Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, , 29 - 46, 30.04.2021


The connections are used to transfer forces and moments due to applied loading. The capability of the connection in the resisting moment is used to classify the types of connections in steelwork particularly for cold-formed steel. Classification schemes based on the total moment-rotation behavior have been developed to aid in the design and analysis of connections. Moment-rotation curve commonly used to describe the connection behavior that can be obtained from either theoretical or experimental study. It is often inappropriate to define the connections as either rigid or pinned due to their high non-linear behavior. Therefore, the lightweight cold formed steel connections have been classified into simple, semi-rigid, and rigid connections according to their strength and rigidity, and discussed in detail. Three-dimensional finite element model of lightweight cold formed steel connection under cyclic loading was generated to investigate and study their behavior. Two lipped sigma sections back-to-back with interconnections are used as beam and column members. Finally, the connection type of lightweight cold formed steel connections have been found to be as semi-rigid, and the key factors influencing stiffness is the bearing forces around the bolt hole. 


  • Bolandim, E. A., Beck A. T. and Malite, M. (2013) Bolted connections in cold-formed steel: reliability analysis for rupture in net section, Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(5), 748–756. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000566
  • Chen, W. F. (2000) Practical Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design, World Scientific Publishing Co., River Edge, NJ.
  • Chen, W.F. and Kim, Seung-Eock. (1989) LRFD Steel Design Using Advanced Analysis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Dawe, J. L. and Wood, J. V. (2006) Small-scale test behavior of roof trusses cold-formed steel, Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(4), 608-615. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733- 9445(2006)132:4(608)
  • FEMA-350, (2000). Prestandard and commentary for seismic rehabilitation of buildings, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, USA.
  • Hancock, G.J., Murray, T. M. and Ellifritt, D.S. (2001) Cold-Formed Steel Structure to the AISI Specification, Macel Dekker, New York.
  • Hibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen. (2015) ABAQUS/standard user's manual. HKS Inc., Dallas, USA.
  • Lee, K. and Foutch, D. A. SAC/BD-00/25. Performance Prediction and Evaluation of Steel Special Moment Frames for Seismic Loads, Technical report, SAC Joint Venture, 2000.
  • Kwon, Y. B., Chung, H. S. and Kim, G. D. (2006) Experiments of cold-formed steel connections and portal frames, Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(4), 600- 607. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2006)132:4(600)
  • Liu, J., Xu, L. and Fox, S. (2014) Structural strength of lapped cold-formed steel Z-shaped purlin connections with vertical slotted holes, 22nd International Specialty Conference On Cold-Formed Steel Design and Construction, Missouri University of Science and Technology, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Manson, Leigh. (2006). Analysis and comparison of connections in steel structures, Master of Engineering Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Muhamad, Khiry, B. A. K. (2010). Analysis of cold- formed steel connections, Master of Engineering Thesis, Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia.
  • Narayanan, R. (1989) Structural Connections: Stability and Strength, Elsevier Science Publishers, New York.
  • Raftoyiannis, I.G. (2005) The effect of semi-rigid joints and an elastic bracing system on the buckling load of simple rectangular steel frames, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 61(9), 1205–1225. doi: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2005.01.005
  • Tan, S. H. (2001) Channel frames with semi-rigid joints, Computers and Structures, 79, 715- 725.
  • Rondal, J. (2000) Cold formed steel members and structures—general report, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 55(1–3), 155–158.
  • Davies, J. M. (2000) Recent research advances in cold-formed steel structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 55(1–3), 267–288. Alemdar F.,Geleta H.D., Algaadi F.M.: Cold Form Steel Connection 46
  • Gotluru, B. P., Schafer, B. W. and Peköz, T. (2000) Torsion in thin-walled cold-formed steel beams, Thin Wall Structures, 37(2), 127–145.
  • Put, B. M., Pi, Y. L. and Trahair, N. S. (1999) Bending and torsion of cold-formed channel beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, 25(5), 540–546.
  • Jo ̈nsson, J. (1999) Distortional warping functions and shear distributions in thin-walled beams, Thin-Walled Structures, 33(4), 245–68.
  • Rogers, C. A. and Hancock, G. J. (1999a) Bolted connection design for sheet steels less than 1.0 mm thick, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 51(2), 123–146.
  • Rogers, C. A. and Hancock, G. J. (1999b) Screwed connection tests of thin G550 and G300 sheet steels, Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(2), 128–136.
  • Rogers, C. A. and Hancock, G. J. (2000) Failure modes of bolted-sheet-steel connections loaded in shear, Journal of Structural Engineering, 126(3), 288–296.
  • Ye, J., Hajirasouliha, I., Becque, J. and Pilakoutas, K. (2016) Development of more efficient cold formed steel channel sections in bending, Thin-Walled Structures, 101, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.tws.2015.12.021
  • Rahbari, R., Tyas, A., Davison, J. B. and Stoddart, E. P. (2014) Web shear failure of angle- cleat connections loaded at high rates, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 103, 37-48. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2014.07.013
  • Bučmys, Ž. and Daniūnas, A. (2015) Analytical and experimental investigation of cold- formed steel beam-to-column bolted gusset-plate joints, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 21(8), 1061-1069. doi:10.3846/13923730.2015.1084039
  • Bučmys, Ž. and Daniūnas, A. (2017) Rectangular gusset plate behaviour in cold-formed I- type steel connections, Journal of Archives of Civil Engineering, 63(2), 3-21. doi: 10.1515/ace-2017-0013
  • Tan, C. S., Lee, Y. H., Lee, Y. L., Mohammad, S., Sulaiman, A., Tahir, M. Md. and Shek, P. N. (2013) Numerical simulation of cold-formed steel top-seat flange cleat connection, Jurnal Teknologi, 61(3), 63-71.
  • Yu, C. and Xu, K. (2013) Shear strength of a cold-formed steel sheet in bolted connections using oversized holes, Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(5), 860–864. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000561
  • Yu, W. W., LaBoube, R. A. and Chen, H. (2020) Cold Formed Steel Design, Wiley, New- York.
  • EN 1993-1-3, (2006). Eurocode 3: design of steel structures. part 1.3: general rules – supplementary rules for cold formed members and sheeting, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • AISI S100-2007– Appendix 1 (2004). Design of cold-formed steel structural members using the Direct Strength Method. In: 2004 supplement to the North American specification for the design of cold-formed steel structures, United States of America: American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington (DC).


