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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 2, 558 - 586, 20.08.2020


Bu çalışma, Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi’nde öğrenim gören 120 dördüncü sınıf İngiliz dili eğitimi öğretmen adayının, ilk olarak materyal değerlendirme, uyarlama ve oluşturma, ikinci olarak etkili bir İngilizce öğretimi ünitesinin bileşenleri ve son olarak da materyal tasarımını etkileyen bazı temel yaklaşımlar ile ilgili perspektif ve deneyimlerini bir anket ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme uygulayarak araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Sonuçlar, katılımcıların en çok materyal oluşturma, sonra uyarlama ve son olarak da değerlendirme becerilerini geliştirdiklerini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca, katılımcılar materyal değerlendirme, uyarlama ve oluşturma ile ilgili deneyimlerinin, aldıkları öğretmen eğitimine, uygulama okul türlerine, uygulama okullarındaki danışman öğretmenlerine, öğrencilere ve okul politikalarına göre şekillendiğini rapor etmişlerdir. Katılımcılar, materyal tasarımında çok izlenceli güncel yaklaşımı ve iletişimsel yaklaşımı desteklemiş ve geleneksel yaklaşımı sorgulamışlardır. Katılımcılar yaklaşımlara olan görüşlerine paralel olarak, etkili bir İngilizce öğretimi ünitesinin bileşenlerinde en çok ısınma bölümlerinin, dört beceri bileşenlerinin, iletişimsel aktivitelerin, kelime ve telaffuz kısımlarının olması gerektiğini bildirmişlerdir.


