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Veteriner Hekimlikte Yara Tedavisinde Bal Kullanımı

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 85 - 91, 25.08.2011


Arılar tarafından üretilen bal, çok eski zamanlardan bu yana birçok hastalığın tedavisinde kullanıl-maktadır. Bal, veteriner hekimlik alanında en çok yara tedavisinde kullanılmıĢtır. Yara tedavisinde bal kullanılması ile yaranın iyileĢmesi sağlanır ve sistemik antibiyotik kullanımına gerek kalmadan bakte-rileri elimine edilir. Burada balın en önemli özelliklerinden birisi antibakteriyel etkisidir. Bu etki balın pH’sı, içerdiği hidrojen peroksit, osmotik etkisi ve içeriğinde bulunan fitokimyasal ajanlardan kaynak-lanmaktadır. Bal yaralardaki yangısal ödemi azaltarak yara iyileĢmesine olumlu etki yapar ve yara ile ilgili komplikasyonların azalmasına yardımcı olur. Sonuç olarak hayvanlarda geniĢ ve enfekte yarala-rın tedavisinde bal kullanılması alternatif, etkili ve ekonomik bir yaklaşımdır.  


  • Allen KL, Molan PC, Reid GM 1991 A survey of antibacterial activity of some New Zeland honeys. Journal of Pharmacology 43:817-822.
  • Azim MK, Sajid M 2009 Evaluation of Nematocidal Activity in Natural Honey. Pak. J. Bot., 41(6): 3261-3264.
  • Bergma A, Yanai J, Weiss J, Bell, D, David, M P 1983 Acceleration of wound healing by topical application of honey: An animal mo-del. American Journal of Surgery 145:374-376.
  • Chirife J, Scarmato GA, Herszage L 1982 Scientific basis for use of granulated sugar in treatment of infected wounds. Lanced 1:560-561.
  • Cooper RA, Molan PC (1999a), Honey in wound care. Journal of Wound Care, 8(7):340.
  • Cooper RA, Molan PC, Harding KG 1999b Antibacterial activity of honey against strains of Staphylococcus Aureus from nfected wounds. Journal of Royal Society Med 92:283-285.
  • Çelimli N 2005 Kedi ve Köpeklerde Yara Sağaltı-mında Bal Kullanılması, Veteriner Cerrahi Dergisi, 11, 1-2-3-4, 10-14.
  • Dart AJ, Dowling BA, Smith CL 2005 Topical Treatments in Equine Wound Management. Vet Clin Equine 21, 77–89
  • Efem SEE 1998 Clinical observations on the wound healing properties of honey. British Journal of Surgery 75:679-681.
  • Fahie MA, Shettko D 2007 Evidence-Based Wound Management: A Systematic Review of Therapeutic Agents to Enhance Granulation and Epithelialization. Vet Clin Small Anim 37, 559–577
  • Fasika OM, Arotiba JT, Fasola AO 1996 Oral cavity onlay grafting using foam impregnated honey: a case report. African Journal of Medicine Science 25:297.
  • Forrest RD 1982 Development of wound therapy from dark ages to the present. Journal of Royal Society Medicine, 75:268-273.
  • Frankel S, Robinson GE, Berenbaum MR 1998 Antioxidant capacity and correlated characteristics of 14 unifloral honeys. J Apic Res, 37(1):27-31.
  • Heinze W, Holz J, Konrad H, Nattermann H 1996 The treatment of canine otitis externa with propolis, TIERARZTLICHE UMSCHAU Volume: 51, Issue: 4, Pages: 240-&, PR 1996
  • Hyslop PA, Hinshaw DE, Scraufstatter IU 1995 Hydrogen peroxide as a potent bacteriostatic antibiotic:implications for host defense. Free Rad Biol Med 19(11): 31-37.
  • Kamat N (1993): Use of sugar in infected wounds. Tropical Doctor 23 (4): 185. Kaufman T, Eichenlaub EH, Angel MF 1985 Topical asidification promotes healing of experimental deep partial thickness skin burns: A randomised double-blind preliminary study. Burns 12:84-90.
  • Mans C, Sunohara-Neilson J, Higginson G, Smith D, Taylor M 2006. Wound Management in a Trumpeter Swan using Honey and a Sustained Release Ionic Silver Hydrogel. Exotic DVM 8(5): 21-23
  • Mathews KA, Binnington AG 2002 Wound management using honey. Compendium continuing on education. 24 (1):53-60.
  • Mc Inerney RJF 1990 Honey: A remedy rediscovered. Journal of Royal Society Medicine 83:127.
  • Molan PC 1992a The antibacterial activity of honey. 2. Variation in the potency of the antibacterial activity. Bee World 73:59-76.
  • Molan PC 1992b The antibacterial activity of honey. I: The nature of the antibacterial activity. Bee World 73:15-28.
  • Molan PC 1999 The role of honey in the management of wounds. Journal of wound care. 8 (8):415-418.
  • Molan PC, Cooper RA 2000 Honey and sugar as a dressing for wounds and ulcers. Tropical Doctor 30:249-251.
  • Moscati R, Mayrose J, Fincher L, Jehle D 1998 Comparison of normal canine with tap water for wound irrigation. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 16(4): 379-381.
  • Obaseiki-Ebor, Afonya CA 1984 In-vitro evaluation of the anticandidiasis activity of honey distillate (HY-1) compared with that of some antimycotic agents. Journal of Pharmacology 36:283-284.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1991 Topical application of honey in treatment of burns. British Journal of Surgery 78:497-498.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1993a Honey impegnated gauze versus polyurethane film (OpSite®) in the treatment of burns – A prospective randomized study. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 46:322-323.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1993b Storage of skin grafts in honey. Lancet 341: 63-64.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1998 A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and SSD. Burns 24:157-161.
  • ubrahmanyam M 1999 Early tangential excision and skin grafting of moderate burns is superior to honey dressing: A prospectiv randomized trial. Burns 25:729-731.
  • Tur E, Bolton L, Constantine BE 1995 Topical hydrogen peroxide treatment of ischemic ulsers in the guinea pig: Blood recruitment in multiple skin sites. Journal of American Acad Dermatol 33(2 Pt 1):217-221.
  • Vardi A, Barzilay A, Linder N, Cohen HA, Paret G, Barzilai A 1998 Local application of honey for treatment of neonatal postoperative wound infection. ACTA Paediatrica 87:429-432.
  • White JW 1966 Inhibine and glucose oxidase in honey: A review. American Bee Journal 106:214-216.
  • Willix DJ, Molan PC, Harfoot CG 1992 A comparison of the sensitivity of wound-ifecting species of bacteria to the antibacterial activity of manuka honey and the other honey. Journal of Appl Bacteriology 73:388-394.
  • (Erişilme Tarihi 01.08.2011) Arı Ürünleri ve Özellikleri

