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A REVIEW ABOUT THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION’S ROLES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION ENLARGEMENT / Avrupa Komisyonunun Avrupa Birliği Genişlemesindeki Rollerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 16, 30.08.2017


One of the
aspects which makes the European Union (EU) sui-generis is its institutional
setting basing on a perfect balance between supranational and intergovernmental
institutions. Thanks to this balance, the EU can serve simultaneously to the
member states’ interests and the ideal of advancing the integration attempt in
Europe. The balance between the EU institutions varies significantly across the
policy fields. The enlargement, commonly considered as the crown in the EU
foreign policy, also incorporates a balance between different EU institutions
that can be redefined in time. Without challenging the general idea about the
dominant position of the intergovernmental institutions and member states in
the enlargement process, this study aims to provide an alternative reading of
the enlargement process by focusing on the role played by the European
Commission in the enlargement process. The study will include two main parts. In
the first part, the general characteristics of the European Commission are
provided with a specific reference to its place in the EU integration. The
second part, which constitutes main focus point of the study, identifies and elaborates
on the roles played by the European Commission in the enlargement process. The
study argues that it is not possible to fully grasp the gist of the EU
enlargement without considering the roles played by the European Commission in
this process. 


  • Avrupa Birliğini Kuran Antlaşma, (2007), Lizbon.
  • Avrupa Birliği Zirvesi, (1997), Başkanlık Bildirisi, Lüksemburg.
  • Bailer, Stefanie ve Gerald Schneider, (2000), “The Power of Legislative Hot Air: Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate in the European Parliament”, Journal of Legislative Studies, Cilt. 6, No. 2, s. 19-44.
  • Bauer, Michael W. ve Stefan Becker, (2015), “Absolute Gains Are Still Gains: Why the European Commission Is a Winner of the Crisis and Unexpectedly So. A Rejoinder to Eugénia da Comceição-Heldt”, Journal of European Integration, Cilt. 38, No. 1, s. 101-106.
  • Bilgin, A. Aslı, “Avrupa Komisyonu”, Belgin Akçay ve İlke Göçmen (der.), Avrupa Birliği: Tarihçe, Teoriler, Kurumlar ve Politikalar, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2012, s. 179-197.
  • Deckarm, Renke, (2016) “Assessing the Effect of the European Elections’ Spitzenkandidaten Procedure on the Constitution of the European Commission”, European Politics and Society, s. 1-19.
  • Deckarm, Renke, (2017), “The Countries They Know Best: How National Principals Influence European Commissioners and their Cabinets”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt. 24, No. 3, s. 447-466.
  • Egeberg, Morten, (2014), “The European Commission: From Agent to Political Institution”, Public Administration, Cilt. 92, No. 1, s. 240-246.
  • Fabbrini, Sergio, (2013), “The Parliamentary Election of the Commission President: Constraints on the Parliamentarization of the European Union”, LUISS School of Government Working Paper, No 9.
  • Grabbe, Heather, (2003), “Europeanization Goes East: Power and Uncertainty in the EU Accession Process”, K. Featherstone ve C.M. Radaelli (der.), The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, s. 303–327.
  • Hillion, Christophe, (2002), “Enlargement of the European Union: A Legal Analysis”, Anthony Arnull ve Daniel Wincott (der.), Legitimacy and Accountability in the European Union, Oxford University Press, s. 401-418.
  • Hillion, Christophe, (2010) “The Creeping Nationalisation of the EU Enlargement Policy”, SIEPS Paper, No 6.
  • Hooghe, Liesbet, (2001), The European Commission and The Integration of Europe, Cambridge University Press.
  • Jakovleski, Velibor, “Changing from Within? The Intra-Organizational Dynamics of EU Enlargement”, Europolity, Cilt. 9, No. 2, 2015, s. 83-110.
  • Kelemen, R. Daniel, (2014), “Wider and Deeper? Enlargement and Integration in the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt. 21, No. 5, s. 647-663.
  • Larsen, Henrik, (2010), “The Challenges of European Enlargement: Implications for the Political System of the EU”, (http://polsci.ku.dk/english/ international_students/present_international_students/taking_exams/past_papers/the_challenges_of_european_enlargement.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 3 Mart 2017).
  • Miles, Lee, (2004), “Theoretical Considerations”, N. Nugent (der.), European Union Enlargement, Palgrave Macmillan, s. 253-265.
  • Nugent, Neill, (2001), The European Commission, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Neill Nugent ve Mark Rhinard, (2016), “Is the European Commission Really in Decline”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt. 54, No. 5, s. 1199-1215.
  • Peterson, John ve Andrea Birdsall, (2007), “The European Commission: Enlargement as Reinvention”, 10th Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Montreal.
  • Pollack, Mark A., (1997), “The Commission as an Agent”, Neill Nugent (der.), At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission, Palgrave Macmillan, s. 109-128.
  • Pollack, Mark A., (2005), “Theorizing the EU Policy-Making”, Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack ve Alasdair R. Young (der.), Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford University Press, 6. Baskı, s. 13-48.
  • Poole, Peter A., (2003), Europe Unites: The EU’s Eastern Enlargement, Praeger.
  • Riddervold, Marianne ve Guri Rosén, (2016), “Trick and Threat: How the Commission and the European Parliament Exert Influence in EU Foreign and Security Policies”, Journal of European Integration, Cilt. 38, No. 6, s. 687-702.
  • Schafer, Günther F., (2000), “Linking Member States and European Administrations-The Roles of Committees and Comitology”, Mads Andenas ve Alexander Türk (der.), Delegated Legislation and the Role of Committees in the EC, Kluwer Law International.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank, (1999), “The Double Puzzle of EU Enlargement: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Decision to Expand to the East”, ECSA Sixth Biannual International Conference.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich, (2005), “Eastern Enlargement: Towards a European EU”, Helen Wallace, William Wallace ve Mark A. Pollack (der.), Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford University Press, 5 Baskı, s. 401-428.
  • Spence, David, (1997), “Staff and Personnel Policy in the Commission”, Geoffrey Edwards ve David Spence (der.), The European Commission, Cartermill Publishing, 2.Baskı, s. 68-102.
  • Voorst, Stijn Van, (2017), “Evaluation Capacity in the European Commission”, Evaluation, Cilt. 23, No. 1, s. 24-41.
  • Welsh, Michael, (1996), Europe United? The European Union and the Retreat from Federalism, Palgrave Macmillan.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 16, 30.08.2017


