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Evaluation of the Morphological Effects of Diabetes on Uterine Tissue and Mucin-1 Expression

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 50 Sayı: 2, 171 - 176, 08.10.2024


Diabetes mellitus (DM), is considered one of the most important health problems in today's world. The emergence of free radicals in DM causes oxidative stress. In our study, after creating an experimental DM model with streptozotocin (STZ) on rats, we aimed to determine whether DM has any effect on the uterine tissue of the animals. An 8-10 week old Wistar Albino adult female rat weighing approximately 250-300 grams was used in the study. They were divided into two groups: control and diabetic. According to the estrous cycle of animals; Estrus periods were determined and uterine tissues were taken during this period. STZ applied to rats at concentrations of 60 mg/kg showed that intraperitoneal (IP) were erased. Two days after STZ administration, blood glucose characteristics were examined from the tail vein. Rats with a value greater than 200-300 mg/dL were considered diabetic. After 30 days, the uterine tissues were removed. 3 μm thick sections were taken from tissue samples. In the uterine tissue taken, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining methods were used for morphology, and Picro-sirius red staining methods were used to show collagen fibers. Mucin-1 (MUC1) antibody was used for immunofluorescence staining. Histopathological and morphometric changes in the endometrium region of the uterine tissue in the diabetic were observed. In our study, it was determined that DM reduces the uterine endometrium collagen fiber density and has negative effects on the glands. As a result, diabetes can lead to tissue concentration and the negative effects on gland structures will continue.


  • 1. Satman I, Omer B, Tutuncu Y et al. Twelve-year trends in the prevalence and risk factors of diabetes and prediabetes in Turkish adults. Eur J Epidemiol 2013; 28:169-80.
  • 2. Sinzato YK, Gelaleti RB, Volpato GT et al. Streptozotocin-induced leukocyte DNA damage in rats. Drug And Chemical Toxicology 2020;43(2):165–8.
  • 3. Özdenoglu B, Ünver Saraydin S. Does diabetes alter ımmunolocalization of galectin-1 and galectin-3 in the rat ovary? Int. J. Morphol 2016; 34(2):742-51.
  • 4. Ünver Saraydin S, Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Saraydin D. Influence of diabetes on morphometric ındex of ovarian follicles in streptozocin-ınduced rats. Med Lab Technol 2022; 8(1):1.
  • 5. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I et al. Global cancer statistics 2018: Globocan estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin 2018; 68(6):394–424.
  • 6. Dhanisha SS, Guruvayoorappan C, Drishya S, Apeesh P. Mucins: Structural diversity, biosynthesis, its role in pathogenesis and as possible therapeutic targets. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2018; 122:98-122.
  • 7. Zhan XX, Zhao B, Diao C, Cao Y, Cheng R. Expression of Muc1 and cd176 (thomsen - friedenreich antigen) in papillary thyroid carcinomas. Endocr Pathol 2015; 26(1):21-6.
  • 8. Hamutoğlu R, Bulut HE, Kaloğlu C et al. The regulation of trophoblast invasion and decidual reaction by matrix metalloproteinase-2, metalloproteinase-7, and metalloproteinase-9 expressions in the rat endometrium. Reprod Med Biol 2020; 6;19(4):385-397.
  • 9. Ünver Saraydın S, Özdenoglu Kutlu B, Saraydın D. Effects of diabetes on apoptosis and mitosis in rat hippocampus. Biotech Histochem 2021; 96(6):460-467.
  • 10. Chadchan, SB, Kumar V, Maurya VK, Soni UK, Jha RK. Endoglin (CD105) coordinates the process of endometrial receptivity for embryo implantation. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 2016; 425,69–83.
  • 11. Venegas B, De León Gordillo LY, Rosas G et al. In rats with estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovary syndrome, the acute blockade of ovarian β-adrenoreceptors improve ovulation. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2019; 17(1),95.
  • 12. Ballester J, Muñoz MC, Domínguez J et al. Tungstate administration improves the sexual and reproductive function in female rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Human reproduction 2007; 22(8),2128–35.
  • 13. Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Unver Saraydın S, Delibaş Ö. Effect of dıabetes on uterus collagen fıber dıstrıbutıon. 7th Internatıonal Conference On Medıcal & Health Scıences 2023; 1420-1426.
  • 14. Johansen JS, Harris AK, Rychly DJ, Ergul A. Oxidative stress and the use of antioxidants in diabetes: linking basic science to clinical practice. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2005; 4:5.
  • 15. Evans JL, Goldfine ID, Maddux BA, Grodsky GM. Oxidative stress and stress-activated signaling pathways: a unifying hypothesis of type 2 diabetes. Endocr Rev. 2002; 23(5):599–622.
  • 16. Khodaeian M, Tabatabaei-Malazy O, Qorbani M, Farzadfar F, Amini P, Larijani B. Effect of vitamins C and E on insulin resistance in diabetes: a meta-analysis study. Eur J Clin Invest 2015; 45(11):1161-74.
  • 17. Singh A, Kukreti R, Saso L, Kukreti S. Mechanistic Insight into Oxidative Stress-Triggered Signaling Pathways and Type 2 Diabetes, Molecules 2022; 27(3):950.
  • 18. Favaro RR, Salgado RM, Raspantini PR, Fortes ZB, Zorn TM. Effects of long-term diabetes on the structure and cell proliferation of the myometrium in the early pregnancy of mice. International journal of experimental pathology 2010; 91(5),426–35.
  • 19. Garris DR, Garris BL. Diabetes-induced, progressive endometrial involution characterization of periluminal epithelial lipoatrophy Diabetes 2003; 52(1),51–8.
  • 20. Cardozo E, Pavone ME, Hirshfeld Cytron JE. Metabolic syndrome and oocyte quality. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism 2011; 22(3),103–9.
  • 21. Garris DR. Ultrastructural analysis of progressive endometrial hypercytolipidemia induced by obese (ob/ob) and diabetes (db/db) genotype mutations: structural basis of female reproductive tract involution. Tissue & cell 2004; 36(1),19–28.
  • 22. Singh H, Nardo L, Kimber SJ, Aplin JD. Early stages of implantation as revealed by an in vitro model. Reproduction 2010; 139(5), 905–14.
  • 23. Brayman M, Thathiah A, Carson DD. MUC1: a multifunctional cell surface component of reproductive tissue epithelia. Reproductive biology and endocrinology 2004; 2,4.
  • 24. Wu F, Chen X, Liu Y et al. Decreased MUC1 in endometrium is an independent receptivity marker in recurrent implantation failure during implantation window. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2018; 16:60.
  • 25. Horne AW, Lalani EN, Margara RA, Ryder TA, Mobberley MA, White JO. The expression pattern of MUC1 glycoforms and other biomarkers of endometrial receptivity in fertile and infertile women. Molecular reproduction and development 2005; 72(2),216–29.
  • 26. Albaghdadi AJ, Kan FW. Endometrial receptivity defects and impaired implantation in diabetic NOD mice. Biology of reproduction 2012; 87(2),30.

Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 50 Sayı: 2, 171 - 176, 08.10.2024


Diyabet günümüz dünyasında en önemli sağlık sorunlarından birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Diyabette serbest radikallerin ortaya çıkması oksidatif strese neden olur. Çalışmamızda, ratlar üzerinde streptozotosin (STZ) ile deneysel diyabet modeli oluşturulması sonrasında, diyabetin, hayvanların uterus dokusu üzerinde herhangi bir etkisinin olup olmadığının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada ağırlıkları yaklaşık 250-300 gram ağırlığında 8-10 haftalık Wistar Albino cinsi erişkin dişi rat kullanıldı. Kontrol ve diyabet olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Hayvanlar östrus siklusuna göre; östrüs dönemleri belirlenerek bu dönemde uterus dokuları alındı. Sıçanlara 60 mg/kg derişimlerde hazırlanan STZ, intraperitonal (IP) yoldan enjekte edildi. STZ verildikten iki gün sonra kuyruk veninden kan glukoz seviyesine bakıldı. Değeri 200-300 mg/dL’den büyük olan sıçanlar diyabet kabul edildi. 30 gün sonra uterus dokuları çıkarıldı. Doku örneklerinden 3 μm kalınlığında kesitler alındı. Alınan uterus dokusunda, morfoloji için (H&E), kollajen lifleri gösterebilmek için ise Picro-sirius red boyama yöntemleri kullanıldı. İmmünfloresan boyama için ise Mucin-1 (MUC1) antikoru kullanıldı. Diyabet grubunda yer alan uterus dokusunun endometrium bölgesindeki histopatolojik ve morfometrik değişiklikler izlendi. Yapılan çalışmada, diyabetin uterus endometrium kollajen lif yoğunluğunu azalttığı ve bezler üzerinde de olumsuz etkilerinin olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak diyabetin doku bozulmasına yol açabileceği ve bez yapıları üzerinde olumsuz etkilerinin olabileceği düşünülebilir.


