Budizm ve Uluslararası İlişkilerde İlişkisellik Sorunu
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 70, 29 - 44, 13.08.2021
Kosuke Shımızu
İlişkisellik, son on senede uluslararası ilişkilerde daha geniş bir okuyucu kitlesi çekmiş görünmektedir.
Uluslararası düzeni analiz veya stabilize etmeye daha fazla odaklanan diğer ilişkisel dönüş yaklaşımlarının aksine,
Budist uluslararası ilişkiler teorisi, esas olarak insanların kurtuluşu ve iyileştirilmesinin politik pratiğiyle ilgilidir.
Bu makalede vaka çalışmaları kullanarak Mahāyāna Budist öğretilerinin uluslararası ilişkiler alanına nasıl katkıda
bulunabileceğini göstereceğim. İncelenecek vakalar Okinawa üs sorunu, Danimarka’nın “karanlıktaki ışığı” ve
Güney Kore-Japonya diplomatik ilişkilerinden oluşmaktadır.
- Abrahamsen, Samuel (1987). “Introduction and Historical Background”, Leo Goldberger (ed.), The Rescue of the Danish
Jews: Moral Courage Under Stress. New York, New York University Press, p. 3-12.
- Acharya, Amitav and Barry Buzan (2017). “Why Is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory? Ten Years On”,
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 17, No. 3, p. 341-370.
- Arendt, Hannah (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York, Penguin.
- Behera, Navnita (2007). “Re-imagining IR in India”, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 341-368.
- Brudholm, Thomas (2007). “A Light in the Darkness? Philosophical Reflections on HistoriansAssessments of the Rescue
of the Jews in Denmark”, Robin May Schott and Kirsten Klercke (eds.), Philosophy on the Border. p. 195-226.
Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Chan, Stephen et al. (eds.) (2001). The Zen of International Relations - IR Theory from East to West, Basingstoke, Palgrave/
- “S.Korea Speaker Apologizes over Japan Emperor, Yonhap Says” (2019). China Daily, 14 June https://www.chinadailyhk.
com/articles/112/192/115/1560493218295.html (Accessed 12 December 2020).
- “Facing History and Ourselves, Denmark: A Nation Takes Action”, Facinghistory.org, https://www.facinghistory.org/
holocaust-and-human-behavior/chapter-9/denmark-nation-takes-action (Accessed 1 May 2019).
- Giorgio, Shani (2008). “Toward a Post-Western IR: The ‘Umma`, ‘Khalsa Panth`, and Critical International Relations
Theory”, International Studies Review, Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 722-734.
- Goedhals, Antony (2020). The Neo-Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn: Light from the East. Leiden, Brill.
- Hayashi, Hiroshi (2015). Nihongun “Ianfu” Mondai no Kakushin [The Essence of Japanese Military “Comfort Women”
Issue], Tokyo, Kadensha.
- Huang, Xiaoming (2001). “The Zen Master’s Story and an Anatomy of International Relations Theory”, Stephen Chan et al.
(eds.), Zen of International Relations: IR Theory from East to West. Basingstoke, Palgrave, p. 222-243
- Ikenberry, G. John and Michael Mastanduno (2003). International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific. New York, Columbia
University Press.
- Imamura, Hitoshi (1982). Boryoku no ontorogi [Ontology of Violence]. Tokyo, Keisoshobo.
- Izutsu, Toshihiko (1991). Ishiki to Honshitsu: Seishinteki Toyo wo motomete [Consciousness and Essence: In Search of Eastern
Spirituality]. Tokyo, Iwanami.
- Jackson, Patrick T. and Daniel H. Nexon (1999). “Relations Before States: Substance, Process and the Study of World
Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 291-332.
- “Japan-South Korea Deal on ‘Comfort Women’ Draws Mixed Reaction” (2015). Japan Times, 25 December, https://www.
japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/12/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japan-south-korea-deal-comfort-womendraws-mixed-reaction/ (Accessed 26 March 262021).
- “Lack of Consultation with Victims Means ‘Comfort Women’ Deal Should not be Final: Support Group” (2015). Japan
Times, 31 December. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/12/31/national/politics-diplomacy/group-saysas-victims-were-not-consulted-comfort-women-deal-not-final/ (Accessed 26 March 2021).
- Jikisai, Minami (2018). Choetsu to Jitsuzon: Mujo wo meguru bukkyoshi [Transcendence and Existence: A History of
Buddhism on Impermanency]. Tokyo, Shincho.
