Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2018, , 1 - 10, 16.01.2018


Çalışmanın amacı, kadınların kırsal alanda gelir getirici
faaliyetlerdeki karar alma süreçlerindeki rolü ve bu sürece katılımını
etkileyen özellikleri tespit etmektir. Çalışmanın ana materyalini TRA1
bölgesinde yer alan Erzurum, Erzincan ve Bayburt illerinde yapılan 360 adet
anket verisi oluşturmaktadır. Kadınların karar alma süreçlerine katılımını
etkileyen özellikler sıralı probit modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına
göre, yaşın artması, evli ve dul olma, uğraşı alanı ile ilgili eğitim alma,
aile kararlarında fikrinin sorulması, aile gelirine katkı sağlama ve ürünlerin
satılmasına katılma durumu kadınların gelir getirici faaliyetlerde karar alma
sürecine katılımını olumlu yönde etkilerken, okur-yazar olmama, işletme
büyükdükçe ve gelir kaynağının çoğunun tarımsal faaliyetler olma durumu kadınların
karar alma sürecine katılımını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Gelir getirici
faaliyetlerde kırsal kadına destek verilmesi, bilgi ve becerilerinin
geliştirilmesi, üretim ve yönetişim ile ilgili konularda kadınlara eğitim
verilmesi ve kırsal kadına pozitif ayrımcılık yapılması bu çalışmanın önerileri
olarak sunulabilir. 


  • Akbay, C. Tiryaki, G.Y. ve Gül, A. (2007). Consumer characteristics influencing fast food consump-tion in Turkey. Food Control, 18, 904-913.
  • Akın, F., Üçdoğruk, Ş. ve Deveci, İ. (2000). İstanbul İli Hane halkı Tüketim Harcamalarının Sıralı Pro-bit Olasılık Modelleriyle İncelenmesi. T.C DİE Araştırma Sempozyumu, Ankara.
  • Arigbo, P.O. ve Ifenkwe, G.E. (2013). Farm decision making among cocoa farming households in Ikwuano L.G.A.of Abia State, Nigeria. Inernational Journal of Acaemic Research in Progres-sive Education and Development, 2 (1), 275-286.
  • Arshad, S., Ashfaq, M., Saghır, A., Ashraf, M., Yasin, M., Lodhi, M.A., Tabassum, H. ve Ali, A. (2010). Gender and decision making process in livestock management. Sarhad J. Agric, 26 (4), 693-696.
  • Clark, R., Ramsbey, T. W., Adler, E. S. (1991). Culture, gender, and labor force participation: A cross-national study. Gender and Society,5(1), 47-66.
  • De Brauw, A., Li, Q., Liu, C., Rozelle, S. ve Zhang, L. (2008). Feminization of agriculture in China? Myths surrounding women's participation in farming. The China Quarterly, 194, 327-348.
  • Dixon, R. B. (1982). Women in agriculture: Counting the labor force in developing countries. Po-pulation and Development Review, 8(3), 539-566.
  • Emeç, H. (2002). Ege Bölgesi Tüketim Harcamaları için Sıralı Logit Tahminleri ve Senaryo Sonuçları. DEÜ. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(2), 13-29.
  • Enete, A.A. ve Amusa, T.A. (2010). Determinants of women’s contribution to farming decisions in coca based agroforestry households of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Field Actions Science, 4 (1): 1-7.
  • Greene, W.H. (2012). Econometric Analysis. Seventh Edition. Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458. ISBN 10:0-13-139538-6.
  • Kifle, D. (2013). Gender Role in Agricultural Production In Some Parts Of Ethiopia: A Brief Review. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 1 (2), 49-52.
