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Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu Olan Çocuklarda Robot Teknolojisi Uygulamalarının Kullanımına İlişkin Araştırmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 12 - 25, 28.10.2024


Bu çalışmada, bibliyometrik analiz kullanılarak otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan çocuklarda robot teknolojisi uygulamalarının kullanımına ilişkin çalışmaların odağını, tematik eğilimlerini ve gelişimini değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Retrospektif ve tanımlayıcı özellikler taşıyan bu çalışmada, Web of Science veri tabanında, otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan çocuklarda robot teknolojisi uygulamalarının kullanımıyla ilgili İngilizce literatür incelenmiştir. Veri analizinde, RStudio programı ve bir R uygulaması olan “biblioshiny” aracı kullanılmıştır. Her makale dergi, yazar, atıf, ülke, anahtar kelimeler ve konular açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmaya, 2000-2024 yılları arasında yayınlanan 823 makale dahil edilmiştir. Makalelerin yıllık büyüme oranı %16.1’dir. En üretken ülke Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve en üretken yazar Kerstin Dautenhahn’dır. En çekirdek/merkezi ve en çok atıf alan ilk iki dergi International Journal of Social Robotics ve Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders'tır. “İnsan robot etkileşimi”, “robot asistan terapisi”, “taklit”, “rehabilitasyon”, “bakım”, “somutlaşmış ritim” ve “sosyal robot” terimleri otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan çocuklarda robot teknolojisi uygulamalarının en sıcak konuları ve öncü eğilimlerini temsil etmektedir.

