Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2023, , 995 - 1006, 31.12.2023


The usage of substances is preventable, thus requiring continuous multidimensional interventions and monitoring. The increasing trend of substance use among young people highlights the need to evaluate the effectiveness of studies conducted in this field. This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of substance dependency prevention efforts within a local community in Eastern Turkey. This study adopts a comparative cross-sectional type based on prospective monitoring. It was completed with a total of 1089 students. Data for the research were collected using the Substance Use and Reasons Survey and the Self-Efficacy Scale for Preventing Substance Addiction in Adolescents between March and April 2018, following necessary permissions. The data were analyzed using percentages, chi-square, t-tests, ANOVA, correlation, regression analysis, and Odds Ratio values in the SPSS program. According to the research findings, over three years compared to multidimensional studies, the rates of cigarette (2015: 21.7%, 2018: 19.5%) and alcohol (2015: 21.7%, 2018: 19.5%) usage showed a decreasing tendency, while there was a slight increase in the usage of other addictive substances (2015: 4.2%, 2018: 4.8%). Additionally, there was an observed increase in scores on the Substance Addiction Prevention Scale for Adolescents (2015: 93.61±18.99, 2018: 100.09±18.18).


  • Bühler, A., & Thrul, J. (2015). Prevention of addictive behaviors. Luxembourg: EMCDDA; 2015. Retrieved from http://www.emcdda.europa. eu/attachements.cfm/att_242416_EN_TDXD15018ENN.pdf, accessed 12 November 2018).
  • Campbell, R., Starkey, F., Holliday, J., Audrey, S., Bloor, M., Parry-Langdon, … Moore, L. (2008). An informal school-based peer-led intervention for smoking prevention in adolescence (ASSIST): a cluster randomized trial. Lancet, 371, 1595-1602.
  • Caria, M.P., Faggiano, F., Bellocco, R., Galanti, M.R., & EU-Dap Study Group Collaborators. (2011). Effects of a school-based prevention program on European adolescents’ patterns of alcohol use. J Adolesc Health, 48(2), 182–188.
  • Carson, K.V., Brinn, M.P., & Labiszewski, N.A. (2011). Community interventions for preventing smoking in young people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev., CD001291.
  • Cuijpers, P.(2002). Effective ingredients of school-based drug prevention programs. A systematic review. Addict Behav. 27, 1009–1023.
  • Currie, C., Zanotti, C., Morgan, A., Currie, D., Looze, M de., Roberts, C., … Barnekow V.(Eds.) (2012) Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being Among Young People. Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study: International Report from the 2009/2010 Survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.
  • Eker, F., Akkuş, D., Kapısız, Ö. (2013). The development and psychometric evaluation study of self-efficacy for protecting adolescences from Substance Abuse Scale. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 4(1),7-12 (in Turkish).
  • Engel, C., Scalf, N. (2010). The Slippery Slope: A Connection Between Smoking and Drug Attitudes. Pacific Northwest Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities: Vol. 1, Article 2. Retrieved from
  • EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ). Best Practice Portal. Lisbon: EMCDDA; 2016 (, accessed 08 November 2018).
  • Espada, J.P., Rosa, A.I., & Méndez, F.X. (2003). Eficacia de los programas de prevención escolar de drogas con metodología interactiva [Effectiveness of school-based prevention programs drug with interactive methodology]. Salud y Drogas, 3, 61-82.
  • Espada, J.P., Gonzálvez, M.T., Orgilés, M., Lloret, D., & Guillén-Riquelme, A. (2015). Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school substance abuse prevention programs in Spain. Psicothema, 27(1), 5-12.
  • Faggiano, F., Vigna-Taglianti, F.D., Versino, E., Zambon, A., Borraccino, A., Lemma, P. (2005). School-based prevention for illicit drugs’ use. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2), 18(2):CD003020.
  • Gottfredson, D.C., & Wilson, D.B. (2003). Characteristics of effective school-based substance abuse prevention. Prev Sci, 4(1), 27-38.
