Role Strain in Foreign Policy: Analyzing the Carter Doctrine
Yıl 2024,
Erken Görünüm, 1 - 17
Suleyman O. Altiparmak
Cameron G. Thies
This study employs role theory to examine the complexities of foreign policy decision-making, focusing on the Carter Doctrine as a case study in United States (US) hegemony and great power dynamics. By analyzing the historical precedents, geopolitical shifts, and domestic political pressures, the concept of role strain, the conditions that led to it and its implications for US foreign policy are investigated. We uncover the tensions between promoting liberal internationalism and prioritizing domestic concerns within the context of the Carter Doctrine. Our findings underscore the nuanced interplay between hegemonic aspirations and pragmatic political imperatives, shedding light on the challenges of balancing competing role expectations in foreign policy decision-making. In essence, this interplay brings together conflict, overload, ambiguity and lack of influence, rendering the existing inter-status conflict unmanageable.
Proje Numarası
- Akbaba, Yasemin, and Özgür Özdamar. 2019. Role Theory in the Middle East and North Africa: Politics, Economics and Identity. New York, Routledge.
- Barnett, Michael. 1993. Institutions, Roles, and Disorder: The Case of the Arab States System. International Studies Quarterly 37, 3: 271-296.
- Beaubouef, Bruce A. 2007. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve: US Energy Security and Oil Politics, 1975–2005. College Station, TX, Texas, A&M University Press.
- Below, Amy. 2015. Environmental Politics and Foreign Policy Decision Making in Latin America: Ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. New York, Routledge.
- Breuning, Marijke. 2011. Role Theory Research in International Relations: State of the Art and Blind Spots. In Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses, eds. Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank and Hanns W. Maull. Oxon, Routledge: 16-35.
- Breuning, Marijke, and Anna Pechenina. 2020. Role Dissonance in Foreign Policy: Russia, Power, and Intercountry Adoption. Foreign Policy Analysis 16: 21-40.
- Busch, Aslak Veierud. 2023. Role Spillover: Roles’ Impacts across Contexts and the EU’s Struggle for Arctic Council Observer Status. Foreign Policy Analysis.
- Cantir, Cristian, and Juliet Kaarbo. 2012. Contested Roles and Domestic Politics: Reflections on Role Theory in Foreign Policy Analysis and IR Theory. Foreign Policy Analysis 8: 5-24.
- Carter, Jimmy. 1980. Jimmy Carter State of the Union Address 1980. (accessed February 5, 2024).
- Cox, Robert W. 1981. Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 10, 2: 126-155.
- Cox, Robert W. 1983. Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 12, 2: 162-175.
- Cronin, Bruce. 2001. The Paradox of Hegemony: America‘s Ambiguous Relationship with the United Nations. European Journal of International Relations 7, 1: 103-130.
da Vinha, Luis. 2017. Geographic Mental Maps and Foreign Policy Change: Re-Mapping the Carter Doctrine. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg .
- DiCicco, Jonathan M., and Tudor A. Onea. 2023. Great-Power Competition. (accessed August 6, 2024).
- Doran, Charles F. 1971. The Politics of Assimilation: Hegemony and Its Aftermath. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- EIA. 2024. Petroleum & Other Liquids. (accessed February 5, 2024).
- Elgström, Ole, and Michael Smith. 2006. Introduction. In The European Union’s Roles in International Politics, eds. Ole Elgström and Michael Smith. Abingdon, Routledge: 1-10.
- Evan, William M. 1962. Role Strain and the Norm of Reciprocity in Research Organizations. American Journal of Sociology 68, 3: 346-354.
- Gilpin, Robert. 1981. War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Goldstein, Joshua S. 1988. Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age. New Haven, Conn, Yale University Press.
- Goode, William J. 1960. A Theory of Role Strain. American Sociological Review 25, 4: 483-496.
- Herbstreuth, Sebastian. 2016. Oil and American Identity: A Culture of Dependency and US Foreign Policy. New York, I.B.Tauris.
- Holsti, K. J. 1970. National Role Conceptions in the Study of Foreign Policy. International Studies Quarterly 14, 3: 233-309.