Etik Beyan

Çalışmada bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Etik ilkelere uyulmuştur.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), (2024). Autism spectrum disorder. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/autism/ Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (2023). Otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireylere yönelik II. ulusal eylem planı.
  • Ali, S., Mehmood, F., Ayaz, Y., Sajid, M., Sadia, H., & Nawaz, R., (2022). An experimental trial: multi-robot therapy for categorization of autism level using hidden Markov model. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(3), 722–741. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211040405
  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C., (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 11(4), 959–975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007
  • Aydın, D., & Özgen, Z. E., (2018). The role of nurses in autism spectrum disorders and early diagnosis in children. Gümüşhane Univ J Health Sci, 7(3), 93-101.
  • Cabibihan, J., Javed, M., JM, A., & Aljunied, S., (2013). Why robots ? A survey on the roles and benefits of social robots in the therapy of children with autism. Int J Soc Robot, 5, 593–618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-013-0202-2
  • Cahit Arf Bilgi Merkezi, (2024). Bibliyometrik Analiz Sıkça Sorulan Sorular. https://cabim.ulakbim.gov.tr/bibliyometrik-analiz/bibliyometrik-analiz-sikca-sorulan sorular/#:~:text=Belirli%20bir%20alanda%20belirli%20bir,aras %C4%B1ndaki%20ili%C5%9Fkilerin%20say%C4%B1sal%20olarak%20analizidir.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), (2024). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/autism/about/index.html
  • Chen, C., Chen, S., Wen, P., & Snow, C. E., (2020). Computers in human behavior are screen devices soothing children or soothing parents? Investigating the relationships among children’s exposure to different types of screen media, parental efficacy and home literacy practices. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106462. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106462
  • Colina-matiz, S., Leal, J. H., Ariza-vargas, J. C., Higuera, R. B., Ovalle-chaparro, C., Lucía, N., Suárez, G., Medellin-olaya, J., Reina-gamba, N. C., Correa-, C., Valencia, I. D. L. R., Lozano-mosos, J. S., Leal, J. H., Ariza-vargas, J. C., Higuera, R. B., Ovalle-chaparro, C., Lucía, N., Suárez, G., & Medellin-, J., (2024). Social robotics as an adjuvant during the hospitalization process in pediatric oncology patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 0(0), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2024.2335170
  • Dautenhahn, K., (2007). Socially intelligent robots: dimensions of human − robot interaction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 362(1480), 679–704. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2006.2004
  • Gómez-Espinosa, A., Moreno, J., & Pérez-de la Cruz, S., (2024). Assisted robots in therapies for children with autism in early childhood. Sensors, 24, 1503.
  • Holeva, V., Nikopoulou, V., Lytridis, C., Bazinas, C., Kechayas, P., Sidiropoulos, G., Papadopoulou, M., & Evangeliou, A., (2024). Effectiveness of a robot ‑ assisted psychological intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54(2), 577–593. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05796-5
  • Huijnen, C. A. G. J., Lexis, M. A. S., Jansens, R., & Witte, L. P. De., (2016). Mapping robots to therapy and educational objectives for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(6), 2100–2114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-016-2740-6
  • Inglese, M. D., (2009). Caring for children with autism spectrum disorder, Part II: Screening, diagnosis, and management. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 24(1), 49-59.
  • Johnson, M. A. (2023), Nursing Management of a Child with Autism. Mathews J Nurs. 5(7), 35. Karaarslan, D., & Ergin, E., (2024). How does training given to pediatric nurses about arti fi cial intelligence and robot nurses affect their opinions and attitude levels ? A quasi-experimental study. xxxx. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2024.04.031
  • Kumazaki, H., Yoshikawa, Y., Yoshimura, Y., Ikeda, T., Hasegawa, C., Saito, D. N., Tomiyama, S., An, K., Shimaya, J., Ishiguro, H., Matsumoto, Y., & Minabe, Y., (2018). The impact of robotic intervention on joint attention in children with autism spectrum disorders. Molecular Autism, 9(46), 1–10.
  • Lewis, T. T., Kim, H., Darcy-mahoney, A., Waldron, M., Hyong, W., & Hyuk, C., (2021). Robotic uses in pediatric care: a comprehensive review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 58, 65–75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2020.10.016
  • Liu, X., & Zhao, W., (2017). Buddy: a virtual life coaching system for children and adolescents with high functioning autism. 15th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress. https://doi.org/10.1109/DASC-PICom-DataCom-CyberSciTec.2017.62
  • Magalhães, J. M., Lima, F. S. V., de Oliveira Silva, F. R., Rodrigues, A. B. M., & Gomes, A. V., (2020). Nursing care to the autistic child: an integrative review. Enfermería Global, (58), 551.
  • Nuovo, A. Di, Bamforth, J., Conti, D., Sage, K., Ibbotson, R., Clegg, J., & Westaway, A., (2020). An explorative study on robotics for supporting children with autism spectrum disorder during clinical procedures. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 189–191.
  • Peca, A., Simut, R., Pintea, S., Costescu, C., & Vanderborght, B., (2014). How do typically developing children and children with autism perceive different social robots? Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 268–277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.09.035
  • Pioggial, G., Sical, M. L., Ferrol, M., Jgliozzi, R., Muratori, F., & Ahluwalial, A., (2007). Human-robot interaction in autism : face, an android-based social therapy. International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, 605–612.
  • Scarpinato, N., Bradley, J., Kurbjun, K., Bateman, X., Holtzer, B., & Ely, B., (2010). Caring for the child with an autism spectrum disorder in the acute care setting. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 15(3), 244-254.
  • Qin, L., Wang, H., Ning, W., Cui, M., & Wang, Q., (2024). New advances in the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Medical Research, 29(322), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40001-024-01916-2
  • Shamsuddin, S., Yussof, H., Mohamed, S., & Akhtar, F., (2014). Design and ethical concerns in robotic adjunct therapy protocols for children with Autism. Procedia Computer Science, 42, 9–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.11.027
  • Short, E. S., Deng, E. C., & Feil-seifer, D., (2017). Understanding agency in interactions between children with autism and socially assistive robots. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 6(3), 21–47. https://doi.org/10.5898/JHRI.6.3.Short
  • Silvera-Tawil, D., (2024). Robotics in Healthcare : A Survey. SN Computer Science, 5(189), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-023-02551-0
  • Welch, K. C., Lahiri, U., Warren, Z., & Sarkar, N., (2010). An approach to the design of socially acceptable robots for children with autism spectrum disorders. Int J Soc Robot, 2, 391–403. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-010-0063-x
  • Yenkoyan, K., Ounanian, Z., Mirumyan, M., Hayrapetyan, L., Zakaryan, N., Sahakyan, R., & Bjørklund, G., (2024). Advances in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder : Current and Promising Strategies. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 31, 1485–1511. https://doi.org/10.2174/0109298673252910230920151332
  • World Health Organization (WHO), (2023). Autism. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/autism-spectrum-disorders?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlIG2BhC4ARIsADBgpVTCVD6eAS6JhxyUblYCULstbMpl8VeSyvlygq81A55tdHFwebHfR5YaAqIFEALw_wcB
  • Zeidan, J., Fombonne, E., Scorah, J., Ibrahim, A., & Shih, A., (2022). Global prevalence of autism: A systematic review update search strategy. Autism Research, 15, 778–790. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2696
  • Zhang, S., Wang, S., Liu, R., & Dong, H., (2022). A bibliometric analysis of research trends of artificial intelligence in the treatment of autistic spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13(967074), 1–15.

