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Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens

Yıl 2024, Erken Görünüm, 1 - 20


The visa policy of the European Union (EU) member states against Turkish citizens has been a controversial topic for decades. Millions of Turkish citizens suffer from serious restrictions before their travel to the Schengen area for the purpose of their non-gainful activities. In time, two main options appeared before the visa-free travel of Turkish citizens, namely the opportunity brought by the interpretations of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) based on the “stand-still clause” and secondly the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue. The objective of the article is to discuss whether the visa regime against Turkish citizens is justified or politically motivated. It connects the technical/legal analysis to a political analysis through the securitization theory. Security framing practices of the European actors at various policy levels are analyzed to explain the continuation of the restrictive visa regime against Turkish citizens despite two strong options that could have ensured visa-free travel. This article concludes that as a result of developments following the failed coup attempt in 2016, visa-free travel of Turkish citizens which was framed through the perceived threat of Turkish migration has transformed into a real threat.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author and should not be attributed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye.


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin. 2006. Bitmeyen Göç-Konuk İşçilikten Ulus Ötesi Yurttaşlığa. İstanbul, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Anadolu Agency. 2002. (accessed August 2024).
  • Balzacq, Thierry. 2019. Securitization Theory: Past, Present, and Future. Polity 51: 331-348.
  • Baykal, Sanem. 2008. Türkiye-AET Ortaklık Hukuku ve ATAD Kararları Çerçevesinde Katma Protokol’ün 41/1. maddesinde Düzenlenen Stand-still Hükmünün Kapsamı ve Yorumu. İKV Yayınları No: 214.
  • Baysal, Basar. 2020. 20 Years of Securitization: Strengths, Limitations and A New Dual Framework. Uluslararası İlişkiler 17, 67: 3-20.
  • Baysan, Alper. 2013. Multiple Arenas and Diverse Techniques of Securitization: The Case of the EU’s Visa Regime towards Turkey. Journal of Contemporary European Research 9, 5: 740-758.
  • Bigo, Didier. 2002. Security and Immigration: Toward a Critique of the Governmentality of Unease. Alternatives 27, 63: 63-92.
  • Bigo, Didier and Elspeth Guild. 2005. Controlling Frontiers: Free Movement Into and Within Europe. Farnham, Ashgate.
  • Bilgin, Aslı and Pierluigi Simone. 2019. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Legal Arguments on the Visa-Free Travel of Turkish Citizens to the EU. Uluslararası İlişkiler 16, 61: 75-95.
  • Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde. 1998. Security a New Framework for Analysis. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Cases C-286/82 and 26/83. 1984. Graziana Luisi and Giuseppe Carbone v Ministero del Tesoro, ECLI:EU:C:1984:35.
  • Case C-12/86. 1987. Meryem Demirel v. Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd. ECLI:EU:C:1987:400.
  • Case C-192/89. 1990. Sevince v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie, ECLI:EU:C:1990:322.
  • Case C-37/98. 2000. The Queen v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Abdulnasir Savas, ECLI:EU:C:2000:224.
  • Case C-317/01. 2003. Eran Abatay and Others and Nadi Sahin v. Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, ECLI:EU:C:2003:572.
  • Case C-16/05. 2007. The Queen, Veli Tum and Mehmet Dari v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ECLI:EU:C:2007:530.
  • Case C-228/06. 2009. Mehmet Soysal and Ibrahim Savatli v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ECLI:EU:C:2009:101.
  • Case C-221/11. 2013. Leyla Ecem Demirkan v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ECLI:EU:C:2013:583.
  • C.A.S.E. 2006. Critical Approaches to Security in Europe: A Networked Manifesto. Security Dialogue 37: 443-487.
  • Council of Europe. 1957. European Agreement on Regulations Governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe. Paris. (accessed August 2024).
  • Erzan, Refik, Umut Kuzubaş and Nilüfer Yıldız. 2004. Growth and Immigration Scenarios: Turkey-EU. CEPS Turkey in Europe Monitor 12: 114-125.
