Araştırma Makalesi
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A Research on Determining Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Outcomes in Virtual Market Shopping Experience

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 12, 237 - 270, 29.06.2021


Customer experience forms the basis for customers to develop positive attitudes and behaviours towards the business. Virtual market shopping experience is also an important part of online customer experience today. Customer experience continues to be an important factor in determining both consumer behaviour and spending habits, along with the changing needs and expectations of consumers during the pandemic process. At this point, the aim of the study is to reveal the virtual market shopping experience of consumers within the scope of the factors that affect this experience and to determine the effect of the virtual market shopping experience on customer satisfaction. In addition, within the scope of the study, it is aimed to reveal the effect of customer satisfaction on repetitive purchasing and word-of-mouth communication behaviours for online market shopping. For these purposes, the data collected from 417 participants using the on-line questionnaire with convenience sampling method. Structural Equation Modelling was applied the data. While the findings of the study reveal the effect of the brand experience dimension of the virtual grocery shopping experience on the total shopping experience, they also point to the positive effect of the total shopping experience on customer satisfaction. In addition, the study findings show that customer satisfaction regarding virtual market shopping has a positive effect on customers' repetitive purchasing intention and word-of-mouth behavior.


  • Acosta. Acosta Analyzes Evolution of US Shopper Behavior Amid Growing Threat of COVID-19, erişim 20 Kasım 2020 (2020).
  • Addis, Michela ve Holbrook, Morris B. ‘’On the Conceptual Link between Mass Customization and Experiential Consumption: An Explosion of Subjectivity,’’ Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1 sayı:1 (2001): 50-66.
  • Anderson, Rolph E. ve Srinivasan, Srini S.‘’'E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework,’’ Psychology and Marketing, 20 sayı:2 (2003): 123-138.
  • Anderson, Eugene W. ve Sullivan, Mary W. ‘’The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction for Firms,’’ Marketing Science, 12 sayı: Spring (1993): 125–143,
  • Bagozzi, Richard P., Dholakia, Utpal M. ve Basuroy, Sumon. ’How Effortful Decisions Get Enacted: The Motivating Role of Decision Processes, Desires, and Anticipated Emotions,’’ Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Journal of Behaviour Decision Making’’, 16 (1996): 273–295.
  • Bankalararası Kart Merkezi. ‘’BKM Nisan Ayı Verileri’’, erişim 14 Aralık 2020 (2020).
  • Bolton, Ruth N., Kannan, Praween ve Bramlett, Matthew. ‘’Implications of Loyalty Program Membership and Service Experiences for Customer Retention and Value,’’ Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 sayı:1 (2000): 95-108.
  • Boyer, Kenneth K. ve Hult, G.Tomas M. ‘’Extending the Supply Chain: Integrating Operations and Marketing in the Online Grocery Industry,’’ Journal of Operations Management, 23 sayı:6 (2005): 642-661.
  • Boyer, Kenneth K., Frohlich, Markham ve Hult, G.Tomas M. Extending the Supply Chain: How Cutting-Edge Companies Bridge the Critical Last Mile into Customers’ Homes. New York:American Management Association, 2005.
  • Brakus, J.Josko, Schmitt, Bernd H. ve Zarantonello, Lia. ‘’Brand Experience: What is It? How is It Measured? Does it Affect Loyalty?,’’ Journal of Marketing, 73 sayı:3 (2009): 52-68.
  • BrickMeetsClick. ‘’Tracking Online Grocery's Growth’’, Erişim 12 Aralık 2020 (2020).
  • Buttle, Francis. ‘’Word of Mouth: Understanding and Managing Referral Marketing,’’ Journal of Strategic Management, 6 sayı:3 (1998): 241-54.
  • Büyüköztürk, Şener. ‘’Anket Geliştirme,’’ Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 sayı:2 (2005): 133-148.
  • File, Karen Maru, Cermak, Dianne ve Prince, Russ Alan. ‘’Word-of-Mouth Effects in Professional Services Behaviour,’’ The Services Industries Journal, 14 sayı:3 (1994): 301-14.
