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Yıl 2018, , 65 - 70, 01.08.2018


aim of this study is the target volüme dose and critical organ doses in three
different radiotherapy plans reported with the volumetric arc therapy (VMAT)
teqniques in head and neck cancer (H&N) radiotherapy

            In radiotherapy plans,
with 8 H&N patients; the form of double rotation 1 arc (sVMAT), double ark
(dVMAT) and 150 collimator angles (cVMAT) plans have been prepared.

            In three methods, the prescribed dose of the target
volüme could be given in the desired way. No significant difference was
abserved in the values of the left and right parotid Dmean, however,
the sVMAT tecnique for the right parotid was found lower dose value.

three different plans, sVAMT dose was provided in the desired way and organ
doses could be kept within the desired limits. However the low dose value obtanied
from the parotid gland and the brain stem has made sVMAT tecnique superior to
other tecniques.


  • 1. Van Luıjk P, Pringle S, Deasy J.O., Et Al. Sparing The Region Of The Salivary Gland Containing Stem Cells Preserves Saliva Production After Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancer. Science Translational Medicine, 2015, 7.305: 305ra147-305ra147.
  • 2. Kım R, Ock C.-Y., Keam B, Et Al. Predictive And Prognostic Value Of Pet/Ct İmaging Post-Chemoradiotherapy And Clinical Decision-Making Consequences İn Locally Advanced Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study. Bmc Cancer, 2016, 16.1: 116.
  • 3. Pollard A, Burchell J.L., Jastle D, Et Al. Individualised Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction For Head And Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Of Curative İntent: A Descriptive Pilot Study. European Journal Of Cancer Care, 2017, 26.2.
  • 4. Guckenberger M, Richter A, Krieger T, Et Al. Is A Single Arc Sufficient İn Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) For Complex-Shaped Target Volumes?. Radiotherapy And Oncology, 2009, 93.2: 259-265.
  • 5. Stathakıs S, Roland T, Papanikolaou N, Li J, Ma C. Prediction Study On Radiation-İnduced Second Malignancies For Imrt Treatment Delivery. Technology İn Cancer Research & Treatment, 2009, 8.2: 141-147.
  • 6. Sıvakumar R, Janardhan N, Anuradha C, Et Al. Su‐E‐T‐309: Dosimetric Comparison Of Simultaneous Integrated Boost Treatment Plan Between Intensity Modulated Radiotherapies (Imrts), Dual Arc Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Da‐Vmat) And Single Arc Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Sa‐Vmat) For Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Npc). Medical Physics, 2015, 42.6part16: 3404-3404.
  • 7. Gomez J, Barrachına M, Sainz I J, Et Al. Potential Advantages Of Volumetric Arc Therapy İn Head And Neck Cancer. Head & Neck, 2015, 37.6: 909-914.
  • 8. Kalet Alan M., Richardson Hannah L., Nikolaisen Darrin A., Et Al. Dosimetric Comparison Of Single-Beam Multi-Arc And 2-Beam Multi-Arc VMAT Optimization İn The Monaco Treatment Planning System. Medical Dosimetry, 2017, 42.2: 122-125.
  • 9. Matuszak M.M., Steers J.M., Long T., Et Al. Fusionarc Optimization: A Hybrid Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Vmat) And İntensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (Imrt) Planning Strategy. Medical Physics, 2013, 40.7.
  • 10. Palma D, Vollans E, James K, Et Al. Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy For Delivery Of Prostate Radiotherapy: Comparison With İntensity-Modulated Radiotherapy And Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2008, 72.4: 996-1001.
  • 11. Oddıraju S, Rangaraj D, Papıez L. Su‐E‐T‐384: Combining Multiple Arcs Into A Single Arc For Efficient Delivery. Medical Physics, 2013, 40.6part16: 293-293.
  • 12. Zhang P, Happersett L, Yang Y, Et Al. Optimization Of Collimator Trajectory İn Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: Development And Evaluation For Paraspinal Sbrt. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2010, 77.2: 591-599.
  • 13. Feuvret L, Noël G, Mazeron J-J, Bey P. Conformity index: a review. International Journal of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2006, 64.2: 333-342.
  • 14. Cantürk E, Topgul G, Gurler O, Et Al. Endometrium, Serviks Ve Larinks Kanserlerinin Yoğunluk Ayarlı Radyoterapi Tekniğinde Doz Homojenite İndeksinin Kantitatif Olarak Değerlendirilmesi Ve Homojenite İndeks Değerlerinin Karşılaştırılması. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017, 19.3: 135-140.
  • 15. Dai X, Zhao Y, Liang Z, Et Al. Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy For Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: A Dosimetric And Delivery Efficiency Comparison With Static-Field Imrt. Physica Medica: European Journal Of Medical Physics, 2015, 31.1: 54-59.
  • 16. Zhao, L-R, Zhou Y B, Sun J G. Comparison Of Plan Optimization For Single And Dual Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Versus İntensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy During Post-Mastectomy Regional İrradiation. Oncology Letters, 2016, 11.5: 3389-3394.
  • 17. Alvarez Moret, J, Pohl F, Koelbl O, Dobler B. Evaluation Of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Vmat) With Oncentra Masterplan® For The Treatment Of Head And Neck Cancer. Radiation Oncology, 2010, 5.1: 110.
  • 18. Sze H.C.K., Lee M.C.H., Hung W.M. Et Al. Rapidarc Radiotherapy Planning For Prostate Cancer: Single-Arc And Double-Arc Techniques Vs. İntensity-Modulated Radiotherapy. Medical Dosimetry, 2012, 37.1: 87-91.
  • 19. Vanetti E, Clivio A, Nicoloni G, Et Al. Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy For Carcinomas Of The Oro-Pharynx, Hypo-Pharynx And Larynx: A Treatment Planning Comparison With Fixed Field Imrt. Radiotherapy And Oncology, 2009, 92.1: 111-117.
  • 20. Lee, T.-F., Ting H.-M., Chao P.-J., Fang F.-M. Dual Arc Volumetric-Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (Vmat) Of Nasopharyngeal Carcinomas: A Simultaneous İntegrated Boost Treatment Plan Comparison With İntensity-Modulated Radiotherapies And Single Arc Vmat. Clinical Oncology, 2012, 24.3: 196-207.
  • 21. Ahn B.S., Park S.-Y., Park J.M., Et Al. Dosimetric Effects Of Sectional Adjustments Of Collimator Angles On Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy For İrregularly-Shaped Targets. Plos One, 2017, 12.4: E0174924.