  • EUR-Lex: Official Web-site of the European Union. 2011. Agreements with the Countries of the Western Balkans on the Facilitation of the Issuance of Visas, (accessed August 2024).
  • European Commission. 2023a. Türkiye 2013 Report. SWD (2023) 696 final.
  • European Commission. 2023b. Sixth Report Under the Visa Suspension Mechanism. COM (2023) 730 final.
  • European Commission. 2020. Turkey 2020 Report. SWD (2020) 355 final.
  • European Commission. 2019. Association Implementation Report on Moldova. SWD (2019) 325 final.
  • European Commission. 2018a. Turkey 2018 Report. SWD(2018) 153 final.
  • European Commission. 2018b. Association Implementation Report on Ukraine. SWD(2018) 462 final.
  • European Commission. 2016a. Third Report on Progress by Turkey in Fulfilling the Requirements of its Visa Liberalisation Roadmap. SWD(2016) 161 final.
  • European Commission. 2016b. Second Report on Progress by Turkey in Fulfilling the Requirements of its Visa Liberalisation Roadmap. SWD(2016) 97 final.
  • European Commission. 2013. Roadmap Towards a Visa-Free Regime with Turkey, free_regime_with_turkey_en.pdf
  • European Commission. 2012. Commission Recommendation Amending the Recommendation Establishing a Common "Practical Handbook for Border Guards" to be Used by Member States' Competent Authorities when Carrying Out the Border Control of Persons. (C (2006) 5186 final).
  • European Commission. 2009. Serbia 2009 Progress Report. SEC(2009) 1339.
  • European Commission. 2003. EU-Western Balkans Summit Thessaloniki Declaration. (accessed August 2024)
  • European Council. 2016. EU-Turkey Statement. March 18, (accessed August 2024).
  • European Parliament. 2009. Answer given by Mr Barrot on behalf of the Commission, Parliamentary question -E-3747/2009(ASW) (accessed August 2024).
  • European Stability Initiative. 2013. Turkish Tourists and European Justice The Demirkan Ruling and How Turkey Can Obtain Visa-free Travel. (accessed August 2024).
  • European Stability Initiative. 2012. Facts and Figures Related to Visa-free Travel for Turkey. (accessed August 2024).
  • European Stability Initiative. 2008. Visa Roadmaps - The Road to Visa-free Travel. (accessed August 2024)
  • European Union Agency for Asylum. 2023. Latest Asylum Trends: Annual Analysis. (accessed August 2024).
  • Göçmen, İlke. 2021. Visa Issue between EU and Turkey. Legal Issues in Turkey - European Union Relations.
  • Göçmen, İlke. 2009, Starting to Shine but How Brightly: Stand-still Provisions in Association Law between Turkey and the Community. Croation Yearbook of European Law and Policy 5: 151-193.
  • Groenendijk, Kees. 2013. Notes on the Opinion of AG Cruz Villalόn of 14 April 2013 in the case Demirkan C-221/11. In Hukuki İnkarcılığın Yarattığı ABAD’ın Demirkan Davası, eds. Harun Gümrükçü and Tamer İlbuğa. Antalya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF, Vizesiz Avrupa Dizisi 6: 23-27.
  • Groenendijk, Kees and Elsbeth Guild. 2010. Visa Policy of Member States and the EU Towards Turkish Nationals After Soysal. İKV, No:232, İstanbul.
  • Gümrükçü, Harun. 2013. Önsöz. In Hukuki İnkarcılığın Yarattığı ABAD’ın Demirkan Davası, eds. Harun Gümrükçü and Tamer İlbuğa. Antalya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF, Vizesiz Avrupa Dizisi 6: 3-7.
  • Frontex. 2011. Press Pack of May 2011, (accessed August 2024)
  • Hatzopoulos, Vassilis. 2014. Turkish Service Recipients Under the EU–Turkey Association Agreement: Demirkan. Common Market Law Review 51, 2: 647-664.
  • Huysmans, Jef. 2006. The Politics of Insecurity: Fear, Migration and Asylum in the EU. London, Routledge.
  • Huysmans, Jef. 2000. The European Union and The Securitization of Migration. Journal of Common Market Studies 38, 5: 751-777.
