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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 118 - 129, 13.11.2022


Insect pollinators provide many essential ecosystem services including pollination, and many others. However, pollinating insects are currently facing potential threats on an unprecedented scale with many species facing decline. Honeybee Apis mellifera comprise nearly 68% of those affected insect pollinators. Irrational Insecticides application, with special reference to neonicotinoides group is one of the main causes of this decline. The main objective of the current study is to investigate the impact of some insecticides application on the activity of broad bean flower-visiting bees. Tested inseticides were thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid (neonicotinoids), spinosyns A and D, beside some organophosphates. Changes in the daily activity of bees visiting broad bean flowers following insecticide application was recorded and compared to their activity before application, throughout until the end of blooming season.


  • Abbott, V.A., Nadeau, JL., Higo, H.A., Winston, M.L. 2008. Lethal and sublethal effects of imidacloprid on Osmia lignaria and clothianidin on Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 101(3): 784-96. DOI:
  • Abdallah, O.I., Hanafi, A., Abdel Ghani S.B., Ghisoni, S., Lucini, L. 2017. Pesticides contamination in Egyptian honey samples. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 12(4): 317-327. DOI: 10.1007/s00003-017-1133-x.
  • Allen-Wardell, G., Bernhardt, P., Bitner,R., Burquez, A., Buchmann, S., Cane, J., Cox, P.A., Dalton, V., Feinsinger, P., Ingram, Inouye, M.D., Jones, C.E., Kennedy, K., Kevan, P., Koopowitz, H., Medellin, R., Medellin-Morales, S., Nabhan, G.P., Pavlik, B., Tepedino, V., Torchio P., Walker, S. 1998. The potential consequences of pollinator declines on the conservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields. Conservation biology, 12(1):8-17.‏
  • Al Naggar, Y., Codling, G., Vogt, A., Naiem, E., Mona, M., Seif, A., Giesy, J.P. 2015. Organophosphorus insecticides in honey, pollen and bees Apis mellifera L. and their potential hazard to bee colonies in Egypt. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 114:1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv. 2014.12.039.
  • Bishnoi, S.K., Hooda, J.S., Panchta, R., Yadav, I.S. 2012. Advances on heterosis and hybrid breeding in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Forage Research, 38 (2): 65-73.
  • Blacquière, T., Smagghe, G., van Gestel, C. A. M., Mommaerts, V. 2012. Neonicotinoids in bees: a review on concentrations, side-effects and risk assessment. Ecotoxicology, 21:973–992. DOI 10.1007/s10646-012-0863-x.
  • Brandt A., Gorenflo, A., Siede, R., Meixner, M., Büchler, R. 2016. The neonicotinoids thiacloprid, imidacloprid, and clothianidin affect the immunocompetence of honey bees Apis mellifera L. Journal of Insect Physiology, 86: 40–47.
  • Codling, G., Al Naggar, Y., Giesy, J.P., Robertson, A.J. 2018. Neonicotinoid insecticides in pollen, honey and adult bees in colonies of the European honey bee Apis mellifera L. in Egypt. Ecotoxicology, 27(2): 122-131. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-017-1876-2.
  • El‐Berry, A.A., Moustafa, M.A., Abdel‐Gawaad, A.A., El‐Bialey, S. 1974. Pollinators other than honey bees visiting certain vegetable plants in Egypt. Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Entomologie, 77(1‐4): 106-110.
  • El-Hady, E.A., El-Sharkawy, H.M., Sanad, R.E. 2019. Evaluates the possible risk of pollen grains contamination by pesticide residues and their affects on honey bee survival. Journal of Productivity and Development, 24(4): 869–883. DOI: 10.21608/JPD.2019.81094.
  • El-Nahhal, Y. 2020. Pesticide residues in honey and their potential reproductive toxicity. Science of the Total Environment, 741: 139953. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139953.
  • Food and agriculture organization (FAO). 2019. FAOSTAT Statistical Database of the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistical division. Rome ttp://
  • Gallai, N., Salles, J.M., Settele, J., Vaissière, B.E. 2009. Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline. Ecological Economics, 68(3): 810–821.
  • Gill, R.J, Raine, N.E. 2014. Chronic impairment of bumblebee natural foraging behavior induced by sublethal pesticide exposure. Functional Ecology, 28(6): 1459-1471. DOI:
  • Giri, G.S., Bhatt, B., Mall, P., Pandey, R. 2018. Effect of thiamethoxam on foraging activity and mortality of Apis mellifera L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(2): 215-217. DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-4907.
  • Goulson, D. 2003. Conserving wild bees for crop production. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 1:142-144.
  • Ibrahim, M.M. 1979. Breeding and propagation of some efficient insect pollinators in newly reclaimed land in Egypt. Project Report No. 4, pp. 1-67. Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza, Cairo.
  • Jin, N., Klein, S., Leimig, F., Bischoff, G., Menzel, R. 2015. The neonicotinoid clothianidin interferes with navigation of the solitary bee Osmia cornuta in a laboratory test. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(18): 2821–2825. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.123612.
  • Mommaerts, V., Reynder, S., Boulet, J., Besard, L., Sterk, G., Smagghe, G. 2010. Risk assessment for side-effects of neonicotinoids against bumblebees with and without impairing foraging behavior. Ecotoxicology, 19(1): 207-215. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-009-0406-2.
  • Nellemann, C., Macdevette, M., Manders, T., Eickhout, B., Svihus, B., Prins, A.G., Kaltenborn, B.P. 2009. The Environmental Food Crisis: The Environment’s Role in Averting Future Food Crises. A UNEP rapid response assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal,, pp 1-104.‏
  • Ollerton J. 2017. Pollinator Diversity: Distribution, Ecological Function, and Conservation. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 48: 353-376.
  • Potts, S.G., Biesmeijer, J.C., Kreme, C., Neumann, P., Schweiger, O., Kunin, W.E. 2010. Global pollinator declines: trends, impacts and drivers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25(6): 345-353. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2010.01.007.
  • Rundlöf, M., Andersson, G.K., Bommarco, R., Fries, I., Hederström, V., Herbertsson, L. & Smith, H.G. 2015. Seed coating with a neonicotinoid insecticide negatively affects wild bees. Nature, 521(7550): 77-80.‏ DOI: 10.1038/nature14420.
  • Shebl, M.A., Farag, M. 2015. Bee diversity (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) visiting Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) flowers in Egypt. Zoology in the Middle East, 61(3): 256-263. DOI: 10.1080/09397140.2015.1069245.
  • Strobl, V., Albrecht, M., Villamar-Bouza, L., Tosi, S., Neumann, P., Straub, S. 2021. The neonicotinoid thiamethoxam impairs male fertility in solitary bees, Osmia cornuta. Environmental Pollution, 284: 117106. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117106.
  • Williamson, S.M., Willis, S.J., Wright, G.A. 2014. Exposure to neonicotinoids influences the motor function of adult worker honeybees. Ecotoxicology, 23(8): 1409-1418.‏ DOI: 10.1007/s10646-014-1283-x.

