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Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü)

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 53 - 60, 01.06.2011


Vanilloid Reseptör-1, capsaicin ve capsaicine benzer etki oluşturabilen, ısı ve asit ile aktive olan bir iyon kanal reseptörüdür. Vanilloidlerin bağlandığı reseptörlere vanilloid reseptör denir. Vanilloidler ekzojen ve endojen olarak ikiye ayrılır. TRPV1 (Transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1) ilk olarak dorsal root, trigeminal ve nodos gangliyonlarda eksprese edilmiş, seçici olmayan iyon kanal proteinidir. Capsaicin’in spesifik olarak bağlandığı reseptöre capsaicin reseptörü ya da vanilloid reseptör 1 (TRPV1 ya da VR1) adı verilmiştir. VR1, 426 aminoasit içeren ve ~ 95 kDa ağırlığında bir proteindir. VR1, 430C’nin üzerindeki sıcaklıkta ve düşük pH’da (pH≤5) oluşan membran depolarizasyonu ve iyon kanallarının açılması sonucu capsaicin tarafından aktive edilir. VR1 ilk olarak santral sinir sistemindeki nöyronlarda ortaya konulmuştur. Ancak son zamanlarda yapılan çalışmalar VR1’in mast hücreleri, derideki keratinositler ve idrar kesesi epitel hücreleri gibi nöyron içermeyen çeşitli hücrelerde de bulunduğunu göstermiştir


  • Ahluwalia J, Urba´N.L., Capogna M., Bevans S., Nagy I., 2000. Cannabinoid 1 receptors are expressed in nociceptive primary sensory neu- rons. Neuroscience, 100: 685-688.
  • Anavi-Goffer S., Coutts A.A,2003. Cellular distri- bution of vanilloid VR1 receptor immunoreacti- vity in the Guinea-pig myenteric plexus. Euro- pean Journal of Pharmacology, 458: 61-71.
  • Avelino A., Dinis P., Charrua A., Nagy I., Yaqoob M., Cruz F., 2003. The endogenous TRPV1 li- gand anandamide increases in the rat inflamed ürinary bladder and may contribute to inflamma- tory pain. Social neuroscience, 33: 603-8,
  • Birder L.A., Kanai A.J., De Groat W.C., Kiss S., Nealen M.L., Burke N.E., Dineley K.E., Watkins S., Reynolds I.J., Caterina M.J., 2001. Vanilloid receptor expression suggests a sensory role for ürinary bladder epithelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98: 13396-13401.
  • Caterina M.J., Schumacher M.A., Tominaga M., Rosen T.A., Levine J.D., Julius D.,1997. The capsaicin receptor: a heat-activated ion channel in the pain pathway. Nature, 389: 816-824.
  • Caterina M.J., Julius D.,1999. Sense and spesifi- city: A molecular identity for nociceptors current opinionin. Neurobiology, 9: 525-530.
  • Caterina M.J., Leffler A., Malberg A.B., Martin W.J., Trafton J., Petersen-Zeitz K.R., Koltzen- burg M., Basbaum A.I., Julius D., 2000. İmpaired nociception and pain sensation in mice lacking the capsaicin receptor. Science, 288: 306-313.
  • Chuang H.H., Prescott E.D., Kong H., Shields S., Jordt S.E., Basbaum A.I., Chao M.V., Juliıus D., 2001. Bradykinin and nerve growth factor release the capsaicin receptor from PtdIns(4,5)p2- mediated ınhibition. Nature, 411: 957-962.
  • Coderre T.J., Grimes R.W., Melzack R., 1986. Autotomy following sciatic and saphenous nerve sections: sparing of the medial toes after treat- ment of the sciatic nerve with capsaicin. Experi- mental Neurology, 91: 355-365.
  • Corey D.P., 2003. New trp channels in hearing and mechanosensation. Neuron, 39: 585- 588.
