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Yıl 2023, , 329 - 339, 30.06.2023


Finansman günümüzde hayati önem taşıyan bir gerçektir. Finansal denge bozulduğunda ve düzeltmek için gereken çaba gösterilemediğinde bunun özünü oluşturan para kavramı herkesin hayatında sorun olmaya devam edebilmektedir. Birey ya da aile çabalasa da kimi zaman bu tip problemlerin üstesinden gelmeleri mümkün olmamakta ve destek alınması gereği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Finansal Terapi hem finans ve hem de psikoloji uzmanlarının bir araya gelerek gerekli olan yapılanmayı yeniden inşa ettikleri disiplinlerarası bir müdahale yöntemidir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde (ABD) 2000’li yılların başında hayata geçmiştir. Bu çalışmada ilgili terapi ve modellerine dair genel bir fikir verilmeye gayret edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda ABD’de yapılan çalışmalar ve konu ile ilgili alanyazın incelenerek özet bir bilgi çıkartılmıştır.


  • Aldrick, P., Curran, E. ve Sasso, M. (2022). Wall street says a recession is coming consumers say it’s already here. Erişim adresi: small-business /wall-street-says-a-recession-is-coming-consumers-say-its-already- here/2022/ 07/06/547a246a-fce9-11ec-b39d-71309168014b_story.html Erişim tarihi:11.09.2022
  • Ali, H., Hassan, S.U., Malik, M.S. ve Mubbashar, M. (2020). Impact of cognitive factors on financial behaviour with mediating role of financial anxiety. Epistemology7(3), pp. 82- 99. https: // /index. php/epistemology/article/view/134
  • Amsyar, I., Christopher, E., Dithi, A., Khan, A. N., ve Maulana, S. (2020). The Challenge of Cryptocurrency in the Era of the Digital Revolution: A Review of Systematic Literature. Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT), 2(2), pp 153-159.
  • Archuleta, K. L., ve Grable, J. E. (2011). The future of financial planning and counseling: An introduction to financial therapy. J.E. Grable, K.E. Archuleta,R.R. Nazarinia (Ed), In Financial planning and counseling scales (pp. 33-59), New York: Springer.
  • Archuleta, K.L., Britt, S.L., Tonn, T.J., ve Grable, J.E. (2011). Financial satisfaction and financial stressors in marital satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 108(2), pp.563-576 https://doi. org/ 10.2466/07.21.PR0.108.2.
  • Archuleta, K. L., Burr, E. A., Dale, A. K., Canale, A., Danford, D., Rasure, E., ve Horwitz, E. (2012). What is financial therapy? Discovering mechanisms and aspects of an emerging field. Journal of Financial Therapy, 3(2), pp. 57-78. 10.4148/jft.v3i2.1807
  • Archuleta, K. L., Grable, J.E., ve Burr, E. (2015). Solution focused financial therapy, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Pp: 121-142, New York: Springer
  • Archuleta, K. L., Britt, S. L., ve Klontz, B. T. (2016). Financial therapy. Handbook of consumer finance research, pp.73-82, Kingston RI: Springer
  • Beck, A.T. ve Weishaar M.J. (1995). Cognitive therapy, Eds: D.Wedding, R.J. Corsini, Current Psychotherapies. 2018, 11th Edition, Boston: Cengage
  • Benson, A. L., ve Eisenach, D. A. (2013). Stopping overshopping: An approach to the treatment of compulsive-buying disorder. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 8(1), pp.3-24. 10.1080/1556035X.2013.727724
  • Benson, A.L. (2015). Stopping overshopping model, B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, (Eds), Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Springer
  • Britt, S. L., Archuleta, K. L., ve Klontz, B. T. (2015). Theories, models, and integration in financial therapy. Financial therapy: Theory, research, and practice, pp. 15-22. New York: Springer.
  • Britt, S. L., Klontz, B. T., ve Archuleta, K. L. (2015). Financial therapy: Establishing an emerging field. Financial therapy: Theory, research, and practice, pp. 3-13, New York: Springer.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (2000). Mental health in the 21st century. Bulletin of the world Health Organization, 78, pp.411-421.