Baş Boyun Kanseri (H&N) Radyoterapisinde Üç Farklı Hacimsel Ayarlı Ark Terapi (VMAT) Tekniği İle Hedef Hacim ve Kritik Organ Dozlarının Retrospektif İncelenmesi

Yıl 2018, , 65 - 70, 01.08.2018


boyun kanseri (H&N) radyoterapisinde hacimsel ayarlı ark terapi (VMAT)
tekniği ile hazırlanan üç farklı radyoterapi planında, hedef hacim dozu ve
kritik organ dozlarını incelemesi hedeflenmiştir.

Çalışmada 8 baş boyun
kanseri (H&N) tanılı olgu değerlendirildi. Radyoterapi planlarında; çift
rotasyon şeklinde 1 ark (sVMAT), çift ark (dVMAT) ve 150 kolimatör
açılı olacak şekilde (cVMAT) planları hazırlandı.

yöntemde hedef hacme reçete edilen doz istenilen şekilde verilebilmiştir. Sağ
ve sol parotis Dmean değerlerinde anlamlı fark gözlenmemiş ancak sağ
parotis için sVMAT tekniği daha düşük doz aldığı görülmüştür.

farklı planda tümör dozu istenilen şekilde sağlanmıştır ve organ dozlarımız
istenilen sınırlar içerisinde tutulabilmiştir. Ancak parotis bezi ve beyin
sapında elde edilen düşük doz değeri sVMAT tekniğini diğer tekniklere göre
üstün kılmıştır.