Avrupa Birliği’ni (AB) kendine özgü kılan
özelliklerinden biri de ulusüstü ve hükümetlerarası kurumlar arasında mükemmel
bir dengeye dayanan kurumsal yapısıdır. Bu denge sayesinde AB eş zamanlı olarak
hem üye devletlerin çıkarlarına hizmet edebilmekte hem de Avrupa’daki bütünleşmeyi
daha ileri noktalara taşınması hedefine katkıda bulunabilmektedir. AB kurumları
arasındaki güç dengesi Birliğin müdahil olduğu politika alanları itibariyle
değişiklik göstermektedir. AB dış politikasının en önemli bileşenlerinden biri olarak
kabul edilen genişleme politikası da AB kurumları arasında zaman içinde yeniden
tanımlanabilen bir dengeye dayanmaktadır. Tüm kararların oybirliği ile alındığı
ve bu yüzden hükümetlerarası boyutu baskın olan genişleme politikası, çalışma
kapsamında ulusüstü AB kurumlarından biri olan Avrupa Komisyonunun genişleme
sürecinde oynadığı rollere odaklanılarak alternatif bir yaklaşımla
incelenmektedir. İki bölümden oluşan çalışmada ilk olarak Avrupa Komisyonunun
genel özellikleri tanımlanarak Birlik içindeki konumu üzerinde durulmaktadır. Çalışmanın
odak noktasını oluşturan ikinci bölümde ise Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından
genişleme politikası kapsamında yerine getirilmekte olan roller üzerinde
durulmaktadır. Çalışmanın temel iddiası AB genişleme politikasının Avrupa Komisyonunun
politika kapsamındaki yerine getirdiği roller dikkate alınmadan tam olarak
anlaşılamayacağı yönündedir.