  • Butterworth, P., Rodgers, B., ve Windsor, T. D. (2009). Financial hardship, socio-economic position and depression: Results from the PATH Through Life Survey. Social science & medicine, 69(2), pp.229-237.
  • Carpintero, H. (2004). History of applied psychology, owerview. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Ed: C. Spielberger, pp. 179-196, Florida: Academic Press
  • Corcoran, J., ve Pillai, V. (2009). A review of the research on solution-focused therapy. British Journal of Social Work, 39(2), pp.234-242. Https:// 10.1093 /bjsw /bcm098
  • Cowles, C. (2022) Where Money meets feelings: Financial therapy finds its footing, The New York Times, l-finance.html Erişim Tarihi: 25/08/2022
  • Danes, S. M., ve Hira, T. K. (1987). Money management knowledge of college students. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 17(1), pp.1.
  • Davis, C. G., ve Mantler, J. (2004). The consequences of financial stress for individuals, families, and society. Centre for Research on Stress, Coping and Well-being. Carleton University, Ottawa: Department of Psychology.
  • Duong, X. L., ve Liaw, S. Y. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of Online Shopping Addiction Scale (OSAS). Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 32(5), pp.618- 628.
  • Faber, R. J. (1992). Money changes everything: Compulsive buying from a biopsychosocial perspective. American Behavioral Scientist, 35(6), pp.809-819. /000 276 4292035006015
  • Ford, M. R., Baptist, J. A., ve Archuleta, K. L. (2011). A theoretical approach to financial therapy: The development of the Ford financial empowerment model. Journal of Financial Therapy, 2(2), pp.20-40 1.
  • Ford, M. R. (2015). Ford financial empowerment model. Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, (Eds), New York: Springer.
  • Frydman, C., ve Camerer, C. F. (2016). The psychology and neuroscience of financial decision making. Trends in cognitive sciences, 20(9), pp.661-675.
  • Gale, J., Ross, D. B., Thomas, M. G., ve Boe, J. (2020). Considerations, benefits and cautions integrating systems theory with financial therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42, 84-94.Gardner, J., & Oswald, A. J. (2007). Money and mental wellbeing: A longitudinal study of medium-sized lottery wins. Journal of health economics, 26(1), pp.49-60.
  • Granero, R., Fernández-Aranda, F., Mestre-Bach, G., Steward, T., Baño, M., del Pino- Gutiérrez, A., ve Jiménez-Murcia, S. (2016). Compulsive buying behavior: Clinical comparison with other behavioral addictions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 914. https:// 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00914
  • Hofmann, S.G. ve Reinecke, M.A. (2010). Introduction, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Adults, Eds: S.G. Hofmann, M.A. Reinecke. New York: Cambridge
  • Friedman, E.S., Koening, A.M., ve Thase, M.E. (2016). Cognitive and behavioral therapies, Eds: S.H. Fatemi, P.J. Clayton, The Medical Basis of Psychiatry, pp: 781-798, Minneapolis: USA
  • FTA. (2020) Financial Therapy Association, CFT-I Practitioner handbook, FTA 2018—2020 py-Association-CF-T-I%E2%84%A2-Practitioner-Handbook-2.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2022
  • FTA. (2023). Erişim tarihi: 31.03.2023 Jawahar, I. M., Mohammed, Z. J., ve Schreurs, B. (2022). Effects of financial anxiety and employability on emotional exhaustion and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 137(2022), 103761, pp.1-15.
  • Kessler, R. C., ve Greenberg, P. E. (2002). The economic burden of anxiety and stress disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology: The fifth generation of progress, 67, pp.982- 992.
  • Kim, J. H., Gale, J., Goetz, J., ve Bermúdez, J. M. (2011). Relational financial therapy: An innovative and collaborative treatment approach. Contemporary Family Therapy, 33(3), pp. 229-241.
  • Klein, J. T., ve Newell, W. H. (1997). Advancing interdisciplinary studies. Handbook of the undergraduate curriculum: A comprehensive guide to purposes, structures, practices, and change, pp.393-415.
  • Klonz, B.T., Klonz P.T., ve Tharp, D. (2015). Experiential financial therapy, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice, New York: Springer
  • Lea, S. E., ve Webley, P. (2006). Money as tool, money as drug: The biological psychology of a strong incentive. Behavioral and brain sciences, 29(2), pp.161-176.
