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The Political Economy of Pandemics’ Influence On Hegemonic Shifts: A Comparison of the Influenza of 1918 and COVID-19

Yıl 2024, , 185 - 204, 30.04.2024


Following the World Health Organization (WHO)'s declaration of ending the public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) for the COVID-19 pandemic in May 2023, this study seizes the opportune moment to analyze it alongside its historical precedent, the Influenza of 1918, commonly known as the Spanish flu. Amid the ongoing US-China rivalry for global leadership, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out when a century had elapsed since the Influenza of 1918. This analysis aims to test the hegemonic cycles approach of the World Systems Theory and to contribute to the literature of international political economy. The hegemonic cycles approach of the World Systems Theory calls for an analysis of the figures of industrial production, international trade, and finance to judge the changes within the international economy as a hegemonic shift, which occurs at 100-150 years in a circular nature. This study furthermore adds up the figures of GDP per capita to the analysis to provide insight into the level of welfare offered by the ascending hegemons to their citizens vis-à-vis the descending ones. Thus, changes in GDP per capita, industrial production, foreign trade, and finances of the UK vs. the US during the Influenza of 1918, and the US vs. China during COVID-19 provide insights into the political economy of pandemics in terms of their impact on changing hegemonic orders. The findings reveal that both pandemics triggered a period of hegemonic shift that was preeminent on economic terms within the international order.


