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Yıl 2018, , 269 - 280, 17.01.2018


materials or HAZMAT in international shorthand are solid, liquid or gaseous
substances which can cause personal casualty and property damage. These
materials, which may be explosive, flammable, biohazardous, corrosive or
radioactive, require special protection during transport, handling and storage.
The fact that hazardous materials, which are harmful to nature and cause
environmental damage due to their chemical or physical characteristics, have
been used in many sectors in recent years, increasing the importance of
hazardous materials transportation. There are different risk definitions in the
literature used for risk assessment of hazardous materials transportation.
While some of these definitions take into account incident probabilities or
consequences, others consider the number of people within the impact area.
Based on the railway risk model developed by Glickman et al. (2007), which is
compatible with the traditional risk model, the study is adapted to Turkey by
making a few changes. The risk value for railway transportation is calculated
in the direction of the obtained data.


  • Jiang, M. W. and Ying, M. (2014). Study on Route Selection for Hazardous Chemicals Transporta-tion. Procedia Engineering, 71, 130-138. Erkut, E. (1995). On the credibility of the conditional risk model for routing hazardous materials. Operations Research Letters, 18(1), 49-52. Bonvicini, S., Leonelli, P., and Spadoni, G. (1998). Risk analysis of hazardous materials transporta-tion: evaluating uncertainty by means of fuzzy logic. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 62(1), 59-74. Leonelli, P., Bonvicini, S., and Spadoni, G. (2000). Hazardous materials transportation: a risk-analysis-based routing methodology. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 71(1), 283-300. Fabiano, B., Curro, F., Palazzi, E., and Pastorino, R. (2002). A framework for risk assessment and de-cision-making strategies in dangerous good transportation. Journal of hazardous materi-als, 93(1), 1-15. Erkut, E. and Alp, O. (2007). Designing a road network for hazardous materials shipments. Compu-ters & Operations Research, 34(5), 1389-1405. Carotenuto, P., Giordani, S., and Ricciardelli, S. (2007). Finding minimum and equitable risk routes for hazmat shipments. Computers & Operations Research, 34(5), 1304-1327. Brown, D. F. and Dunn, W. E. (2007). Application of a quantitative risk assessment method to emergency response planning. Computers & Operations Research, 34(5), 1243-1265. Glickman, T. S., Erkut, E., and Zschocke, M. S. (2007). The cost and risk impacts of rerouting railroad shipments of hazardous materials. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39(5), 1015-1025. Verma, M. and Verter, V. (2007). Railroad transportation of dangerous goods: Population exposure to airborne toxins. Computers & Operations Research, 34(5), 1287-1303. Milazzo, M. F., Lisi, R., Maschio, G., Antonioni, G., and Spadoni, G. (2010). A study of land transport of dangerous substances in Eastern Sicily. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Indust-ries, 23(3), 393-403. Verma, M. (2011). Railroad transportation of dangerous goods: A conditional exposure approach to minimize transport risk. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(5), 790-802. Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F., Chenouri, S., and Fu, L. (2011). Reducing the threat of in-transit dera-ilments involving dangerous goods through effective placement along the train consist. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(3), 613-620. Covello, V. T. and Merkhoher, M. W. (1993). Risk assessment methods: approaches for assessing health and environmental risks. (First edition). New York: Springer Science & Business Media, 2-7. Erkut, E. and Verter, V. (1998). Modeling of transport risk for hazardous materials. Operations Re-search, 46(5), 625-642. Alp, E. (1995). Risk-based transportation planning practice: Overall methodology and a case example. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 33(1), 4-19. ReVelle, C., Cohon, J., and Shobrys, D. (1991). Simultaneous siting and routing in the disposal of ha-zardous wastes. Transportation Science, 25(2), 138-145. Saccomanno, F. F. and Chan, A. W. (1985). Economic evaluation of routing strategies for hazardous road shipments, Transportation Research Board, 12-18. Abkowitz, M., Lepofsky, M., and Cheng, P. (1992). Selecting criteria for designating hazardous ma-terials highway routes. Transportation Research Record, 1333(2.2) Sivakumar, R., Batta, R., and Karwan, M. (1993). Establishing credible risk criteria for transporting extremely dangerous hazardous materials. Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Assessing the Risks, 335-342. Sivakumar, R. A., Batta, R., and Karwan, M. H. (1993). A network-based model for transporting extremely hazardous materials. Operations Research Letters, 13(2), 85-93. Sivakumar, R. A., Batta, R., and Karwan, M. H. (1995). A multiple route conditional risk model for transporting hazardous materials. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 33(1), 20-33. Bubbico, R., Ferrari, C., and Mazzarotta, B. (2000). Risk analysis of LPG transport by road and rail. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 13(1), 27-31.