  • İçduygu, Ahmet. 2012. 50 Years After the Labour Recruitment Agreement with Germany: The Consequences of Emigration for Turkey. Perceptions 17, 2: 11-36.
  • Icduygu, Ahmet and Ayşem Karacay. 2012. Demography and Migration in Transition: Reflections on Turkey-EU relations. In Migration and the EU: Potentials, Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Selçuk Elitok and Thomas Straubhaar. , Hamburg, Hamburg University Press: 19-38.
  • Kabaalioğlu, Haluk. 1981. The Implications of The German Visa Requirements for the Citizens of Turkey. Foreign Policy 9, 1-2: 81-96.
  • Lindgaard, Jakob. 2018. EU Public Opinion on Turkish EU Membership: Trends and Drivers, FEUTURE Online Paper 25.
  • Mandacı, Nazif and Gökay Özerim, 2013. Converting International Migrations into Issue of Security: Radical Right Parties in Europe and Securitization of Migration, Uluslararası İlişkiler 10, 39: 105-130.
  • Mattero, Claudia. 2013. Case C-221/11 Leyla Demirkan: Introducing ‘Regressive Interpretation’ for Association Agreements. (accessed August 2024).
  • Meloni, Annalisa. 2006. Visa Policy within the European Union Structure. Berlin, Springer.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Türkiye. 2024. (accessed August 2024).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Türkiye. 2007. (accessed August 2024).
  • Ministry of Interior, Republic of Türkiye. 2023. Joint Press Release: Türkiye-EU High Level Dialogue on Migration and Security. diyalogu-toplantisinin-ortak-basin-aciklamasi (accessed August 2024).
  • Özsöz, Melih. 2013. Batı Balkan Ülkelerinde Vize Serbestliği Süreci: Vize Kolaylaştırma, Geri Kabul, Yol Haritası ve Vize Serbestliği. İKV, No: 261.
  • Peers, Steeve. 2012. EU Justice and Home Affairs Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Schengenvisainfo. n.d. (accessed August 2024)
  • Tezcan, Ercüment. 2016. Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı’nın Demirkan Kararı ve Türk Vatandaşlarının AB Üyesi Ülkelerde Hizmet Alımı. Bilig/Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 78: 37-71.
  • Tezcan, Narin. 2010. Vize Şikâyet Hattı: AB’de Türk Vatandaşlarının Hakları. İKV, No:229.
  • UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency. Refugee Data Finder. (accessed August 2024).
  • Voegeli, Wolfgang. 2013. Comment on the Opinion of the Advocate General in Case C-221/11 Leyla Ecem Demirkan vs. Federal Republic of Germany. In Hukuki İnkarcılığın Yarattığı ABAD’ın Demirkan Davası, eds. Harun Gümrükçü and Tamer İlbuğa. Antalya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF, Vizesiz Avrupa Dizisi 6: 13-18.
  • Wæver, Ole. 1996. European Security Identities. Journal of Common Market Studies 34, 1: 103-132.
  • Wæver, Ole. 1995. Securitization and Desecuritization. In On Security, ed. Ronnie Lipschutz. Columbia, Columbia University Press.
  • Wiesbrock, Anja.2013. Political Reluctance and Judicial Activism in the Area of Free Movement of Persons: The Court as the Motor of EU–Turkey Relations? European Law Journal 19, 3: 422-442.
  • Wolff, Sarah. 2014. The Politics of Negotiating EU Readmission Agreements: Insights from Morocco and Turkey. European Journal of Migration and Law 16, 1: 69-95.

Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens

Yıl 2024, Erken Görünüm, 1 - 20


The visa policy of the European Union (EU) member states against Turkish citizens has been a controversial topic for decades. Millions of Turkish citizens suffer from serious restrictions before their travel to the Schengen area for the purpose of their non-gainful activities. In time, two main options appeared before the visa-free travel of Turkish citizens, namely the opportunity brought by the interpretations of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) based on the “stand-still clause” and secondly the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue. The objective of the article is to discuss whether the visa regime against Turkish citizens is justified or politically motivated. It connects the technical/legal analysis to a political analysis through the securitization theory. Security framing practices of the European actors at various policy levels are analyzed to explain the continuation of the restrictive visa regime against Turkish citizens despite two strong options that could have ensured visa-free travel. This article concludes that as a result of developments following the failed coup attempt in 2016, visa-free travel of Turkish citizens which was framed through the perceived threat of Turkish migration has transformed into a real threat.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author and should not be attributed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye.