  • Davis J.B., Gray J., Gunthorpe M.J., Hatcher J.P., Davey P.T., Overend P., Harries M.H., Latcham J., Clapham C., Atkinson K., Hughes S.A., Rance K., Grau E., Harper A.J., Pugh P.L., Rogers D.C., Bıngham S., Randall A., Shear- down S.A., 2000. Vanilloid receptor-1 is essen- tial for ıinflammatory thermal hyperalgesia. Na- ture, 405: 183-187.
  • De Lago E., De Miguel R., Lastres-Becker I., Ramos J.A., Fernandez-Ruiz J., 2004. Involve- ment of vanilloid-like receptors in the effects of anandamide on motor behavior and nigrostriatal dopaminergic activity: ın vivo and ın vitro evi- dence. Brain Research, 1007: 152-159.
  • Ding Q.W., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Wang Y.N., Zhang L., Ding C., Wu L.L. and Yu G.Y., 2010. Functional vanilloid receptor-1 in human sub- mandibular glands, Journal of Dental Research, 89(7):711-716.
  • Dominquez R., Riboni L., 1971. failure of ovula- tion in autographed ovary of the hemispayed rat, Neuroendocrinology, 7: 164-170.
  • Dray A., 1992. Neuropharmacological mecha- nism of Capsaicin and related substances. Bioc- hemical Pharmacology, 44: 611-615.
  • Dvorakova M., Kummer W., 2001. Transient expression of vanilloid receptor subtype 1 in rat cardiomyocytes during development. Histoche- mistry and Cell Biology, 116: 223-225.
  • Erdost H., Özfiliz N., Özgüden C., Güneş N., Önen Ş., İlhan T., Özer A., 2007. Expression of a capsaicin receptor (VR1) in the testes of mice af- ter an application of capsaicin. Bulletin of the Ve- terinary Institute in Pulawy, 51, 649-653
  • Ferguson D.R., Kennedy I., Burton T.J., 1997. ATP is released from rabbit urinary bladder epit- helial cells by hydrostatic pressure changes—a possible sensory mechanism. The Journal of phy- siology, 505 (Pt. 2): 503-511.
  • Gepetti P., Trevısoni M., 2004. Activation and sensitisation of the vanilloid receptor: role in gastrointestinal ınflammation and fuction. British Journal of Pharmacology, 141: 1313-1320.
  • Gulbenkıan S., Barroso C.P., Cunha S.A, Ed- vinsson L., 1995. The peptidergic innervation of human coronary and cerebral vessels. Italian Jo- urnal of Anatomy and Embryology, 100 (Suppl 1): 317-327.
  • Gunthorpe M.J., Harries M.H., Prinjha R.K., Davis J.B., Randall A., 2000. Voltage- and time- depent properties of the recombinant rat vanilloid receeptor (rvr1). Journal of Physiology, 3: 747- 759.
  • Guo A., Vulchanova L., Wang J., Li X., Elde R., 1999. Immunocytochemical localization of the vanilloid receptor 1 (vr1): relationship to neuro- peptides, the p2x3 purinoceptor and ıb4 binding sites. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 11: 946-958.
  • Harada N., Okajima K., Uchiba M., Katsuragi T., 2003. Contribution of capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons to stress-ınduced ıncreases in gastric tis- sue levels of prostaglandins in rats. American Jo- urnal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 285: 1214-1224.
  • Huang Y., Wang D.H., 2001. Role of renin– angiotensin–aldosterone system in salt-sensitive hypertension ıinduced by sensory denervation. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Cir- culatory Physiology, 281: H2143-H2149.
  • Ichikawa H., Gouty S., Regalia J., Helke C.J., Sugimoto T., 2004. Ca(2+)/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase ıı in the rat cranial sen- sory ganglia. Brain Research, 1005: 36–43.
  • Inoue K., Koizumi S., Fuziwara S., Denda S., Inoue K., Denda M., 2002. Functional vanilloid receptors in cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Re- search Communications, 291: 124-129.