Wound Treatment Using Honey in Veterinary Practice

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 85 - 91, 25.08.2011


Goal: The aim of this paper is to review the effects of
honey for wound treatment as alternative method in veterinary medicine.

Introduction: Honey which is natural product of bees has been used
in the management of wound healing since ancient times. Honey has gone on as a
medicine into present day folk-medicine. The increasing attention in the use of
alternative therapy methods is the result of the development of antibiot-ic
resistance in bacteria becoming a major problem. Honey is totally natural and
organic product for medicine both human and animal. Honey has some
physiological actions that would give therapeutic effects. Therapeutic properties
of honey are anti-bacterial activity, boosting the immune system,
anti-inflammatory action, antioxidant activity and stimu-lation of cell growth.
Honey has different actions in therapeutic applications for example in wound
dressing, in treating diarrhea, peptic ulcers and gastritis. The most important
point in the therapeu-tic actions refers to hydrogen peroxide.

and Conclusion
: The
selection of honey for medical use must be taking into account and this
condition has been discussed and the point raised that until the importance of
the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components of honey have been
established, only the antibacterial activi-ty of honey for use as a medicine
can be standar-dized. Honey has been used in Veterinary Medicine especially in
wound healing. Using honey in the wound management enhances healing and
elimi-nates invading bacteria without the use of systemic antibacterial drugs.
Honey has bactericidal and antibacterial effects by liberation of hydrogen
perox-ide. Besides, these effects have been attributed to pH, osmotic effect,
and a phytochemical constituent that enhances sterilization. It decreases
inflammatory edema, attracts macrophages, accelerates necrotic tissue
sloughing, provides a local cellular energy source, and forms a protective
protein layer over the wound. In guidance of the likely impor-tance of all of
these components, the need for fur-ther research to describe their content, so
that ho-neys can be selected to give the best results when used as a medicine. Consequently
the use of honey can be an alternative, effective and economical approach for
management of large and infected wounds in Veterinary Practice both small and
large animals.


