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Bees and Nature

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 02 Sayı: 3, 22 - 25, 27.08.2002


Bees are the most important pollinators of native and cultivated plants. There are 25.000 described species of bees in the World and approximately 2000 species in Turkey. Although honeybee is a good pollinator for many plant species, it rejects to collect nectar and pollen from some plants, conversely many native bee species forage on these plants and efficiently pollinate them. Some of the native bees are oligolectic pollinators of various plants.

Unfortunately almost all wild bees are under threat and are dramatically declining in Turkey, because of enormous habitat destruction, detrimental effect of overgrazing, reduced floral diversity, erosion, irregularly using pesticides and fertilizers, burning the cereal residues left in the field and forest fires. Melitta dimidiata, M. leporina, Rhophitoides canus, Meltturga clavicornis, Bombus incertus, B. sylvarum daghestanicus, B. armeniacus, B. niveatus were excellent and abundant pollinators of many plants. However, their population has been extremely declined and extincted in some localities since 1980s. Furthermore, Bombus fragrans, B. sulfureus, B. velox and B. brodmanni are endangered species. Local extinctions of these species and particularly oligoletic bees could result in some level of reduction plant species diversity. For the protection and conservation of wild bees, farmer, growers and technicians should be educated about the role of bees in agriculture and nature.


  • Benedek, P., 1996. “Insect pollination of fruit crops”, Floral Biology of Temperate Zone Fruit Trees and Small Fruits (eds.J. Nyeki, M. Soltesz). Akade’miai Kiado, Budapest, Hungaria,287-341.
  • Crane, E, Walker, P., 1984. Pollination Directory for World Crops, International Bee Research Association, London.
  • Crane, E., 1975. Honey: A Comprehensive Survey, Heinemann, London.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö., H.Özbek, 1999. Erzurum’da Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L.)’ni ziyaret eden arı (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) türlerinin tespiti ve bunların tohum bağlamaya etkileri. Tr. J. of Biology, 22:1-17
  • Delaplane, K.S, Mayer, D.F., 2000. Crop Pollination by Bees, CABI Publishing, University Press, Cambridge, 344p.
  • Free, J.B., 1993. Insect Pollination of Crops, 2. Edition, Academic press, London, 684pp.
  • Levin, M.D., 1983. “Value of bee pollination to U.S. agriculture”, Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 29, 50-51. McGregor, S.E., 1976. Insect Pollination of Cultivated Crop Plants, Agriculture Handbook 496. Washington Dc.,U.S. Depart. of Agric., 411pp.
  • Michener, C.D., 2000. The Bees of the World, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 913 pp.
  • Morse, R.A., Calderone, N.W., 2000. The value of honey bees as pollinators of U.S. crops in 2000, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
  • O’Toole, C, Raw, A., 1991. Bees of the World. London, Blanford, 192 pp.
  • Özbek, H, 1979. “Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinin bazı yörelerinde bulunan Osmia, Lithurga ve Coelioxys (Apoidea : Megachilidae) türleri” Türk. Bitki Kor. Derg., 3 (1): 47-48.
  • Özbek, H, van der Zanden, G, 1993. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part III. The Anthidini (Hym.: Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg., 17 (3): 193-207.
  • Özbek, H, van der Zanden, G., 1992b. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part II. Heriadini (Hym.: Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg. 16 (3): 129-134.
  • Özbek, H, van der Zanden, G., 1994. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part IV. Megachilini and Lithurgini (Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg., 18 (3): 157-174.
  • Özbek, H., 1983. “Doğu Anadolu’nun bazı yörelerindeki Bombinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Bombinae) türleri üzerinde taksonomik ve bazı biyolojik çalışmalar”, Atatürk Üniv. Yay., No: 621, Zir. Fak. Yay., No: 287. Araştırma Serisi No: 188, Erzurum, 70s.
  • Özbek, H., 1997a.. Đmpotance of bees in pollination of apple and bees (Apoidea) visiting apple flovers. In: Yılmaz, M. B. and Burak M (eds), Proc. Pome fruit symposium 1997 in Yalova, 107-114, Atatürk Horticult Res. Inst., Yalova
  • Özbek, H., 1997b. “Bumblebees fauna of Turkey with distribution maps (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombinae). Part 1: Alpigenobombus Skorikov, Bombias Robertson and Bombus Latreille”, Türk. Entomol. Derg., 21 (1): 37-56,.
  • Özbek, H., 1998. “On the bumblebee fauna of Turkey: II. The genus Pyrobombus (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombinae)”, Zoology in the Middle East, 16, 89-107.
  • Özbek, H., 2000. “On the Bumbelbee fauna of Turkey. III. The Subgenus Thoracobombus D.T. (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombinae)”, J. Ent. Res. Soc. 2(2): 43-61.
  • Özbek, H., 2002.“On the Bumbelbee fauna of Turkey IV The Subgenera Megabombus, Eversmannibombus, Laesobombus, Rhodobombus and Subterraneobombus (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombini).Zoology inthe Middle East 25, 79-98.
  • Özbek, H., Ö. Çalmaşur, 2001. Sert çekirdekli meyvelerde tozlaşma, tozlatıcı böcekler ve tarımsal savaş. I. Sert Çekirdekli Meyveler Sempozyumu (Yalova, 25-28 Eylül, 2001) Bildirileri. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yalova 257-264.
  • Özbek, H., van der Zanden, G., 1992a. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part I. Osmiini (Hym.: Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg. 16 (1): 13-37.
  • Robinson, W.S, Nowogrodski, R, Morse, R.A., 1989. “The value of honeybees as pollinators of US crops”, American Bee Journal, 128(6), 411-423; 129 (7): 477-487.
  • Torchio, P.F., 1987 “Use of non-honeybee species as pollinators of crops”, Proc. Ent. Soc. Ontario 118: 111-124.