- Levinas, Immanuel (1969). Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteritority. Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
- Ling, L. H. M. (2019). “Kōanizing IR: Flipping the Logic of Epistemic Violence”, Kosuke Shimizu (ed.), Critical International
Relations in East Asia: Relationality, Subjectivity, and Pragmatism. London, Routledge, p. 64-85.
- Ling, L.H.M. (2002). Postcolonial International Relations: Conquest and Desire between Asia and the West. Basingstoke,
- Miki, Kiyoshi (1968). “Shinran”, Miki Kiyoshi Zenshu [Collected Works of Miki Kiyoshi], Vol. 18, Tokyo, Iwanami,
p. 423-525.
- Nordin, Astrid, H. M. et al. (2019). “Towards Global Relational Theorizing: A Dialogue Between Sinophone and
Anglophone Scholarship on Relationalism”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 32, No. 5, p. 570-581.
- “Iwate Gikai ‘Shinkichi Hantai’ [Iwate Prefectural Diet Against the New Base]” (2019). Ryukyu Shimpo, 27 March.
- “Okinawa no Mini Soncho wo: Muko Shigikai ga Seifuni Ikensho [Respect Okinawa’s Referendum: Muko City Diet Sent a
Resolution to the Central Government]”(2019). Okinawa Times, 9 December.
- “Tenoheika ni ‘kokan’ 87%, Okinawa Kenmin, 30 nen de ohabani Kawatta Ishiki [87% Okinawans have favorable
impression, change in perceptions in 30 years]” (2019). Okinawa Times, 30 April https://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/
articles/-/415062 (Accessed 12 December 2020).
- Qin, Yaqing (2018). A Relational Theory of World Politics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- “Futenma Hikojo no Daitai Shisetsu Kohochi Zenkoku de Giron wo [Promote a Discussion on the Possible Replacement for
Futenma Airport]” (2019). Ryukyu Shimpo, 16 March.
- Saito, Toshihiko (1975). Akihito Tenno to Heiwa Shugi [The Emperor Akihito and Pacifism]. Tokyo, Asahishimbun Publishers.
- Sakai, Keiko (2018). “‘Gurobaru Kankeigaku’ Shiron: ‘Gurobaru na Kiki’ Bunseki no Tameno ‘Kankeigaku’ wo Mosaku
suru [In Search of Relational Studies on Global Crisis]”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
- “Relational Studies on Global Crisis” Online Paper Series, No 1, http://www.shd.chiba-u.jp/glblcrss/online_
- “Chiho Gikaide Henoko Hantai no Koe [Voices against the Henoko Base in Local Diets]” (2015). Sankei Shimbun, 27
October https://www.sankei.com/premium/news/151024/prm1510240011-n1.html (Accessed 1 May 2019).
- Shimizu, Kosuke (2009). “Human Security, Governmentality, and Sovereignty: A Critical Examination of Contemporary
Discourses on Universalizing Humanity”, Francois Debrix and Mark J. Lacy (eds.), The Geopolitics of American
Insecurity: Terror, Power and Foreign Policy. London, Routledge, p. 143-160.
- Shimizu, Kosuke (2018). “The Genealogy of Culturalist International Relations in Japan and Its Implications for PostWestern Discourse”, All Azimuth: a Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 121-136.
- Shimizu, Kosuke and Sei Noro (2020). “An East Asian Approach to Temporality, Subjectivity, and Ethics: Bringing
Mahāyāna Buddhist Ontological Ethics of Nikon into International Relations”, Cambridge Review of International
Affairs. (forthcoming)
- Smith, Steve (1996). “Positivism and Beyond”, Steve Smith et al. (eds.), International Theory: Positivism and Beyond.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 11-44.
- Sueki, Fumihiko (2014). Nihon, Bukkyo Nyumon [An Introduction to Japanese Buddhism]. Tokyo, Kadokawa.
- Tingyang, Zhao (2012). “All-Under-Heaven and Methodological Relationalism”, Fred Dallmayr and Zhao Tingyang (eds.),
Contemporary Chinese Political Thought: Debates and Perspectives. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, p. 46-66.
- Trownsell, Tamara A. et al. (2019). “Recrafting International Relations Through Relationality”, https://www.e-ir.
info/2019/01/08/recrafting-international-relations-through-relationality/ (Accessed 12 December 2020).
- Trownsell, Tamara A. et al. (2021). “Differing About Difference: Relational IR from Around the World”, International Studies
Perspectives, Vol. 22, No. 1, p. 25-64.
- Wendt, Alexander (1999). Social Theory of International Relations. Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity Press.