  • Allen KL, Molan PC, Reid GM 1991 A survey of antibacterial activity of some New Zeland honeys. Journal of Pharmacology 43:817-822.
  • Azim MK, Sajid M 2009 Evaluation of Nematocidal Activity in Natural Honey. Pak. J. Bot., 41(6): 3261-3264.
  • Bergma A, Yanai J, Weiss J, Bell, D, David, M P 1983 Acceleration of wound healing by topical application of honey: An animal mo-del. American Journal of Surgery 145:374-376.
  • Chirife J, Scarmato GA, Herszage L 1982 Scientific basis for use of granulated sugar in treatment of infected wounds. Lanced 1:560-561.
  • Cooper RA, Molan PC (1999a), Honey in wound care. Journal of Wound Care, 8(7):340.
  • Cooper RA, Molan PC, Harding KG 1999b Antibacterial activity of honey against strains of Staphylococcus Aureus from nfected wounds. Journal of Royal Society Med 92:283-285.
  • Çelimli N 2005 Kedi ve Köpeklerde Yara Sağaltı-mında Bal Kullanılması, Veteriner Cerrahi Dergisi, 11, 1-2-3-4, 10-14.
  • Dart AJ, Dowling BA, Smith CL 2005 Topical Treatments in Equine Wound Management. Vet Clin Equine 21, 77–89
  • Efem SEE 1998 Clinical observations on the wound healing properties of honey. British Journal of Surgery 75:679-681.
  • Fahie MA, Shettko D 2007 Evidence-Based Wound Management: A Systematic Review of Therapeutic Agents to Enhance Granulation and Epithelialization. Vet Clin Small Anim 37, 559–577
  • Fasika OM, Arotiba JT, Fasola AO 1996 Oral cavity onlay grafting using foam impregnated honey: a case report. African Journal of Medicine Science 25:297.
  • Forrest RD 1982 Development of wound therapy from dark ages to the present. Journal of Royal Society Medicine, 75:268-273.
  • Frankel S, Robinson GE, Berenbaum MR 1998 Antioxidant capacity and correlated characteristics of 14 unifloral honeys. J Apic Res, 37(1):27-31.
  • Heinze W, Holz J, Konrad H, Nattermann H 1996 The treatment of canine otitis externa with propolis, TIERARZTLICHE UMSCHAU Volume: 51, Issue: 4, Pages: 240-&, PR 1996
  • Hyslop PA, Hinshaw DE, Scraufstatter IU 1995 Hydrogen peroxide as a potent bacteriostatic antibiotic:implications for host defense. Free Rad Biol Med 19(11): 31-37.
  • Kamat N (1993): Use of sugar in infected wounds. Tropical Doctor 23 (4): 185. Kaufman T, Eichenlaub EH, Angel MF 1985 Topical asidification promotes healing of experimental deep partial thickness skin burns: A randomised double-blind preliminary study. Burns 12:84-90.
  • Mans C, Sunohara-Neilson J, Higginson G, Smith D, Taylor M 2006. Wound Management in a Trumpeter Swan using Honey and a Sustained Release Ionic Silver Hydrogel. Exotic DVM 8(5): 21-23
  • Mathews KA, Binnington AG 2002 Wound management using honey. Compendium continuing on education. 24 (1):53-60.
  • Mc Inerney RJF 1990 Honey: A remedy rediscovered. Journal of Royal Society Medicine 83:127.
  • Molan PC 1992a The antibacterial activity of honey. 2. Variation in the potency of the antibacterial activity. Bee World 73:59-76.
  • Molan PC 1992b The antibacterial activity of honey. I: The nature of the antibacterial activity. Bee World 73:15-28.
  • Molan PC 1999 The role of honey in the management of wounds. Journal of wound care. 8 (8):415-418.
  • Molan PC, Cooper RA 2000 Honey and sugar as a dressing for wounds and ulcers. Tropical Doctor 30:249-251.
  • Moscati R, Mayrose J, Fincher L, Jehle D 1998 Comparison of normal canine with tap water for wound irrigation. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 16(4): 379-381.
  • Obaseiki-Ebor, Afonya CA 1984 In-vitro evaluation of the anticandidiasis activity of honey distillate (HY-1) compared with that of some antimycotic agents. Journal of Pharmacology 36:283-284.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1991 Topical application of honey in treatment of burns. British Journal of Surgery 78:497-498.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1993a Honey impegnated gauze versus polyurethane film (OpSite®) in the treatment of burns – A prospective randomized study. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 46:322-323.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1993b Storage of skin grafts in honey. Lancet 341: 63-64.
  • Subrahmanyam M 1998 A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and SSD. Burns 24:157-161.
  • ubrahmanyam M 1999 Early tangential excision and skin grafting of moderate burns is superior to honey dressing: A prospectiv randomized trial. Burns 25:729-731.
  • Tur E, Bolton L, Constantine BE 1995 Topical hydrogen peroxide treatment of ischemic ulsers in the guinea pig: Blood recruitment in multiple skin sites. Journal of American Acad Dermatol 33(2 Pt 1):217-221.
  • Vardi A, Barzilay A, Linder N, Cohen HA, Paret G, Barzilai A 1998 Local application of honey for treatment of neonatal postoperative wound infection. ACTA Paediatrica 87:429-432.
  • White JW 1966 Inhibine and glucose oxidase in honey: A review. American Bee Journal 106:214-216.
  • Willix DJ, Molan PC, Harfoot CG 1992 A comparison of the sensitivity of wound-ifecting species of bacteria to the antibacterial activity of manuka honey and the other honey. Journal of Appl Bacteriology 73:388-394.
  • (Erişilme Tarihi 01.08.2011) Arı Ürünleri ve Özellikleri
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nureddin Çelimli Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Çelimli N. Veteriner Hekimlikte Yara Tedavisinde Bal Kullanımı. U.Arı D.-U.Bee J. 2011;11(3):85-91.

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