  • Fornell, Claes ve Larcker, David. ‘’Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error,’’ Journal of Marketing Research, 18 sayı:1 (1981): 39-50.
  • Fornell, Claes. ‘’A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience,’’ Journal of Marketing, 56 sayı: January (1992): 6–21.
  • George, Darren ve Mallery, Paul. SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference 17.0. Update. Boston: Pearson, 2010.
  • Ha, Young ve Im, Hyunjoo. ‘’Role of web Site Design Quality in Satisfaction and Word Of Mouth Generation,’’ Journal of Service Management, 23 sayı:1 (2011): 79-96.
  • Hansen, Torben. ‘’Determinants of Consumers’ Repeat Online Buying of Groceries,’’ International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 16 sayı:1 (2006): 93-114.
  • Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten, Gwinner, Kevin P., Walsh, Gianfranco ve Gremler, Dwayne. ‘’Electronic Word-Of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate Themselves on the Internet?,’ Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 sayı:1 (2004): 38-52.
  • Holbrook, Morris B. ve Hirschman, Elizabeth C. ‘’The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun,’’ Journal of Consumer Research, 9 sayı:2 (1982): 132-140.
  • Hunt, H. Keith. ‘’CS/D-Overview and Future Directions,’’ Conceptualization and Measurement of Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction içinde, ed. H. K. Hunt, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Marketing Science Institute, 1977.
  • Ilsever, Joe, Cyr, Dianne ve Parent, Michael. ‘’Extending Models of Flow and E-Loyalty,’’ Journal of Information Science and Technology, 4 sayı:2 (2007): 3-22.
  • Jones, Michael A., Mothersbaugh, David L. ve Beatty, Sharon E. ‘’Switching Barriers and Repurchase Intentions in Services,’’ Journal of Retailing, 76 sayı:2 (2000): 259–274.
  • Kassim Norizan M. ve Abdullah, Nor Asiah. ‘’Customer Loyalty in e‐Commerce Settings: An Empirical Study,’’ Electronic Markets, 18 sayı:3 (2008): 275-290,
  • Khalifa, Mohamed ve Liu, Vanessa. ‘’Online Consumer Retention: Contingent Effects of Online Shopping Habit and Online Shopping Experience,’’ European Journal of Information Systems,16 sayı:6 (2007): 780–92.
  • Konus, Umut, Verhoef, Peter C. ve Neslin, Scott A.‘’Multichannel Shopper Segments and Their Covariates,’’ Journal of Retailing, 84 sayı:4 (2008): 398-413.
  • Lovelock, Christopher, Vandermerwe, Sandra ve Lewis, Barbara. Services Marketing: A European Perspective. N J.: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1996.
  • Ling, Kwek Choon, Cahi, LauTeck ve Piew, Tan Hoi. ‘’The Effects of Shopping Orientations, Online Trust, and Prior Online Purchase Experience towards Customers’ Online Purchase Intention, ‘’ International Business Research, 3 sayı:3 (2010): 63-76.
  • McLean, Graeme ve Wilson, A. ‘’Evolving the Online Customer Experience is There A Role for Online Customer Support?,’’ Computers in Human Behavior, 60 (2016): 602-610.
  • Meyer, Christopher ve Schwager, Alan. ‘’Understanding Customer Experience,’’ Harvard Business Review, 85 (2007): 116-126.
  • Moynagh, Michael ve Worsley, Richard. ‘’Tomorrow’s Consumer – the Shifting Balance of Power,’’ Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1 (2002): 293–301.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
  • Oliver, Richard L. ‘’Measurement and Evaluation of Satisfaction Process in Retailer Selling,’’ Journal of Retailing, 57 (1981): 25-48.
  • Oliver, Richard L. ‘’A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Service Satisfaction: Compatible Goals, Different Concepts,’’ Advances in Services Marketing and Management, 2 (1993): 65-85.
  • Parasuraman, Ananthanarayanan, Zeithaml, Valarie A. ve Berry, Leonard L. ‘’SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality,’’ Journal of Retailing, 64 sayı:1 (1988). 12-40.
  • Pine, B.Joseph ve Gilmore James H. ‘’The Experience Economy: Past, Present and Future,’’ Handbook on The Experience Economy, (2013): 21-44.