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin. 2006. Bitmeyen Göç-Konuk İşçilikten Ulus Ötesi Yurttaşlığa. İstanbul, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Anadolu Agency. 2002. (accessed August 2024).
  • Balzacq, Thierry. 2019. Securitization Theory: Past, Present, and Future. Polity 51: 331-348.
  • Baykal, Sanem. 2008. Türkiye-AET Ortaklık Hukuku ve ATAD Kararları Çerçevesinde Katma Protokol’ün 41/1. maddesinde Düzenlenen Stand-still Hükmünün Kapsamı ve Yorumu. İKV Yayınları No: 214.
  • Baysal, Basar. 2020. 20 Years of Securitization: Strengths, Limitations and A New Dual Framework. Uluslararası İlişkiler 17, 67: 3-20.
  • Baysan, Alper. 2013. Multiple Arenas and Diverse Techniques of Securitization: The Case of the EU’s Visa Regime towards Turkey. Journal of Contemporary European Research 9, 5: 740-758.
  • Bigo, Didier. 2002. Security and Immigration: Toward a Critique of the Governmentality of Unease. Alternatives 27, 63: 63-92.
  • Bigo, Didier and Elspeth Guild. 2005. Controlling Frontiers: Free Movement Into and Within Europe. Farnham, Ashgate.
  • Bilgin, Aslı and Pierluigi Simone. 2019. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Legal Arguments on the Visa-Free Travel of Turkish Citizens to the EU. Uluslararası İlişkiler 16, 61: 75-95.
  • Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde. 1998. Security a New Framework for Analysis. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Cases C-286/82 and 26/83. 1984. Graziana Luisi and Giuseppe Carbone v Ministero del Tesoro, ECLI:EU:C:1984:35.
  • Case C-12/86. 1987. Meryem Demirel v. Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd. ECLI:EU:C:1987:400.
  • Case C-192/89. 1990. Sevince v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie, ECLI:EU:C:1990:322.
  • Case C-37/98. 2000. The Queen v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Abdulnasir Savas, ECLI:EU:C:2000:224.
  • Case C-317/01. 2003. Eran Abatay and Others and Nadi Sahin v. Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, ECLI:EU:C:2003:572.
  • Case C-16/05. 2007. The Queen, Veli Tum and Mehmet Dari v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ECLI:EU:C:2007:530.
  • Case C-228/06. 2009. Mehmet Soysal and Ibrahim Savatli v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ECLI:EU:C:2009:101.
  • Case C-221/11. 2013. Leyla Ecem Demirkan v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ECLI:EU:C:2013:583.
  • C.A.S.E. 2006. Critical Approaches to Security in Europe: A Networked Manifesto. Security Dialogue 37: 443-487.
  • Council of Europe. 1957. European Agreement on Regulations Governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe. Paris. (accessed August 2024).
  • Erzan, Refik, Umut Kuzubaş and Nilüfer Yıldız. 2004. Growth and Immigration Scenarios: Turkey-EU. CEPS Turkey in Europe Monitor 12: 114-125.
  • EUR-Lex: Official Web-site of the European Union. 2011. Agreements with the Countries of the Western Balkans on the Facilitation of the Issuance of Visas, (accessed August 2024).
  • European Commission. 2023a. Türkiye 2013 Report. SWD (2023) 696 final.
  • European Commission. 2023b. Sixth Report Under the Visa Suspension Mechanism. COM (2023) 730 final.
  • European Commission. 2020. Turkey 2020 Report. SWD (2020) 355 final.
  • European Commission. 2019. Association Implementation Report on Moldova. SWD (2019) 325 final.
