Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 98 - 109, 31.12.2020


Increasing competition conditions cause businesses to have difficulty in maintaining their existence. For this purpose, businesses need to examine consumer behavior in order to ensure continuity. Purchasing intention, which constitutes an important step of purchasing behavior, is an important step that activates purchasing instincts and enables the acquisition of customer status. When consumer behavior models are examined, it is seen that purchasing behavior differs depending on various factors. Involvement in these important factors affecting consumer behavior; It is defined as the bond people establish between the stimulus and the stimulus in a short time. It is seen that people who need detailed information about the product before their purchasing behavior have higher levels of involvement and those with a high level of involvement intend to buy more. The brand, which is the other determinant of purchasing behavior; It is one of the other factors that have an important role, such as facilitating consumers' decision-making and providing incentives to purchase goods and services. The trust in the brand, which is defined as the fulfillment of the promises and responsibilities of the brand before the purchase, ensures the formation of an emotional bond between the consumer and the brand. Trust in the brand ensures customer satisfaction, allowing customers to choose the same product in their repurchase behavior. This research examines the regulatory effect of brand trust on the effect of involvement level on purchase intention. For this purpose, the data obtained from 352 participants in the Y generation, who use technology more than the previous generations, were evaluated with Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Model and SPSS Process Macro regulatory impact analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that consumer involvement directly affects the purchase intention, trust in the brand has a regulatory role in the relationship between iinvolvement level and purchasing intention, and as the power of the regulatory effect increases, the purchase intention also increases.


  • AGUSTIN, Clara and SINGH, Jagdip (2005), “Curvilinear Effects of Consumer Loyalty Determinants in Relational Exchanges”, Journal of Marketing Research, S.13, ss.96-108.
  • BAGOZZI, Richard. P. ve YI, Youjae (1988), “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, S.16 (1), ss.74-95.
  • BALLESTER, Elena D. and Aleman, Jose. Luis Munuera (2001), “Brand Trust in The Context of Consumer Loyalty”, European Journal of Marketing, S.35(11/12), ss.1238-1258.
  • BEI, Lien-Ti and WIDDOWS, Richard (1999), “Product Knowledge and Product Involvement as Moderators of the Effects of Information on Purchase Decisions: A Case Study Using the Perfect Information Frontier Approach”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, S.33(1), ss.165-186.
  • BLOCH, Peter H. and RICHINS, Marsha L. (1983), “A Theoretical Model for the Study of Product Importance Perceptions”, Journal of Marketing, S.47(3), ss.69-81.
  • BRIAN, Beharrell and DENISON, Tim J. (1995), “Involvement in a Routine Food Shopping Context”, British Food Journal, S.97(4), ss.24-29.
  • CHAUDHURI, Arjun and HOLBROOK, Morris B. (2001), “The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Marketing, S.65(2), ss.81-93.
  • CHEN, Liwei (2014), “The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior: An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention in China under the Social Media Context”, Bachelor Thesis, Aarhus University. Denmark.
  • CHOUBTARASH, Neshat, Mahdieh, Omid and MARNANI, Ahmad Barati (2013), “The Study of the Relationship Between Consumer Involvement and Purchase Decision (Case Study: Cell phone)”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, S.4(12), ss.276-296.
  • ÇETIN, Olgun Irmak ve KUMKALE, İlknur (2016), “Sosyal Medya Kullanım Düzeyi ve Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişkide Faydacı Motivasyonun Aracı Etkisi”, Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, S.2(4), ss.90-101.
  • DAVIS, Fred D. (1989), “Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and User Acceptance of Information Technology”, MIS Quarterly, S.13(3), ss.319-340.
  • DAY, George S. (1970), Buyer Attitudes an Brand Choice Behavior. Free Press, New York, 1st Edn.
  • DAY, Ellen, Stafford, MARLA Royne ve CAMACHO, Alejandro (1995), “Opportunities for Involvement Research: A Scale-Development Approach”. Journal of Advertising, S.24(3), ss.69-75.