  • Ramus, Kim ve Nielsen, Niels Asger. ‘’Online Grocery Retailing: What Do Consumers Think,’’ Internet Research, 15 sayı:3 (2005): 335-352.
  • Ranaweera, Chatura, McDougall, Gordon ve Bansal, Harvir. ‘’A Model of Online Customer Behavior During the Initial Transaction: Moderating Effects of Customer Characteristics,’’ Marketing Theory, 5 sayı:1 (2005): 51-74.
  • Roberts, Martyn, Xu, Xianzhong .M. ve Mettos, Nekatarios. ‘’Internet Shopping: The Supermarket Model and Customer Perceptions,’’ Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 1 sayı:2 (2003): 32-43.
  • Rose, Susan, Hair, Neil ve Clark, Moira. ‘’Online Customer Experience: A Review of the Business-to-Consumer Online Purchase Context,’’ International Journal of Management Reviews, 13 (2011: 24–39.
  • Rose, Susan, Clark, Moria, Samouel, Phillip ve Hair, Neil. ‘’Online Customer Experience in E-Retailing: An Empirical Model of Antecedents and Outcomes,’’ Journal of Retailing, 88 sayı:2 (2012): 308–322.
  • Saunders, Mark, Lewis, Phillip ve Thornhill, Adrian. Research Methods for Business Students. London: Financial Times Prentice-Hall, 2003.
  • Schmitt, Bernd H., Joško Brakus, Joško ve Zarantonello, Lia. ‘’From Experiential Psychology to Consumer Experience,’’ Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 sayı:1 (2015): 166-171.
  • Singh, Reema ve Söderlund, Magnus. ‘’Extending the Experience Construct: An Examination of Online Grocery Shopping,’’ European Journal of Marketing, 54 sayı: 10 (2019): 2419-2446.
  • Smith, Donnavieve N ve Sivakumar, K. ‘’Flow and Internet Shopping Behavior: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions,’’ Journal of Business Research, 57 sayı:10 (2004): 1199-1208.
  • Tabachnick, Barbara G. ve Fidell, Linda S. Using Multivariate Statistics. Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon, 2013.
  • Verhoef, Peter C. ve Langerak, Fred. ‘’Possible Determinants of Consumers’ Adoption of Electronic Grocery Shopping in The Netherlands,’’ Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 8 sayı:5 (2001): 275-285.
  • Wolfinbarger, Mary ve Gilly, Mary C. ‘’EtailQ: Dimensionalizing, Measuring and Predicting Etail Quality,’’ Journal of Retailing, 79 sayı:3 (2003): 183-198.
  • Wu, Wann-Yih ve Chang, Man-Ling. ‘’The Role of Risk Attitude On Online Shopping: Experience, Customer Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention,’’ Social Behavior and Personality, 35 sayı:4 (2007): 453-468.
  • Yapı Kredi Bankası. Erişim 10 Kasım 2020 (2020).
  • Zeithaml, Valarie A., Berry, Leonard ve Parasuraman, Ananthanarayana. ‘’The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality,’’ Journal of Marketing, 60 sayı:2 (1996): 31-46.
  • Zboja, James J. ve Voorhees, Clay M. ‘’The impact of brand trust and satisfaction on retailer repurchase intentions,’’ Journal of Services Marketing, 20 sayı:5 (2006): 381–390.

Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 12, 237 - 270, 29.06.2021


Müşteri deneyimi müşterilerin işletmeye yönelik olumlu tutum ve davranışlar geliştirmesinin temelini oluşturmaktadır. Sanal market alışveriş deneyimi de günümüzde on-line müşteri deneyiminin önemli bir boyutunu oluşturmaktadır. Müşteri deneyimi pandemi sürecinde tüketicilerin değişen ihtiyaç ve beklentileri ile birlikte gerek tüketici davranışlarını, gerekse harcama alışkanlıklarını belirlemede önemli bir unsur olmaya devam etmektedir. Bu noktada çalışmanın amacı tüketicilerin sanal market alışveriş deneyimini bu deneyimi etkileyen unsurlar kapsamında ortaya koymak ve sanal market alışveriş deneyiminin müşteri tatminine etkisini belirlemektir. Ayrıca çalışma kapsamında müşteri tatminin sanal market alışverişine yönelik tekrarlayan satın alma niyeti ve ağızdan ağıza iletişim davranışına etkisinin de ortaya konması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile on-line anket kullanılarak 378 katılımcıdan toplanan veriye Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi uygulanmıştır. Çalışma bulguları sanal market alışveriş deneyiminin marka deneyimi boyutunun toplam alışveriş deneyimi üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koyarken, toplam alışveriş deneyiminin de müşteri tatmini üzerindeki olumlu etkisine işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca çalışma bulguları sanal market alışverişine yönelik müşteri tatminin müşterilerin tekrarlayan satın alma niyeti ve ağızdan ağıza iletişim davranışı üzerinde de olumlu etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Acosta. Acosta Analyzes Evolution of US Shopper Behavior Amid Growing Threat of COVID-19, erişim 20 Kasım 2020 (2020).
  • Addis, Michela ve Holbrook, Morris B. ‘’On the Conceptual Link between Mass Customization and Experiential Consumption: An Explosion of Subjectivity,’’ Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1 sayı:1 (2001): 50-66.
  • Anderson, Rolph E. ve Srinivasan, Srini S.‘’'E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework,’’ Psychology and Marketing, 20 sayı:2 (2003): 123-138.
  • Anderson, Eugene W. ve Sullivan, Mary W. ‘’The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction for Firms,’’ Marketing Science, 12 sayı: Spring (1993): 125–143,
  • Bagozzi, Richard P., Dholakia, Utpal M. ve Basuroy, Sumon. ’How Effortful Decisions Get Enacted: The Motivating Role of Decision Processes, Desires, and Anticipated Emotions,’’ Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Journal of Behaviour Decision Making’’, 16 (1996): 273–295.
  • Bankalararası Kart Merkezi. ‘’BKM Nisan Ayı Verileri’’, erişim 14 Aralık 2020 (2020).
  • Bolton, Ruth N., Kannan, Praween ve Bramlett, Matthew. ‘’Implications of Loyalty Program Membership and Service Experiences for Customer Retention and Value,’’ Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 sayı:1 (2000): 95-108.
  • Boyer, Kenneth K. ve Hult, G.Tomas M. ‘’Extending the Supply Chain: Integrating Operations and Marketing in the Online Grocery Industry,’’ Journal of Operations Management, 23 sayı:6 (2005): 642-661.
  • Boyer, Kenneth K., Frohlich, Markham ve Hult, G.Tomas M. Extending the Supply Chain: How Cutting-Edge Companies Bridge the Critical Last Mile into Customers’ Homes. New York:American Management Association, 2005.
  • Brakus, J.Josko, Schmitt, Bernd H. ve Zarantonello, Lia. ‘’Brand Experience: What is It? How is It Measured? Does it Affect Loyalty?,’’ Journal of Marketing, 73 sayı:3 (2009): 52-68.
  • BrickMeetsClick. ‘’Tracking Online Grocery's Growth’’, Erişim 12 Aralık 2020 (2020).
  • Buttle, Francis. ‘’Word of Mouth: Understanding and Managing Referral Marketing,’’ Journal of Strategic Management, 6 sayı:3 (1998): 241-54.
  • Büyüköztürk, Şener. ‘’Anket Geliştirme,’’ Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 sayı:2 (2005): 133-148.
  • File, Karen Maru, Cermak, Dianne ve Prince, Russ Alan. ‘’Word-of-Mouth Effects in Professional Services Behaviour,’’ The Services Industries Journal, 14 sayı:3 (1994): 301-14.
  • Fornell, Claes ve Larcker, David. ‘’Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error,’’ Journal of Marketing Research, 18 sayı:1 (1981): 39-50.
  • Fornell, Claes. ‘’A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience,’’ Journal of Marketing, 56 sayı: January (1992): 6–21.
  • George, Darren ve Mallery, Paul. SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference 17.0. Update. Boston: Pearson, 2010.