  • Abdul, A. (2017). Evaluation Study for Secondary Stage EFL Textbook : EFL Teachers ’ Perspectives. English Language Teaching. 10, 3 (2017). Andriani, A., Abdullah, F., and Saputra, Y. (2017). The Reflection Of Pronunciation Teaching Materials: An Old Paradigm In A New Era. Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts (TLEMC), 1(2).
  • Aghazadeh, Z., and Ajideh, P. (2014). A Comparative Study of Iranian EFL Teachers’ versus Learners’ Perceptions of High School English Textbooks. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 5(4), 1-16.
  • Ahmadi, A, and Derakhshan, A. (2016). EFL Teachers' Perceptions towards Textbook Evaluation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 6(2), 260-267.
  • Bahumaid, S. (2008). Tefl Materials Evaluation: A Teacher's Perspective. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 44(4), 423-432.
  • Baker, C. (1992). Attitudes and language. London: Multilingual Matters.
  • Bhanegaonkar, M, and Mahfoodh,M. (2013). New approach for evaluating EFLM: An eclectic developed checklist. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(10), 1-8.
  • Borg, S. (2007). Research engagement in English language teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(5), 731-747
  • Breen, M. P. (2002). Syllabus design. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 151-159).
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd ed.). New York: Longman. Byrd, P. (1995). Material writer’s guide. New York: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Clandfield, L, 2010 - C is for Course book - Blog post: C is for Course book, (16/05/2010) Available online clandfield/
  • Cunningsworth, A. (1984). Evaluating and selecting EFL teaching materials. London: Heinemann Educational Books.
  • Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Oxford: Heinemann.
  • Daloglu, A. (2004). A professional development program for primary school English language teachers in Turkey: Designing a materials bank. International Journal of Educational Development, 24(6), 677-690.
  • Duarte, S. A., and Escobar, L. A. (2008). Using Adapted Material and its Impact on University Students' Motivation. Profile Issues in TeachersProfessional Development, (9), 63-88.
  • Dubin, F, and Olshtain, E. (1986). Course design: developing programs and materials for language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Dweikat, K. A. (2011). Investigating Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Activities and Exercises of EFL Textbook for Tenth Grade in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Research and Studies – 23(1), 27-79.
  • Dweikat, K. A. (2013). Investigating the Cultural Values in EFL Textbooks: A Case Study of North Star Intermediate Textbook. Islamic University Journal, 21(1), 563-589.
  • García, A. M, and Martín, J. C. (2004). Something Old and Something New. Techniques to Improve the Lexical Inventory of EST Students: A Proposal. Revista Estudios Ingleses, 17, 6-44 Received from
  • Garinger, D. (2001). Textbook Evaluation. TEFL Web Journal, 1. Retrieved June 15, 2005, from
  • Garinger, D. (2002). Textbook selection for the ESL classroom. Available online: 0210garinger.html
  • Grant, N. (1987). Making the most of your textbook. Harlow: Longman.
  • Graves, K. (2000). Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers. Newbury House: Donald Freeman
  • Harwood, N. (ed.) (2010). English language teaching materials: Theory and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Hasan, M. K., and Akhand, M. M. (2013). Strategies for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 (2), 1-14. Retrieved from
  • Hedge, T. (2000), Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Hidalgo, A. C., Hall, D, and Jacobs, G. M. (eds.) (1995). Getting started: Materials writers on materials writing. Singapore: SEAMEO Language Centre
  • Howard, J., and Major, J. (2004). Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. The TESOLANZ Journal, 12(1), 50-58.
  • Kanu, Y. (2005). Tensions and dilemmas of cross-cultural transfer of knowledge: poststructural/ postcolonial reflections on an innovative teacher education in Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 25(5), 493-513
  • Karatepe, Ç., & Yılmaz, D. (2018). Promoting Structured Reflectivity in Teacher Education: An Innovative Approach. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 7(1), 57-74.
  • Kayapinar, U. (2009). Coursebook evaluation by English teachers. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1).
  • Kırkgöz, Y. (2009). Evaluating the English textbooks for young learners of English at Turkish primary education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 79-83.
  • Kim, H. (2015). Teachers’ Opinions on the Evaluation of ELT Teachers’ Books. English Language Teaching, 8(3), 1-12.
  • Korthagen, F., Loughran, J, and Russell, T. (2006). Developing fundamental principles for teacher education programs and practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(8), 1020-1041.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2002). Developing teaching knowledge through peer discourse. Teacher and Teacher Education, 18(6), 715-737.
  • McDonough, J, and Shaw, C. (1993). Materials and methods in ELT: A teacher’s guide (2nd edn). London: Blackwell.
  • McGrath, I. (2002). Materials evaluation and design for language teaching. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
  • McIntyre, D, and Hagger, H. (1992). Professional development through the Oxford Internship Model. British Journal of Educational Studies, 40(3), 264-283
  • McLaughlin, D. (1996). Who is to retrain the teacher trainers? A Papua New Guinea case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 12(3), 285-301. Mishan, F, and Chambers, A. (2010). Perspectives on language learning materials development. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Moon, J. (2000). Children learning English. Oxford: MacMillan Heinemann.
  • Morley, J. (1991). The pronunciation component in teaching English to speakers of other languages. TESOL quarterly, 25(3), 481-520.
  • Nunan, D. (1998). Principles for designing language teaching materials”, Guidelines 10:2 1- 24.
  • O’Donoghue, T. A. (1994). Transnational knowledge transfer and the need to take cognizance of contextual realities: a Papua New Guinea case study. Educational Review, 46(1), 73-88.
  • Rahimi, M. (2008). What do we want teaching materials for in EFL teacher training programs?, Asian EFL Journal 31.1: 1-38 Rahmawati, M. R. (2016). Evaluating and Adapting ELT Materials: Its importance and Implications. ENGLISH, 17(2), 40-47.
  • Read, C. (2007). 500 activities for the primary classroom. Oxford: Macmillan.
  • Reid, A., & O’Donoghue, M. (2004). Revisiting enquiry-based teacher education in neo- liberal times. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20(6), 559-570.
  • Richards, J. (1993). Beyond the textbook: the role of commercial materials in language teaching”, RELC Journal 24.1:1-14
  • Richards, J.C. (2001). The role of textbooks in a language program. Cambridge University Press.
  • Schelfhout, W., Dochy, F., Janssens, S., Struyven, K., Gielen, S., and Sierens, E. (2006). Educating for learning-focused teaching in teacher training: The need to link learning content with practice experiences within an inductive approach. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22 (7), 874-897
  • Sheldon, L. E. (ed.) (1987). ELT textbooks and materials: Problems in evaluation and development. ELT Documents 126. London: Modern English Publications/British Council.
  • Tekir, S, and Arikan, A. (2007). An Analysis of English Language Teaching Coursebooks by Turkish Writers:" Let's Speak English 7" Example. Online Submission, 4(2), 1-18.
  • Tice, J. (1991). The textbook as a straightjacket‟, Practical English Teaching 11.3:23.
  • Tok, H. (2010). TEFL textbook evaluation: From teachers perspectıves. Educational Research and Reviews, 5(9), 508-517.
  • Tomlinson, B. (1999). Developing criteria for evaluating L2 materials. IATEFL Issues, 147, 10-13.
  • Tomlinson B. (ed.) (2003). Developing materials for language teaching. London: Continuum Press.
  • Tomlinson B. (ed.) (2011). Materials development in language teaching (2nd edn). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tomlinson, B, and Masuhara, H. (eds) (2010a). Research for Materials Development in Language Learning. London: Continuum.
  • Tomlinson, B. (2012). Materials development for language learning and teaching. Lang. Teach. 45(2):143–179. Cambridge University Press.
  • Yangin Eksi, G. (2012). Peer review versus teacher feedback in process writing: How effective? International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, 13, 33-48.
  • Zajda, J. (2004). Cultural transferability and cross-cultural textbook development. Education and Society, 22(1), 83-95
  • Zhu, Z. (2010). Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 3 (3), 67-70. Retrieved from