- Ikenberry, G. John. 1990. Liberal Hegemony and the Future of the American Postwar Order. In International Order and the Future of Word Politics, eds. T. V. Paul and John Hall. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 123-145.
- Ikenberry, G. John, and Charles A. Kupchan. 1990. Socialization and Hegemonic Power. International Organization 44: 283-315.
- Kaarbo, Juliet, and Cristian Cantir. 2013. Role Conflict in Recent Wars: Danish and Dutch Debates Over Iraq and Afghanistan. Cooperation and Conflict 48, 4: 465–483.
- Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. 1979. Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk. Econometrica 47: 263–291.
- Keohane, Robert. 1988. International Institutions: Two Approaches. International Studies Quarterly 32, 4: 379-396.
- Keohane, Robert O. 1984. After Hegemony. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
- Layne, Christopher. 2009. The Waning of U.S. Hegemony—Myth or Reality?. International Security 34, 1: 147-172.
- Luft, Gal, and Anne Korin. 2013. The Myth of US Energy Dependence. (accessed February 5, 2024).
- Marks, Stephen R. 1977. Multiple Roles and Role Strain: Some Notes on Human Energy, Time and Commitment. American Sociological Review 42, 6: 921-936.
- Maull, Hanns W. 2011. Hegemony Reconstructed? America’s Role Conception and its “Leadership” within its Core Alliances. In Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses, eds.
- Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank and Hanns W. Maull. Oxon, Routledge: 167-193.
- McCourt, David. 2011. Role-Playing and Identity Affirmation in International Politics: Britain’s Reinvasion of the Falklands. Review of International Studies 37, 4: 1599–1621.
- McDermott, Rose. 2004. Prospect Theory in Political Science: Gains and Losses from the First Decade. Political Psychology 25, 2: 289–312.
- Mead, George Herbert. 1934. Mind, Self, and Society: From the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- Nabers, Dirk. 2011. Identity and Role Change in International Politics. In Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses, eds. Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank and Hanns W. Maull. Oxon, Routledge: 74-92.
- Nye, Joseph S. Jr. 1990. The Changing Nature of World Power. Political Science Quarterly 105, 2: 177-192.
- Osgood, Robert E. 1981. Carter Policy in Perspective. SAIS Review 1, 1: 11-22.
- Özdamar, Özgür. 2016. Domestic Sources of Changing Turkish Foreign Policy toward the MENA During the 2010s. In Domestic Role Contestation, Foreign Policy, and International Relations, eds. Cristian Cantir and Juliet Kaarbo. New York, Routledge: 89-104.
- Özdamar, Özgür, B. Toygar Halistoprak and İ. Erkam Sula. 2014. From Good Neighbor to Model: Turkey’s Changing Roles in the Middle East in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring. Uluslararası İlişkiler 11, 42: 93-113.
- Page, Benjamin I., and Jason Barabas. 2000. Foreign Policy Gaps Between Citizens and Leaders. International Studies Quarterly 44, 3: 339-364.
- Palmerton, Patricia R. 1988. The Rhetoric of Terrorism and Media Response to the ‘Crisis in Iran'. Western Journal of Speech Communication 52, 2: 105-121.
- Rosati, Jerel. 1994. Cycles in Foreign Policy Restructuring: The Politics of Continuity and Change in US Foreign Policy. In How Governments Respond to Global Change, eds. Jerel Rosati, Joe D. Hagan and Martin W. Sampson III. Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina Press: 221-261.
- Sarbin, Theodore R., and Vernon L. Allen. 1968. Role Theory. In Handbook of Social Psychology, eds. Gardner Lindzey and Elliot Aronson. Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: 488-567.
- Skidmore, David George. 1989. The Carter Administration and Hegemonic Decline: Constraints on Policy Adjustment. PhD Dissertation, Stanford University.
- Snoek, J. Diedrick. 1966. Role Strain in Diversified Role Sets. American Journal of Sociology 71, 4: 363- 372.