  • Ha, Young ve Im, Hyunjoo. ‘’Role of web Site Design Quality in Satisfaction and Word Of Mouth Generation,’’ Journal of Service Management, 23 sayı:1 (2011): 79-96.
  • Hansen, Torben. ‘’Determinants of Consumers’ Repeat Online Buying of Groceries,’’ International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 16 sayı:1 (2006): 93-114.
  • Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten, Gwinner, Kevin P., Walsh, Gianfranco ve Gremler, Dwayne. ‘’Electronic Word-Of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates Consumers to Articulate Themselves on the Internet?,’ Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 sayı:1 (2004): 38-52.
  • Holbrook, Morris B. ve Hirschman, Elizabeth C. ‘’The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun,’’ Journal of Consumer Research, 9 sayı:2 (1982): 132-140.
  • Hunt, H. Keith. ‘’CS/D-Overview and Future Directions,’’ Conceptualization and Measurement of Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction içinde, ed. H. K. Hunt, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Marketing Science Institute, 1977.
  • Ilsever, Joe, Cyr, Dianne ve Parent, Michael. ‘’Extending Models of Flow and E-Loyalty,’’ Journal of Information Science and Technology, 4 sayı:2 (2007): 3-22.
  • Jones, Michael A., Mothersbaugh, David L. ve Beatty, Sharon E. ‘’Switching Barriers and Repurchase Intentions in Services,’’ Journal of Retailing, 76 sayı:2 (2000): 259–274.
  • Kassim Norizan M. ve Abdullah, Nor Asiah. ‘’Customer Loyalty in e‐Commerce Settings: An Empirical Study,’’ Electronic Markets, 18 sayı:3 (2008): 275-290,
  • Khalifa, Mohamed ve Liu, Vanessa. ‘’Online Consumer Retention: Contingent Effects of Online Shopping Habit and Online Shopping Experience,’’ European Journal of Information Systems,16 sayı:6 (2007): 780–92.
  • Konus, Umut, Verhoef, Peter C. ve Neslin, Scott A.‘’Multichannel Shopper Segments and Their Covariates,’’ Journal of Retailing, 84 sayı:4 (2008): 398-413.
  • Lovelock, Christopher, Vandermerwe, Sandra ve Lewis, Barbara. Services Marketing: A European Perspective. N J.: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1996.
  • Ling, Kwek Choon, Cahi, LauTeck ve Piew, Tan Hoi. ‘’The Effects of Shopping Orientations, Online Trust, and Prior Online Purchase Experience towards Customers’ Online Purchase Intention, ‘’ International Business Research, 3 sayı:3 (2010): 63-76.
  • McLean, Graeme ve Wilson, A. ‘’Evolving the Online Customer Experience is There A Role for Online Customer Support?,’’ Computers in Human Behavior, 60 (2016): 602-610.
  • Meyer, Christopher ve Schwager, Alan. ‘’Understanding Customer Experience,’’ Harvard Business Review, 85 (2007): 116-126.
  • Moynagh, Michael ve Worsley, Richard. ‘’Tomorrow’s Consumer – the Shifting Balance of Power,’’ Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1 (2002): 293–301.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
  • Oliver, Richard L. ‘’Measurement and Evaluation of Satisfaction Process in Retailer Selling,’’ Journal of Retailing, 57 (1981): 25-48.
  • Oliver, Richard L. ‘’A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Service Satisfaction: Compatible Goals, Different Concepts,’’ Advances in Services Marketing and Management, 2 (1993): 65-85.
  • Parasuraman, Ananthanarayanan, Zeithaml, Valarie A. ve Berry, Leonard L. ‘’SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality,’’ Journal of Retailing, 64 sayı:1 (1988). 12-40.
  • Pine, B.Joseph ve Gilmore James H. ‘’The Experience Economy: Past, Present and Future,’’ Handbook on The Experience Economy, (2013): 21-44.
  • Ramus, Kim ve Nielsen, Niels Asger. ‘’Online Grocery Retailing: What Do Consumers Think,’’ Internet Research, 15 sayı:3 (2005): 335-352.