  • DONEY, Patricia and CANNON, Joseph P. (1997), “An Examination of The Nature of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, S.61(2), ss.35-51.
  • FORNELL, Claes and LARCKER, David F. (1981), “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”, Journal of Marketing Research, S.18(1), ss.39-50.
  • HARRIS, Lloyd. C. and GOODE, Mark M. H. (2004), “The Four Levels of Loyalty and Pivotal Role of Trust: A Study of Online Service Dynamics”, Journal of Retailing, S.80(2), ss.139-158.
  • HAYES, Andrew F. (2018), Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, The Guilford Press, New York, 2nd Edition.
  • HOUSTON, Michael J. and ROTHSCHIL, Michael L. (1978), “Conceptual and Methodological Perspectives on Involvement, In:Hunt”, Advanced in Consumer Research, Ann Arbor MI: Association for Consumer Research, ss.184-187.
  • KRUGMAN, Herbert E. (1965), “The Impact Of Television Advertising: Learning Without Involvement”, Public Opinion Quarterly, S.29(3), ss.349-356.
  • LAU, Geok T. and LEE, Sook Han (1999), “Consumer’s Trust in A Brand and Link to Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Market Focused Management, S.4, ss.341-370.
  • LIN, Long-Yi vand CHEN, Chun-Shuo (2006), “The Influence of The Country-of-Origin Image, Product Knowledge and Product Involvement on Consumer Purchase Decisions: An Empirical Study of Insurance and Catering Services in Taiwan”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, S.23(5), ss.248-265.
  • LIN, Nan-Hong and LIN, Bih-Shya (2007), “The Effect of Brand Image and Product Knowledge on Purchase Intention Moderated by Price Discount”, Journal of International Management Studies, S.August, ss.121-132.
  • LOCKSHIN, Larry, Quester, Pascale and SPAWTON, Tony (2001), “Segmentation By Involvement or Nationality for Global Retailing: A Cross-National Comparative Study of Wine Shopping Behaviours”, Journal of Wine Research, S.12(3), ss.223-236.
  • LUK, Sherriff. T. K. and YIP, Leslie S. C. (2008), “The Moderator Effect of Monetary Sales Promotion on the Relationship Between Brand Trust and Purchase Behaviour”, Journal of Brand Management, S.15(6), ss.452-464.
  • MITCHELL, Andrew A (1979), “Involvement: A Potentially Important Mediator of Consumer Behavior”, Advances in Consumer Research, S.6, ss.191-196.
  • MITTAL, Banwari and LEE, Myung-soo (1989), “A Causal Model of Consumer Involvement”, Journal of Economic Psychology, S.10(3), ss.363–389.
  • NYSVEEN, Herbjorn and PEDERSEN, Per E. (2005), “Search Mode and Purchase Intention in Online Shopping Behaviour”, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, S.2(4), ss.288-306.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz ve GÜLFİDAN, Barış (2010), Tüketici Davranışı, MediaCat Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • OLSEN, Svein Ottar (2007), “Repurchase Loyalty: The Role of Involvement and Satisfaction”, Psychology and Marketing, S.24(4), ss.315-341.
  • ÖNEN, Vahap (2018). “Marka Güveni Marka Sadakati ve Marka Tercihi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Kırtasiye Sektörü Uygulaması”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.10(2), ss.609-626.
  • PARK, Whan C. and LESSIG Parker V. (1981), “Familiarity and Its Impact on Consumer Decision Biases and Heuristics”, Journal of Consumer Research, S.8(2), ss.223-230.
  • SHERGILL, Gurvinder Singh and LI, Bing (2005), “Internet Banking-An Empirical Investigation of A Trust and Loyalty Model For New Zealand Banks”, Journal of Internet Commerce, S.4(4), ss.101-118.
  • SCHERMELLEH-ENGEL M. AND MOOSBRUGGER, H. (2003), “Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures”, Methods of Psychological Research, S.8(2), ss.23-74.