  • Ljungqvist, I., Topor, A., Forssell, H., Svensson, I., ve Davidson, L. (2016). Money and mental illness: A study of the relationship between poverty and serious psychological problems. Community Mental Health Journal, 52, pp.842-850.
  • Macdonald, A. (2007). Solution-focused therapy: Theory, research & practice, London: Sage Publications. Maryville (2023). is-financial-therapy/ Erişim tarihi: 11.03.2023
  • McLeod, S. (2007). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Simply psychology, 1(1-18).
  • Mueller, A., Joshi, M., ve Thomas, T. A. (2022). Excessive shopping on the internet: Recent trends in compulsive buying-shopping disorder. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 44, 101116, pp.1-7
  • Murali, V., Ray, R., ve Shaffiullha, M. (2012). Shopping addiction. Advances in psychiatric treatment, 18(4), pp. 263-269.
  • Nabeshima, G. ve Klontz, B. T. (2015). Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Experiential financial therapy, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Springer
  • Niedermoser, D. W., Petitjean, S., Schweinfurth, N., Wirz, L., Ankli, V., Schilling, H., Zueger, C., Meyer, M. ve Walter, M. (2021). Shopping addiction: A brief review. Practice Innovations, 6(3), pp.199-207.
  • O'Neill, B., Prawitz, A., Sorhaindo, B., Kim, J., ve Garman, E. T. (2006). Changes in health, negative financial events, and financial distress/financial well-being for debt management program clients. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(2), pp.46-63.
  • Pino, D. (2022). The recession predictions begin, NR Capital Matters, https://www.national Erişim Tarihi: 04/09/2022
  • Ponnet, K. (2014). Financial stress, parent functioning and adolescent problem behavior: An actor–partner interdependence approach to family stress processes in low-, middle-, and high-income families. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(10), pp.1752-1769. doi: 10.1007/s10964-014-0159-y
  • Psychologytoday (2023). Erişim Tarihi: 04.09.2022
  • Rasmussen, P.R. (2005). Personality guided cognitive behavioral therapy. American Psychological Association, T. Millon (Ed.), Washington: United Book Press.
  • Satir, V. (1972). The new peoplemaking, New York: Science and Behaviour Books.
  • Seay, M., Goetz, J.W. ve Gale, J. (2015). Collaborative relational model, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice, New York: Springer pp:161-172
  • Sinclair, R. R., ve Cheung, J. H. (2016). Money matters: Recommendations for financial stress research in occupational health psychology. Stress and Health, 32(3), pp. 181- 193.
  • Steinhart, C. (2015) A brief history of Money, San Fransisco: Market Street Publishing.
  • Smith, T. E., Richards, K. V., Panisch, L. S., ve Shelton, V. M. (2018). Teaching financial problem solving: A curriculum model from a pilot BSW course. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 23(1), pp.1-10.
  • Swan-Kremeier, L. A., Mitchell, J. E., ve Faber, R. J. (2005). Compulsive buying: A disorder of compulsivity or impulsivity? J.S. Abramowitz, A.C. Houts (Eds), In Concepts and controversies in obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp:185-190. Ontario: Springer
  • Trachtman, R. (1999). The money taboo: Its effects in everyday life and in the practice of psychotherapy. Clinical Social Work Journal, 27(3), 275-288.
  • Tsuchiya, K., Leung, C. W., Jones, A. D., ve Caldwell, C. H. (2020). Multiple financial stressors and serious psychological distress among adults in the USA. International Journal of Public Health, 65(3), 335-344. 54-x
  • Turhan, Ş. (2022) Bireysel borçtan takibe düşen sayısı 1.5 kat arttı. ekonomi /bireysel-borctan-takibe-dusen-sayisi-15-kat-artti-haberi-649499 Erişim Tarihi: 02.09.2022
  • Watson, J.C., Greenberg, L.S., ve Lietaer, G. (1998). The experiential paradigm unfolding: Relationship and experiencing in therapy, Eds: L.S. Greenberg, J.C. Watson, G. Lietaer. Handbook of Experiential Psychotherapy, New York: The Guilford Press
  • Zimmerman, K.J. (2010). The influence of a financial management course on couples’ relationship quality. Graduate thesis, Iowa University, USA


Yıl 2023, , 329 - 339, 30.06.2023


Financing is a vital reality today. When the financial balance is disrupted and the necessary effort cannot be made to correct it, the concept of money, which constitutes its essence, can continue to be a problem in everyone's life. Even if the individual or family tries, sometimes it is not possible to overcome such problems and it becomes necessary to seek support. Financial Therapy is an interdisciplinary intervention method in which both finance and psychology experts come together to rebuild the necessary structure. It was implemented in the United States of America (USA) in the early 2000s. In this study, an attempt has been made to give a general idea about the related therapy and its models. In this context, a summary of the studies conducted in the USA and the literature on the subject were examined.


