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Can Faith Be Taught? A Study in the Context of James Mi-chael Lee’s Social Scientific Approach to Religious Instruc-tion

Yıl 2021, , 361 - 387, 27.12.2021


The aim of this study is to clarify the issue of whether faith can be taught, which is one of the important issues of religious education as a discipline, within the framework of James Michael Lee's social scientific approach to religious instruction. In the article the authors, first, examine basic concepts of Lee’s social scientific approach such as faith, learning, teaching, and the understanding of God, and then, investigate the views of the theological approach advocates that faith cannot be taught. Finally, the article elaborates Lee’s view that faith can surely be taught from the perspective of social scientific religious instruction. The article concludes that some meanings attached by the parties to the main concepts such as faith, learning, and teaching and to God understanding in the context of His relationship with the human being and the world are the determinants in the emergence of different claims that faith can be taught or not.


  • Atkinson, Harley. “James Michael Lee”. Christian Educators of the 20th Century Project. ed. Kevin Lawson. Erişim 18 Şubat 2017.
  • Aydın, Muhammet Şevki. Din Eğitimi Bilimi. Kayseri: Kimlik Yayınları, 2017.
  • Barnes, L. Philip. “Michael Hand, Is Religious Education Possible?”. Studies in Philosophy and Education 27/1 (2008), 63–70.
  • Conway, Edwin M. “Collaborative Responses to the Demands of Emerging Human Needs: The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Education for Social Work”. Social Work and Divinity. ed. Daniel Lee - Robert O’Gorman. New York: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, 2005.
  • Cullen, William. “James Michael Lee : A Social Science Approach to Religious Instruction”. Lutheran Education Journal 140/3 (2005), 160–186.
  • Darcy-Bérubé, Françoise. “The Challenge Ahead of Us”. Foundations of Religious Education. 111–131. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
  • Goldbrunner, Josef. “Catechetical Method as Handmaid of Kerygma”. Teaching All Nations: A Symposium on Modern Catechetics. ed. Johannes Hofinger. New York: Herder and Herder, Revised ed., 1961.
  • Groome, Thomas H. Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980.
  • Groome, Thomas H. What Makes Us Catholic : Eight Gifts for Life. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2003.
  • Groome, Thomas H. Will There Be Faith?: A New Vision for Educating and Growing Disciples. New York: HarperOne, 2011.
  • Gündüz, Turgay. “Paylaşılan Praksis: Hayatı İnanç İnancı Hayatla Buluşturmak -Thomas Groome’ın Din Eğitimi Yaklaşımının Eleştirel Analizi”. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 2 (October 2014), 85–105.
  • Hand, Michael. Is Religious Education Possible? : A Philosophical Investigation. London: Continuum, 2006.
  • Hand, Michael. “Is Religious Education Possible? A Response to Philip Barnes.” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 2008.
  • Hill, Brennan R. Key Dimensions of Religious Education. Winona, Minnesota: Saint Mary’s Press, 1988.
  • Hudson, W. D. “Educating, Socialising and Indoctrination: A Reply to Tasos Kazepides”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 16/2 (1982), 167–172.
  • Jacop, Xavier. Hıristiyan Terimler Sözlüğü: Bir Deneme. İstanbul: Ohan Matbaacılık, 2004.
  • Kazepides, Tasos. “Educating, Socialising and Indoctrinating”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 16/2 (1982), 155–165.
  • Kazepides, Tasos. “Is Religious Education Possible? A Rejoinder to W. D. Hudson”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 17/2 (December 1, 1983), 259–265.
  • Knox, Ian. Above or within?: The Supernatural in Religious Education. Mishawaka, Indiana: Religious Education Press, 1976.
  • Lee, James Michael. “Facilitating Growth in Faith through Religious Instruction”. Handbook of Faith. ed. James Michael Lee - Monika Hellwig. 264–302. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1990.
  • Lee, James Michael. “Religious Instruction and Religious Experience”. Handbook of Religious Experience. ed. Ralph W. Hood. 535–567. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1995.
  • Lee, James Michael. “The Authentic Source of Religious Instruction”. Religious Education and Theology. ed. Norma H. Thompson. 100–197. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1982.
  • Lee, James Michael. The Content of Religious Instruction: A Social Science Approach. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 2. Basım, 1985.
  • Lee, James Michael. The Flow of Religious Instruction: A Social Science Approach. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1975.
  • Lee, James Michael. The Shape of Religious Instruction: A Social-Science Approach. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1971.
  • Marples, Roger. “Is Religious Education Possible?”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 12/1 (1978), 81-91.
  • Marthaler, Berard L. “Socialization as a Model for Cathechetics”. Foundations of Religious Education. ed. Padraic O’Hare. 65-92. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
  • Marthaler, Berard L. “To Teach the Faith or to Teach Theology: Dilemma for Religious Education”. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Convention. 217–233. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Theological Society of America, 1976.
  • McBrien, Richard. “Faith, Theology, and Belief”. Commonweal 101 (1974), 134–137.
  • Newell, Edward J. James Michael Lee’s Social Science Religious Instruction. Ann Arbor Mich.: University Microfilms International, 2004.
  • Pedrera-Granadaa, John Paul Zenollito. Theological Aspects of Catechesis in the United States of America in the First Decade of the 21st Century. Pamplona: University of Navarra, Doktora Tezi, 2011.
  • Rahner, Karl. “Faith”. Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theology. ed. Karl Rahner. 2/310–313. New York: Herder ve Herder, 1968.
  • Schunk, Dale H. Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. Boston: Pearson, 6. Basım, 2012.
  • Senemoğlu, Nuray. Gelişim Öğrenme Öğretim: Kuramdan Uygulamaya. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi, 11. Basım, 2005.
  • Seymour, Jack L. “Contemporary Approaches to Christian Education”. The Chicago Theological Seminary Register 69/2 (1979), 1–10.
  • Tosun, Cemal. “Eğitim ve Din Eğitimi Politikaları”. Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılında Türkiye’de Din Eğitimi ve Öğretimi. ed. Fahri Unan - Yücel Hacaloğlu. 517–525. İzmir: Türk Yurdu Yayınları, 1999.
  • Westerhoff III, John H. “Formation, Education, Instruction”. Religious Education 82/4 (1987), 578–591.
  • Westerhoff III, John H. Will Our Children Have Faith. New York: The Seabury Press, 1976.