- Yabe, Koji (2016). Senso wo Shinai Kuni: Akihito Tenno Messeji [Nation with No War: Messages of the Emperor Akihito].
Tokyo, Shogakkan.
- Yan, Xuetong (2011). Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Buddhism and the Question of Relationality in International Relations
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 70, 29 - 44, 13.08.2021
Kosuke Shımızu
Relationality seems to have attracted a broader audience in international relations (IR) in the last decade. Unlike
other approaches of the relational turn that concentrate more on analyzing or stabilizing the international order,
the Buddhist theory of IR is mainly concerned with the political practice of the liberation and healing of people.
In this article, I will illustrate how Mahāyāna Buddhist teachings can contribute to IR by using case studies. The
cases to investigate include the Okinawa base issue, Denmark’s ‘light in the darkness’, and South Korea-Japan
diplomatic relations.
- Abrahamsen, Samuel (1987). “Introduction and Historical Background”, Leo Goldberger (ed.), The Rescue of the Danish
Jews: Moral Courage Under Stress. New York, New York University Press, p. 3-12.
- Acharya, Amitav and Barry Buzan (2017). “Why Is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory? Ten Years On”,
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 17, No. 3, p. 341-370.
- Arendt, Hannah (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York, Penguin.
- Behera, Navnita (2007). “Re-imagining IR in India”, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 341-368.
- Brudholm, Thomas (2007). “A Light in the Darkness? Philosophical Reflections on HistoriansAssessments of the Rescue
of the Jews in Denmark”, Robin May Schott and Kirsten Klercke (eds.), Philosophy on the Border. p. 195-226.
Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Chan, Stephen et al. (eds.) (2001). The Zen of International Relations - IR Theory from East to West, Basingstoke, Palgrave/
- “S.Korea Speaker Apologizes over Japan Emperor, Yonhap Says” (2019). China Daily, 14 June https://www.chinadailyhk.
com/articles/112/192/115/1560493218295.html (Accessed 12 December 2020).
- “Facing History and Ourselves, Denmark: A Nation Takes Action”, Facinghistory.org, https://www.facinghistory.org/
holocaust-and-human-behavior/chapter-9/denmark-nation-takes-action (Accessed 1 May 2019).
- Giorgio, Shani (2008). “Toward a Post-Western IR: The ‘Umma`, ‘Khalsa Panth`, and Critical International Relations
Theory”, International Studies Review, Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 722-734.
- Goedhals, Antony (2020). The Neo-Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn: Light from the East. Leiden, Brill.
- Hayashi, Hiroshi (2015). Nihongun “Ianfu” Mondai no Kakushin [The Essence of Japanese Military “Comfort Women”
Issue], Tokyo, Kadensha.
- Huang, Xiaoming (2001). “The Zen Master’s Story and an Anatomy of International Relations Theory”, Stephen Chan et al.
(eds.), Zen of International Relations: IR Theory from East to West. Basingstoke, Palgrave, p. 222-243
- Ikenberry, G. John and Michael Mastanduno (2003). International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific. New York, Columbia
University Press.
- Imamura, Hitoshi (1982). Boryoku no ontorogi [Ontology of Violence]. Tokyo, Keisoshobo.
- Izutsu, Toshihiko (1991). Ishiki to Honshitsu: Seishinteki Toyo wo motomete [Consciousness and Essence: In Search of Eastern
Spirituality]. Tokyo, Iwanami.
- Jackson, Patrick T. and Daniel H. Nexon (1999). “Relations Before States: Substance, Process and the Study of World
Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 291-332.
- “Japan-South Korea Deal on ‘Comfort Women’ Draws Mixed Reaction” (2015). Japan Times, 25 December, https://www.
japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/12/29/national/politics-diplomacy/japan-south-korea-deal-comfort-womendraws-mixed-reaction/ (Accessed 26 March 262021).
- “Lack of Consultation with Victims Means ‘Comfort Women’ Deal Should not be Final: Support Group” (2015). Japan
Times, 31 December. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/12/31/national/politics-diplomacy/group-saysas-victims-were-not-consulted-comfort-women-deal-not-final/ (Accessed 26 March 2021).
- Jikisai, Minami (2018). Choetsu to Jitsuzon: Mujo wo meguru bukkyoshi [Transcendence and Existence: A History of
Buddhism on Impermanency]. Tokyo, Shincho.
- Levinas, Immanuel (1969). Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteritority. Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
- Ling, L. H. M. (2019). “Kōanizing IR: Flipping the Logic of Epistemic Violence”, Kosuke Shimizu (ed.), Critical International
Relations in East Asia: Relationality, Subjectivity, and Pragmatism. London, Routledge, p. 64-85.