  • Ranaweera, Chatura, McDougall, Gordon ve Bansal, Harvir. ‘’A Model of Online Customer Behavior During the Initial Transaction: Moderating Effects of Customer Characteristics,’’ Marketing Theory, 5 sayı:1 (2005): 51-74.
  • Roberts, Martyn, Xu, Xianzhong .M. ve Mettos, Nekatarios. ‘’Internet Shopping: The Supermarket Model and Customer Perceptions,’’ Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 1 sayı:2 (2003): 32-43.
  • Rose, Susan, Hair, Neil ve Clark, Moira. ‘’Online Customer Experience: A Review of the Business-to-Consumer Online Purchase Context,’’ International Journal of Management Reviews, 13 (2011: 24–39.
  • Rose, Susan, Clark, Moria, Samouel, Phillip ve Hair, Neil. ‘’Online Customer Experience in E-Retailing: An Empirical Model of Antecedents and Outcomes,’’ Journal of Retailing, 88 sayı:2 (2012): 308–322.
  • Saunders, Mark, Lewis, Phillip ve Thornhill, Adrian. Research Methods for Business Students. London: Financial Times Prentice-Hall, 2003.
  • Schmitt, Bernd H., Joško Brakus, Joško ve Zarantonello, Lia. ‘’From Experiential Psychology to Consumer Experience,’’ Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 sayı:1 (2015): 166-171.
  • Singh, Reema ve Söderlund, Magnus. ‘’Extending the Experience Construct: An Examination of Online Grocery Shopping,’’ European Journal of Marketing, 54 sayı: 10 (2019): 2419-2446.
  • Smith, Donnavieve N ve Sivakumar, K. ‘’Flow and Internet Shopping Behavior: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions,’’ Journal of Business Research, 57 sayı:10 (2004): 1199-1208.
  • Tabachnick, Barbara G. ve Fidell, Linda S. Using Multivariate Statistics. Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon, 2013.
  • Verhoef, Peter C. ve Langerak, Fred. ‘’Possible Determinants of Consumers’ Adoption of Electronic Grocery Shopping in The Netherlands,’’ Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 8 sayı:5 (2001): 275-285.
  • Wolfinbarger, Mary ve Gilly, Mary C. ‘’EtailQ: Dimensionalizing, Measuring and Predicting Etail Quality,’’ Journal of Retailing, 79 sayı:3 (2003): 183-198.
  • Wu, Wann-Yih ve Chang, Man-Ling. ‘’The Role of Risk Attitude On Online Shopping: Experience, Customer Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention,’’ Social Behavior and Personality, 35 sayı:4 (2007): 453-468.
  • Yapı Kredi Bankası. Erişim 10 Kasım 2020 (2020).
  • Zeithaml, Valarie A., Berry, Leonard ve Parasuraman, Ananthanarayana. ‘’The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality,’’ Journal of Marketing, 60 sayı:2 (1996): 31-46.
  • Zboja, James J. ve Voorhees, Clay M. ‘’The impact of brand trust and satisfaction on retailer repurchase intentions,’’ Journal of Services Marketing, 20 sayı:5 (2006): 381–390.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Berrin Arzu Eren 0000-0003-0839-5302

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Eren, B. A. (2021). Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(12), 237-270.
AMA Eren BA. Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine. ÜSBİD. Haziran 2021;(12):237-270.
Chicago Eren, Berrin Arzu. “Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini Ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 12 (Haziran 2021): 237-70.
EndNote Eren BA (01 Haziran 2021) Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 12 237–270.
IEEE B. A. Eren, “Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine”, ÜSBİD, sy. 12, ss. 237–270, Haziran 2021.
ISNAD Eren, Berrin Arzu. “Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini Ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 12 (Haziran 2021), 237-270.
JAMA Eren BA. Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine. ÜSBİD. 2021;:237–270.
MLA Eren, Berrin Arzu. “Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini Ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 12, 2021, ss. 237-70.
Vancouver Eren BA. Sanal Market Alışveriş Deneyiminde Müşteri Tatmini ve Davranışsal Sonuçların Belirlenmesi Üzerine. ÜSBİD. 2021(12):237-70.

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