  • 1. Van Luıjk P, Pringle S, Deasy J.O., Et Al. Sparing The Region Of The Salivary Gland Containing Stem Cells Preserves Saliva Production After Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancer. Science Translational Medicine, 2015, 7.305: 305ra147-305ra147.
  • 2. Kım R, Ock C.-Y., Keam B, Et Al. Predictive And Prognostic Value Of Pet/Ct İmaging Post-Chemoradiotherapy And Clinical Decision-Making Consequences İn Locally Advanced Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study. Bmc Cancer, 2016, 16.1: 116.
  • 3. Pollard A, Burchell J.L., Jastle D, Et Al. Individualised Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction For Head And Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Of Curative İntent: A Descriptive Pilot Study. European Journal Of Cancer Care, 2017, 26.2.
  • 4. Guckenberger M, Richter A, Krieger T, Et Al. Is A Single Arc Sufficient İn Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) For Complex-Shaped Target Volumes?. Radiotherapy And Oncology, 2009, 93.2: 259-265.
  • 5. Stathakıs S, Roland T, Papanikolaou N, Li J, Ma C. Prediction Study On Radiation-İnduced Second Malignancies For Imrt Treatment Delivery. Technology İn Cancer Research & Treatment, 2009, 8.2: 141-147.
  • 6. Sıvakumar R, Janardhan N, Anuradha C, Et Al. Su‐E‐T‐309: Dosimetric Comparison Of Simultaneous Integrated Boost Treatment Plan Between Intensity Modulated Radiotherapies (Imrts), Dual Arc Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Da‐Vmat) And Single Arc Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Sa‐Vmat) For Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Npc). Medical Physics, 2015, 42.6part16: 3404-3404.
  • 7. Gomez J, Barrachına M, Sainz I J, Et Al. Potential Advantages Of Volumetric Arc Therapy İn Head And Neck Cancer. Head & Neck, 2015, 37.6: 909-914.
  • 8. Kalet Alan M., Richardson Hannah L., Nikolaisen Darrin A., Et Al. Dosimetric Comparison Of Single-Beam Multi-Arc And 2-Beam Multi-Arc VMAT Optimization İn The Monaco Treatment Planning System. Medical Dosimetry, 2017, 42.2: 122-125.
  • 9. Matuszak M.M., Steers J.M., Long T., Et Al. Fusionarc Optimization: A Hybrid Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Vmat) And İntensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (Imrt) Planning Strategy. Medical Physics, 2013, 40.7.
  • 10. Palma D, Vollans E, James K, Et Al. Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy For Delivery Of Prostate Radiotherapy: Comparison With İntensity-Modulated Radiotherapy And Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2008, 72.4: 996-1001.
  • 11. Oddıraju S, Rangaraj D, Papıez L. Su‐E‐T‐384: Combining Multiple Arcs Into A Single Arc For Efficient Delivery. Medical Physics, 2013, 40.6part16: 293-293.
  • 12. Zhang P, Happersett L, Yang Y, Et Al. Optimization Of Collimator Trajectory İn Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: Development And Evaluation For Paraspinal Sbrt. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2010, 77.2: 591-599.
  • 13. Feuvret L, Noël G, Mazeron J-J, Bey P. Conformity index: a review. International Journal of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2006, 64.2: 333-342.
  • 14. Cantürk E, Topgul G, Gurler O, Et Al. Endometrium, Serviks Ve Larinks Kanserlerinin Yoğunluk Ayarlı Radyoterapi Tekniğinde Doz Homojenite İndeksinin Kantitatif Olarak Değerlendirilmesi Ve Homojenite İndeks Değerlerinin Karşılaştırılması. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017, 19.3: 135-140.
  • 15. Dai X, Zhao Y, Liang Z, Et Al. Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy For Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: A Dosimetric And Delivery Efficiency Comparison With Static-Field Imrt. Physica Medica: European Journal Of Medical Physics, 2015, 31.1: 54-59.
  • 16. Zhao, L-R, Zhou Y B, Sun J G. Comparison Of Plan Optimization For Single And Dual Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Versus İntensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy During Post-Mastectomy Regional İrradiation. Oncology Letters, 2016, 11.5: 3389-3394.
  • 17. Alvarez Moret, J, Pohl F, Koelbl O, Dobler B. Evaluation Of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (Vmat) With Oncentra Masterplan® For The Treatment Of Head And Neck Cancer. Radiation Oncology, 2010, 5.1: 110.
  • 18. Sze H.C.K., Lee M.C.H., Hung W.M. Et Al. Rapidarc Radiotherapy Planning For Prostate Cancer: Single-Arc And Double-Arc Techniques Vs. İntensity-Modulated Radiotherapy. Medical Dosimetry, 2012, 37.1: 87-91.
  • 19. Vanetti E, Clivio A, Nicoloni G, Et Al. Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy For Carcinomas Of The Oro-Pharynx, Hypo-Pharynx And Larynx: A Treatment Planning Comparison With Fixed Field Imrt. Radiotherapy And Oncology, 2009, 92.1: 111-117.
  • 20. Lee, T.-F., Ting H.-M., Chao P.-J., Fang F.-M. Dual Arc Volumetric-Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (Vmat) Of Nasopharyngeal Carcinomas: A Simultaneous İntegrated Boost Treatment Plan Comparison With İntensity-Modulated Radiotherapies And Single Arc Vmat. Clinical Oncology, 2012, 24.3: 196-207.
  • 21. Ahn B.S., Park S.-Y., Park J.M., Et Al. Dosimetric Effects Of Sectional Adjustments Of Collimator Angles On Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy For İrregularly-Shaped Targets. Plos One, 2017, 12.4: E0174924.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makaleleri

Oğuz Aydın 0000-0002-9168-8263

Candan Demiröz Abakay Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5380-5898

Sema Gözcü Tunç Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4697-8234

Sibel Kahraman Çetintaş Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4483-9284

Meral Kurt 0000-0003-1637-910X

Duygu Bolat Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3122-9508

Habibe Altaş 0000-0003-4401-2102

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2018
Kabul Tarihi 8 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

AMA Aydın O, Demiröz Abakay C, Gözcü Tunç S, Kahraman Çetintaş S, Kurt M, Bolat D, Altaş H. Baş Boyun Kanseri (H&N) Radyoterapisinde Üç Farklı Hacimsel Ayarlı Ark Terapi (VMAT) Tekniği İle Hedef Hacim ve Kritik Organ Dozlarının Retrospektif İncelenmesi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Ağustos 2018;44(2):65-70. doi:10.32708/uutfd.421021

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" ile lisanslanmaktadır.

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Journal of Uludag University Medical Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.