  • Karai L., Russell J.T., Iadarola M.J., Olah Z., 2004. Vanilloid receptor 1 regulates multiple cal- cium compartments and contributes to ca2+- induced ca2+-release in sensory neurons. The Jo- urnal of Biological Chemistry, 279: 16377- 16387.
  • Kato S., Aihara E., Nakamura A., Xin H., Matsui H., Kohama K., Takeuchi K., 2003. Expression of vanilloid receptors in rat gastric epithelial cells: role in cellular protection. Biochemical Pharmacology, 66: 1115- 1121.
  • Kilo S., Harding-Rosea C., Hargreavesa K.M., Flores C.M., 1997. Peripheral CGRP release as a marker for neurogenic ınflammation: a model system for the study of neuropeptide secretion in rat paw skin, Pain, 73: 201–207.
  • Kwak J.Y., Jung J.Y., Hwang S.W., Lee W.T., Oh U., A capsaicin receptor antagonist, capsaze- pine, reduces ınflammation-ınduced hyperalgesic responses in the rat: evidence for an endogenous capsaicin-like substance. Neuroscience, 86: 619- 626.
  • Liang Y.F., Haake B., Reeh P.W., Sustained sensitization and recruitment of rat cutaneous no- ciceptors by bradykinin and a novel theory of its excitatory action. The Journal of physiology, 523:
  • Lin W., Ogura T., Kinnaman S.C., 2002. Asid- activated cation currents in rat vallate taste recep- tor cells. Journal of Neurophysiology, 88: 133- 141.
  • Liu L., Simon S.A., 2001. Asidic stimuli activa- tes two distinct patways in taste receptor cells from rat fungiform papillae. Brain Research, 923: 58-70.
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Vanilloid Receptor

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 53 - 60, 01.06.2011


Vanilloid receptor-1 is a heat-and acid-activated ion channel receptor, which creates capsaicin and can create an effect like-capsaicin. Connected to vanilloid receptors are called vanilloid receptor. The vanilloids are divided to exogenous and endogenous. TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1) is a nonselective ion channel protein that has firstly been expressed on dorsal root, trigeminal and nodos ganglia. The receptor which is connected specifically by capsaicin is called Capsaicin receptor or vanilloid receptor. VR1 is a ~ 95 kDa protein which includes 426 aminoacide. As a result of over 430C and low pH (pH≤5) ,VR1 is activated by capsaicin. Because at that time membrane is depolarized and ion channels are opened. VR1 was first shown in the neurons of the central nervous system. However, recent studies show that VR1 is expressed in non neuronal various cells; mast cells, keratinocytes in the skin and epithelial cells in the bladder .


  • Ahluwalia J, Urba´N.L., Capogna M., Bevans S., Nagy I., 2000. Cannabinoid 1 receptors are expressed in nociceptive primary sensory neu- rons. Neuroscience, 100: 685-688.
  • Anavi-Goffer S., Coutts A.A,2003. Cellular distri- bution of vanilloid VR1 receptor immunoreacti- vity in the Guinea-pig myenteric plexus. Euro- pean Journal of Pharmacology, 458: 61-71.
  • Avelino A., Dinis P., Charrua A., Nagy I., Yaqoob M., Cruz F., 2003. The endogenous TRPV1 li- gand anandamide increases in the rat inflamed ürinary bladder and may contribute to inflamma- tory pain. Social neuroscience, 33: 603-8,
  • Birder L.A., Kanai A.J., De Groat W.C., Kiss S., Nealen M.L., Burke N.E., Dineley K.E., Watkins S., Reynolds I.J., Caterina M.J., 2001. Vanilloid receptor expression suggests a sensory role for ürinary bladder epithelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98: 13396-13401.
  • Caterina M.J., Schumacher M.A., Tominaga M., Rosen T.A., Levine J.D., Julius D.,1997. The capsaicin receptor: a heat-activated ion channel in the pain pathway. Nature, 389: 816-824.
  • Caterina M.J., Julius D.,1999. Sense and spesifi- city: A molecular identity for nociceptors current opinionin. Neurobiology, 9: 525-530.