Bibliometric Analysis of Research on the Use of Robotics Applications in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 12 - 25, 28.10.2024


In this study, bibliometric analysis is employed to evaluate the focus, thematic trends, and development of research on the use of robotic technology applications in children with autism spectrum disorder. In this retrospective and descriptive study, the English literature on the use of robotic technology applications in children with autism spectrum disorder was examined using the Web of Science database. In the data analysis, the RStudio program and the "biblioshiny" tool, which is an R application, were used. Each article was evaluated in terms of journal, author, citation, country, keywords, and topics. The study included 823 articles published between 2000 and 2024. The annual growth rate of the articles is 16.1%. The most productive country is the United States of America, and the most prolific author is Kerstin Dautenhahn. The top two journals with the most core/fundamental and highly cited articles are the International Journal of Social Robotics and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. The terms “human-robot interaction”, “robot-assisted therapy”, “imitation”, “rehabilitation”, “care”, “embodied rhythm”, and “social robot” represent the hottest topics and leading trends in robotic technology applications for children with autism spectrum disorder.

Proje Numarası



  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), (2024). Autism spectrum disorder. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/autism/ Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (2023). Otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireylere yönelik II. ulusal eylem planı.
  • Ali, S., Mehmood, F., Ayaz, Y., Sajid, M., Sadia, H., & Nawaz, R., (2022). An experimental trial: multi-robot therapy for categorization of autism level using hidden Markov model. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(3), 722–741. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211040405
  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C., (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 11(4), 959–975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007
  • Aydın, D., & Özgen, Z. E., (2018). The role of nurses in autism spectrum disorders and early diagnosis in children. Gümüşhane Univ J Health Sci, 7(3), 93-101.
  • Cabibihan, J., Javed, M., JM, A., & Aljunied, S., (2013). Why robots ? A survey on the roles and benefits of social robots in the therapy of children with autism. Int J Soc Robot, 5, 593–618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-013-0202-2
  • Cahit Arf Bilgi Merkezi, (2024). Bibliyometrik Analiz Sıkça Sorulan Sorular. https://cabim.ulakbim.gov.tr/bibliyometrik-analiz/bibliyometrik-analiz-sikca-sorulan sorular/#:~:text=Belirli%20bir%20alanda%20belirli%20bir,aras %C4%B1ndaki%20ili%C5%9Fkilerin%20say%C4%B1sal%20olarak%20analizidir.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), (2024). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/autism/about/index.html
  • Chen, C., Chen, S., Wen, P., & Snow, C. E., (2020). Computers in human behavior are screen devices soothing children or soothing parents? Investigating the relationships among children’s exposure to different types of screen media, parental efficacy and home literacy practices. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106462. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106462
  • Colina-matiz, S., Leal, J. H., Ariza-vargas, J. C., Higuera, R. B., Ovalle-chaparro, C., Lucía, N., Suárez, G., Medellin-olaya, J., Reina-gamba, N. C., Correa-, C., Valencia, I. D. L. R., Lozano-mosos, J. S., Leal, J. H., Ariza-vargas, J. C., Higuera, R. B., Ovalle-chaparro, C., Lucía, N., Suárez, G., & Medellin-, J., (2024). Social robotics as an adjuvant during the hospitalization process in pediatric oncology patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 0(0), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2024.2335170
  • Dautenhahn, K., (2007). Socially intelligent robots: dimensions of human − robot interaction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 362(1480), 679–704. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2006.2004
  • Gómez-Espinosa, A., Moreno, J., & Pérez-de la Cruz, S., (2024). Assisted robots in therapies for children with autism in early childhood. Sensors, 24, 1503.
  • Holeva, V., Nikopoulou, V., Lytridis, C., Bazinas, C., Kechayas, P., Sidiropoulos, G., Papadopoulou, M., & Evangeliou, A., (2024). Effectiveness of a robot ‑ assisted psychological intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54(2), 577–593. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05796-5
  • Huijnen, C. A. G. J., Lexis, M. A. S., Jansens, R., & Witte, L. P. De., (2016). Mapping robots to therapy and educational objectives for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(6), 2100–2114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-016-2740-6
  • Inglese, M. D., (2009). Caring for children with autism spectrum disorder, Part II: Screening, diagnosis, and management. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 24(1), 49-59.