İman Öğretilebilir (mi?) James Michael Lee’nin Sosyal Bilimsel Din Öğretim Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2021, , 361 - 387, 27.12.2021


Bu araştırmanın amacı, din eğitiminin önemli konularından biri olan imanın öğretilebilir olup olmadığı meselesine Amerikalı din eğitim bilimci James Michael Lee’nin sosyal bilim-sel din öğretimi yaklaşımı çerçevesinde açıklık getirmektir. Makalede öncelikle Lee’nin iman, öğrenme, öğretme kavramlarına ilişkin tanımları ve Tanrı anlayışı incelenmekte daha sonra teolojik yaklaşım savunucularının imanın öğretilemez olduğuna ilişkin görüş-leri irdelenmekte, son olarak Lee’nin imanın öğretilebilir olduğuna dair argümanları ortaya konmaktadır. Araştırma neticesinde, imanın öğretilebilir veya öğretilemez olduğu yönündeki farklı iddiaların temelinde öğrenme, öğretme, iman gibi belli başlı terimlere taraflarca yüklenen anlam ile insan ve âlem ile ilişkisi bağlamında Tanrı anlayışının etkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Atkinson, Harley. “James Michael Lee”. Christian Educators of the 20th Century Project. ed. Kevin Lawson. Erişim 18 Şubat 2017.
  • Aydın, Muhammet Şevki. Din Eğitimi Bilimi. Kayseri: Kimlik Yayınları, 2017.
  • Barnes, L. Philip. “Michael Hand, Is Religious Education Possible?”. Studies in Philosophy and Education 27/1 (2008), 63–70.
  • Conway, Edwin M. “Collaborative Responses to the Demands of Emerging Human Needs: The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Education for Social Work”. Social Work and Divinity. ed. Daniel Lee - Robert O’Gorman. New York: Haworth Social Work Practice Press, 2005.
  • Cullen, William. “James Michael Lee : A Social Science Approach to Religious Instruction”. Lutheran Education Journal 140/3 (2005), 160–186.
  • Darcy-Bérubé, Françoise. “The Challenge Ahead of Us”. Foundations of Religious Education. 111–131. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
  • Goldbrunner, Josef. “Catechetical Method as Handmaid of Kerygma”. Teaching All Nations: A Symposium on Modern Catechetics. ed. Johannes Hofinger. New York: Herder and Herder, Revised ed., 1961.
  • Groome, Thomas H. Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980.
  • Groome, Thomas H. What Makes Us Catholic : Eight Gifts for Life. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2003.
  • Groome, Thomas H. Will There Be Faith?: A New Vision for Educating and Growing Disciples. New York: HarperOne, 2011.
  • Gündüz, Turgay. “Paylaşılan Praksis: Hayatı İnanç İnancı Hayatla Buluşturmak -Thomas Groome’ın Din Eğitimi Yaklaşımının Eleştirel Analizi”. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 2 (October 2014), 85–105.
  • Hand, Michael. Is Religious Education Possible? : A Philosophical Investigation. London: Continuum, 2006.
  • Hand, Michael. “Is Religious Education Possible? A Response to Philip Barnes.” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 2008.
  • Hill, Brennan R. Key Dimensions of Religious Education. Winona, Minnesota: Saint Mary’s Press, 1988.
  • Hudson, W. D. “Educating, Socialising and Indoctrination: A Reply to Tasos Kazepides”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 16/2 (1982), 167–172.
  • Jacop, Xavier. Hıristiyan Terimler Sözlüğü: Bir Deneme. İstanbul: Ohan Matbaacılık, 2004.
  • Kazepides, Tasos. “Educating, Socialising and Indoctrinating”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 16/2 (1982), 155–165.
  • Kazepides, Tasos. “Is Religious Education Possible? A Rejoinder to W. D. Hudson”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 17/2 (December 1, 1983), 259–265.