Mısır'daki Bakla Arı Tozlayıcılarının Bolluğu ve Yiyecek Arama Faaliyetleri Üzerine Bazı İnsektisitlerin Etkisi: Bir Vaka Çalışması

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 118 - 129, 13.11.2022


Böcek tozlayıcıları, tozlaşma ve diğerleri dahil olmak üzere birçok temel ekosistem hizmeti sağlar. Bununla birlikte, tozlaşan böcekler şu anda birçok türün düşüşle karşı karşıya kalmasıyla eşi görülmemiş bir ölçekte potansiyel tehditlerle karşı karşıya. Bal arısı Apis mellifera, etkilenen böcek tozlaştırıcılarının yaklaşık %68'ini oluşturur. Neonicotinoides grubuna özel atıfta bulunulan irrasyonel İnsektisit uygulaması bu düşüşün ana nedenlerinden biridir. Mevcut çalışmanın temel amacı, bazı insektisit uygulamalarının bakla çiçeğini ziyaret eden arıların aktivitesi üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Test edilen insektisitler, bazı organofosfatların yanında tiyametoksam, asetamiprid, tiakloprid (neonikotinoidler), spinosinler A ve D. Bakla çiçeklerini insektisit uygulaması sonrasında ziyaret eden arıların günlük aktivitelerinde meydana gelen değişimler kayıt altına alınmış ve çiçeklenme döneminin sonuna kadar uygulama öncesindeki aktiviteleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır.