  • Acemoğlu, D. (2020, June 05). The Post-COVID State. Access address:
  • Allison, G. (2020). The US-China Relationship after Coronavirus: Clues from History. In F. J. Gavin & H. Brands, Covid-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition and Cooperation (pp. 388-405). John Hopkins University Press.
  • Amin, S. (1990). Delinking: Towards a Polycentric World. Zed Books.
  • Amin, S. (1976). Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism. The Harvester Press.
  • Arrighi, G. (2010). The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times. Verso.
  • Arrighi, G. (2007). Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century. Verso.
  • Arrighi, G. (1999). The World according to Andre Gunder Frank. Review, 22(3), 327-357.
  • Arrighi, G. (1993). The Three Hegemonies of Historical Capitalism. In S. Gill, Historical Materialism and International Relations. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barro, R. J., Ursua, J. F., and Weng, J. (2020). The Coronavirus and The Great Influenza Epidemic: Lessons from The "Spanish Flu" For The Coronavirus Potential Effects On Mortality and Economic Activity. American Enterprise Institute.
  • Bates, T. (1975). Gramsci and the Theory of Hegemony. Journal of the History of Ideas. 36(2), 351-366. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.). (1926, April). Gold Reserves of Principal Countries. Access address:
  • Bown, C. P., and Kolb, M. (2023, 12 31). Trump's Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide. Access address: .pdf.
  • Bown, C. P. (2020, 03 13). Trump's trade policy is hampering the US fight against COVID-19. Retrieved from Peterson Institute for International Economics - Trade and Policy Watch: Access address:
  • Cassis, Y. (2007). Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centers 1780-2005. Cambridge University Press.
  • Congressional Research Service (CRS). (2021, 07 23). De-Dollarization Efforts in China and Russia. Access address:
  • Crosby, A. W. (1976). Epidemic and Peace, 1918. Greenwood.
  • Crosby, A. W. (2003). America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918. Cambridge University Press.
  • Devos, I., Bourguignon, M., Debruyne, E., Doignon, Y., Eggerickx, T., Greefs, H., Soens, T. (2021). The Spanish Flu in Belgium 1918-1919. A State of the Art. Historical Social Research - Supplement: Epidemics and Pandemics - the Historical Perspective, 251-283.
  • Doherty, C., & Kiley, J. (2023, 03 14). A Look Back at How Fear and False Beliefs Bolstered U.S. Public Support for War in Iraq. Access address: politics/2023/03/14/ a-look-back-at-how-fear-and-false-beliefs-bolstered-u-s-public-support-for-war-in-iraq/
  • Duggan, N., & Grabowski, M. (2021). The Influence of COVID-19 on the Power Transition between the United States and China: The Case of Southeast Asia. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32(1), 1-20.
  • Esteves, P., and Staden, C. V. (2020). US and Chinese COVID-19 Health Outreach to Arica and Latin America: A Comparison. South African Institute of International Affairs, 1-20. Access address:
  • Forgacs, D. (2000). The Antonio Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935. New York: New York University Press.
  • Frank, A. G. (1998). ReORIENT: Global Economy in the Asian Age. University of California Press.
  • Frank, A. G., and Gills, B. K. (1993). The World System: Five Hundred Years of Five Thousand?. London: Routledge.
  • Frank, A. G. (1978). Development of Underdevelopment or Underdevelopment of Development in China. Modern China, 4(3), 341-350.
  • Freeman, C., and Louça, F. (2013). Zaman Akıp Giderken: Sanayi Devrimlerinden Bilgi Devrimine. (O. Binatlı, Trans.). İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları.
  • Groningen Growth and Development Centre. (2022, 5 23). Maddison Project Database 2020. Access address:
  • Higgins, T. (2023, September 21). The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review. Access address:
  • Hoare, Q., and Smith, G. N. (1971). Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. New York: International Publishers.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (1995). The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century. Abacus.
  • Hopkins, T. K., and Wallerstein, I. (2016). Cyclical Rhythms and Secular Trends of the Capitalist World Economy Some Premises, Hypotheses and Questions. Review, World Systems Analysis Essays in Methods and Practice, 153-170.
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF). (2023). IMF Datamapper. Access address:
  • Jenkins, B. M. (2022). Plagues and their Aftermath: How Societies Recover from Pandemics. Melville House. Joseph Nye, J. (2020). Perspectives for a China Strategy. PRISM, 120-131.
  • Kissinger, H. A. (2020). The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order. Access address:
  • Mandel, E. (1995). Long Waves of Capitalist Development: A Marxist Interpretation. Verso. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. (OECD). Prices and purchasing power parities. OECD: 20rates%20of,in%20price%20levels%20between%20countries.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2012). Türkiye'nin 200 Yıllık İktisadi Tarihi: Büyüme, Kurumlar ve Bölüşüm. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Roberts, A. (2020). Pandemics and Politics. Survival, 7-40.
  • Sarica Kelle, S. (2023). Amerikan Hegemonyasının İnşası: Günümüz Uluslararası Düzeninin Siyasi ve Ekonomik Temelleri. Ankara:Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Sun, Y., and Yu, B. (2023). Mask Diplomacy? Understanding China’s Goals in Delivering Medical Aid in the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 52(3), 381-412.
  • The World Bank. (2024). Databank - Global Economic Monitor (GEM). Access address:
  • The World Bank Group. (2024). Glossary I DataBank. Access addres:
  • The World Bank Group. (2024). Glossary I DataBank. Access address:,broad%20measures%20of%20economic%20growth
  • The World Bank. (2024, February 21). GDP per capita (constant LCU). Access addres: The World Bank, World Development Indicators,
  • The World Bank. (2024). World Development Indicators database. Access adresse:
  • Thomas, R., and Dimsdale, N. (2017). A Millenium of UK Data. Access address:
  • U.S. Bureau of the Census. (1949). Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • United States Department of State. (n.d.). Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Vol XIII. Access address:
  • Verma, R. (2020). China’s ‘Mask Diplomacy’ To Change The COVID-19 Narrative in Europe. Asia Europe Journal, 205-209. Access address: 10.1007/s10308-020-00576-1
  • Wagner, N. (1995). A Review of PPP-Adjusted Estimation and its Potential Use for the Fund's Operational Purposes. IMF.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2015). Modern Dünya Sistemi I-II-III-IV. (L. Boyacı, Trans.). İstanbul:Yarın Yayınları.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2015). Modern Dünya Sistemi I. (L. Boyacı, Trans.). İstanbul:Yarın Yayınları.
  • Wallerstein, I. (1993). World System versus World-Systems. In A. G. Frank, & B. K. Gills, The World System: Five Hundred Years of Five Thousand? (pp. 292-296). London: Routledge.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2004). World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
  • Wallerstein, I. (1979). The Ottoman Empire and the Capitalist World Economy: Some Questions for Research. Review, 2(3), 389-398.
  • Xing, L., and Bernal-Meza, R. (2021). China-US Rivalry: A New Cold-War or Capitalism's Intra-Core Competition?. Revista Brasileira De Politica Internacional, 64(1), 1-20.
  • Yang, D. L. (2021). COVID-19 and the Estrangement of US-China Relations. Asian Perspective, 45(1), 7-31.