  • Aldrick, P., Curran, E. ve Sasso, M. (2022). Wall street says a recession is coming consumers say it’s already here. Erişim adresi: small-business /wall-street-says-a-recession-is-coming-consumers-say-its-already- here/2022/ 07/06/547a246a-fce9-11ec-b39d-71309168014b_story.html Erişim tarihi:11.09.2022
  • Ali, H., Hassan, S.U., Malik, M.S. ve Mubbashar, M. (2020). Impact of cognitive factors on financial behaviour with mediating role of financial anxiety. Epistemology7(3), pp. 82- 99. https: // /index. php/epistemology/article/view/134
  • Amsyar, I., Christopher, E., Dithi, A., Khan, A. N., ve Maulana, S. (2020). The Challenge of Cryptocurrency in the Era of the Digital Revolution: A Review of Systematic Literature. Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT), 2(2), pp 153-159.
  • Archuleta, K. L., ve Grable, J. E. (2011). The future of financial planning and counseling: An introduction to financial therapy. J.E. Grable, K.E. Archuleta,R.R. Nazarinia (Ed), In Financial planning and counseling scales (pp. 33-59), New York: Springer.
  • Archuleta, K.L., Britt, S.L., Tonn, T.J., ve Grable, J.E. (2011). Financial satisfaction and financial stressors in marital satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 108(2), pp.563-576 https://doi. org/ 10.2466/07.21.PR0.108.2.
  • Archuleta, K. L., Burr, E. A., Dale, A. K., Canale, A., Danford, D., Rasure, E., ve Horwitz, E. (2012). What is financial therapy? Discovering mechanisms and aspects of an emerging field. Journal of Financial Therapy, 3(2), pp. 57-78. 10.4148/jft.v3i2.1807
  • Archuleta, K. L., Grable, J.E., ve Burr, E. (2015). Solution focused financial therapy, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Pp: 121-142, New York: Springer
  • Archuleta, K. L., Britt, S. L., ve Klontz, B. T. (2016). Financial therapy. Handbook of consumer finance research, pp.73-82, Kingston RI: Springer
  • Beck, A.T. ve Weishaar M.J. (1995). Cognitive therapy, Eds: D.Wedding, R.J. Corsini, Current Psychotherapies. 2018, 11th Edition, Boston: Cengage
  • Benson, A. L., ve Eisenach, D. A. (2013). Stopping overshopping: An approach to the treatment of compulsive-buying disorder. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 8(1), pp.3-24. 10.1080/1556035X.2013.727724
  • Benson, A.L. (2015). Stopping overshopping model, B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, (Eds), Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Springer
  • Britt, S. L., Archuleta, K. L., ve Klontz, B. T. (2015). Theories, models, and integration in financial therapy. Financial therapy: Theory, research, and practice, pp. 15-22. New York: Springer.
  • Britt, S. L., Klontz, B. T., ve Archuleta, K. L. (2015). Financial therapy: Establishing an emerging field. Financial therapy: Theory, research, and practice, pp. 3-13, New York: Springer.
  • Brundtland, G. H. (2000). Mental health in the 21st century. Bulletin of the world Health Organization, 78, pp.411-421.
  • Butterworth, P., Rodgers, B., ve Windsor, T. D. (2009). Financial hardship, socio-economic position and depression: Results from the PATH Through Life Survey. Social science & medicine, 69(2), pp.229-237.