  • Abbott, V.A., Nadeau, JL., Higo, H.A., Winston, M.L. 2008. Lethal and sublethal effects of imidacloprid on Osmia lignaria and clothianidin on Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 101(3): 784-96. DOI:
  • Abdallah, O.I., Hanafi, A., Abdel Ghani S.B., Ghisoni, S., Lucini, L. 2017. Pesticides contamination in Egyptian honey samples. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 12(4): 317-327. DOI: 10.1007/s00003-017-1133-x.
  • Allen-Wardell, G., Bernhardt, P., Bitner,R., Burquez, A., Buchmann, S., Cane, J., Cox, P.A., Dalton, V., Feinsinger, P., Ingram, Inouye, M.D., Jones, C.E., Kennedy, K., Kevan, P., Koopowitz, H., Medellin, R., Medellin-Morales, S., Nabhan, G.P., Pavlik, B., Tepedino, V., Torchio P., Walker, S. 1998. The potential consequences of pollinator declines on the conservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields. Conservation biology, 12(1):8-17.‏
  • Al Naggar, Y., Codling, G., Vogt, A., Naiem, E., Mona, M., Seif, A., Giesy, J.P. 2015. Organophosphorus insecticides in honey, pollen and bees Apis mellifera L. and their potential hazard to bee colonies in Egypt. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 114:1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv. 2014.12.039.
  • Bishnoi, S.K., Hooda, J.S., Panchta, R., Yadav, I.S. 2012. Advances on heterosis and hybrid breeding in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Forage Research, 38 (2): 65-73.
  • Blacquière, T., Smagghe, G., van Gestel, C. A. M., Mommaerts, V. 2012. Neonicotinoids in bees: a review on concentrations, side-effects and risk assessment. Ecotoxicology, 21:973–992. DOI 10.1007/s10646-012-0863-x.
  • Brandt A., Gorenflo, A., Siede, R., Meixner, M., Büchler, R. 2016. The neonicotinoids thiacloprid, imidacloprid, and clothianidin affect the immunocompetence of honey bees Apis mellifera L. Journal of Insect Physiology, 86: 40–47.
  • Codling, G., Al Naggar, Y., Giesy, J.P., Robertson, A.J. 2018. Neonicotinoid insecticides in pollen, honey and adult bees in colonies of the European honey bee Apis mellifera L. in Egypt. Ecotoxicology, 27(2): 122-131. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-017-1876-2.
  • El‐Berry, A.A., Moustafa, M.A., Abdel‐Gawaad, A.A., El‐Bialey, S. 1974. Pollinators other than honey bees visiting certain vegetable plants in Egypt. Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Entomologie, 77(1‐4): 106-110.
  • El-Hady, E.A., El-Sharkawy, H.M., Sanad, R.E. 2019. Evaluates the possible risk of pollen grains contamination by pesticide residues and their affects on honey bee survival. Journal of Productivity and Development, 24(4): 869–883. DOI: 10.21608/JPD.2019.81094.
  • El-Nahhal, Y. 2020. Pesticide residues in honey and their potential reproductive toxicity. Science of the Total Environment, 741: 139953. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139953.
  • Food and agriculture organization (FAO). 2019. FAOSTAT Statistical Database of the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistical division. Rome ttp://
  • Gallai, N., Salles, J.M., Settele, J., Vaissière, B.E. 2009. Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline. Ecological Economics, 68(3): 810–821.
  • Gill, R.J, Raine, N.E. 2014. Chronic impairment of bumblebee natural foraging behavior induced by sublethal pesticide exposure. Functional Ecology, 28(6): 1459-1471. DOI:
  • Giri, G.S., Bhatt, B., Mall, P., Pandey, R. 2018. Effect of thiamethoxam on foraging activity and mortality of Apis mellifera L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(2): 215-217. DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-4907.
  • Goulson, D. 2003. Conserving wild bees for crop production. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 1:142-144.
  • Ibrahim, M.M. 1979. Breeding and propagation of some efficient insect pollinators in newly reclaimed land in Egypt. Project Report No. 4, pp. 1-67. Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza, Cairo.
  • Jin, N., Klein, S., Leimig, F., Bischoff, G., Menzel, R. 2015. The neonicotinoid clothianidin interferes with navigation of the solitary bee Osmia cornuta in a laboratory test. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(18): 2821–2825. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.123612.
  • Mommaerts, V., Reynder, S., Boulet, J., Besard, L., Sterk, G., Smagghe, G. 2010. Risk assessment for side-effects of neonicotinoids against bumblebees with and without impairing foraging behavior. Ecotoxicology, 19(1): 207-215. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-009-0406-2.
  • Nellemann, C., Macdevette, M., Manders, T., Eickhout, B., Svihus, B., Prins, A.G., Kaltenborn, B.P. 2009. The Environmental Food Crisis: The Environment’s Role in Averting Future Food Crises. A UNEP rapid response assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal,, pp 1-104.‏
  • Ollerton J. 2017. Pollinator Diversity: Distribution, Ecological Function, and Conservation. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 48: 353-376.
  • Potts, S.G., Biesmeijer, J.C., Kreme, C., Neumann, P., Schweiger, O., Kunin, W.E. 2010. Global pollinator declines: trends, impacts and drivers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25(6): 345-353. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2010.01.007.
  • Rundlöf, M., Andersson, G.K., Bommarco, R., Fries, I., Hederström, V., Herbertsson, L. & Smith, H.G. 2015. Seed coating with a neonicotinoid insecticide negatively affects wild bees. Nature, 521(7550): 77-80.‏ DOI: 10.1038/nature14420.
  • Shebl, M.A., Farag, M. 2015. Bee diversity (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) visiting Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) flowers in Egypt. Zoology in the Middle East, 61(3): 256-263. DOI: 10.1080/09397140.2015.1069245.
  • Strobl, V., Albrecht, M., Villamar-Bouza, L., Tosi, S., Neumann, P., Straub, S. 2021. The neonicotinoid thiamethoxam impairs male fertility in solitary bees, Osmia cornuta. Environmental Pollution, 284: 117106. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117106.
  • Williamson, S.M., Willis, S.J., Wright, G.A. 2014. Exposure to neonicotinoids influences the motor function of adult worker honeybees. Ecotoxicology, 23(8): 1409-1418.‏ DOI: 10.1007/s10646-014-1283-x.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Entomoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Doaa H. El-naggar Bu kişi benim

Shebl Mohamed A. 0000-0002-4099-9846

Mohamed T. Ahmed Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4011-5825

Mohamed A. Osman Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6569-4902

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Kasım 2022
Kabul Tarihi 27 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

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