  • Kishor, R., Gupta, B., Yadav, S. R. ve Singh, T. R. (1999). Role of rural women in decision-making process in agriculture in district Sitapur (Uttar Pradesh). Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54 (3), 282-286.
  • Kutlar, İ., Kızılay, H. ve Turhanoğulları, Z. (2013). Kırsal alanda kadınların işgücüne ve kararlara katı-lımını etkileyen sosyoekonomik faktörlerin belirlenmesi: Burdur ili örneği. Akdeniz Üni-versitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1), 27-32.
  • Mckelvey, R.D. ve Zavoina, W. (1975). A Statistical Model for The Analysis of Ordinal Level Depen-dent Variables. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 4,103-120.
  • Mogues, T., Cohen, M. J., Birner, R., Lemma, M., Randriamamonjy, J., Tadesse, F. ve Paulos, Z. (2009). Agricultural extension in Ethiopia through a gender and governance lens. Deve-lopment Strategy and Governance Division, International Food Policy Research Institute – Ethiopia Strategy Support Program 2, Ethiopia.
  • Mulugeta, M. ve Amsalu, T. (2014). Womens’s role and their decision making in livestock and hou-sehold management. Journal of Agricultural Extension and rural Development, 6 (11), 347-353.
  • Ochieng, J., Ouma, E. ve Birachi, E. (2014). Gender participation and decision making in crop ma-nagement in Great Lakes Region of Central Africa. Gender, Technology and Development, 18 (3), 341-362.
  • Ogunlela, Y. I. ve Mukhtar, A. A. (2009). Gender issues in agriculture and rural development in Ni-geria: The role of women. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal, 4(1), 19-30.
  • Oladejo, J.A., Olawuyi, S.O. ve Anjorin, T.D. (2011). Analysis of women participation in agricultural production in Egbedore Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. International Jo-urnal of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, 4(1), 1-11.
  • Quendler, E., Glatzl, M. ve Mayr, J. (2017). Female farmers’ work both on and off the farm in Aust-ria. Agriculture & Food, 5, 226-237.
  • Şahin, K. veTerin, M., (2009). Van ilinin sosyo ekonomik özellikleri farklı iki köyündeki kadınların tarımsal faaliyetlere katılımı ve tarımsal yayıma ilişkin görüşleri. Akdeniz Üniversitesi ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22 (1), 39-49.
  • Schultz, T. P. (1999). Women's Role in the Agricultural Household: Bargaining and Human Capital. Center Discussion Paper No. 803. Economic Growth Center, Yale University.
  • Sireeranhan, A. (2013). Participation of family-women in agricultural production: A case study of Jaffna District, Sri Lanka. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(13), 143-147.
  • Tinker, I. ve Zuckerman, E. (2013). Women's economic roles and the development paradigm. DC: Heinrich Boell Foundation, 1-23.
  • Tologbonse, E. B., Jibrin, M. M., Auta, S. J. ve Damisa, M. A. (2013). Factors Influencing Women Par-ticipation in Women in Agriculture (WIA) Programme of Kaduna State Agricultural Deve-lopment Project, Nigeria. International journal for Agricultural Economics and Extension, 1 (7), 47-54.
  • Umeh, G.N. ve Chukwu, V.A. (2014). Role of women in farm an family decision making process in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture an He-althcare, 4 (7), 1-6.
  • Zhang, L., De Brauw, A. ve Rozelle, S. (2004). China's rural labor market development and its gen-der implications. China Economic Review, 15(2), 230-247.  