  • SICHTMANN, Christina (2007), “An Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Trust in a Corporate Brand”, European Journal of Marketing, S.41(9-10), ss.999-1015.
  • SIRDESHMUKH, Deepak, SINGH, Jagdip ve SABOL, Barry (2002), “Consumer Trust, Value and Loyalty in Relational Exchanges”, Journal of Marketing, S.66(Jan.), ss.15-37.
  • SONG, Younghee, HUR, Won-Moo ve KIM, Minsung (2012), “Brand Trust and Affect in the Luxury Brand-Customer Relationship”, Social Behavior and Personality, S.40(2), ss.331-338.
  • SWAEN, Valeria ve CACERES, Ruben Chumpitaz (2008), “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Trust”, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, S.23(4), ss.7-33.
  • TAYLOR, Steve, CELUCH, Kevin ve GOODWIN, Stephen (2004), “The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, S.13(4), ss.217-227.
  • YAĞCI, Mehmet İsmail ve İLARSLAN, Neslihan (2010), “Reklamların ve Cinsiyet Kimliği Rolünün Tüketicilerin Satın Alma Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, S.11(1), ss.138-155.
  • ZAICHKOWSKY, Judith Lynne (1985), “Measuring the Involvement Construct”, The Journal of Consumer Research, S.12(3), ss.341-352.

Tüketici İlgilenimi ve Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki Üzerinde Markaya Duyulan Güvenin Düzenleyici Etkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 98 - 109, 31.12.2020


Giderek artan rekabet şartları işletmelerin varlıklarını sürdürmekte zorluk yaşamalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu amaçla devamlılığın sağlanabilmesi amacıyla işletmelerin tüketici davranışlarını incelemesi gerekmektedir. Satın alma davranışının önemli bir basamağını oluşturan satın alma niyeti satın alma içgüdülerini hareket geçiren ve müşteri sıfatının kazanılmasını sağlayan önemli bir adımı oluşturmaktadır. Tüketici davranış modelleri incelendiğinde satın alma davranışının çeşitli faktörlere bağlı olarak farklılaştığı görülmektedir. Tüketici davranışlarını etkileyen bu önemli unsurlar içerisinde yer alan ilgilenim; kişilerin kısa bir süre içerisinde uyaran ile aralarında kurdukları bağ olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Satın alma davranışı öncesi ürün ile ilgili detaylı bilgiye ihtiyaç duyan kişilerin ilgilenim düzeylerinin yüksek, ilgilenim düzeyi yüksek olan kişilerin ise daha fazla satın alma niyetinde oldukları görülmektedir. Satın alma davranışının diğer belirleyicisi olan marka; tüketicilerin karar vermelerini kolaylaştırmak ve mal ve hizmetlerin satın alınmasına teşvik sağlamak gibi önemli role sahip olan diğer faktörlerden biridir. Markanın tüketicilere satın alma öncesi vermiş olduğu vaat ve sorumluluklarını satın alma sonrası yerine getirmesi olarak tanımlanan markaya güven, tüketici ve marka arasında duygusal bağın oluşumunu sağlamaktadır. Markaya duyulan güven müşteri memnuniyeti sağlayarak müşterilerin yeniden satın alma davranışlarında aynı ürünü tercih etmelerini sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırma ilgilenim düzeyinin satın alma niyetine etkisinde markaya güvenin düzenleyici etkisini incelemektedir. Bu amaçla teknolojiyi kendisinden önceki kuşaklara göre daha fazla kullanan Y kuşağında yer alan 352 katılımcıdan elde edilen veriler Faktör Analizi, Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ve SPSS Process Makro düzenleyici etki analizleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda tüketici ilgileniminin satın alma niyetini doğrudan etkilediği, markaya güvenin ise ilgilenim düzeyi ve satın alma niyeti ilişkisinde düzenleyici role sahip olduğu ve düzenleyici etkinin gücü arttıkça satın alma niyetinin de artış gösterdiği gözlemlenmiştir


  • AGUSTIN, Clara and SINGH, Jagdip (2005), “Curvilinear Effects of Consumer Loyalty Determinants in Relational Exchanges”, Journal of Marketing Research, S.13, ss.96-108.