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 2, 558 - 586, 20.08.2020


The study aimed to investigate the perspectives and experiences of 120 fourth-year ELT teacher trainees of Bursa Uludag University regarding: first, materials evaluation, adaptation, and creation; second, the components of an effective ELT unit in a coursebook; and finally some basic approaches that affect materials design. A questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were administered to these aims. The results revealed that they mostly developed materials creation, then adaptation, and finally evaluation skills. In addition, they reported that their experiences in the materials evaluation, adaptation, and creation were shaped by their teacher training program, practicum school types, their mentor teachers, learners, and school policies. They advocated the current approach with multi-syllabus and communicative approach and questioned the traditional approach in materials design. In parallel with their perspectives about the approaches, they reported that an effective ELT unit should involve mostly warm-up sessions, integration of four skills, communicative activities, vocabulary, and pronunciation parts.


  • Abdul, A. (2017). Evaluation Study for Secondary Stage EFL Textbook : EFL Teachers ’ Perspectives. English Language Teaching. 10, 3 (2017). Andriani, A., Abdullah, F., and Saputra, Y. (2017). The Reflection Of Pronunciation Teaching Materials: An Old Paradigm In A New Era. Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts (TLEMC), 1(2).
  • Aghazadeh, Z., and Ajideh, P. (2014). A Comparative Study of Iranian EFL Teachers’ versus Learners’ Perceptions of High School English Textbooks. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 5(4), 1-16.
  • Ahmadi, A, and Derakhshan, A. (2016). EFL Teachers' Perceptions towards Textbook Evaluation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 6(2), 260-267.
  • Bahumaid, S. (2008). Tefl Materials Evaluation: A Teacher's Perspective. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 44(4), 423-432.
  • Baker, C. (1992). Attitudes and language. London: Multilingual Matters.
  • Bhanegaonkar, M, and Mahfoodh,M. (2013). New approach for evaluating EFLM: An eclectic developed checklist. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(10), 1-8.
  • Borg, S. (2007). Research engagement in English language teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(5), 731-747
  • Breen, M. P. (2002). Syllabus design. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 151-159).
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd ed.). New York: Longman. Byrd, P. (1995). Material writer’s guide. New York: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Clandfield, L, 2010 - C is for Course book - Blog post: C is for Course book, (16/05/2010) Available online clandfield/
  • Cunningsworth, A. (1984). Evaluating and selecting EFL teaching materials. London: Heinemann Educational Books.
  • Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Oxford: Heinemann.
  • Daloglu, A. (2004). A professional development program for primary school English language teachers in Turkey: Designing a materials bank. International Journal of Educational Development, 24(6), 677-690.
  • Duarte, S. A., and Escobar, L. A. (2008). Using Adapted Material and its Impact on University Students' Motivation. Profile Issues in TeachersProfessional Development, (9), 63-88.
  • Dubin, F, and Olshtain, E. (1986). Course design: developing programs and materials for language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Dweikat, K. A. (2011). Investigating Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Activities and Exercises of EFL Textbook for Tenth Grade in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Research and Studies – 23(1), 27-79.
  • Dweikat, K. A. (2013). Investigating the Cultural Values in EFL Textbooks: A Case Study of North Star Intermediate Textbook. Islamic University Journal, 21(1), 563-589.
  • García, A. M, and Martín, J. C. (2004). Something Old and Something New. Techniques to Improve the Lexical Inventory of EST Students: A Proposal. Revista Estudios Ingleses, 17, 6-44 Received from
  • Garinger, D. (2001). Textbook Evaluation. TEFL Web Journal, 1. Retrieved June 15, 2005, from
  • Garinger, D. (2002). Textbook selection for the ESL classroom. Available online: 0210garinger.html
  • Grant, N. (1987). Making the most of your textbook. Harlow: Longman.
  • Graves, K. (2000). Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers. Newbury House: Donald Freeman
  • Harwood, N. (ed.) (2010). English language teaching materials: Theory and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Hasan, M. K., and Akhand, M. M. (2013). Strategies for Enhancing the Use of Textbooks in Language Classrooms at the Tertiary Level. ABAC Journal, 33 (2), 1-14. Retrieved from
  • Hedge, T. (2000), Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Hidalgo, A. C., Hall, D, and Jacobs, G. M. (eds.) (1995). Getting started: Materials writers on materials writing. Singapore: SEAMEO Language Centre
  • Howard, J., and Major, J. (2004). Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. The TESOLANZ Journal, 12(1), 50-58.