Yıl 2018, , 1 - 10, 16.01.2018


The aim of this
study is to determine the role of women in decision making and features affecting
the participation to the process. The main material of the study is the date
collected by survey study with 360 rural women in Erzurum, Erzincan and Bayburt
Factors affecting women's participation in
decision making processes have been analyzed using ordered probit model.
According to the results of the study, being aged, being married and widow,
being trained related to profession, being asked their ideas in family affairs,
taking part in selling what produced affect the participation to decision
making positively, while non literate bigger farm size and having all income
from agriculture affect the participation negatively. Supporting rural women in
income generating activities, enhancing their knowledge, skills and competences
in farming, training in production, managing and marketing, positive discrimination
with regard to rural women could be the suggestions of this study.


  • Akbay, C. Tiryaki, G.Y. ve Gül, A. (2007). Consumer characteristics influencing fast food consump-tion in Turkey. Food Control, 18, 904-913.
  • Akın, F., Üçdoğruk, Ş. ve Deveci, İ. (2000). İstanbul İli Hane halkı Tüketim Harcamalarının Sıralı Pro-bit Olasılık Modelleriyle İncelenmesi. T.C DİE Araştırma Sempozyumu, Ankara.
  • Arigbo, P.O. ve Ifenkwe, G.E. (2013). Farm decision making among cocoa farming households in Ikwuano L.G.A.of Abia State, Nigeria. Inernational Journal of Acaemic Research in Progres-sive Education and Development, 2 (1), 275-286.
  • Arshad, S., Ashfaq, M., Saghır, A., Ashraf, M., Yasin, M., Lodhi, M.A., Tabassum, H. ve Ali, A. (2010). Gender and decision making process in livestock management. Sarhad J. Agric, 26 (4), 693-696.
  • Clark, R., Ramsbey, T. W., Adler, E. S. (1991). Culture, gender, and labor force participation: A cross-national study. Gender and Society,5(1), 47-66.
  • De Brauw, A., Li, Q., Liu, C., Rozelle, S. ve Zhang, L. (2008). Feminization of agriculture in China? Myths surrounding women's participation in farming. The China Quarterly, 194, 327-348.
  • Dixon, R. B. (1982). Women in agriculture: Counting the labor force in developing countries. Po-pulation and Development Review, 8(3), 539-566.
  • Emeç, H. (2002). Ege Bölgesi Tüketim Harcamaları için Sıralı Logit Tahminleri ve Senaryo Sonuçları. DEÜ. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(2), 13-29.
  • Enete, A.A. ve Amusa, T.A. (2010). Determinants of women’s contribution to farming decisions in coca based agroforestry households of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Field Actions Science, 4 (1): 1-7.
  • Greene, W.H. (2012). Econometric Analysis. Seventh Edition. Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458. ISBN 10:0-13-139538-6.
  • Kifle, D. (2013). Gender Role in Agricultural Production In Some Parts Of Ethiopia: A Brief Review. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 1 (2), 49-52.
  • Kishor, R., Gupta, B., Yadav, S. R. ve Singh, T. R. (1999). Role of rural women in decision-making process in agriculture in district Sitapur (Uttar Pradesh). Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54 (3), 282-286.
  • Kutlar, İ., Kızılay, H. ve Turhanoğulları, Z. (2013). Kırsal alanda kadınların işgücüne ve kararlara katı-lımını etkileyen sosyoekonomik faktörlerin belirlenmesi: Burdur ili örneği. Akdeniz Üni-versitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1), 27-32.
  • Mckelvey, R.D. ve Zavoina, W. (1975). A Statistical Model for The Analysis of Ordinal Level Depen-dent Variables. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 4,103-120.
  • Mogues, T., Cohen, M. J., Birner, R., Lemma, M., Randriamamonjy, J., Tadesse, F. ve Paulos, Z. (2009). Agricultural extension in Ethiopia through a gender and governance lens. Deve-lopment Strategy and Governance Division, International Food Policy Research Institute – Ethiopia Strategy Support Program 2, Ethiopia.
  • Mulugeta, M. ve Amsalu, T. (2014). Womens’s role and their decision making in livestock and hou-sehold management. Journal of Agricultural Extension and rural Development, 6 (11), 347-353.
  • Ochieng, J., Ouma, E. ve Birachi, E. (2014). Gender participation and decision making in crop ma-nagement in Great Lakes Region of Central Africa. Gender, Technology and Development, 18 (3), 341-362.
  • Ogunlela, Y. I. ve Mukhtar, A. A. (2009). Gender issues in agriculture and rural development in Ni-geria: The role of women. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal, 4(1), 19-30.
  • Oladejo, J.A., Olawuyi, S.O. ve Anjorin, T.D. (2011). Analysis of women participation in agricultural production in Egbedore Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. International Jo-urnal of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, 4(1), 1-11.
  • Quendler, E., Glatzl, M. ve Mayr, J. (2017). Female farmers’ work both on and off the farm in Aust-ria. Agriculture & Food, 5, 226-237.
  • Şahin, K. veTerin, M., (2009). Van ilinin sosyo ekonomik özellikleri farklı iki köyündeki kadınların tarımsal faaliyetlere katılımı ve tarımsal yayıma ilişkin görüşleri. Akdeniz Üniversitesi ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22 (1), 39-49.
  • Schultz, T. P. (1999). Women's Role in the Agricultural Household: Bargaining and Human Capital. Center Discussion Paper No. 803. Economic Growth Center, Yale University.
  • Sireeranhan, A. (2013). Participation of family-women in agricultural production: A case study of Jaffna District, Sri Lanka. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(13), 143-147.
  • Tinker, I. ve Zuckerman, E. (2013). Women's economic roles and the development paradigm. DC: Heinrich Boell Foundation, 1-23.
  • Tologbonse, E. B., Jibrin, M. M., Auta, S. J. ve Damisa, M. A. (2013). Factors Influencing Women Par-ticipation in Women in Agriculture (WIA) Programme of Kaduna State Agricultural Deve-lopment Project, Nigeria. International journal for Agricultural Economics and Extension, 1 (7), 47-54.
  • Umeh, G.N. ve Chukwu, V.A. (2014). Role of women in farm an family decision making process in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture an He-althcare, 4 (7), 1-6.
  • Zhang, L., De Brauw, A. ve Rozelle, S. (2004). China's rural labor market development and its gen-der implications. China Economic Review, 15(2), 230-247.  
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.



Fahri Yavuz

M. Sharih Shivan Bu kişi benim

Mustafa Terin

Bahar Akay Bu kişi benim

İrfan Okan Güler Bu kişi benim

Kevser Ağsu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Yavuz, F., Shivan, M. S., Terin, M., Akay, B., vd. (2018). GELİR GETİRİCİ FAALİYETLERE KARAR VERMEDE KIRSAL KADININ ROLÜ: KUZEYDOĞU ANADOLU TRA1 BÖLGESİ ÖRNEĞİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi1-10.


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