  • Caterina M.J., Leffler A., Malberg A.B., Martin W.J., Trafton J., Petersen-Zeitz K.R., Koltzen- burg M., Basbaum A.I., Julius D., 2000. İmpaired nociception and pain sensation in mice lacking the capsaicin receptor. Science, 288: 306-313.
  • Chuang H.H., Prescott E.D., Kong H., Shields S., Jordt S.E., Basbaum A.I., Chao M.V., Juliıus D., 2001. Bradykinin and nerve growth factor release the capsaicin receptor from PtdIns(4,5)p2- mediated ınhibition. Nature, 411: 957-962.
  • Coderre T.J., Grimes R.W., Melzack R., 1986. Autotomy following sciatic and saphenous nerve sections: sparing of the medial toes after treat- ment of the sciatic nerve with capsaicin. Experi- mental Neurology, 91: 355-365.
  • Corey D.P., 2003. New trp channels in hearing and mechanosensation. Neuron, 39: 585- 588.
  • Davis J.B., Gray J., Gunthorpe M.J., Hatcher J.P., Davey P.T., Overend P., Harries M.H., Latcham J., Clapham C., Atkinson K., Hughes S.A., Rance K., Grau E., Harper A.J., Pugh P.L., Rogers D.C., Bıngham S., Randall A., Shear- down S.A., 2000. Vanilloid receptor-1 is essen- tial for ıinflammatory thermal hyperalgesia. Na- ture, 405: 183-187.
  • De Lago E., De Miguel R., Lastres-Becker I., Ramos J.A., Fernandez-Ruiz J., 2004. Involve- ment of vanilloid-like receptors in the effects of anandamide on motor behavior and nigrostriatal dopaminergic activity: ın vivo and ın vitro evi- dence. Brain Research, 1007: 152-159.
  • Ding Q.W., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Wang Y.N., Zhang L., Ding C., Wu L.L. and Yu G.Y., 2010. Functional vanilloid receptor-1 in human sub- mandibular glands, Journal of Dental Research, 89(7):711-716.
  • Dominquez R., Riboni L., 1971. failure of ovula- tion in autographed ovary of the hemispayed rat, Neuroendocrinology, 7: 164-170.
  • Dray A., 1992. Neuropharmacological mecha- nism of Capsaicin and related substances. Bioc- hemical Pharmacology, 44: 611-615.
  • Dvorakova M., Kummer W., 2001. Transient expression of vanilloid receptor subtype 1 in rat cardiomyocytes during development. Histoche- mistry and Cell Biology, 116: 223-225.
  • Erdost H., Özfiliz N., Özgüden C., Güneş N., Önen Ş., İlhan T., Özer A., 2007. Expression of a capsaicin receptor (VR1) in the testes of mice af- ter an application of capsaicin. Bulletin of the Ve- terinary Institute in Pulawy, 51, 649-653
  • Ferguson D.R., Kennedy I., Burton T.J., 1997. ATP is released from rabbit urinary bladder epit- helial cells by hydrostatic pressure changes—a possible sensory mechanism. The Journal of phy- siology, 505 (Pt. 2): 503-511.
  • Gepetti P., Trevısoni M., 2004. Activation and sensitisation of the vanilloid receptor: role in gastrointestinal ınflammation and fuction. British Journal of Pharmacology, 141: 1313-1320.
  • Gulbenkıan S., Barroso C.P., Cunha S.A, Ed- vinsson L., 1995. The peptidergic innervation of human coronary and cerebral vessels. Italian Jo- urnal of Anatomy and Embryology, 100 (Suppl 1): 317-327.
  • Gunthorpe M.J., Harries M.H., Prinjha R.K., Davis J.B., Randall A., 2000. Voltage- and time- depent properties of the recombinant rat vanilloid receeptor (rvr1). Journal of Physiology, 3: 747- 759.