Salgınların Hegemonik Geçişlere Etkisinin Ekonomi Politiği: 1918 İspanyol Gribi ve COVID-19 Karşılaştırması

Yıl 2024, , 185 - 204, 30.04.2024


Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) Mayıs 2023 tarihli bildirisinde COVID-19 salgınının kamu sağlığını tehdit eden uluslararası olağanüstü hal durumunun sona erdiğini ilan etmiştir. İspanyol Gribi olarak da bilinen İnfluenza 1918 salgınının üzerinden bir asır geçmesiyle COVID-19 salgınının patlak vermiş olması ve Dünya Sistemleri Teorisi’nin hegemonik döngülere 100-150 yıllık bir süreç öngörmesi, bu çalışmanın çıkış noktalarını oluşturmuştur. Kuramsal çerçevesini Dünya Sistemleri Teorisi’nin oluşturduğu çalışma, dış ticaret dengeleri ve finans verileri üzerinden İspanyol Gribi sırasında Birleşik Krallık-ABD, COVID-19 sırasında ise ABD-Çin hegemonik rekabetinin politik ekonomisini incelemektedir. Ayrıca, yükselen hegemonun vatandaşlarına bahsettiği refah ve çıkar unsurlarından yola çıkılarak kişi başına GSYH verileri çalışmanın inceleme alanına dahil edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, 1918 Gribi sürecinde Birleşik Krallık ile ABD arasında; COVID-19 sırasında ise ABD ile Çin arasında seyreden karşılaştırmalı kişi başına GSYH, sanayi üretimi, dış ticaret ve finans verileri, pandemilerin hegemonik geçiş süreçlerini tetiklediğini ve hızlandırdığını ortaya koymuştur.