  • Carpintero, H. (2004). History of applied psychology, owerview. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Ed: C. Spielberger, pp. 179-196, Florida: Academic Press
  • Corcoran, J., ve Pillai, V. (2009). A review of the research on solution-focused therapy. British Journal of Social Work, 39(2), pp.234-242. Https:// 10.1093 /bjsw /bcm098
  • Cowles, C. (2022) Where Money meets feelings: Financial therapy finds its footing, The New York Times, l-finance.html Erişim Tarihi: 25/08/2022
  • Danes, S. M., ve Hira, T. K. (1987). Money management knowledge of college students. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 17(1), pp.1.
  • Davis, C. G., ve Mantler, J. (2004). The consequences of financial stress for individuals, families, and society. Centre for Research on Stress, Coping and Well-being. Carleton University, Ottawa: Department of Psychology.
  • Duong, X. L., ve Liaw, S. Y. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of Online Shopping Addiction Scale (OSAS). Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 32(5), pp.618- 628.
  • Faber, R. J. (1992). Money changes everything: Compulsive buying from a biopsychosocial perspective. American Behavioral Scientist, 35(6), pp.809-819. /000 276 4292035006015
  • Ford, M. R., Baptist, J. A., ve Archuleta, K. L. (2011). A theoretical approach to financial therapy: The development of the Ford financial empowerment model. Journal of Financial Therapy, 2(2), pp.20-40 1.
  • Ford, M. R. (2015). Ford financial empowerment model. Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, (Eds), New York: Springer.
  • Frydman, C., ve Camerer, C. F. (2016). The psychology and neuroscience of financial decision making. Trends in cognitive sciences, 20(9), pp.661-675.
  • Gale, J., Ross, D. B., Thomas, M. G., ve Boe, J. (2020). Considerations, benefits and cautions integrating systems theory with financial therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42, 84-94.Gardner, J., & Oswald, A. J. (2007). Money and mental wellbeing: A longitudinal study of medium-sized lottery wins. Journal of health economics, 26(1), pp.49-60.
  • Granero, R., Fernández-Aranda, F., Mestre-Bach, G., Steward, T., Baño, M., del Pino- Gutiérrez, A., ve Jiménez-Murcia, S. (2016). Compulsive buying behavior: Clinical comparison with other behavioral addictions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 914. https:// 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00914
  • Hofmann, S.G. ve Reinecke, M.A. (2010). Introduction, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Adults, Eds: S.G. Hofmann, M.A. Reinecke. New York: Cambridge
  • Friedman, E.S., Koening, A.M., ve Thase, M.E. (2016). Cognitive and behavioral therapies, Eds: S.H. Fatemi, P.J. Clayton, The Medical Basis of Psychiatry, pp: 781-798, Minneapolis: USA
  • FTA. (2020) Financial Therapy Association, CFT-I Practitioner handbook, FTA 2018—2020 py-Association-CF-T-I%E2%84%A2-Practitioner-Handbook-2.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 11.09.2022
  • FTA. (2023). Erişim tarihi: 31.03.2023 Jawahar, I. M., Mohammed, Z. J., ve Schreurs, B. (2022). Effects of financial anxiety and employability on emotional exhaustion and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 137(2022), 103761, pp.1-15.
  • Kessler, R. C., ve Greenberg, P. E. (2002). The economic burden of anxiety and stress disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology: The fifth generation of progress, 67, pp.982- 992.
  • Kim, J. H., Gale, J., Goetz, J., ve Bermúdez, J. M. (2011). Relational financial therapy: An innovative and collaborative treatment approach. Contemporary Family Therapy, 33(3), pp. 229-241.
  • Klein, J. T., ve Newell, W. H. (1997). Advancing interdisciplinary studies. Handbook of the undergraduate curriculum: A comprehensive guide to purposes, structures, practices, and change, pp.393-415.
  • Klonz, B.T., Klonz P.T., ve Tharp, D. (2015). Experiential financial therapy, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice, New York: Springer
  • Lea, S. E., ve Webley, P. (2006). Money as tool, money as drug: The biological psychology of a strong incentive. Behavioral and brain sciences, 29(2), pp.161-176.
  • Ljungqvist, I., Topor, A., Forssell, H., Svensson, I., ve Davidson, L. (2016). Money and mental illness: A study of the relationship between poverty and serious psychological problems. Community Mental Health Journal, 52, pp.842-850.