  • Avrupa Birliğini Kuran Antlaşma, (2007), Lizbon.
  • Avrupa Birliği Zirvesi, (1997), Başkanlık Bildirisi, Lüksemburg.
  • Bailer, Stefanie ve Gerald Schneider, (2000), “The Power of Legislative Hot Air: Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate in the European Parliament”, Journal of Legislative Studies, Cilt. 6, No. 2, s. 19-44.
  • Bauer, Michael W. ve Stefan Becker, (2015), “Absolute Gains Are Still Gains: Why the European Commission Is a Winner of the Crisis and Unexpectedly So. A Rejoinder to Eugénia da Comceição-Heldt”, Journal of European Integration, Cilt. 38, No. 1, s. 101-106.
  • Bilgin, A. Aslı, “Avrupa Komisyonu”, Belgin Akçay ve İlke Göçmen (der.), Avrupa Birliği: Tarihçe, Teoriler, Kurumlar ve Politikalar, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2012, s. 179-197.
  • Deckarm, Renke, (2016) “Assessing the Effect of the European Elections’ Spitzenkandidaten Procedure on the Constitution of the European Commission”, European Politics and Society, s. 1-19.
  • Deckarm, Renke, (2017), “The Countries They Know Best: How National Principals Influence European Commissioners and their Cabinets”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt. 24, No. 3, s. 447-466.
  • Egeberg, Morten, (2014), “The European Commission: From Agent to Political Institution”, Public Administration, Cilt. 92, No. 1, s. 240-246.
  • Fabbrini, Sergio, (2013), “The Parliamentary Election of the Commission President: Constraints on the Parliamentarization of the European Union”, LUISS School of Government Working Paper, No 9.
  • Grabbe, Heather, (2003), “Europeanization Goes East: Power and Uncertainty in the EU Accession Process”, K. Featherstone ve C.M. Radaelli (der.), The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, s. 303–327.
  • Hillion, Christophe, (2002), “Enlargement of the European Union: A Legal Analysis”, Anthony Arnull ve Daniel Wincott (der.), Legitimacy and Accountability in the European Union, Oxford University Press, s. 401-418.
  • Hillion, Christophe, (2010) “The Creeping Nationalisation of the EU Enlargement Policy”, SIEPS Paper, No 6.
  • Hooghe, Liesbet, (2001), The European Commission and The Integration of Europe, Cambridge University Press.
  • Jakovleski, Velibor, “Changing from Within? The Intra-Organizational Dynamics of EU Enlargement”, Europolity, Cilt. 9, No. 2, 2015, s. 83-110.
  • Kelemen, R. Daniel, (2014), “Wider and Deeper? Enlargement and Integration in the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, Cilt. 21, No. 5, s. 647-663.
  • Larsen, Henrik, (2010), “The Challenges of European Enlargement: Implications for the Political System of the EU”, (http://polsci.ku.dk/english/ international_students/present_international_students/taking_exams/past_papers/the_challenges_of_european_enlargement.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 3 Mart 2017).
  • Miles, Lee, (2004), “Theoretical Considerations”, N. Nugent (der.), European Union Enlargement, Palgrave Macmillan, s. 253-265.
  • Nugent, Neill, (2001), The European Commission, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Neill Nugent ve Mark Rhinard, (2016), “Is the European Commission Really in Decline”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt. 54, No. 5, s. 1199-1215.
  • Peterson, John ve Andrea Birdsall, (2007), “The European Commission: Enlargement as Reinvention”, 10th Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Montreal.
  • Pollack, Mark A., (1997), “The Commission as an Agent”, Neill Nugent (der.), At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission, Palgrave Macmillan, s. 109-128.
  • Pollack, Mark A., (2005), “Theorizing the EU Policy-Making”, Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack ve Alasdair R. Young (der.), Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford University Press, 6. Baskı, s. 13-48.
  • Poole, Peter A., (2003), Europe Unites: The EU’s Eastern Enlargement, Praeger.
  • Riddervold, Marianne ve Guri Rosén, (2016), “Trick and Threat: How the Commission and the European Parliament Exert Influence in EU Foreign and Security Policies”, Journal of European Integration, Cilt. 38, No. 6, s. 687-702.
  • Schafer, Günther F., (2000), “Linking Member States and European Administrations-The Roles of Committees and Comitology”, Mads Andenas ve Alexander Türk (der.), Delegated Legislation and the Role of Committees in the EC, Kluwer Law International.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank, (1999), “The Double Puzzle of EU Enlargement: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Decision to Expand to the East”, ECSA Sixth Biannual International Conference.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich, (2005), “Eastern Enlargement: Towards a European EU”, Helen Wallace, William Wallace ve Mark A. Pollack (der.), Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford University Press, 5 Baskı, s. 401-428.
  • Spence, David, (1997), “Staff and Personnel Policy in the Commission”, Geoffrey Edwards ve David Spence (der.), The European Commission, Cartermill Publishing, 2.Baskı, s. 68-102.
  • Voorst, Stijn Van, (2017), “Evaluation Capacity in the European Commission”, Evaluation, Cilt. 23, No. 1, s. 24-41.
  • Welsh, Michael, (1996), Europe United? The European Union and the Retreat from Federalism, Palgrave Macmillan.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Ekonomi

Seven Erdoğan 0000-0001-9991-2074

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, S. (2017). AVRUPA KOMİSYONUNUN AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ GENİŞLEMESİNDEKİ ROLLERİNE İLİŞKİN BİR DEĞERLENDİRME / A Review About The European Commission’s Roles In The European Union Enlargement. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 1(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.29216/ueip.329525

Uluslararası Ekonomi, İşletme ve Politika Dergisi

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
İktisat Bölümü