  • Acemoğlu, D. (2020, June 05). The Post-COVID State. Access address:
  • Allison, G. (2020). The US-China Relationship after Coronavirus: Clues from History. In F. J. Gavin & H. Brands, Covid-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition and Cooperation (pp. 388-405). John Hopkins University Press.
  • Amin, S. (1990). Delinking: Towards a Polycentric World. Zed Books.
  • Amin, S. (1976). Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism. The Harvester Press.
  • Arrighi, G. (2010). The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times. Verso.
  • Arrighi, G. (2007). Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century. Verso.
  • Arrighi, G. (1999). The World according to Andre Gunder Frank. Review, 22(3), 327-357.
  • Arrighi, G. (1993). The Three Hegemonies of Historical Capitalism. In S. Gill, Historical Materialism and International Relations. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barro, R. J., Ursua, J. F., and Weng, J. (2020). The Coronavirus and The Great Influenza Epidemic: Lessons from The "Spanish Flu" For The Coronavirus Potential Effects On Mortality and Economic Activity. American Enterprise Institute.
  • Bates, T. (1975). Gramsci and the Theory of Hegemony. Journal of the History of Ideas. 36(2), 351-366. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.). (1926, April). Gold Reserves of Principal Countries. Access address:
  • Bown, C. P., and Kolb, M. (2023, 12 31). Trump's Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide. Access address: .pdf.
  • Bown, C. P. (2020, 03 13). Trump's trade policy is hampering the US fight against COVID-19. Retrieved from Peterson Institute for International Economics - Trade and Policy Watch: Access address:
  • Cassis, Y. (2007). Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centers 1780-2005. Cambridge University Press.
  • Congressional Research Service (CRS). (2021, 07 23). De-Dollarization Efforts in China and Russia. Access address:
  • Crosby, A. W. (1976). Epidemic and Peace, 1918. Greenwood.
  • Crosby, A. W. (2003). America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918. Cambridge University Press.
  • Devos, I., Bourguignon, M., Debruyne, E., Doignon, Y., Eggerickx, T., Greefs, H., Soens, T. (2021). The Spanish Flu in Belgium 1918-1919. A State of the Art. Historical Social Research - Supplement: Epidemics and Pandemics - the Historical Perspective, 251-283.
  • Doherty, C., & Kiley, J. (2023, 03 14). A Look Back at How Fear and False Beliefs Bolstered U.S. Public Support for War in Iraq. Access address: politics/2023/03/14/ a-look-back-at-how-fear-and-false-beliefs-bolstered-u-s-public-support-for-war-in-iraq/
  • Duggan, N., & Grabowski, M. (2021). The Influence of COVID-19 on the Power Transition between the United States and China: The Case of Southeast Asia. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32(1), 1-20.
  • Esteves, P., and Staden, C. V. (2020). US and Chinese COVID-19 Health Outreach to Arica and Latin America: A Comparison. South African Institute of International Affairs, 1-20. Access address:
  • Forgacs, D. (2000). The Antonio Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935. New York: New York University Press.
  • Frank, A. G. (1998). ReORIENT: Global Economy in the Asian Age. University of California Press.
  • Frank, A. G., and Gills, B. K. (1993). The World System: Five Hundred Years of Five Thousand?. London: Routledge.
  • Frank, A. G. (1978). Development of Underdevelopment or Underdevelopment of Development in China. Modern China, 4(3), 341-350.
  • Freeman, C., and Louça, F. (2013). Zaman Akıp Giderken: Sanayi Devrimlerinden Bilgi Devrimine. (O. Binatlı, Trans.). İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları.
  • Groningen Growth and Development Centre. (2022, 5 23). Maddison Project Database 2020. Access address:
  • Higgins, T. (2023, September 21). The Inflation Reduction Act: A Year in Review. Access address:
  • Hoare, Q., and Smith, G. N. (1971). Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. New York: International Publishers.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (1995). The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century. Abacus.
  • Hopkins, T. K., and Wallerstein, I. (2016). Cyclical Rhythms and Secular Trends of the Capitalist World Economy Some Premises, Hypotheses and Questions. Review, World Systems Analysis Essays in Methods and Practice, 153-170.
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF). (2023). IMF Datamapper. Access address:
  • Jenkins, B. M. (2022). Plagues and their Aftermath: How Societies Recover from Pandemics. Melville House. Joseph Nye, J. (2020). Perspectives for a China Strategy. PRISM, 120-131.
  • Kissinger, H. A. (2020). The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order. Access address:
  • Mandel, E. (1995). Long Waves of Capitalist Development: A Marxist Interpretation. Verso. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. (OECD). Prices and purchasing power parities. OECD: 20rates%20of,in%20price%20levels%20between%20countries.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2012). Türkiye'nin 200 Yıllık İktisadi Tarihi: Büyüme, Kurumlar ve Bölüşüm. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Roberts, A. (2020). Pandemics and Politics. Survival, 7-40.
  • Sarica Kelle, S. (2023). Amerikan Hegemonyasının İnşası: Günümüz Uluslararası Düzeninin Siyasi ve Ekonomik Temelleri. Ankara:Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Sun, Y., and Yu, B. (2023). Mask Diplomacy? Understanding China’s Goals in Delivering Medical Aid in the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 52(3), 381-412.
  • The World Bank. (2024). Databank - Global Economic Monitor (GEM). Access address:
  • The World Bank Group. (2024). Glossary I DataBank. Access addres:
  • The World Bank Group. (2024). Glossary I DataBank. Access address:,broad%20measures%20of%20economic%20growth
  • The World Bank. (2024, February 21). GDP per capita (constant LCU). Access addres: The World Bank, World Development Indicators,
  • The World Bank. (2024). World Development Indicators database. Access adresse:
  • Thomas, R., and Dimsdale, N. (2017). A Millenium of UK Data. Access address:
  • U.S. Bureau of the Census. (1949). Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • United States Department of State. (n.d.). Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Vol XIII. Access address:
  • Verma, R. (2020). China’s ‘Mask Diplomacy’ To Change The COVID-19 Narrative in Europe. Asia Europe Journal, 205-209. Access address: 10.1007/s10308-020-00576-1
  • Wagner, N. (1995). A Review of PPP-Adjusted Estimation and its Potential Use for the Fund's Operational Purposes. IMF.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2015). Modern Dünya Sistemi I-II-III-IV. (L. Boyacı, Trans.). İstanbul:Yarın Yayınları.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2015). Modern Dünya Sistemi I. (L. Boyacı, Trans.). İstanbul:Yarın Yayınları.
  • Wallerstein, I. (1993). World System versus World-Systems. In A. G. Frank, & B. K. Gills, The World System: Five Hundred Years of Five Thousand? (pp. 292-296). London: Routledge.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2004). World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
  • Wallerstein, I. (1979). The Ottoman Empire and the Capitalist World Economy: Some Questions for Research. Review, 2(3), 389-398.
  • Xing, L., and Bernal-Meza, R. (2021). China-US Rivalry: A New Cold-War or Capitalism's Intra-Core Competition?. Revista Brasileira De Politica Internacional, 64(1), 1-20.
  • Yang, D. L. (2021). COVID-19 and the Estrangement of US-China Relations. Asian Perspective, 45(1), 7-31.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Karşılaştırmalı Ekonomik Sistemler, Büyüme, Kalkınma Ekonomisi - Makro, Konjonktür Dalgalanmaları, Kamu Yönetimi

Seyhan Sarica Kelle 0000-0002-1975-8757

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarica Kelle, S. (2024). The Political Economy of Pandemics’ Influence On Hegemonic Shifts: A Comparison of the Influenza of 1918 and COVID-19. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 8(1), 185-204.

Uluslararası Ekonomi, İşletme ve Politika Dergisi

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
İktisat Bölümü