  • BAGOZZI, Richard. P. ve YI, Youjae (1988), “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, S.16 (1), ss.74-95.
  • BALLESTER, Elena D. and Aleman, Jose. Luis Munuera (2001), “Brand Trust in The Context of Consumer Loyalty”, European Journal of Marketing, S.35(11/12), ss.1238-1258.
  • BEI, Lien-Ti and WIDDOWS, Richard (1999), “Product Knowledge and Product Involvement as Moderators of the Effects of Information on Purchase Decisions: A Case Study Using the Perfect Information Frontier Approach”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, S.33(1), ss.165-186.
  • BLOCH, Peter H. and RICHINS, Marsha L. (1983), “A Theoretical Model for the Study of Product Importance Perceptions”, Journal of Marketing, S.47(3), ss.69-81.
  • BRIAN, Beharrell and DENISON, Tim J. (1995), “Involvement in a Routine Food Shopping Context”, British Food Journal, S.97(4), ss.24-29.
  • CHAUDHURI, Arjun and HOLBROOK, Morris B. (2001), “The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Marketing, S.65(2), ss.81-93.
  • CHEN, Liwei (2014), “The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior: An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention in China under the Social Media Context”, Bachelor Thesis, Aarhus University. Denmark.
  • CHOUBTARASH, Neshat, Mahdieh, Omid and MARNANI, Ahmad Barati (2013), “The Study of the Relationship Between Consumer Involvement and Purchase Decision (Case Study: Cell phone)”, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, S.4(12), ss.276-296.
  • ÇETIN, Olgun Irmak ve KUMKALE, İlknur (2016), “Sosyal Medya Kullanım Düzeyi ve Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişkide Faydacı Motivasyonun Aracı Etkisi”, Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, S.2(4), ss.90-101.
  • DAVIS, Fred D. (1989), “Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and User Acceptance of Information Technology”, MIS Quarterly, S.13(3), ss.319-340.
  • DAY, George S. (1970), Buyer Attitudes an Brand Choice Behavior. Free Press, New York, 1st Edn.
  • DAY, Ellen, Stafford, MARLA Royne ve CAMACHO, Alejandro (1995), “Opportunities for Involvement Research: A Scale-Development Approach”. Journal of Advertising, S.24(3), ss.69-75.
  • DONEY, Patricia and CANNON, Joseph P. (1997), “An Examination of The Nature of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, S.61(2), ss.35-51.
  • FORNELL, Claes and LARCKER, David F. (1981), “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”, Journal of Marketing Research, S.18(1), ss.39-50.
  • HARRIS, Lloyd. C. and GOODE, Mark M. H. (2004), “The Four Levels of Loyalty and Pivotal Role of Trust: A Study of Online Service Dynamics”, Journal of Retailing, S.80(2), ss.139-158.
  • HAYES, Andrew F. (2018), Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, The Guilford Press, New York, 2nd Edition.
  • HOUSTON, Michael J. and ROTHSCHIL, Michael L. (1978), “Conceptual and Methodological Perspectives on Involvement, In:Hunt”, Advanced in Consumer Research, Ann Arbor MI: Association for Consumer Research, ss.184-187.
  • KRUGMAN, Herbert E. (1965), “The Impact Of Television Advertising: Learning Without Involvement”, Public Opinion Quarterly, S.29(3), ss.349-356.
  • LAU, Geok T. and LEE, Sook Han (1999), “Consumer’s Trust in A Brand and Link to Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Market Focused Management, S.4, ss.341-370.
  • LIN, Long-Yi vand CHEN, Chun-Shuo (2006), “The Influence of The Country-of-Origin Image, Product Knowledge and Product Involvement on Consumer Purchase Decisions: An Empirical Study of Insurance and Catering Services in Taiwan”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, S.23(5), ss.248-265.