  • Harrell, P.T., Trenz, R.C., Scherer, M., Ropelewski, L.R., Latimera, W.W. (2012) Cigarette smoking, illicit drug use, and routes of administration among heroin and cocaine users. Addict Behav., 37(5), 678–681.
  • Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2011). Monitoring the Future national results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2010. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan.
  • Karatay, G., & Gürarslan Baş, N. (2017). Effects of Role-Playing Scenarios on the Self-efficacy of Students in Resisting Against Substance Addiction: A Pilot Study. Inquiry, 54, 46958017720624.
  • Levine, A., Huang, Y., Drisaldi, B., Griffin, E.A Jr., Pollak, D.D., Xu, S., … Kandel, E.R. (2011). Molecular mechanism for a gateway drug: epigenetic changes initiated by nicotine prime gene expression by cocaine. Sci Transl Med., 3(107):107ra109.
  • Lipari, R.N.(2017). Exposure to substance use prevention messages among adolescents. The CBHSQ Report: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Rockville, MD.
  • Miech, R. A., Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2016). Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2015: Volume 1, Secondary School Students, Ann Arbor, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, Retrieved from: Decline on 2017, August 17.
  • Müller-Riemenschneider, F., Bockelbrink, A., & Reinhold T. (2008). Long-term effectiveness of behavioral interventions to prevent smoking among children and youths. Tob Control, 17, 301–302.
  • Norberg, M.M., Kezelman, S., & Lim-Howe, N. (2013). Primary prevention of cannabis use: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. PloS One, 8, Article 53187.
  • Onrust, S.A., Otten, R., Lammers, J., & Smit F. (2016). School-based programmes to reduce and prevent substance use in different age groups: What works for whom? Systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Clin Psychol Rev., 44, 45-59.
  • Patnode, C.D., O'Connor, E., Whitlock, E.P. (2013). Primary care-relevant interventions for tobacco use prevention and cessation in children and adolescents: A systematic evidence review for the US preventive services task force. Ann Intern Med., 158, 253–260.
  • Renstrom, M., Ferri, M., & Mandil, A.(2017). Substance use prevention: evidence-based intervention. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 23(3), 198-205.
  • Spoth, R., Greenberg, M.T., & Turrisi R.(2008). Preventive interventions addressing underage drinking: state of the evidence and steps toward public health impact. Pediatrics. 121, 311–336.
  • Strøm, H.K., Adolfsen, F., Fossum, S., Kaiser, S., & Martinussen, M. (2014). Effectiveness of school-based preventive interventions on adolescent alcohol use: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 13 (9), 48.
  • Stueve, A., & O'Donnell, L.N. (2005). Early alcohol initiation and subsequent sexual and alcohol risk behaviors among urban youths. Am J Public Health, 95(5), 887-893.
  • Suls, J.M., Luger, T.M., & Curry S.J. (2012). Efficacy of smoking-cessation interventions for young adults: A meta-analysis. Am J Prev Med., 42, 655–662.
  • Thomas, R.E., Baker, P., Thomas, B.C., & Lorenzetti D.L.(2015). Family-based programmes for preventing smoking by children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev., 2, CD004493.
  • Thomas, R.E., McLellan, J., Perera, R.(2013). School-based programmes for preventing smoking. Evidence-based Child Health A Cochrane Rev J., 8, 1616–2040.
  • Tobler, N.S., Roona, M.R., Ochshorn, P., Marshall, D.G., Streke, A.V., Stackpole, K.M. (2000). School-based adolescent drug prevention programs: 1998 meta-analysis. J Prim Prev., 20, 275–336.
  • TUBİM (Turkey Monitoring Centre of Drug and Drug Use). Turkish Drug Report 2014. Retrievedfromürkiye- Uyuşturucu-Raporu/TUBIM%202014. Available date: 08 November 2018.
  • Vogl, L.E, Teesson, M., Newton, N. C, & Andrews G. (2012). Developing a school-based drug prevention program to overcome barriers to effective program implementation: The CLIMATE schools: Alcohol modüle. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2(3), 410-422.
  • Weinberger, A.H., Platt, J., & Goodwin, R.D.(2016). Is cannabis use associated with an increased risk of onset and persistence of alcohol use disorders? A three-year prospective study among adults in the United States. Drug Alcohol Depend, 161, 363-367.