- Ling, L.H.M. (2002). Postcolonial International Relations: Conquest and Desire between Asia and the West. Basingstoke,
- Miki, Kiyoshi (1968). “Shinran”, Miki Kiyoshi Zenshu [Collected Works of Miki Kiyoshi], Vol. 18, Tokyo, Iwanami,
p. 423-525.
- Nordin, Astrid, H. M. et al. (2019). “Towards Global Relational Theorizing: A Dialogue Between Sinophone and
Anglophone Scholarship on Relationalism”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 32, No. 5, p. 570-581.
- “Iwate Gikai ‘Shinkichi Hantai’ [Iwate Prefectural Diet Against the New Base]” (2019). Ryukyu Shimpo, 27 March.
- “Okinawa no Mini Soncho wo: Muko Shigikai ga Seifuni Ikensho [Respect Okinawa’s Referendum: Muko City Diet Sent a
Resolution to the Central Government]”(2019). Okinawa Times, 9 December.
- “Tenoheika ni ‘kokan’ 87%, Okinawa Kenmin, 30 nen de ohabani Kawatta Ishiki [87% Okinawans have favorable
impression, change in perceptions in 30 years]” (2019). Okinawa Times, 30 April https://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/
articles/-/415062 (Accessed 12 December 2020).
- Qin, Yaqing (2018). A Relational Theory of World Politics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- “Futenma Hikojo no Daitai Shisetsu Kohochi Zenkoku de Giron wo [Promote a Discussion on the Possible Replacement for
Futenma Airport]” (2019). Ryukyu Shimpo, 16 March.
- Saito, Toshihiko (1975). Akihito Tenno to Heiwa Shugi [The Emperor Akihito and Pacifism]. Tokyo, Asahishimbun Publishers.
- Sakai, Keiko (2018). “‘Gurobaru Kankeigaku’ Shiron: ‘Gurobaru na Kiki’ Bunseki no Tameno ‘Kankeigaku’ wo Mosaku
suru [In Search of Relational Studies on Global Crisis]”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
- “Relational Studies on Global Crisis” Online Paper Series, No 1, http://www.shd.chiba-u.jp/glblcrss/online_
- “Chiho Gikaide Henoko Hantai no Koe [Voices against the Henoko Base in Local Diets]” (2015). Sankei Shimbun, 27
October https://www.sankei.com/premium/news/151024/prm1510240011-n1.html (Accessed 1 May 2019).
- Shimizu, Kosuke (2009). “Human Security, Governmentality, and Sovereignty: A Critical Examination of Contemporary
Discourses on Universalizing Humanity”, Francois Debrix and Mark J. Lacy (eds.), The Geopolitics of American
Insecurity: Terror, Power and Foreign Policy. London, Routledge, p. 143-160.
- Shimizu, Kosuke (2018). “The Genealogy of Culturalist International Relations in Japan and Its Implications for PostWestern Discourse”, All Azimuth: a Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 121-136.
- Shimizu, Kosuke and Sei Noro (2020). “An East Asian Approach to Temporality, Subjectivity, and Ethics: Bringing
Mahāyāna Buddhist Ontological Ethics of Nikon into International Relations”, Cambridge Review of International
Affairs. (forthcoming)
- Smith, Steve (1996). “Positivism and Beyond”, Steve Smith et al. (eds.), International Theory: Positivism and Beyond.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 11-44.
- Sueki, Fumihiko (2014). Nihon, Bukkyo Nyumon [An Introduction to Japanese Buddhism]. Tokyo, Kadokawa.
- Tingyang, Zhao (2012). “All-Under-Heaven and Methodological Relationalism”, Fred Dallmayr and Zhao Tingyang (eds.),
Contemporary Chinese Political Thought: Debates and Perspectives. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, p. 46-66.
- Trownsell, Tamara A. et al. (2019). “Recrafting International Relations Through Relationality”, https://www.e-ir.
info/2019/01/08/recrafting-international-relations-through-relationality/ (Accessed 12 December 2020).
- Trownsell, Tamara A. et al. (2021). “Differing About Difference: Relational IR from Around the World”, International Studies
Perspectives, Vol. 22, No. 1, p. 25-64.
- Wendt, Alexander (1999). Social Theory of International Relations. Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity Press.
- Yabe, Koji (2016). Senso wo Shinai Kuni: Akihito Tenno Messeji [Nation with No War: Messages of the Emperor Akihito].
Tokyo, Shogakkan.
- Yan, Xuetong (2011). Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power. Princeton, Princeton University Press.