  • Guo A., Vulchanova L., Wang J., Li X., Elde R., 1999. Immunocytochemical localization of the vanilloid receptor 1 (vr1): relationship to neuro- peptides, the p2x3 purinoceptor and ıb4 binding sites. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 11: 946-958.
  • Harada N., Okajima K., Uchiba M., Katsuragi T., 2003. Contribution of capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons to stress-ınduced ıncreases in gastric tis- sue levels of prostaglandins in rats. American Jo- urnal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 285: 1214-1224.
  • Huang Y., Wang D.H., 2001. Role of renin– angiotensin–aldosterone system in salt-sensitive hypertension ıinduced by sensory denervation. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Cir- culatory Physiology, 281: H2143-H2149.
  • Ichikawa H., Gouty S., Regalia J., Helke C.J., Sugimoto T., 2004. Ca(2+)/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase ıı in the rat cranial sen- sory ganglia. Brain Research, 1005: 36–43.
  • Inoue K., Koizumi S., Fuziwara S., Denda S., Inoue K., Denda M., 2002. Functional vanilloid receptors in cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Re- search Communications, 291: 124-129.
  • Karai L., Russell J.T., Iadarola M.J., Olah Z., 2004. Vanilloid receptor 1 regulates multiple cal- cium compartments and contributes to ca2+- induced ca2+-release in sensory neurons. The Jo- urnal of Biological Chemistry, 279: 16377- 16387.
  • Kato S., Aihara E., Nakamura A., Xin H., Matsui H., Kohama K., Takeuchi K., 2003. Expression of vanilloid receptors in rat gastric epithelial cells: role in cellular protection. Biochemical Pharmacology, 66: 1115- 1121.
  • Kilo S., Harding-Rosea C., Hargreavesa K.M., Flores C.M., 1997. Peripheral CGRP release as a marker for neurogenic ınflammation: a model system for the study of neuropeptide secretion in rat paw skin, Pain, 73: 201–207.
  • Kwak J.Y., Jung J.Y., Hwang S.W., Lee W.T., Oh U., A capsaicin receptor antagonist, capsaze- pine, reduces ınflammation-ınduced hyperalgesic responses in the rat: evidence for an endogenous capsaicin-like substance. Neuroscience, 86: 619- 626.
  • Liang Y.F., Haake B., Reeh P.W., Sustained sensitization and recruitment of rat cutaneous no- ciceptors by bradykinin and a novel theory of its excitatory action. The Journal of physiology, 523:
  • Lin W., Ogura T., Kinnaman S.C., 2002. Asid- activated cation currents in rat vallate taste recep- tor cells. Journal of Neurophysiology, 88: 133- 141.
  • Liu L., Simon S.A., 2001. Asidic stimuli activa- tes two distinct patways in taste receptor cells from rat fungiform papillae. Brain Research, 923: 58-70.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Şerife Tütüncü Bu kişi benim

Nesrin Özfiliz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tütüncü, Ş., & Özfiliz, N. (2011). Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü). Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2), 53-60.
AMA Tütüncü Ş, Özfiliz N. Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü). Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. Haziran 2011;30(2):53-60.
Chicago Tütüncü, Şerife, ve Nesrin Özfiliz. “Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü)”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 30, sy. 2 (Haziran 2011): 53-60.
EndNote Tütüncü Ş, Özfiliz N (01 Haziran 2011) Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü). Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 30 2 53–60.
IEEE Ş. Tütüncü ve N. Özfiliz, “Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü)”, Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 30, sy. 2, ss. 53–60, 2011.
ISNAD Tütüncü, Şerife - Özfiliz, Nesrin. “Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü)”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 30/2 (Haziran 2011), 53-60.
JAMA Tütüncü Ş, Özfiliz N. Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü). Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2011;30:53–60.
MLA Tütüncü, Şerife ve Nesrin Özfiliz. “Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü)”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 30, sy. 2, 2011, ss. 53-60.
Vancouver Tütüncü Ş, Özfiliz N. Vanilloid Reseptör 1 (VR1) (Capsaicin Reseptörü). Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2011;30(2):53-60.