  • Knox, Ian. Above or within?: The Supernatural in Religious Education. Mishawaka, Indiana: Religious Education Press, 1976.
  • Lee, James Michael. “Facilitating Growth in Faith through Religious Instruction”. Handbook of Faith. ed. James Michael Lee - Monika Hellwig. 264–302. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1990.
  • Lee, James Michael. “Religious Instruction and Religious Experience”. Handbook of Religious Experience. ed. Ralph W. Hood. 535–567. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1995.
  • Lee, James Michael. “The Authentic Source of Religious Instruction”. Religious Education and Theology. ed. Norma H. Thompson. 100–197. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1982.
  • Lee, James Michael. The Content of Religious Instruction: A Social Science Approach. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 2. Basım, 1985.
  • Lee, James Michael. The Flow of Religious Instruction: A Social Science Approach. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1975.
  • Lee, James Michael. The Shape of Religious Instruction: A Social-Science Approach. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1971.
  • Marples, Roger. “Is Religious Education Possible?”. Journal of Philosophy of Education 12/1 (1978), 81-91.
  • Marthaler, Berard L. “Socialization as a Model for Cathechetics”. Foundations of Religious Education. ed. Padraic O’Hare. 65-92. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
  • Marthaler, Berard L. “To Teach the Faith or to Teach Theology: Dilemma for Religious Education”. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Convention. 217–233. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Theological Society of America, 1976.
  • McBrien, Richard. “Faith, Theology, and Belief”. Commonweal 101 (1974), 134–137.
  • Newell, Edward J. James Michael Lee’s Social Science Religious Instruction. Ann Arbor Mich.: University Microfilms International, 2004.
  • Pedrera-Granadaa, John Paul Zenollito. Theological Aspects of Catechesis in the United States of America in the First Decade of the 21st Century. Pamplona: University of Navarra, Doktora Tezi, 2011.
  • Rahner, Karl. “Faith”. Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theology. ed. Karl Rahner. 2/310–313. New York: Herder ve Herder, 1968.
  • Schunk, Dale H. Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. Boston: Pearson, 6. Basım, 2012.
  • Senemoğlu, Nuray. Gelişim Öğrenme Öğretim: Kuramdan Uygulamaya. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi, 11. Basım, 2005.
  • Seymour, Jack L. “Contemporary Approaches to Christian Education”. The Chicago Theological Seminary Register 69/2 (1979), 1–10.
  • Tosun, Cemal. “Eğitim ve Din Eğitimi Politikaları”. Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılında Türkiye’de Din Eğitimi ve Öğretimi. ed. Fahri Unan - Yücel Hacaloğlu. 517–525. İzmir: Türk Yurdu Yayınları, 1999.
  • Westerhoff III, John H. “Formation, Education, Instruction”. Religious Education 82/4 (1987), 578–591.
  • Westerhoff III, John H. Will Our Children Have Faith. New York: The Seabury Press, 1976.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Turgay Gündüz 0000-0001-8019-4009

Gurbet Kızıltan 0000-0002-5022-2328

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Gündüz, Turgay - Kızıltan, Gurbet. “İman Öğretilebilir (mi?) James Michael Lee’nin Sosyal Bilimsel Din Öğretim Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Bir İnceleme”. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 30/2 (Aralık 2021), 361-387.


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