The BES Journal aims to publish original and scientific works in line with its publishing rules. In this context, the Journal committed to make publishing in compliance with the publishing ethics. All the articles submitted to the Journal was put under plagiarism or similarity check by the Editor after the end of pre-control process.
The BES Journal utilizes from iThenticate and Turnitin programs in order to detect probable plagiarisms in the articles.
Editorial Board of the Journal defined the upper threshold of plagiarism in the articles as 20 percent; the similarity to a single source can be at most 1 percent.
A plagiarism report is produced for all the articles submitted to the Journal by using the iThenticate and Turnitin programs and this report is shared with the author. The decision about a plagiarism in an article is not taken solely by looking at the results in the plagiarism report. The Editor gives the final decision by considering the referencing system used in the article together with the plagiarism report. The final decision of the Editor can be in the form of correction requested by the author or rejection.
BES JOURNAL- International Journal of Business and Economic Studies is licensed with Creavtive Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0).