Yıl 2023, , 995 - 1006, 31.12.2023


Madde kullanımı önlenebilir olduğundan, sürekli çok boyutlu müdahalelere ve izleme ihtiyaç vardır. Gençler arasında madde kullanımının giderek artan eğilimi, bu alanda yapılan çalışmaların etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi gerekliliğine işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’nin doğusunda yerel bir toplulukta madde bağımlılığını önleme çalışmalarının etkinliğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışma, prospektif izleme dayanan karşılaştırmalı türden kesitsel bir çalışmadır. Çalışma, toplam 1089 öğrenci ile tamamlandı. Araştırmanın verileri gerekli izinler alındıktan, sonra Mart-Nisan 2018 tarihleri arasında Madde Kullanımı ve Nedenleri Anketi ve Ergenlerde Madde Bağımlılığından Korunma Öz-Yeterliği Ölçeği kullanılarak toplandı. Veriler SPSS programında yüzde, ki-kare, t-testi, ANOVA, korelasyon ve regresyon analizi ve Odds Ratio değeri kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Araştırma bulgularına göre, çok boyutlu çalışmalara göre 3 yıllık dönemde sigara (2015: %21,7, 2018: %19,5) ve alkol (2015: %21,7, 2018: %19,5) kullanım oranları azalma eğilimi gösterirken, diğer bağımlılık yapıcı maddelerin kullanımında ise hafif bir artış olduğu görüldü (2015: %4,2; 2018: %4,8). Ayrıca Ergenler İçin Madde Bağımlılığını Koruma Ölçeği puanlarının (2015; 93,61±18,99, 2018; 100,09±18,18) arttığı gözlemlendi.