- Tewes, Henning. 1998. Between Deepening and Widening: Role Conflict in Germany's Enlargement Policy. West European Politics 21, 2: 117-133.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2004. Are Two Theories Better than One? A Constructivist Model of the Neorealist–Neoliberal Debate. International Political Science Review 25, 2: 159–183.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2012. International Socialization Processes vs. Israeli National Role Conceptions: Can Role Theory Integrate IR Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis? Foreign Policy Analysis 8: 25-46.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2017. Role Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis in Latin America. Foreign Policy Analysis 13: 662-681.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2013a. The Roles of Bipolarity: A Role Theoretic Understanding of the Effects of Ideas and Material Factors on the Cold War. International Studies Perspectives 14, 3: 269-288.
- Thies, Cameron. 2013b. The United States, Israel, and the Search for International Order. New York, Routledge.
- Thies, Cameron G., and Leslie E. Wehner. 2019. The Role of Role Theory in International Political Economy. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32, 6: 712-733.
- Thies, Cameron. 2010. Role Theory and Foreign Policy. In The International Studies Encyclopedia, ed. Robert Denemark., Blackwell Reference Online.
- Walker, Stephen G. 1979. National Role Conceptions and Systematic Outcomes. In Psychological Models in International Politics, ed. Lawrence Falkowski. Boulder, CO, Westview Press.
- Walker, Stephen G. 2011. The Integration of Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations. In Rethinking Foreign Policy Analysis: States, Leaders, and the Microfoundations of Behavioral International Relations, eds. Stephen G. Walker, Akan Malici and Mark Schafer. New York, NY, Routledge: 267-282.
- Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1984. The Politics of the World Economy. New York, Cambridge University Press.
- Wehner, Leslie E. 2015. Role Expectations as Foreign Policy: South American Secondary Powers' Expectations of Brazil as a Regional Power. Foreign Policy Analysis 11, 4: 435-455.
- Wehner, Leslie E., and Cameron G. Thies. 2014. Role Theory, Narratives, and Interpretation: The Domestic Contestation of Roles. International Studies Review 16: 411-436.
- Wish, Naomi Bailin. 1980. Foreign Policy Makers and Their National Role Conceptions. International Studies Quarterly 24, 4: 532-554.
- Zaretsky, Natasha. 2007. No Direction Home: The American Family and the Fear of National Decline, 1968–1980. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press.
Role Strain in Foreign Policy: Analyzing the Carter Doctrine
Yıl 2024,
Erken Görünüm, 1 - 17
Suleyman O. Altiparmak
Cameron G. Thies
This study employs role theory to examine the complexities of foreign policy decision-making, focusing on the Carter Doctrine as a case study in United States (US) hegemony and great power dynamics. By analyzing the historical precedents, geopolitical shifts, and domestic political pressures, the concept of role strain, the conditions that led to it and its implications for US foreign policy are investigated. We uncover the tensions between promoting liberal internationalism and prioritizing domestic concerns within the context of the Carter Doctrine. Our findings underscore the nuanced interplay between hegemonic aspirations and pragmatic political imperatives, shedding light on the challenges of balancing competing role expectations in foreign policy decision-making. In essence, this interplay brings together conflict, overload, ambiguity and lack of influence, rendering the existing inter-status conflict unmanageable.
Destekleyen Kurum
This material is based upon work supported by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number FA9550-21-1-0140. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Air Force.
Proje Numarası
- Akbaba, Yasemin, and Özgür Özdamar. 2019. Role Theory in the Middle East and North Africa: Politics, Economics and Identity. New York, Routledge.
- Barnett, Michael. 1993. Institutions, Roles, and Disorder: The Case of the Arab States System. International Studies Quarterly 37, 3: 271-296.
- Beaubouef, Bruce A. 2007. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve: US Energy Security and Oil Politics, 1975–2005. College Station, TX, Texas, A&M University Press.
- Below, Amy. 2015. Environmental Politics and Foreign Policy Decision Making in Latin America: Ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. New York, Routledge.
- Breuning, Marijke. 2011. Role Theory Research in International Relations: State of the Art and Blind Spots. In Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses, eds. Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank and Hanns W. Maull. Oxon, Routledge: 16-35.
- Breuning, Marijke, and Anna Pechenina. 2020. Role Dissonance in Foreign Policy: Russia, Power, and Intercountry Adoption. Foreign Policy Analysis 16: 21-40.
- Busch, Aslak Veierud. 2023. Role Spillover: Roles’ Impacts across Contexts and the EU’s Struggle for Arctic Council Observer Status. Foreign Policy Analysis.