Yıl 2021, , 29 - 46, 30.04.2021


Bağlantılar uygulanan yükleme nedeniyle kuvvetleri ve momentleri aktarmak için kullanılır. Taşıma momenti etkisindeki bağlantının kapasitesi, özellikle soğuk şekillendirilmiş çelik için çelik yapıdaki bağlantı türlerini sınıflandırmak için kullanılır. Bağlantının tasarımına ve analizine yardımcı olmak için toplam moment-eğrilik davranışına dayalı sınıflandırma şemaları geliştirilmiştir. Moment-dönme eğrisi, genellikle teorik veya deneysel çalışmadan elde edilebilecek bağlantı davranışını tanımlamak için kullanılır. Doğrusal olmayan davranışlarının yüksek olması nedeniyle bağlantıları ankastre veya sabit olarak tanımlamak genellikle uygunsuzdur. Bu nedenle, soğuk şekillendirilmiş çelik bağlantılar, mukavemetlerine ve rijitliklerine göre basit, yarı rijit ve rijit bağlantılar olarak sınıflandırılmış ve ayrıntılı olarak tartışılmıştır. Çevrimsel yükleme altında soğuk şekillendirilmiş çelik bağlantıların davranışlarını incelemek için üç boyutlu sonlu eleman modelleri oluşturulmuştur. Kiriş ve kolon elemanlar için sırt sırta iki sigma kesit kullanılmıştır. Son olarak, soğuk şekillendirilmiş çelik bağlantıların özelliklerinin yarı rijit olduğu ve rijitliği etkileyen anahtar faktörlerin bulon deliği etrafındaki ezilme kuvvetleri olduğu bulunmuştur.