  • Kanu, Y. (2005). Tensions and dilemmas of cross-cultural transfer of knowledge: poststructural/ postcolonial reflections on an innovative teacher education in Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 25(5), 493-513
  • Karatepe, Ç., & Yılmaz, D. (2018). Promoting Structured Reflectivity in Teacher Education: An Innovative Approach. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 7(1), 57-74.
  • Kayapinar, U. (2009). Coursebook evaluation by English teachers. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1).
  • Kırkgöz, Y. (2009). Evaluating the English textbooks for young learners of English at Turkish primary education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 79-83.
  • Kim, H. (2015). Teachers’ Opinions on the Evaluation of ELT Teachers’ Books. English Language Teaching, 8(3), 1-12.
  • Korthagen, F., Loughran, J, and Russell, T. (2006). Developing fundamental principles for teacher education programs and practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(8), 1020-1041.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2002). Developing teaching knowledge through peer discourse. Teacher and Teacher Education, 18(6), 715-737.
  • McDonough, J, and Shaw, C. (1993). Materials and methods in ELT: A teacher’s guide (2nd edn). London: Blackwell.
  • McGrath, I. (2002). Materials evaluation and design for language teaching. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
  • McIntyre, D, and Hagger, H. (1992). Professional development through the Oxford Internship Model. British Journal of Educational Studies, 40(3), 264-283
  • McLaughlin, D. (1996). Who is to retrain the teacher trainers? A Papua New Guinea case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 12(3), 285-301. Mishan, F, and Chambers, A. (2010). Perspectives on language learning materials development. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Moon, J. (2000). Children learning English. Oxford: MacMillan Heinemann.
  • Morley, J. (1991). The pronunciation component in teaching English to speakers of other languages. TESOL quarterly, 25(3), 481-520.
  • Nunan, D. (1998). Principles for designing language teaching materials”, Guidelines 10:2 1- 24.
  • O’Donoghue, T. A. (1994). Transnational knowledge transfer and the need to take cognizance of contextual realities: a Papua New Guinea case study. Educational Review, 46(1), 73-88.
  • Rahimi, M. (2008). What do we want teaching materials for in EFL teacher training programs?, Asian EFL Journal 31.1: 1-38 Rahmawati, M. R. (2016). Evaluating and Adapting ELT Materials: Its importance and Implications. ENGLISH, 17(2), 40-47.
  • Read, C. (2007). 500 activities for the primary classroom. Oxford: Macmillan.
  • Reid, A., & O’Donoghue, M. (2004). Revisiting enquiry-based teacher education in neo- liberal times. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20(6), 559-570.
  • Richards, J. (1993). Beyond the textbook: the role of commercial materials in language teaching”, RELC Journal 24.1:1-14
  • Richards, J.C. (2001). The role of textbooks in a language program. Cambridge University Press.
  • Schelfhout, W., Dochy, F., Janssens, S., Struyven, K., Gielen, S., and Sierens, E. (2006). Educating for learning-focused teaching in teacher training: The need to link learning content with practice experiences within an inductive approach. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22 (7), 874-897
  • Sheldon, L. E. (ed.) (1987). ELT textbooks and materials: Problems in evaluation and development. ELT Documents 126. London: Modern English Publications/British Council.
  • Tekir, S, and Arikan, A. (2007). An Analysis of English Language Teaching Coursebooks by Turkish Writers:" Let's Speak English 7" Example. Online Submission, 4(2), 1-18.
  • Tice, J. (1991). The textbook as a straightjacket‟, Practical English Teaching 11.3:23.
  • Tok, H. (2010). TEFL textbook evaluation: From teachers perspectıves. Educational Research and Reviews, 5(9), 508-517.
  • Tomlinson, B. (1999). Developing criteria for evaluating L2 materials. IATEFL Issues, 147, 10-13.
  • Tomlinson B. (ed.) (2003). Developing materials for language teaching. London: Continuum Press.
  • Tomlinson B. (ed.) (2011). Materials development in language teaching (2nd edn). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tomlinson, B, and Masuhara, H. (eds) (2010a). Research for Materials Development in Language Learning. London: Continuum.
  • Tomlinson, B. (2012). Materials development for language learning and teaching. Lang. Teach. 45(2):143–179. Cambridge University Press.
  • Yangin Eksi, G. (2012). Peer review versus teacher feedback in process writing: How effective? International Journal of Applied Educational Studies, 13, 33-48.
  • Zajda, J. (2004). Cultural transferability and cross-cultural textbook development. Education and Society, 22(1), 83-95
  • Zhu, Z. (2010). Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 3 (3), 67-70. Retrieved from
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Şule Çelik Korkmaz 0000-0003-4354-844X

Sedat Korkmaz Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0941-2856

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelik Korkmaz, Ş., & Korkmaz, S. (2020). MATERIALS EVALUATION AND ADAPTATION: TEACHER TRAINEES’ PERCEPTIONS AND EXPERIENCES. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 33(2), 558-586.