- Cantir, Cristian, and Juliet Kaarbo. 2012. Contested Roles and Domestic Politics: Reflections on Role Theory in Foreign Policy Analysis and IR Theory. Foreign Policy Analysis 8: 5-24.
- Carter, Jimmy. 1980. Jimmy Carter State of the Union Address 1980. (accessed February 5, 2024).
- Cox, Robert W. 1981. Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 10, 2: 126-155.
- Cox, Robert W. 1983. Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 12, 2: 162-175.
- Cronin, Bruce. 2001. The Paradox of Hegemony: America‘s Ambiguous Relationship with the United Nations. European Journal of International Relations 7, 1: 103-130.
da Vinha, Luis. 2017. Geographic Mental Maps and Foreign Policy Change: Re-Mapping the Carter Doctrine. Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg .
- DiCicco, Jonathan M., and Tudor A. Onea. 2023. Great-Power Competition. (accessed August 6, 2024).
- Doran, Charles F. 1971. The Politics of Assimilation: Hegemony and Its Aftermath. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- EIA. 2024. Petroleum & Other Liquids. (accessed February 5, 2024).
- Elgström, Ole, and Michael Smith. 2006. Introduction. In The European Union’s Roles in International Politics, eds. Ole Elgström and Michael Smith. Abingdon, Routledge: 1-10.
- Evan, William M. 1962. Role Strain and the Norm of Reciprocity in Research Organizations. American Journal of Sociology 68, 3: 346-354.
- Gilpin, Robert. 1981. War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Goldstein, Joshua S. 1988. Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age. New Haven, Conn, Yale University Press.
- Goode, William J. 1960. A Theory of Role Strain. American Sociological Review 25, 4: 483-496.
- Herbstreuth, Sebastian. 2016. Oil and American Identity: A Culture of Dependency and US Foreign Policy. New York, I.B.Tauris.
- Holsti, K. J. 1970. National Role Conceptions in the Study of Foreign Policy. International Studies Quarterly 14, 3: 233-309.
- Ikenberry, G. John. 1990. Liberal Hegemony and the Future of the American Postwar Order. In International Order and the Future of Word Politics, eds. T. V. Paul and John Hall. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 123-145.
- Ikenberry, G. John, and Charles A. Kupchan. 1990. Socialization and Hegemonic Power. International Organization 44: 283-315.
- Kaarbo, Juliet, and Cristian Cantir. 2013. Role Conflict in Recent Wars: Danish and Dutch Debates Over Iraq and Afghanistan. Cooperation and Conflict 48, 4: 465–483.
- Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. 1979. Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk. Econometrica 47: 263–291.
- Keohane, Robert. 1988. International Institutions: Two Approaches. International Studies Quarterly 32, 4: 379-396.
- Keohane, Robert O. 1984. After Hegemony. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
- Layne, Christopher. 2009. The Waning of U.S. Hegemony—Myth or Reality?. International Security 34, 1: 147-172.
- Luft, Gal, and Anne Korin. 2013. The Myth of US Energy Dependence. (accessed February 5, 2024).
- Marks, Stephen R. 1977. Multiple Roles and Role Strain: Some Notes on Human Energy, Time and Commitment. American Sociological Review 42, 6: 921-936.
- Maull, Hanns W. 2011. Hegemony Reconstructed? America’s Role Conception and its “Leadership” within its Core Alliances. In Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses, eds.
- Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank and Hanns W. Maull. Oxon, Routledge: 167-193.
- McCourt, David. 2011. Role-Playing and Identity Affirmation in International Politics: Britain’s Reinvasion of the Falklands. Review of International Studies 37, 4: 1599–1621.
- McDermott, Rose. 2004. Prospect Theory in Political Science: Gains and Losses from the First Decade. Political Psychology 25, 2: 289–312.
- Mead, George Herbert. 1934. Mind, Self, and Society: From the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- Nabers, Dirk. 2011. Identity and Role Change in International Politics. In Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses, eds. Sebastian Harnisch, Cornelia Frank and Hanns W. Maull. Oxon, Routledge: 74-92.
- Nye, Joseph S. Jr. 1990. The Changing Nature of World Power. Political Science Quarterly 105, 2: 177-192.