  • Bühler, A., & Thrul, J. (2015). Prevention of addictive behaviors. Luxembourg: EMCDDA; 2015. Retrieved from http://www.emcdda.europa. eu/attachements.cfm/att_242416_EN_TDXD15018ENN.pdf, accessed 12 November 2018).
  • Campbell, R., Starkey, F., Holliday, J., Audrey, S., Bloor, M., Parry-Langdon, … Moore, L. (2008). An informal school-based peer-led intervention for smoking prevention in adolescence (ASSIST): a cluster randomized trial. Lancet, 371, 1595-1602.
  • Caria, M.P., Faggiano, F., Bellocco, R., Galanti, M.R., & EU-Dap Study Group Collaborators. (2011). Effects of a school-based prevention program on European adolescents’ patterns of alcohol use. J Adolesc Health, 48(2), 182–188.
  • Carson, K.V., Brinn, M.P., & Labiszewski, N.A. (2011). Community interventions for preventing smoking in young people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev., CD001291.
  • Cuijpers, P.(2002). Effective ingredients of school-based drug prevention programs. A systematic review. Addict Behav. 27, 1009–1023.
  • Currie, C., Zanotti, C., Morgan, A., Currie, D., Looze, M de., Roberts, C., … Barnekow V.(Eds.) (2012) Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being Among Young People. Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study: International Report from the 2009/2010 Survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.
  • Eker, F., Akkuş, D., Kapısız, Ö. (2013). The development and psychometric evaluation study of self-efficacy for protecting adolescences from Substance Abuse Scale. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 4(1),7-12 (in Turkish).
  • Engel, C., Scalf, N. (2010). The Slippery Slope: A Connection Between Smoking and Drug Attitudes. Pacific Northwest Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities: Vol. 1, Article 2. Retrieved from
  • EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ). Best Practice Portal. Lisbon: EMCDDA; 2016 (, accessed 08 November 2018).
  • Espada, J.P., Rosa, A.I., & Méndez, F.X. (2003). Eficacia de los programas de prevención escolar de drogas con metodología interactiva [Effectiveness of school-based prevention programs drug with interactive methodology]. Salud y Drogas, 3, 61-82.
  • Espada, J.P., Gonzálvez, M.T., Orgilés, M., Lloret, D., & Guillén-Riquelme, A. (2015). Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school substance abuse prevention programs in Spain. Psicothema, 27(1), 5-12.
  • Faggiano, F., Vigna-Taglianti, F.D., Versino, E., Zambon, A., Borraccino, A., Lemma, P. (2005). School-based prevention for illicit drugs’ use. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2), 18(2):CD003020.
  • Gottfredson, D.C., & Wilson, D.B. (2003). Characteristics of effective school-based substance abuse prevention. Prev Sci, 4(1), 27-38.
  • Harrell, P.T., Trenz, R.C., Scherer, M., Ropelewski, L.R., Latimera, W.W. (2012) Cigarette smoking, illicit drug use, and routes of administration among heroin and cocaine users. Addict Behav., 37(5), 678–681.
  • Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2011). Monitoring the Future national results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2010. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan.
  • Karatay, G., & Gürarslan Baş, N. (2017). Effects of Role-Playing Scenarios on the Self-efficacy of Students in Resisting Against Substance Addiction: A Pilot Study. Inquiry, 54, 46958017720624.
  • Levine, A., Huang, Y., Drisaldi, B., Griffin, E.A Jr., Pollak, D.D., Xu, S., … Kandel, E.R. (2011). Molecular mechanism for a gateway drug: epigenetic changes initiated by nicotine prime gene expression by cocaine. Sci Transl Med., 3(107):107ra109.
  • Lipari, R.N.(2017). Exposure to substance use prevention messages among adolescents. The CBHSQ Report: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Rockville, MD.
  • Miech, R. A., Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2016). Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2015: Volume 1, Secondary School Students, Ann Arbor, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, Retrieved from: Decline on 2017, August 17.
  • Müller-Riemenschneider, F., Bockelbrink, A., & Reinhold T. (2008). Long-term effectiveness of behavioral interventions to prevent smoking among children and youths. Tob Control, 17, 301–302.
  • Norberg, M.M., Kezelman, S., & Lim-Howe, N. (2013). Primary prevention of cannabis use: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. PloS One, 8, Article 53187.
  • Onrust, S.A., Otten, R., Lammers, J., & Smit F. (2016). School-based programmes to reduce and prevent substance use in different age groups: What works for whom? Systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Clin Psychol Rev., 44, 45-59.
  • Patnode, C.D., O'Connor, E., Whitlock, E.P. (2013). Primary care-relevant interventions for tobacco use prevention and cessation in children and adolescents: A systematic evidence review for the US preventive services task force. Ann Intern Med., 158, 253–260.
  • Renstrom, M., Ferri, M., & Mandil, A.(2017). Substance use prevention: evidence-based intervention. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 23(3), 198-205.
  • Spoth, R., Greenberg, M.T., & Turrisi R.(2008). Preventive interventions addressing underage drinking: state of the evidence and steps toward public health impact. Pediatrics. 121, 311–336.
  • Strøm, H.K., Adolfsen, F., Fossum, S., Kaiser, S., & Martinussen, M. (2014). Effectiveness of school-based preventive interventions on adolescent alcohol use: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 13 (9), 48.
  • Stueve, A., & O'Donnell, L.N. (2005). Early alcohol initiation and subsequent sexual and alcohol risk behaviors among urban youths. Am J Public Health, 95(5), 887-893.
  • Suls, J.M., Luger, T.M., & Curry S.J. (2012). Efficacy of smoking-cessation interventions for young adults: A meta-analysis. Am J Prev Med., 42, 655–662.
  • Thomas, R.E., Baker, P., Thomas, B.C., & Lorenzetti D.L.(2015). Family-based programmes for preventing smoking by children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev., 2, CD004493.
  • Thomas, R.E., McLellan, J., Perera, R.(2013). School-based programmes for preventing smoking. Evidence-based Child Health A Cochrane Rev J., 8, 1616–2040.
  • Tobler, N.S., Roona, M.R., Ochshorn, P., Marshall, D.G., Streke, A.V., Stackpole, K.M. (2000). School-based adolescent drug prevention programs: 1998 meta-analysis. J Prim Prev., 20, 275–336.
  • TUBİM (Turkey Monitoring Centre of Drug and Drug Use). Turkish Drug Report 2014. Retrievedfromürkiye- Uyuşturucu-Raporu/TUBIM%202014. Available date: 08 November 2018.
  • Vogl, L.E, Teesson, M., Newton, N. C, & Andrews G. (2012). Developing a school-based drug prevention program to overcome barriers to effective program implementation: The CLIMATE schools: Alcohol modüle. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2(3), 410-422.
  • Weinberger, A.H., Platt, J., & Goodwin, R.D.(2016). Is cannabis use associated with an increased risk of onset and persistence of alcohol use disorders? A three-year prospective study among adults in the United States. Drug Alcohol Depend, 161, 363-367.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Halk Sağlığı (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Gülnaz Karatay 0000-0002-6488-0890

Nazan Gürarslan Baş 0000-0002-6546-192X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

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