  • European Commission. 2018a. Turkey 2018 Report. SWD(2018) 153 final.
  • European Commission. 2018b. Association Implementation Report on Ukraine. SWD(2018) 462 final.
  • European Commission. 2016a. Third Report on Progress by Turkey in Fulfilling the Requirements of its Visa Liberalisation Roadmap. SWD(2016) 161 final.
  • European Commission. 2016b. Second Report on Progress by Turkey in Fulfilling the Requirements of its Visa Liberalisation Roadmap. SWD(2016) 97 final.
  • European Commission. 2013. Roadmap Towards a Visa-Free Regime with Turkey, free_regime_with_turkey_en.pdf
  • European Commission. 2012. Commission Recommendation Amending the Recommendation Establishing a Common "Practical Handbook for Border Guards" to be Used by Member States' Competent Authorities when Carrying Out the Border Control of Persons. (C (2006) 5186 final).
  • European Commission. 2009. Serbia 2009 Progress Report. SEC(2009) 1339.
  • European Commission. 2003. EU-Western Balkans Summit Thessaloniki Declaration. (accessed August 2024)
  • European Council. 2016. EU-Turkey Statement. March 18, (accessed August 2024).
  • European Parliament. 2009. Answer given by Mr Barrot on behalf of the Commission, Parliamentary question -E-3747/2009(ASW) (accessed August 2024).
  • European Stability Initiative. 2013. Turkish Tourists and European Justice The Demirkan Ruling and How Turkey Can Obtain Visa-free Travel. (accessed August 2024).
  • European Stability Initiative. 2012. Facts and Figures Related to Visa-free Travel for Turkey. (accessed August 2024).
  • European Stability Initiative. 2008. Visa Roadmaps - The Road to Visa-free Travel. (accessed August 2024)
  • European Union Agency for Asylum. 2023. Latest Asylum Trends: Annual Analysis. (accessed August 2024).
  • Göçmen, İlke. 2021. Visa Issue between EU and Turkey. Legal Issues in Turkey - European Union Relations.
  • Göçmen, İlke. 2009, Starting to Shine but How Brightly: Stand-still Provisions in Association Law between Turkey and the Community. Croation Yearbook of European Law and Policy 5: 151-193.
  • Groenendijk, Kees. 2013. Notes on the Opinion of AG Cruz Villalόn of 14 April 2013 in the case Demirkan C-221/11. In Hukuki İnkarcılığın Yarattığı ABAD’ın Demirkan Davası, eds. Harun Gümrükçü and Tamer İlbuğa. Antalya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF, Vizesiz Avrupa Dizisi 6: 23-27.
  • Groenendijk, Kees and Elsbeth Guild. 2010. Visa Policy of Member States and the EU Towards Turkish Nationals After Soysal. İKV, No:232, İstanbul.
  • Gümrükçü, Harun. 2013. Önsöz. In Hukuki İnkarcılığın Yarattığı ABAD’ın Demirkan Davası, eds. Harun Gümrükçü and Tamer İlbuğa. Antalya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF, Vizesiz Avrupa Dizisi 6: 3-7.
  • Frontex. 2011. Press Pack of May 2011, (accessed August 2024)
  • Hatzopoulos, Vassilis. 2014. Turkish Service Recipients Under the EU–Turkey Association Agreement: Demirkan. Common Market Law Review 51, 2: 647-664.
  • Huysmans, Jef. 2006. The Politics of Insecurity: Fear, Migration and Asylum in the EU. London, Routledge.
  • Huysmans, Jef. 2000. The European Union and The Securitization of Migration. Journal of Common Market Studies 38, 5: 751-777.
  • İçduygu, Ahmet. 2012. 50 Years After the Labour Recruitment Agreement with Germany: The Consequences of Emigration for Turkey. Perceptions 17, 2: 11-36.
  • Icduygu, Ahmet and Ayşem Karacay. 2012. Demography and Migration in Transition: Reflections on Turkey-EU relations. In Migration and the EU: Potentials, Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Selçuk Elitok and Thomas Straubhaar. , Hamburg, Hamburg University Press: 19-38.