  • Johnson, M. A. (2023), Nursing Management of a Child with Autism. Mathews J Nurs. 5(7), 35. Karaarslan, D., & Ergin, E., (2024). How does training given to pediatric nurses about arti fi cial intelligence and robot nurses affect their opinions and attitude levels ? A quasi-experimental study. xxxx. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2024.04.031
  • Kumazaki, H., Yoshikawa, Y., Yoshimura, Y., Ikeda, T., Hasegawa, C., Saito, D. N., Tomiyama, S., An, K., Shimaya, J., Ishiguro, H., Matsumoto, Y., & Minabe, Y., (2018). The impact of robotic intervention on joint attention in children with autism spectrum disorders. Molecular Autism, 9(46), 1–10.
  • Lewis, T. T., Kim, H., Darcy-mahoney, A., Waldron, M., Hyong, W., & Hyuk, C., (2021). Robotic uses in pediatric care: a comprehensive review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 58, 65–75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2020.10.016
  • Liu, X., & Zhao, W., (2017). Buddy: a virtual life coaching system for children and adolescents with high functioning autism. 15th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress. https://doi.org/10.1109/DASC-PICom-DataCom-CyberSciTec.2017.62
  • Magalhães, J. M., Lima, F. S. V., de Oliveira Silva, F. R., Rodrigues, A. B. M., & Gomes, A. V., (2020). Nursing care to the autistic child: an integrative review. Enfermería Global, (58), 551.
  • Nuovo, A. Di, Bamforth, J., Conti, D., Sage, K., Ibbotson, R., Clegg, J., & Westaway, A., (2020). An explorative study on robotics for supporting children with autism spectrum disorder during clinical procedures. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 189–191.
  • Peca, A., Simut, R., Pintea, S., Costescu, C., & Vanderborght, B., (2014). How do typically developing children and children with autism perceive different social robots? Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 268–277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.09.035
  • Pioggial, G., Sical, M. L., Ferrol, M., Jgliozzi, R., Muratori, F., & Ahluwalial, A., (2007). Human-robot interaction in autism : face, an android-based social therapy. International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, 605–612.
  • Scarpinato, N., Bradley, J., Kurbjun, K., Bateman, X., Holtzer, B., & Ely, B., (2010). Caring for the child with an autism spectrum disorder in the acute care setting. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 15(3), 244-254.
  • Qin, L., Wang, H., Ning, W., Cui, M., & Wang, Q., (2024). New advances in the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Medical Research, 29(322), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40001-024-01916-2
  • Shamsuddin, S., Yussof, H., Mohamed, S., & Akhtar, F., (2014). Design and ethical concerns in robotic adjunct therapy protocols for children with Autism. Procedia Computer Science, 42, 9–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.11.027
  • Short, E. S., Deng, E. C., & Feil-seifer, D., (2017). Understanding agency in interactions between children with autism and socially assistive robots. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 6(3), 21–47. https://doi.org/10.5898/JHRI.6.3.Short
  • Silvera-Tawil, D., (2024). Robotics in Healthcare : A Survey. SN Computer Science, 5(189), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-023-02551-0
  • Welch, K. C., Lahiri, U., Warren, Z., & Sarkar, N., (2010). An approach to the design of socially acceptable robots for children with autism spectrum disorders. Int J Soc Robot, 2, 391–403. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-010-0063-x
  • Yenkoyan, K., Ounanian, Z., Mirumyan, M., Hayrapetyan, L., Zakaryan, N., Sahakyan, R., & Bjørklund, G., (2024). Advances in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder : Current and Promising Strategies. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 31, 1485–1511. https://doi.org/10.2174/0109298673252910230920151332
  • World Health Organization (WHO), (2023). Autism. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/autism-spectrum-disorders?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlIG2BhC4ARIsADBgpVTCVD6eAS6JhxyUblYCULstbMpl8VeSyvlygq81A55tdHFwebHfR5YaAqIFEALw_wcB
  • Zeidan, J., Fombonne, E., Scorah, J., Ibrahim, A., & Shih, A., (2022). Global prevalence of autism: A systematic review update search strategy. Autism Research, 15, 778–790. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2696
  • Zhang, S., Wang, S., Liu, R., & Dong, H., (2022). A bibliometric analysis of research trends of artificial intelligence in the treatment of autistic spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13(967074), 1–15.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fahriye Pazarcıkcı 0000-0002-3249-299X

Proje Numarası Yok
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Pazarcıkcı, F. (2024). Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu Olan Çocuklarda Robot Teknolojisi Uygulamalarının Kullanımına İlişkin Araştırmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi. Uluborlu Mesleki Bilimler Dergisi, 7(3), 12-25. https://doi.org/10.46236/umbd.1535774
Creative Commons Lisansı
Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Uluborlu Mesleki Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.