  • Macdonald, A. (2007). Solution-focused therapy: Theory, research & practice, London: Sage Publications. Maryville (2023). is-financial-therapy/ Erişim tarihi: 11.03.2023
  • McLeod, S. (2007). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Simply psychology, 1(1-18).
  • Mueller, A., Joshi, M., ve Thomas, T. A. (2022). Excessive shopping on the internet: Recent trends in compulsive buying-shopping disorder. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 44, 101116, pp.1-7
  • Murali, V., Ray, R., ve Shaffiullha, M. (2012). Shopping addiction. Advances in psychiatric treatment, 18(4), pp. 263-269.
  • Nabeshima, G. ve Klontz, B. T. (2015). Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Experiential financial therapy, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Springer
  • Niedermoser, D. W., Petitjean, S., Schweinfurth, N., Wirz, L., Ankli, V., Schilling, H., Zueger, C., Meyer, M. ve Walter, M. (2021). Shopping addiction: A brief review. Practice Innovations, 6(3), pp.199-207.
  • O'Neill, B., Prawitz, A., Sorhaindo, B., Kim, J., ve Garman, E. T. (2006). Changes in health, negative financial events, and financial distress/financial well-being for debt management program clients. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(2), pp.46-63.
  • Pino, D. (2022). The recession predictions begin, NR Capital Matters, https://www.national Erişim Tarihi: 04/09/2022
  • Ponnet, K. (2014). Financial stress, parent functioning and adolescent problem behavior: An actor–partner interdependence approach to family stress processes in low-, middle-, and high-income families. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(10), pp.1752-1769. doi: 10.1007/s10964-014-0159-y
  • Psychologytoday (2023). Erişim Tarihi: 04.09.2022
  • Rasmussen, P.R. (2005). Personality guided cognitive behavioral therapy. American Psychological Association, T. Millon (Ed.), Washington: United Book Press.
  • Satir, V. (1972). The new peoplemaking, New York: Science and Behaviour Books.
  • Seay, M., Goetz, J.W. ve Gale, J. (2015). Collaborative relational model, eds: B.T. Klontz, S.L. Britt, K.L. Archuleta, Financial Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice, New York: Springer pp:161-172
  • Sinclair, R. R., ve Cheung, J. H. (2016). Money matters: Recommendations for financial stress research in occupational health psychology. Stress and Health, 32(3), pp. 181- 193.
  • Steinhart, C. (2015) A brief history of Money, San Fransisco: Market Street Publishing.
  • Smith, T. E., Richards, K. V., Panisch, L. S., ve Shelton, V. M. (2018). Teaching financial problem solving: A curriculum model from a pilot BSW course. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 23(1), pp.1-10.
  • Swan-Kremeier, L. A., Mitchell, J. E., ve Faber, R. J. (2005). Compulsive buying: A disorder of compulsivity or impulsivity? J.S. Abramowitz, A.C. Houts (Eds), In Concepts and controversies in obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp:185-190. Ontario: Springer
  • Trachtman, R. (1999). The money taboo: Its effects in everyday life and in the practice of psychotherapy. Clinical Social Work Journal, 27(3), 275-288.
  • Tsuchiya, K., Leung, C. W., Jones, A. D., ve Caldwell, C. H. (2020). Multiple financial stressors and serious psychological distress among adults in the USA. International Journal of Public Health, 65(3), 335-344. 54-x
  • Turhan, Ş. (2022) Bireysel borçtan takibe düşen sayısı 1.5 kat arttı. ekonomi /bireysel-borctan-takibe-dusen-sayisi-15-kat-artti-haberi-649499 Erişim Tarihi: 02.09.2022
  • Watson, J.C., Greenberg, L.S., ve Lietaer, G. (1998). The experiential paradigm unfolding: Relationship and experiencing in therapy, Eds: L.S. Greenberg, J.C. Watson, G. Lietaer. Handbook of Experiential Psychotherapy, New York: The Guilford Press
  • Zimmerman, K.J. (2010). The influence of a financial management course on couples’ relationship quality. Graduate thesis, Iowa University, USA
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Patrizia Muradi 0000-0002-1099-9925

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 5 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Muradi, P. (2023). FİNANSAL TERAPİ ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Uluslararası Anadolu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2), 329-339.

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