  • Kabaalioğlu, Haluk. 1981. The Implications of The German Visa Requirements for the Citizens of Turkey. Foreign Policy 9, 1-2: 81-96.
  • Lindgaard, Jakob. 2018. EU Public Opinion on Turkish EU Membership: Trends and Drivers, FEUTURE Online Paper 25.
  • Mandacı, Nazif and Gökay Özerim, 2013. Converting International Migrations into Issue of Security: Radical Right Parties in Europe and Securitization of Migration, Uluslararası İlişkiler 10, 39: 105-130.
  • Mattero, Claudia. 2013. Case C-221/11 Leyla Demirkan: Introducing ‘Regressive Interpretation’ for Association Agreements. (accessed August 2024).
  • Meloni, Annalisa. 2006. Visa Policy within the European Union Structure. Berlin, Springer.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Türkiye. 2024. (accessed August 2024).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Türkiye. 2007. (accessed August 2024).
  • Ministry of Interior, Republic of Türkiye. 2023. Joint Press Release: Türkiye-EU High Level Dialogue on Migration and Security. diyalogu-toplantisinin-ortak-basin-aciklamasi (accessed August 2024).
  • Özsöz, Melih. 2013. Batı Balkan Ülkelerinde Vize Serbestliği Süreci: Vize Kolaylaştırma, Geri Kabul, Yol Haritası ve Vize Serbestliği. İKV, No: 261.
  • Peers, Steeve. 2012. EU Justice and Home Affairs Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Schengenvisainfo. n.d. (accessed August 2024)
  • Tezcan, Ercüment. 2016. Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı’nın Demirkan Kararı ve Türk Vatandaşlarının AB Üyesi Ülkelerde Hizmet Alımı. Bilig/Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 78: 37-71.
  • Tezcan, Narin. 2010. Vize Şikâyet Hattı: AB’de Türk Vatandaşlarının Hakları. İKV, No:229.
  • UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency. Refugee Data Finder. (accessed August 2024).
  • Voegeli, Wolfgang. 2013. Comment on the Opinion of the Advocate General in Case C-221/11 Leyla Ecem Demirkan vs. Federal Republic of Germany. In Hukuki İnkarcılığın Yarattığı ABAD’ın Demirkan Davası, eds. Harun Gümrükçü and Tamer İlbuğa. Antalya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF, Vizesiz Avrupa Dizisi 6: 13-18.
  • Wæver, Ole. 1996. European Security Identities. Journal of Common Market Studies 34, 1: 103-132.
  • Wæver, Ole. 1995. Securitization and Desecuritization. In On Security, ed. Ronnie Lipschutz. Columbia, Columbia University Press.
  • Wiesbrock, Anja.2013. Political Reluctance and Judicial Activism in the Area of Free Movement of Persons: The Court as the Motor of EU–Turkey Relations? European Law Journal 19, 3: 422-442.
  • Wolff, Sarah. 2014. The Politics of Negotiating EU Readmission Agreements: Insights from Morocco and Turkey. European Journal of Migration and Law 16, 1: 69-95.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Avrupa Birliği, Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye İlişkileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Burak Erdenir 0000-0002-0862-5684

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Erken Görünüm

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdenir, B. (2024). Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi1-20.
AMA Erdenir B. Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens. uidergisi. Published online 01 Aralık 2024:1-20. doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1601910
Chicago Erdenir, Burak. “Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Aralık (Aralık 2024), 1-20.
EndNote Erdenir B (01 Aralık 2024) Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 1–20.
IEEE B. Erdenir, “Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens”, uidergisi, ss. 1–20, Aralık 2024, doi: 10.33458/uidergisi.1601910.
ISNAD Erdenir, Burak. “Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi. Aralık 2024. 1-20.
JAMA Erdenir B. Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens. uidergisi. 2024;:1–20.
MLA Erdenir, Burak. “Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2024, ss. 1-20, doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1601910.
Vancouver Erdenir B. Schengen Visa Deadlock: The Unresolved Case of Turkish Citizens. uidergisi. 2024:1-20.