Arılar ve Doğa

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 02 Sayı: 3, 22 - 25, 27.08.2002


Dünyada 25.000, ülkemizde 2000’e yakın türü bulunan arılar, yabancı döllenmeye gereksinim duyan kültür ve yabani bitkilerde tozlaşmayı gerçekleştirerek çok büyük yararlar sağlarlar. Özellikle, doğada biyolojik çeşitliliğin devamında elzem olan bu böcek türleri çok büyük tehdit altındadırlar. Bazıları ”tehlike sınırında” türler durumuna düşmüşlerdir. 


  • Benedek, P., 1996. “Insect pollination of fruit crops”, Floral Biology of Temperate Zone Fruit Trees and Small Fruits (eds.J. Nyeki, M. Soltesz). Akade’miai Kiado, Budapest, Hungaria,287-341.
  • Crane, E, Walker, P., 1984. Pollination Directory for World Crops, International Bee Research Association, London.
  • Crane, E., 1975. Honey: A Comprehensive Survey, Heinemann, London.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö., H.Özbek, 1999. Erzurum’da Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L.)’ni ziyaret eden arı (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) türlerinin tespiti ve bunların tohum bağlamaya etkileri. Tr. J. of Biology, 22:1-17
  • Delaplane, K.S, Mayer, D.F., 2000. Crop Pollination by Bees, CABI Publishing, University Press, Cambridge, 344p.
  • Free, J.B., 1993. Insect Pollination of Crops, 2. Edition, Academic press, London, 684pp.
  • Levin, M.D., 1983. “Value of bee pollination to U.S. agriculture”, Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 29, 50-51. McGregor, S.E., 1976. Insect Pollination of Cultivated Crop Plants, Agriculture Handbook 496. Washington Dc.,U.S. Depart. of Agric., 411pp.
  • Michener, C.D., 2000. The Bees of the World, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 913 pp.
  • Morse, R.A., Calderone, N.W., 2000. The value of honey bees as pollinators of U.S. crops in 2000, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
  • O’Toole, C, Raw, A., 1991. Bees of the World. London, Blanford, 192 pp.
  • Özbek, H, 1979. “Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinin bazı yörelerinde bulunan Osmia, Lithurga ve Coelioxys (Apoidea : Megachilidae) türleri” Türk. Bitki Kor. Derg., 3 (1): 47-48.
  • Özbek, H, van der Zanden, G, 1993. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part III. The Anthidini (Hym.: Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg., 17 (3): 193-207.
  • Özbek, H, van der Zanden, G., 1992b. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part II. Heriadini (Hym.: Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg. 16 (3): 129-134.
  • Özbek, H, van der Zanden, G., 1994. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part IV. Megachilini and Lithurgini (Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg., 18 (3): 157-174.
  • Özbek, H., 1983. “Doğu Anadolu’nun bazı yörelerindeki Bombinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Bombinae) türleri üzerinde taksonomik ve bazı biyolojik çalışmalar”, Atatürk Üniv. Yay., No: 621, Zir. Fak. Yay., No: 287. Araştırma Serisi No: 188, Erzurum, 70s.
  • Özbek, H., 1997a.. Đmpotance of bees in pollination of apple and bees (Apoidea) visiting apple flovers. In: Yılmaz, M. B. and Burak M (eds), Proc. Pome fruit symposium 1997 in Yalova, 107-114, Atatürk Horticult Res. Inst., Yalova
  • Özbek, H., 1997b. “Bumblebees fauna of Turkey with distribution maps (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombinae). Part 1: Alpigenobombus Skorikov, Bombias Robertson and Bombus Latreille”, Türk. Entomol. Derg., 21 (1): 37-56,.
  • Özbek, H., 1998. “On the bumblebee fauna of Turkey: II. The genus Pyrobombus (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombinae)”, Zoology in the Middle East, 16, 89-107.
  • Özbek, H., 2000. “On the Bumbelbee fauna of Turkey. III. The Subgenus Thoracobombus D.T. (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombinae)”, J. Ent. Res. Soc. 2(2): 43-61.
  • Özbek, H., 2002.“On the Bumbelbee fauna of Turkey IV The Subgenera Megabombus, Eversmannibombus, Laesobombus, Rhodobombus and Subterraneobombus (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombini).Zoology inthe Middle East 25, 79-98.
  • Özbek, H., Ö. Çalmaşur, 2001. Sert çekirdekli meyvelerde tozlaşma, tozlatıcı böcekler ve tarımsal savaş. I. Sert Çekirdekli Meyveler Sempozyumu (Yalova, 25-28 Eylül, 2001) Bildirileri. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yalova 257-264.
  • Özbek, H., van der Zanden, G., 1992a. “A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey, Part I. Osmiini (Hym.: Apoidea)”, Türk. Entomol. Derg. 16 (1): 13-37.
  • Robinson, W.S, Nowogrodski, R, Morse, R.A., 1989. “The value of honeybees as pollinators of US crops”, American Bee Journal, 128(6), 411-423; 129 (7): 477-487.
  • Torchio, P.F., 1987 “Use of non-honeybee species as pollinators of crops”, Proc. Ent. Soc. Ontario 118: 111-124.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Prof.Dr. Hikmet Özbek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Ağustos 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 02 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özbek PH. Arılar ve Doğa. U.Arı D.-U.Bee J. 2002;02(3):22-5.

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