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AB-ABD Transatlantik İlişkilerinin Geliştirilmesinde Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun Rolü

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 499 - 517


Bu makale, Avrupa'nın Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) ile olan transatlantik politikasının kapsamını ve gelişimini incelemektedir. Araştırma sorularımız, Avrupa Parlamentosu (AP) tarafından kabul edilen metinlerin sayısı ve içeriği ile AP ve Komitelerinin Avrupa transatlantik politikalarını şekillendirmedeki rolü üzerinedir. Çalışmada hangi komitelerin AP'nin transatlantik kararlarına yön verdiği ve öncülük ettiği incelenmekte olup, Avrupa Birliği (AB) ile ABD'nin son 25 yıldaki ilişkilerinin içeriği ve AB'nin ABD ile işbirliği yaptığı başlıca alanlar ortaya konmaktadır. AP’nin Avrupa dış politikasını yönlendirme ve şekillendirme konusunda yasama yetkisine sahip olması nedeniyle araştırmamız AP üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Çalışmamız AB-ABD ilişkilerini AP’nin onayladığı karar ve hukuki metinler üzerinden değerlendirmekte olup, transatlantik ilişkiler konusundaki akademik literatüre yeni bir perspektif sunmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, AP’nin 1999-2024 yıllarını kapsayan beşer yıllık periyotlar halinde yirmi beş senelik görev dönemi içinde onaylanan karar ve yasal metinler üzerinden ve mevcut AB kanunlarının bütünü taranarak belge ve politika analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, AB-ABD ilişkilerinin zayıfladığını öne süren çalışmalara rağmen, araştırmamızın nicel ve içerik analizine dayanarak, AB’nin ABD ile ilişkilerinin 1999'dan bu yana istikrarlı olduğu ve hatta son on yılda teknik ve hukuki açıdan arttığı sonucuna varılmaktadır.


