Derginin amacı, sosyal bilimlerin herhangi bir alanında mükemmellik arayışı içerisinde olan araştırmacıların, akademisyenlerin, lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerin ve ilgili kişilerin özgün çalışmalarını bilimsel ve etik ilkelere bağlı kalarak alan yazınını kazandırmak ve insanlığın hizmetine sunmaktır.
The aim of the journal is to present the original works of researchers, academicians, undergraduate and graduate students and related persons who are in search of excellence in any field of social sciences, to bring the literature of the field and to serve humanity by adhering to scientific and ethical principles.
International Journal of the Pursuit of Excellence in Social Sciences (IJPESS) is a free, online and open access publication. USMAD is an international double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that publishes theoretical and practical original research studies from all fields of social sciences (literature, history, geography, psychology, philosophy, sociology, archaeology, anthropology, art history, politics, theology, communication, journalism, law, public relations, economics, business, economics, philology, educational sciences and teacher training) from all over the world.USMAD accepts studies in Turkish or English in two issues per year.