- Osgood, Robert E. 1981. Carter Policy in Perspective. SAIS Review 1, 1: 11-22.
- Özdamar, Özgür. 2016. Domestic Sources of Changing Turkish Foreign Policy toward the MENA During the 2010s. In Domestic Role Contestation, Foreign Policy, and International Relations, eds. Cristian Cantir and Juliet Kaarbo. New York, Routledge: 89-104.
- Özdamar, Özgür, B. Toygar Halistoprak and İ. Erkam Sula. 2014. From Good Neighbor to Model: Turkey’s Changing Roles in the Middle East in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring. Uluslararası İlişkiler 11, 42: 93-113.
- Page, Benjamin I., and Jason Barabas. 2000. Foreign Policy Gaps Between Citizens and Leaders. International Studies Quarterly 44, 3: 339-364.
- Palmerton, Patricia R. 1988. The Rhetoric of Terrorism and Media Response to the ‘Crisis in Iran'. Western Journal of Speech Communication 52, 2: 105-121.
- Rosati, Jerel. 1994. Cycles in Foreign Policy Restructuring: The Politics of Continuity and Change in US Foreign Policy. In How Governments Respond to Global Change, eds. Jerel Rosati, Joe D. Hagan and Martin W. Sampson III. Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina Press: 221-261.
- Sarbin, Theodore R., and Vernon L. Allen. 1968. Role Theory. In Handbook of Social Psychology, eds. Gardner Lindzey and Elliot Aronson. Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company: 488-567.
- Skidmore, David George. 1989. The Carter Administration and Hegemonic Decline: Constraints on Policy Adjustment. PhD Dissertation, Stanford University.
- Snoek, J. Diedrick. 1966. Role Strain in Diversified Role Sets. American Journal of Sociology 71, 4: 363- 372.
- Tewes, Henning. 1998. Between Deepening and Widening: Role Conflict in Germany's Enlargement Policy. West European Politics 21, 2: 117-133.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2004. Are Two Theories Better than One? A Constructivist Model of the Neorealist–Neoliberal Debate. International Political Science Review 25, 2: 159–183.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2012. International Socialization Processes vs. Israeli National Role Conceptions: Can Role Theory Integrate IR Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis? Foreign Policy Analysis 8: 25-46.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2017. Role Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis in Latin America. Foreign Policy Analysis 13: 662-681.
- Thies, Cameron G. 2013a. The Roles of Bipolarity: A Role Theoretic Understanding of the Effects of Ideas and Material Factors on the Cold War. International Studies Perspectives 14, 3: 269-288.
- Thies, Cameron. 2013b. The United States, Israel, and the Search for International Order. New York, Routledge.
- Thies, Cameron G., and Leslie E. Wehner. 2019. The Role of Role Theory in International Political Economy. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32, 6: 712-733.
- Thies, Cameron. 2010. Role Theory and Foreign Policy. In The International Studies Encyclopedia, ed. Robert Denemark., Blackwell Reference Online.
- Walker, Stephen G. 1979. National Role Conceptions and Systematic Outcomes. In Psychological Models in International Politics, ed. Lawrence Falkowski. Boulder, CO, Westview Press.
- Walker, Stephen G. 2011. The Integration of Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations. In Rethinking Foreign Policy Analysis: States, Leaders, and the Microfoundations of Behavioral International Relations, eds. Stephen G. Walker, Akan Malici and Mark Schafer. New York, NY, Routledge: 267-282.
- Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1984. The Politics of the World Economy. New York, Cambridge University Press.
- Wehner, Leslie E. 2015. Role Expectations as Foreign Policy: South American Secondary Powers' Expectations of Brazil as a Regional Power. Foreign Policy Analysis 11, 4: 435-455.
- Wehner, Leslie E., and Cameron G. Thies. 2014. Role Theory, Narratives, and Interpretation: The Domestic Contestation of Roles. International Studies Review 16: 411-436.
- Wish, Naomi Bailin. 1980. Foreign Policy Makers and Their National Role Conceptions. International Studies Quarterly 24, 4: 532-554.
- Zaretsky, Natasha. 2007. No Direction Home: The American Family and the Fear of National Decline, 1968–1980. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press.