  • Aggestam, L., Hyde-Price, A. (2019). Double Trouble: Trump, Transatlantic Relations and European Strategic Autonomy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 57,114-127.
  • Archick, K., Ilias Akhtar, S., Belkin, P and Derek, E. (2021). Transatlantic relations: US Interests and Key Issues. Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 3 (2/3), 183-245.
  • Asmus, R.D. (2003) Rebuilding the Atlantic Alliance. Foreign Affairs, 82(5), 20-31.
  • Barnes, J., Cooper, H. (2019). “Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. from NATO, Aides Say amid New Concerns over Russia”. The New York Times. January 14. Access Address:
  • Barnes-Dacey, J, Dennison, S., Dworkin, A., Geranmayeh, E., Leonard, M., Murphy, T.,Varma, T. (2020). A new transatlantic bargain: An action plan for transformation, not restoration. European Council on Foreign Relations ECFRA, Access address:
  • Blockmans, S. (2021), EU-US Relations: Reinventing the Transatlantic Agenda. Intereconomics, 56, 5–7.
  • Brattberg, E., Whineray, D. (2020). “How Europe Views Transatlantic Relations ahead of the 2020 US election”. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: 1-7, Access Address:
  • Brice, D. (2021). A More Balanced US-EU Strategic Equation: Reshaping The Transatlantic Relationship. College of Europe Policy Brief, 1-7.
  • Burghardt, G. (2015). The EU/US Transatlantic Relationship – The Indispensable Partnership, in Herrmann e.a. (eds.), Liber Amicorum in Memoriam Horst G. Krenzler, European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Special Issue, Springer.
  • Crawford, N. (2023). The Energy Transition, Protectionism and Transatlantic Relations. Survival, 65(2), 75–102.
  • Csernatoni, R. (2021). The Technology Challenge in The Transatlantic Relationship. European View, 20(2), 157-165.
  • Emmanuelle Blanc (2024) Crisis in EU-US Relations Under Trump: An Emotional Contemptuous Double Game of Misrecognition, Journal of European Integration, 46:5, 685-705.
  • European Commission, (2020). EU-US: A New Transatlantic Agenda for Global Change. Access Address:
  • European Council, (2024). EU-US summit. 20 October 2023. Access Address:
  • European External Action and Service (2024). A Strategic Compass for Security and Defense. Access Address:,
  • European External Action Service (2024). EU-NATO Cooperation. Access Address:
  • European Parliament (2024a). EU-NATO Cooperation. Access Address:
  • European Parliament (2024b). Legislative Powers. Access Address:
  • Gasparini, A. (2021). Challenges under the Biden Administration in the US-EU Transatlantic Relations. Global Affairs. Access Address:
  • Germanovich, G. et al., (2021). European Strategic Autonomy in Defence: Transatlantic visions and implications for NATO, US and EU relations, RAND Corporation. United States. Retrieved from on 23 Sep 2024. COI: 20.500.12592/chxhfh.
  • Gorm Rye Olsen, G.R. (2022), “America is Back” or “America First” and the Transatlantic Relationship, Politics and Governance, 10(2), 154-164.
  • Hofmann, S.C. (2021), Elastic Relations: Looking to both Sides of the Atlantic in the 2020 US Presidential Election Year, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.59,150-161. DOI:
  • Howorth, J. (2018). Strategic Autonomy and EU-NATO Cooperation: Threat or Opportunity for Transatlantic Defence Relations? Journal of European Integration, 40(5), 523–537.
  • Kanet, R. E. (2008). A new US Approach to Europe? The Transatlantic Relationship After Bush. International Politics, 45, 348-363.
  • Knutsen, B.O., (2022), A Weakening Transatlantic Relationship? Redefining the EU-US Security and Defence Cooperation. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 165-175.
  • Kotzias, N., & Liacouras, P. (Eds.). (2006). EU-US Relations: Repairing The Transatlantic Rift. Springer.
  • Krenzler, H. G., & Wiegand, G. (1999). EU-US Relations: More than Trade Disputes?. Eur. Foreign Aff. Rev., 4, 153.
  • NATO (2024.a). NATO member countries. Access Address:, 11 March 2024
  • NATO (2024.b). Relations with the European Union. Access Address:, 28 August 2024
  • Nielsen, K.L., Dimitrova, A., (2021) Trump, Trust and The Transatlantic Relationship. Policy Studies, 42(5-6), 699-719.
  • Oliver, T., Williams, M.J. (2016). Special Relationships in Flux: Brexit and The Future of The US-EU and US-UK Relationships. International Affairs, 92(3), 547–567.
  • Peterson, J. (2016). All Roads Don’t Lead to Brussels (But Most Do): European Integration and Transatlantic Relations. The West and The Global Power Shift: Transatlantic relations and global Governance, 101-125.
  • Polyakova, A., Haddad, B. (2019). Europe alone: What comes after the Transatlantic Alliance. Foreign Affairs, Access address:
  • Pryce, R., Wessels, W., (1987). The Dynamics of EU. New York: Croom Helm.
  • Riddervold, M., & Newsome, A. (2018). Transatlantic Relations in Times of Uncertainty: Crises and EU-US relations. Journal of European Integration, 40(5), 505–521.
  • Riddervold, M., Newsome, A. (2022), Out with the Old, In with the New? Explaining Changing EU–US Relations. Politics and Governance. 2022, 10(2), 128-133.
  • Roy, S., Cooper, D., & Murphy, B. M. (2014). Transatlantic Relations and Modern Diplomacy. London: Routledge.
  • Scheffer, A., Quencez, M., Weber, G. (2023). Transatlantic Trends 2023, Access Address:, 12 September 2023
  • Schneider-Petsinger, M. (2019). US–EU Trade Relations In The Trump Era: Which Way Forward?, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House, 1-30.
  • Smith, M. (2011). European Responses to US Diplomacy: ‘Special Relationships’, Transatlantic Governance and World Order. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 6(3-4), 299-317.
  • Smith, M., (2019). The EU, the US and The Crisis of Contemporary Multilateralism, Eds Riddervold, M., Newsome, A., In Transatlantic Relations in Times of Uncertainty, Routledge.
  • Tocci, N., Alcaro, R. (2014). Rethinking Transatlantic Relations in A Multipolar Era. Int Polit, 51, 366–389.
  • US Mission to the European Union (2023). The US-EU Partnership. Access Address:
  • Wirtz, B. (2020). Biden Has an Opportunity to Improve Trade with Europe, the Dispatch. Access Address:

The Role of the European Parliament in the Development of the EU-USA Transatlantic Relations

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 499 - 517


This article explores the scope and evolution of the European transatlantic policy with the United States of America (USA). Our research questions are related to the number and content of the texts adopted by the European Parliament (EP) and the role of the EP and its Committees in shaping the European transatlantic policies. We examine which are the committees that lead and guide the EP transatlantic conclusions. Within this context, this research paper highlights the substance of the European Union (EU) and the USA relations over the last 25 years and the major areas in which the EU cooperates with the USA. We have built our research on the European Parliament since it has legislative authority in shaping and guiding EU’s external policy. Therefore, our study brings a new perspective to the current literature on transatlantic relations by assessing the EU-USA relations from the EP conclusions and adopted legal texts. A document and policy analysis are conducted between 1999 and 2024, to assess each of the last five Parliamentary Terms and through the entire current EU laws in force. We conclude that despite studies asserting the weakening of the EU-USA relations, EU’s relations have been consistent since 1999 and even increasing in the last decade, from technical and legal achievement, based on the quantitative and contentive analysis of our research.


  • Aggestam, L., Hyde-Price, A. (2019). Double Trouble: Trump, Transatlantic Relations and European Strategic Autonomy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 57,114-127.
  • Archick, K., Ilias Akhtar, S., Belkin, P and Derek, E. (2021). Transatlantic relations: US Interests and Key Issues. Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 3 (2/3), 183-245.
  • Asmus, R.D. (2003) Rebuilding the Atlantic Alliance. Foreign Affairs, 82(5), 20-31.
  • Barnes, J., Cooper, H. (2019). “Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. from NATO, Aides Say amid New Concerns over Russia”. The New York Times. January 14. Access Address:
  • Barnes-Dacey, J, Dennison, S., Dworkin, A., Geranmayeh, E., Leonard, M., Murphy, T.,Varma, T. (2020). A new transatlantic bargain: An action plan for transformation, not restoration. European Council on Foreign Relations ECFRA, Access address:
  • Blockmans, S. (2021), EU-US Relations: Reinventing the Transatlantic Agenda. Intereconomics, 56, 5–7.
  • Brattberg, E., Whineray, D. (2020). “How Europe Views Transatlantic Relations ahead of the 2020 US election”. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: 1-7, Access Address:
  • Brice, D. (2021). A More Balanced US-EU Strategic Equation: Reshaping The Transatlantic Relationship. College of Europe Policy Brief, 1-7.
  • Burghardt, G. (2015). The EU/US Transatlantic Relationship – The Indispensable Partnership, in Herrmann e.a. (eds.), Liber Amicorum in Memoriam Horst G. Krenzler, European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Special Issue, Springer.
  • Crawford, N. (2023). The Energy Transition, Protectionism and Transatlantic Relations. Survival, 65(2), 75–102.
  • Csernatoni, R. (2021). The Technology Challenge in The Transatlantic Relationship. European View, 20(2), 157-165.
  • Emmanuelle Blanc (2024) Crisis in EU-US Relations Under Trump: An Emotional Contemptuous Double Game of Misrecognition, Journal of European Integration, 46:5, 685-705.
  • European Commission, (2020). EU-US: A New Transatlantic Agenda for Global Change. Access Address:
  • European Council, (2024). EU-US summit. 20 October 2023. Access Address:
  • European External Action and Service (2024). A Strategic Compass for Security and Defense. Access Address:,
  • European External Action Service (2024). EU-NATO Cooperation. Access Address:
  • European Parliament (2024a). EU-NATO Cooperation. Access Address:
  • European Parliament (2024b). Legislative Powers. Access Address:
  • Gasparini, A. (2021). Challenges under the Biden Administration in the US-EU Transatlantic Relations. Global Affairs. Access Address:
  • Germanovich, G. et al., (2021). European Strategic Autonomy in Defence: Transatlantic visions and implications for NATO, US and EU relations, RAND Corporation. United States. Retrieved from on 23 Sep 2024. COI: 20.500.12592/chxhfh.
  • Gorm Rye Olsen, G.R. (2022), “America is Back” or “America First” and the Transatlantic Relationship, Politics and Governance, 10(2), 154-164.
  • Hofmann, S.C. (2021), Elastic Relations: Looking to both Sides of the Atlantic in the 2020 US Presidential Election Year, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.59,150-161. DOI:
  • Howorth, J. (2018). Strategic Autonomy and EU-NATO Cooperation: Threat or Opportunity for Transatlantic Defence Relations? Journal of European Integration, 40(5), 523–537.
  • Kanet, R. E. (2008). A new US Approach to Europe? The Transatlantic Relationship After Bush. International Politics, 45, 348-363.
  • Knutsen, B.O., (2022), A Weakening Transatlantic Relationship? Redefining the EU-US Security and Defence Cooperation. Politics and Governance, 10(2), 165-175.
  • Kotzias, N., & Liacouras, P. (Eds.). (2006). EU-US Relations: Repairing The Transatlantic Rift. Springer.
  • Krenzler, H. G., & Wiegand, G. (1999). EU-US Relations: More than Trade Disputes?. Eur. Foreign Aff. Rev., 4, 153.
  • NATO (2024.a). NATO member countries. Access Address:, 11 March 2024
  • NATO (2024.b). Relations with the European Union. Access Address:, 28 August 2024
  • Nielsen, K.L., Dimitrova, A., (2021) Trump, Trust and The Transatlantic Relationship. Policy Studies, 42(5-6), 699-719.
  • Oliver, T., Williams, M.J. (2016). Special Relationships in Flux: Brexit and The Future of The US-EU and US-UK Relationships. International Affairs, 92(3), 547–567.
  • Peterson, J. (2016). All Roads Don’t Lead to Brussels (But Most Do): European Integration and Transatlantic Relations. The West and The Global Power Shift: Transatlantic relations and global Governance, 101-125.
  • Polyakova, A., Haddad, B. (2019). Europe alone: What comes after the Transatlantic Alliance. Foreign Affairs, Access address:
  • Pryce, R., Wessels, W., (1987). The Dynamics of EU. New York: Croom Helm.
  • Riddervold, M., & Newsome, A. (2018). Transatlantic Relations in Times of Uncertainty: Crises and EU-US relations. Journal of European Integration, 40(5), 505–521.
  • Riddervold, M., Newsome, A. (2022), Out with the Old, In with the New? Explaining Changing EU–US Relations. Politics and Governance. 2022, 10(2), 128-133.
  • Roy, S., Cooper, D., & Murphy, B. M. (2014). Transatlantic Relations and Modern Diplomacy. London: Routledge.
  • Scheffer, A., Quencez, M., Weber, G. (2023). Transatlantic Trends 2023, Access Address:, 12 September 2023
  • Schneider-Petsinger, M. (2019). US–EU Trade Relations In The Trump Era: Which Way Forward?, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House, 1-30.
  • Smith, M. (2011). European Responses to US Diplomacy: ‘Special Relationships’, Transatlantic Governance and World Order. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 6(3-4), 299-317.
  • Smith, M., (2019). The EU, the US and The Crisis of Contemporary Multilateralism, Eds Riddervold, M., Newsome, A., In Transatlantic Relations in Times of Uncertainty, Routledge.
  • Tocci, N., Alcaro, R. (2014). Rethinking Transatlantic Relations in A Multipolar Era. Int Polit, 51, 366–389.
  • US Mission to the European Union (2023). The US-EU Partnership. Access Address:
  • Wirtz, B. (2020). Biden Has an Opportunity to Improve Trade with Europe, the Dispatch. Access Address:
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Politika ve Yönetim (Diğer), Sosyoloji (Diğer)

Dilara Sülün 0000-0001-8874-5194

Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Sülün, D. (t.y.). The Role of the European Parliament in the Development of the EU-USA Transatlantic Relations. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 8(2), 499-517.

Uluslararası Ekonomi, İşletme ve Politika Dergisi

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
İktisat Bölümü