Yıl 2018, , 269 - 280, 17.01.2018


maddeler veya uluslararası kısaltmasıyla HAZMAT, kişisel kayıplara ve maddi
hasarlara neden olabilen katı, sıvı veya gaz halindeki maddelerdir. Patlayıcı,
yanıcı, bio tehlikeli, korozif veya radyoaktif içerikli olabilen bu maddeler
taşıma, elleçleme ve depolama işlemleri sırasında özel koruma gerektirmektedir.
Kimyasal veya fiziksel karakteristikleri nedeni ile canlılara ve çevreye zarar
verebilen tehlikeli maddelerin son yıllarda birçok sektörde kullanılıyor
olması, tehlikeli madde taşımacılığının önemini arttırmaktadır. Literatürde,
tehlikeli madde taşımacılığında risk değerlendirmesi için kullanılan farklı
risk tanımlamaları mevcuttur. Bu tanımlamalardan bazıları olay olasılıklarını
ya da olayların sonuçlarını dikkate alırken, bazıları ise etki alanı içindeki
insanların sayısını dikkate almaktadır. Çalışmada geleneksel risk modeliyle
uyumlu, Glickman vd. (2007) tarafından geliştirilen demir yolu risk modeli
temel alınarak bazı değişikliklerle Türkiye’ye uyarlanmaktadır. Elde edilen
veriler doğrultusunda demir yolu taşımacılığındaki risk değeri


  • Jiang, M. W. and Ying, M. (2014). Study on Route Selection for Hazardous Chemicals Transporta-tion. Procedia Engineering, 71, 130-138. Erkut, E. (1995). On the credibility of the conditional risk model for routing hazardous materials. Operations Research Letters, 18(1), 49-52. Bonvicini, S., Leonelli, P., and Spadoni, G. (1998). Risk analysis of hazardous materials transporta-tion: evaluating uncertainty by means of fuzzy logic. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 62(1), 59-74. Leonelli, P., Bonvicini, S., and Spadoni, G. (2000). Hazardous materials transportation: a risk-analysis-based routing methodology. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 71(1), 283-300. Fabiano, B., Curro, F., Palazzi, E., and Pastorino, R. (2002). A framework for risk assessment and de-cision-making strategies in dangerous good transportation. Journal of hazardous materi-als, 93(1), 1-15. Erkut, E. and Alp, O. (2007). Designing a road network for hazardous materials shipments. Compu-ters & Operations Research, 34(5), 1389-1405. Carotenuto, P., Giordani, S., and Ricciardelli, S. (2007). Finding minimum and equitable risk routes for hazmat shipments. Computers & Operations Research, 34(5), 1304-1327. Brown, D. F. and Dunn, W. E. (2007). Application of a quantitative risk assessment method to emergency response planning. Computers & Operations Research, 34(5), 1243-1265. Glickman, T. S., Erkut, E., and Zschocke, M. S. (2007). The cost and risk impacts of rerouting railroad shipments of hazardous materials. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39(5), 1015-1025. Verma, M. and Verter, V. (2007). Railroad transportation of dangerous goods: Population exposure to airborne toxins. Computers & Operations Research, 34(5), 1287-1303. Milazzo, M. F., Lisi, R., Maschio, G., Antonioni, G., and Spadoni, G. (2010). A study of land transport of dangerous substances in Eastern Sicily. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Indust-ries, 23(3), 393-403. Verma, M. (2011). Railroad transportation of dangerous goods: A conditional exposure approach to minimize transport risk. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(5), 790-802. Bagheri, M., Saccomanno, F., Chenouri, S., and Fu, L. (2011). Reducing the threat of in-transit dera-ilments involving dangerous goods through effective placement along the train consist. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(3), 613-620. Covello, V. T. and Merkhoher, M. W. (1993). Risk assessment methods: approaches for assessing health and environmental risks. (First edition). New York: Springer Science & Business Media, 2-7. Erkut, E. and Verter, V. (1998). Modeling of transport risk for hazardous materials. Operations Re-search, 46(5), 625-642. Alp, E. (1995). Risk-based transportation planning practice: Overall methodology and a case example. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 33(1), 4-19. ReVelle, C., Cohon, J., and Shobrys, D. (1991). Simultaneous siting and routing in the disposal of ha-zardous wastes. Transportation Science, 25(2), 138-145. Saccomanno, F. F. and Chan, A. W. (1985). Economic evaluation of routing strategies for hazardous road shipments, Transportation Research Board, 12-18. Abkowitz, M., Lepofsky, M., and Cheng, P. (1992). Selecting criteria for designating hazardous ma-terials highway routes. Transportation Research Record, 1333(2.2) Sivakumar, R., Batta, R., and Karwan, M. (1993). Establishing credible risk criteria for transporting extremely dangerous hazardous materials. Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Assessing the Risks, 335-342. Sivakumar, R. A., Batta, R., and Karwan, M. H. (1993). A network-based model for transporting extremely hazardous materials. Operations Research Letters, 13(2), 85-93. Sivakumar, R. A., Batta, R., and Karwan, M. H. (1995). A multiple route conditional risk model for transporting hazardous materials. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 33(1), 20-33. Bubbico, R., Ferrari, C., and Mazzarotta, B. (2000). Risk analysis of LPG transport by road and rail. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 13(1), 27-31.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.



Aslı Çalış

Cevriye Gencer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Çalış, A., & Gencer, C. (2018). TEHLİKELİ MADDE TAŞIMACILIĞINDA DEMİR YOLU RİSK MODELİ ÖNERİSİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi269-280. https://doi.org/10.18092/ulikidince.353635


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