  • LIN, Nan-Hong and LIN, Bih-Shya (2007), “The Effect of Brand Image and Product Knowledge on Purchase Intention Moderated by Price Discount”, Journal of International Management Studies, S.August, ss.121-132.
  • LOCKSHIN, Larry, Quester, Pascale and SPAWTON, Tony (2001), “Segmentation By Involvement or Nationality for Global Retailing: A Cross-National Comparative Study of Wine Shopping Behaviours”, Journal of Wine Research, S.12(3), ss.223-236.
  • LUK, Sherriff. T. K. and YIP, Leslie S. C. (2008), “The Moderator Effect of Monetary Sales Promotion on the Relationship Between Brand Trust and Purchase Behaviour”, Journal of Brand Management, S.15(6), ss.452-464.
  • MITCHELL, Andrew A (1979), “Involvement: A Potentially Important Mediator of Consumer Behavior”, Advances in Consumer Research, S.6, ss.191-196.
  • MITTAL, Banwari and LEE, Myung-soo (1989), “A Causal Model of Consumer Involvement”, Journal of Economic Psychology, S.10(3), ss.363–389.
  • NYSVEEN, Herbjorn and PEDERSEN, Per E. (2005), “Search Mode and Purchase Intention in Online Shopping Behaviour”, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, S.2(4), ss.288-306.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz ve GÜLFİDAN, Barış (2010), Tüketici Davranışı, MediaCat Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • OLSEN, Svein Ottar (2007), “Repurchase Loyalty: The Role of Involvement and Satisfaction”, Psychology and Marketing, S.24(4), ss.315-341.
  • ÖNEN, Vahap (2018). “Marka Güveni Marka Sadakati ve Marka Tercihi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Kırtasiye Sektörü Uygulaması”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.10(2), ss.609-626.
  • PARK, Whan C. and LESSIG Parker V. (1981), “Familiarity and Its Impact on Consumer Decision Biases and Heuristics”, Journal of Consumer Research, S.8(2), ss.223-230.
  • SHERGILL, Gurvinder Singh and LI, Bing (2005), “Internet Banking-An Empirical Investigation of A Trust and Loyalty Model For New Zealand Banks”, Journal of Internet Commerce, S.4(4), ss.101-118.
  • SCHERMELLEH-ENGEL M. AND MOOSBRUGGER, H. (2003), “Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures”, Methods of Psychological Research, S.8(2), ss.23-74.
  • SICHTMANN, Christina (2007), “An Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Trust in a Corporate Brand”, European Journal of Marketing, S.41(9-10), ss.999-1015.
  • SIRDESHMUKH, Deepak, SINGH, Jagdip ve SABOL, Barry (2002), “Consumer Trust, Value and Loyalty in Relational Exchanges”, Journal of Marketing, S.66(Jan.), ss.15-37.
  • SONG, Younghee, HUR, Won-Moo ve KIM, Minsung (2012), “Brand Trust and Affect in the Luxury Brand-Customer Relationship”, Social Behavior and Personality, S.40(2), ss.331-338.
  • SWAEN, Valeria ve CACERES, Ruben Chumpitaz (2008), “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Trust”, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, S.23(4), ss.7-33.
  • TAYLOR, Steve, CELUCH, Kevin ve GOODWIN, Stephen (2004), “The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, S.13(4), ss.217-227.
  • YAĞCI, Mehmet İsmail ve İLARSLAN, Neslihan (2010), “Reklamların ve Cinsiyet Kimliği Rolünün Tüketicilerin Satın Alma Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, S.11(1), ss.138-155.
  • ZAICHKOWSKY, Judith Lynne (1985), “Measuring the Involvement Construct”, The Journal of Consumer Research, S.12(3), ss.341-352.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nur Çağlar Çetinkaya 0000-0002-6047-2718

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çağlar Çetinkaya, N. (2020). Tüketici İlgilenimi ve Satın Alma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki Üzerinde Markaya Duyulan Güvenin Düzenleyici Etkisi. International Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 2(2), 98-109.



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