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Enerji Güvenliği ve Jeopolitik Riskin Türkiye'nin Çevre Kalitesi Üzerindeki Rolü: Yeni Nesil Fourier Terimli Genişletilmiş ARDL Modelinden Kanıtlar

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 262 - 284


Küresel ısınmaya bağlı olarak; yoğun yağışlar, fırtınalar ve aşırı kuraklıklar da dahil olmak üzere birçok çevresel felaketin yaşandığı günümüz dünyası, Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşı ve İsrail’in Filistin’i işgali gibi beklenmedik jeopolitik gelişmelere tanıklık etmektedir. Tüm bu gelişmeler, ülkelerin ekonomik aktivitelerini, enerji stratejilerini ve nihayetinde çevresel kalitelerini etkilemede önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma, jeopolitik risk, enerji güvenliği ve çevre kalitesi arasındaki ilişkileri Türkiye özelinde 1973-2018 dönemi için analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla çalışmada, çevresel kalitenin bir göstergesi olarak yük kapasite faktörü kullanılmakta, enerji güvenliği ve jeopolitik riskin yanı sıra ekonomik büyüme, beşeri sermaye ve doğal kaynak rantının çevresel etkileri de dikkate alınmakta ve Fourier terimli genişletilmiş ARDL yaklaşımı uygulanmaktadır. Ampirik bulgular, jeopolitik risk ile enerji güvenliğinin çevre kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Sonuçlar ayrıca ekonomik büyüme ve doğal kaynak rantının çevre kalitesini düşürdüğünü, beşeri sermayenin ise çevre dostu bir faktör olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


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  • Acaroğlu, H., Kartal, H. M. ve García Márquez, F. P. (2023). Testing The Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Terms of Ecological Footprint and CO2 Emissions Through Energy Diversification for Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(22), 63289-63304.
  • Adebayo, T. S., Pata, U. K. ve Akadiri, S. S. (2024). A Comparison of CO2 Emissions, Load Capacity Factor, And Ecological Footprint for Thailand’s Environmental Sustainability. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(1), 2203-2223.
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  • Aktürk, E., Daştan, M. ve Yalçinkaya, Ö. (2023). Terörizmin Zamanla Değişen Ekonomik Sonuçları: Türkiye Örneği. Sosyoekonomi, 31(55), 459-485.
  • Anser, M. K., Syed, Q. R. ve Apergis, N. (2021b). Does Geopolitical Risk Escalate CO2 Emissions? Evidence from the BRICS Countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(35), 48011-48021.
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  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M. ve Avci, S. B. (2024c). Persistence of Disaggregate Energy RD&D Expenditures in Top-Five Economies: Evidence from Artificial Neural Network Approach. Applied Energy, 365, 123216.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M. ve Rej, S. (2024a). A New Look At China’s Environmental Quality: How Does Environmental Sustainability Respond To The Asymmetrical Behavior Of The Competitive Industrial Sector?. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 31(1), 16-28.
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  • Caglar, A. E., Yavuz, E., Mert, M. ve Kilic, E. (2022). The Ecological Footprint Facing Asymmetric Natural Resources Challenges: Evidence from The USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 10521–10534.
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The Role of Energy Security and Geopolitical Risk on Türkiye's Environmental Quality: Evidence from the New Generation Augmented ARDL Model with Fourier Terms

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 262 - 284


The modern era has witnessed many environmental catastrophes, including heavy rains, storms, and extreme droughts due to global warming, as well as unexpected geopolitical developments such as the Russian-Ukrainian War and Israel's occupation of Palestine. All these developments have a significant potential to affect nations' economic activities, energy strategies, and, ultimately, their environmental quality. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the interactions between energy security, geopolitical risk, and environmental quality in Türkiye from 1973 to 2018. To this end, the study employs the load capacity factor as an indicator of environmental quality, considers the environmental impacts of economic growth, human capital, and natural resource rent in addition to energy security and geopolitical risk, and applies the augmented autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model with Fourier terms. Empirical findings demonstrate that geopolitical risk and energy security negatively affect environmental well-being. The results also reveal that economic growth and natural resource rent reduce environmental quality, while human capital is an environmentally friendly factor.


