 1804-1813) // Kavkaz i globalizatsiya. T. 7, B. 3-4, 2013, s. 173 [Kuznetsov O. Treaty of Gulistan: 200 years later (Experience of historical understanding of the events of the Russian-Persian War of 1804-1813) // Caucasus and globalization. T. 7, V. 3-4, 2013, p.173].
  • Kuznetsova N. A. Iran v pervoy polovine 19. veka. Moskva, Nauka, 1983, s. 18, 33 [Iran in the first half of the 19th century. Moscow: Nauka, 1983, p. 18, 33].
  • Kuznetsova N. S. Evolution of the state apparatus of Qajar Iran (from the late 18th to the 60s of the 19th century. 1987.
  • Kuznetsova N. S. Evolyutsiya gosudarstvennogo apparata Kadzharskogo Irana (s kontsa 18 do 60-kh godov 19 v. [Kuznetsova N.S. The evolution of the state apparatus of Qajar Iran (from the late 18th to the 60s of the 19th century, p.].
  • Leviatov V.N. (1948). Oçerki istorii Azerbaydjana v 18. veke. [Essays on the history of Azerbaijan in the 18th century]. Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR: Baku, 227 p.
  • Magomedov N. A. Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya na Severo-Vostochnom Kavkaze v XVIII – pervoy treti XIX v. Makhachkala, 2019, s.156 [International relations in the North-Eastern Caucasus in the 18th – first third of the 19th centuries. Makhachkala, 2019, s.156].
  • Mahmudov Y. M. (2005). Azerbaycanin gısa dövletçilik tarihi. [Brief history of Azerbaijan's statehood]. Bakü: Tehsil, p.34. Manifest der Zarin Katharina II. (22. Juli 1763)/
  • Markova O. P. (1966). Rossiya, Zakavkazye i mejdunarodnıye otnoşeniya v 18. veke. [Russia, Transcaucasia and international relations in the 18th century]. Moskova: Nauka, 323 p.
  • Martynenko A. K voprosu o sotsiokulturnykh osobennostyakh shiizma v Kadzharskom Irane. Sovremennyy musulmanskiy mir. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchnyy zhurnal Rossiyskogo islamskogo instituta. 2018, s.2 [Martynenko A. On the issue of socio-cultural characteristics of Shiism in Qajar Iran. Modern Muslim world. International scientific journal of the Russian Islamic Institute. 2018, p.2].
  • Mustafayev C. M. (1989). Severnıye hanstva Azerbaydjana i Rossiya (konets 18. ˗ naçalo 19. vv.), [Northern khanates of Azerbaijan and Russia (late 18th – early 19th centuries)]. Bakü: Elm, 128 p.
  • Mustafazadeh T. T. (2018). Rossiya i Azerbaydjanskiye hanstva vo vtoroy polovine 18˗19 vekov: (sbornik dokumentov). [Russia and the Azerbaijani khanates in the second half of the 18th – 19th centuries: (collection of documents)]. Volume I. Bakü: Elm, pp.16-17, 22.
  • Mustafazadeh T. Т. (2009). Ümumi Tarih. Derslik. [General history. Textbook]. Bakü: İgtisad Universiteti.
  • Rahimli G. R. (2018). Azerbaydjanskiye hanstva v diplomatiçeskikh otnoşeniyakh Turtsii, Rossii i İrana (vtoraya polovina 18. ˗ naçalo 19. veka), [Azerbaijani khanates in diplomatic relations between Turkey, Russia and Iran (second half of the 18th – early 19th century)]. Bakü, 330 p.
  • Saray, M. (2010). Guzey ve Güney Azerbaycan türklerinin tarihi, [History of North and South Azerbaijani Turks]. Bakü: Sherg-Gerb, 724 p.
  • Suleymanov M. Ubiystvo Griboyedova – fakty yavnyye i taynyye // Zhurnal IRS, 2019, №2 (98), c.17 [Suleymanov M. Murder of Griboedov – obvious and secret facts // IRS Magazine, 2019, No 2(98), p.17].
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyasi Tarih (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mirnazim Ceferov

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ceferov, M. (2024). International Relations in the Conditions of Historical, Political and Religious Transformations in the Qajar State. Turkuaz Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5(1), 33-48.

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