  • Bolandim, E. A., Beck A. T. and Malite, M. (2013) Bolted connections in cold-formed steel: reliability analysis for rupture in net section, Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(5), 748–756. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000566
  • Chen, W. F. (2000) Practical Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design, World Scientific Publishing Co., River Edge, NJ.
  • Chen, W.F. and Kim, Seung-Eock. (1989) LRFD Steel Design Using Advanced Analysis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Dawe, J. L. and Wood, J. V. (2006) Small-scale test behavior of roof trusses cold-formed steel, Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(4), 608-615. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733- 9445(2006)132:4(608)
  • FEMA-350, (2000). Prestandard and commentary for seismic rehabilitation of buildings, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, USA.
  • Hancock, G.J., Murray, T. M. and Ellifritt, D.S. (2001) Cold-Formed Steel Structure to the AISI Specification, Macel Dekker, New York.
  • Hibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen. (2015) ABAQUS/standard user's manual. HKS Inc., Dallas, USA.
  • Lee, K. and Foutch, D. A. SAC/BD-00/25. Performance Prediction and Evaluation of Steel Special Moment Frames for Seismic Loads, Technical report, SAC Joint Venture, 2000.
  • Kwon, Y. B., Chung, H. S. and Kim, G. D. (2006) Experiments of cold-formed steel connections and portal frames, Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(4), 600- 607. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2006)132:4(600)
  • Liu, J., Xu, L. and Fox, S. (2014) Structural strength of lapped cold-formed steel Z-shaped purlin connections with vertical slotted holes, 22nd International Specialty Conference On Cold-Formed Steel Design and Construction, Missouri University of Science and Technology, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Manson, Leigh. (2006). Analysis and comparison of connections in steel structures, Master of Engineering Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Muhamad, Khiry, B. A. K. (2010). Analysis of cold- formed steel connections, Master of Engineering Thesis, Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia.
  • Narayanan, R. (1989) Structural Connections: Stability and Strength, Elsevier Science Publishers, New York.
  • Raftoyiannis, I.G. (2005) The effect of semi-rigid joints and an elastic bracing system on the buckling load of simple rectangular steel frames, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 61(9), 1205–1225. doi: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2005.01.005
  • Tan, S. H. (2001) Channel frames with semi-rigid joints, Computers and Structures, 79, 715- 725.
  • Rondal, J. (2000) Cold formed steel members and structures—general report, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 55(1–3), 155–158.
  • Davies, J. M. (2000) Recent research advances in cold-formed steel structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 55(1–3), 267–288. Alemdar F.,Geleta H.D., Algaadi F.M.: Cold Form Steel Connection 46
  • Gotluru, B. P., Schafer, B. W. and Peköz, T. (2000) Torsion in thin-walled cold-formed steel beams, Thin Wall Structures, 37(2), 127–145.
  • Put, B. M., Pi, Y. L. and Trahair, N. S. (1999) Bending and torsion of cold-formed channel beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, 25(5), 540–546.
  • Jo ̈nsson, J. (1999) Distortional warping functions and shear distributions in thin-walled beams, Thin-Walled Structures, 33(4), 245–68.
  • Rogers, C. A. and Hancock, G. J. (1999a) Bolted connection design for sheet steels less than 1.0 mm thick, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 51(2), 123–146.
  • Rogers, C. A. and Hancock, G. J. (1999b) Screwed connection tests of thin G550 and G300 sheet steels, Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(2), 128–136.
  • Rogers, C. A. and Hancock, G. J. (2000) Failure modes of bolted-sheet-steel connections loaded in shear, Journal of Structural Engineering, 126(3), 288–296.
  • Ye, J., Hajirasouliha, I., Becque, J. and Pilakoutas, K. (2016) Development of more efficient cold formed steel channel sections in bending, Thin-Walled Structures, 101, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.tws.2015.12.021
  • Rahbari, R., Tyas, A., Davison, J. B. and Stoddart, E. P. (2014) Web shear failure of angle- cleat connections loaded at high rates, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 103, 37-48. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2014.07.013
  • Bučmys, Ž. and Daniūnas, A. (2015) Analytical and experimental investigation of cold- formed steel beam-to-column bolted gusset-plate joints, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 21(8), 1061-1069. doi:10.3846/13923730.2015.1084039
  • Bučmys, Ž. and Daniūnas, A. (2017) Rectangular gusset plate behaviour in cold-formed I- type steel connections, Journal of Archives of Civil Engineering, 63(2), 3-21. doi: 10.1515/ace-2017-0013
  • Tan, C. S., Lee, Y. H., Lee, Y. L., Mohammad, S., Sulaiman, A., Tahir, M. Md. and Shek, P. N. (2013) Numerical simulation of cold-formed steel top-seat flange cleat connection, Jurnal Teknologi, 61(3), 63-71.
  • Yu, C. and Xu, K. (2013) Shear strength of a cold-formed steel sheet in bolted connections using oversized holes, Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(5), 860–864. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000561
  • Yu, W. W., LaBoube, R. A. and Chen, H. (2020) Cold Formed Steel Design, Wiley, New- York.
  • EN 1993-1-3, (2006). Eurocode 3: design of steel structures. part 1.3: general rules – supplementary rules for cold formed members and sheeting, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • AISI S100-2007– Appendix 1 (2004). Design of cold-formed steel structural members using the Direct Strength Method. In: 2004 supplement to the North American specification for the design of cold-formed steel structures, United States of America: American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington (DC).
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnşaat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatih Alemdar 0000-0002-8752-0310

Hunde Geleta Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9649-6669

Fuad Algaadi Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4419-7602

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Eylül 2020
Kabul Tarihi 18 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Alemdar, F., Geleta, H., & Algaadi, F. (2021). MOMENT-ROTATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COLD FORMED STEEL CONNECTIONS. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1), 29-46.
Chicago Alemdar, Fatih, Hunde Geleta, ve Fuad Algaadi. “MOMENT-ROTATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COLD FORMED STEEL CONNECTIONS”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 26, sy. 1 (Nisan 2021): 29-46.
EndNote Alemdar F, Geleta H, Algaadi F (01 Nisan 2021) MOMENT-ROTATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COLD FORMED STEEL CONNECTIONS. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 26 1 29–46.
IEEE F. Alemdar, H. Geleta, ve F. Algaadi, “MOMENT-ROTATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COLD FORMED STEEL CONNECTIONS”, UUJFE, c. 26, sy. 1, ss. 29–46, 2021, doi: 10.17482/uumfd.798136.
ISNAD Alemdar, Fatih vd. “MOMENT-ROTATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COLD FORMED STEEL CONNECTIONS”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 26/1 (Nisan 2021), 29-46.
MLA Alemdar, Fatih vd. “MOMENT-ROTATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COLD FORMED STEEL CONNECTIONS”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 29-46, doi:10.17482/uumfd.798136.


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