  • Abbas, J., Wang, L., Belgacem, S. B., Pawar, P. S., Najam, H. ve Abbas, J. (2023). Investment in Renewable Energy and Electricity Output: Role of Green Finance, Environmental Tax, And Geopolitical Risk: Empirical Evidence from China. Energy, 269, 126683.
  • Acaroğlu, H., Kartal, H. M. ve García Márquez, F. P. (2023). Testing The Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Terms of Ecological Footprint and CO2 Emissions Through Energy Diversification for Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(22), 63289-63304.
  • Adebayo, T. S., Pata, U. K. ve Akadiri, S. S. (2024). A Comparison of CO2 Emissions, Load Capacity Factor, And Ecological Footprint for Thailand’s Environmental Sustainability. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(1), 2203-2223.
  • Akbostancı, E., Türüt-Aşık, S. ve Tunç, G. İ. (2009). The Relationship Between Income And Environment In Turkiye: Is There An Environmental Kuznets Curve?. Energy Policy, 37(3), 861-867.
  • Akhayere, E., Kartal, M. T., Adebayo, T. S. ve Kavaz, D. (2023). Role of Energy Consumption and Trade Openness Towards Environmental Sustainability in Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(8), 21156-21168.
  • Aktürk, E., Daştan, M. ve Yalçinkaya, Ö. (2023). Terörizmin Zamanla Değişen Ekonomik Sonuçları: Türkiye Örneği. Sosyoekonomi, 31(55), 459-485.
  • Anser, M. K., Syed, Q. R. ve Apergis, N. (2021b). Does Geopolitical Risk Escalate CO2 Emissions? Evidence from the BRICS Countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(35), 48011-48021.
  • Anser, M. K., Syed, Q. R., Lean, H. H., Alola, A. A. ve Ahmad, M. (2021a). Do Economic Policy Uncertainty and Geopolitical Risk Lead to Environmental Degradation? Evidence from Emerging Economies. Sustainability, 13(11), 5866.
  • Armaroli, N. ve Balzani, V. (2007). The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46(1‐2), 52-66.
  • Austvik, O. G. ve Rzayeva, G. (2017). Turkey in The Geopolitics of Energy. Energy Policy, 107, 539-547.
  • Awosusi, A. A., Kutlay, K., Altuntaş, M., Khodjiev, B., Agyekum, E. B., Shouran, M., Elgbaily, M. ve Kamel, S. (2022). A Roadmap Toward Achieving Sustainable Environment: Evaluating The Impact of Technological Innovation and Globalization On Load Capacity Factor. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3288.
  • Bashir, M. F., Shahbaz, M., Malik, M. N., Ma, B. ve Wang, J. (2023). Energy Transition, Natural Resource Consumption and Environmental Degradation: The Role of Geopolitical Risk in Sustainable Development. Resources Policy, 85, 103985.
  • Borozan, D. (2024). Do Geopolitical and Energy Security Risks Influence Carbon Dioxide Emissions? Empirical Evidence from European Union Countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 439, 140834.
  • Bozoklu, S., Yilanci, V. ve Gorus, M. S. (2020). Persistence in Per Capita Energy Consumption: A Fractional Integration Approach with A Fourier Function. Energy Economics, 91, 104926.
  • Cabalu, H. (2010). Indicators of Security of Natural Gas Supply in Asia. Energy Policy, 38(1), 218-225.
  • Caglar, A. E., Avci, S. B., Daştan, M. ve Destek, M. A. (2023). Investigation of The Effect of Natural Resource Dependence On Environmental Sustainability Under the Novel Load Capacity Curve Hypothesis. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-16.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M. ve Avci, S. B. (2024c). Persistence of Disaggregate Energy RD&D Expenditures in Top-Five Economies: Evidence from Artificial Neural Network Approach. Applied Energy, 365, 123216.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M. ve Rej, S. (2024a). A New Look At China’s Environmental Quality: How Does Environmental Sustainability Respond To The Asymmetrical Behavior Of The Competitive Industrial Sector?. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 31(1), 16-28.
  • Caglar, A. E., Daştan, M., Avci, S. B., Ahmed, Z. ve Gönenç, S. (2024b). Modelling The Influence of Mineral Rents and Low‐Carbon Energy On Environmental Quality: New Insights from A Sustainability Perspective. Natural Resources Forum, 1-21.
  • Caglar, A. E., Yavuz, E., Mert, M. ve Kilic, E. (2022). The Ecological Footprint Facing Asymmetric Natural Resources Challenges: Evidence from The USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 10521–10534.
  • Caldara, D. ve Iacoviello, M. (2022). Measuring Geopolitical Risk. American Economic Review, 112(4), 1194-1225.
  • Caldara, D., Conlisk, S., Iacoviello, M. ve Penn, M. (2022). Do Geopolitical Risks Raise or Lower Inflation. Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
  • Calikoglu, U. ve Koksal, M. A. (2023). A Pathway to Achieve the Net Zero Emissions Target for The Public Electricity and Heat Production Sector: A Case Study for Türkiye. Energy Policy, 179, 113653.
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Toplam 91 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Makro İktisat (Diğer)

Muhammet Daştan 0000-0001-6067-8946

Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Daştan, M. (t.y.). Enerji Güvenliği ve Jeopolitik Riskin Türkiye’nin Çevre Kalitesi Üzerindeki Rolü: Yeni Nesil Fourier Terimli Genişletilmiş ARDL Modelinden Kanıtlar. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 8(2), 262-284.

Uluslararası Ekonomi, İşletme ve Politika Dergisi

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
İktisat Bölümü