  • 1. Satman I, Omer B, Tutuncu Y et al. Twelve-year trends in the prevalence and risk factors of diabetes and prediabetes in Turkish adults. Eur J Epidemiol 2013; 28:169-80.
  • 2. Sinzato YK, Gelaleti RB, Volpato GT et al. Streptozotocin-induced leukocyte DNA damage in rats. Drug And Chemical Toxicology 2020;43(2):165–8.
  • 3. Özdenoglu B, Ünver Saraydin S. Does diabetes alter ımmunolocalization of galectin-1 and galectin-3 in the rat ovary? Int. J. Morphol 2016; 34(2):742-51.
  • 4. Ünver Saraydin S, Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Saraydin D. Influence of diabetes on morphometric ındex of ovarian follicles in streptozocin-ınduced rats. Med Lab Technol 2022; 8(1):1.
  • 5. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I et al. Global cancer statistics 2018: Globocan estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin 2018; 68(6):394–424.
  • 6. Dhanisha SS, Guruvayoorappan C, Drishya S, Apeesh P. Mucins: Structural diversity, biosynthesis, its role in pathogenesis and as possible therapeutic targets. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2018; 122:98-122.
  • 7. Zhan XX, Zhao B, Diao C, Cao Y, Cheng R. Expression of Muc1 and cd176 (thomsen - friedenreich antigen) in papillary thyroid carcinomas. Endocr Pathol 2015; 26(1):21-6.
  • 8. Hamutoğlu R, Bulut HE, Kaloğlu C et al. The regulation of trophoblast invasion and decidual reaction by matrix metalloproteinase-2, metalloproteinase-7, and metalloproteinase-9 expressions in the rat endometrium. Reprod Med Biol 2020; 6;19(4):385-397.
  • 9. Ünver Saraydın S, Özdenoglu Kutlu B, Saraydın D. Effects of diabetes on apoptosis and mitosis in rat hippocampus. Biotech Histochem 2021; 96(6):460-467.
  • 10. Chadchan, SB, Kumar V, Maurya VK, Soni UK, Jha RK. Endoglin (CD105) coordinates the process of endometrial receptivity for embryo implantation. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 2016; 425,69–83.
  • 11. Venegas B, De León Gordillo LY, Rosas G et al. In rats with estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovary syndrome, the acute blockade of ovarian β-adrenoreceptors improve ovulation. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2019; 17(1),95.
  • 12. Ballester J, Muñoz MC, Domínguez J et al. Tungstate administration improves the sexual and reproductive function in female rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Human reproduction 2007; 22(8),2128–35.
  • 13. Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Unver Saraydın S, Delibaş Ö. Effect of dıabetes on uterus collagen fıber dıstrıbutıon. 7th Internatıonal Conference On Medıcal & Health Scıences 2023; 1420-1426.
  • 14. Johansen JS, Harris AK, Rychly DJ, Ergul A. Oxidative stress and the use of antioxidants in diabetes: linking basic science to clinical practice. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2005; 4:5.
  • 15. Evans JL, Goldfine ID, Maddux BA, Grodsky GM. Oxidative stress and stress-activated signaling pathways: a unifying hypothesis of type 2 diabetes. Endocr Rev. 2002; 23(5):599–622.
  • 16. Khodaeian M, Tabatabaei-Malazy O, Qorbani M, Farzadfar F, Amini P, Larijani B. Effect of vitamins C and E on insulin resistance in diabetes: a meta-analysis study. Eur J Clin Invest 2015; 45(11):1161-74.
  • 17. Singh A, Kukreti R, Saso L, Kukreti S. Mechanistic Insight into Oxidative Stress-Triggered Signaling Pathways and Type 2 Diabetes, Molecules 2022; 27(3):950.
  • 18. Favaro RR, Salgado RM, Raspantini PR, Fortes ZB, Zorn TM. Effects of long-term diabetes on the structure and cell proliferation of the myometrium in the early pregnancy of mice. International journal of experimental pathology 2010; 91(5),426–35.
  • 19. Garris DR, Garris BL. Diabetes-induced, progressive endometrial involution characterization of periluminal epithelial lipoatrophy Diabetes 2003; 52(1),51–8.
  • 20. Cardozo E, Pavone ME, Hirshfeld Cytron JE. Metabolic syndrome and oocyte quality. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism 2011; 22(3),103–9.
  • 21. Garris DR. Ultrastructural analysis of progressive endometrial hypercytolipidemia induced by obese (ob/ob) and diabetes (db/db) genotype mutations: structural basis of female reproductive tract involution. Tissue & cell 2004; 36(1),19–28.
  • 22. Singh H, Nardo L, Kimber SJ, Aplin JD. Early stages of implantation as revealed by an in vitro model. Reproduction 2010; 139(5), 905–14.
  • 23. Brayman M, Thathiah A, Carson DD. MUC1: a multifunctional cell surface component of reproductive tissue epithelia. Reproductive biology and endocrinology 2004; 2,4.
  • 24. Wu F, Chen X, Liu Y et al. Decreased MUC1 in endometrium is an independent receptivity marker in recurrent implantation failure during implantation window. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2018; 16:60.
  • 25. Horne AW, Lalani EN, Margara RA, Ryder TA, Mobberley MA, White JO. The expression pattern of MUC1 glycoforms and other biomarkers of endometrial receptivity in fertile and infertile women. Molecular reproduction and development 2005; 72(2),216–29.
  • 26. Albaghdadi AJ, Kan FW. Endometrial receptivity defects and impaired implantation in diabetic NOD mice. Biology of reproduction 2012; 87(2),30.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makaleleri

Berna Özdenoğlu Kutlu 0000-0002-0345-3940

Serpil Ünver Saraydin 0000-0001-7639-7487

Özlem Delibaş 0000-0002-1764-6807

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 50 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdenoğlu Kutlu, B., Ünver Saraydin, S., & Delibaş, Ö. (2024). Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 50(2), 171-176.
AMA Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Ünver Saraydin S, Delibaş Ö. Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Ekim 2024;50(2):171-176. doi:10.32708/uutfd.1472983
Chicago Özdenoğlu Kutlu, Berna, Serpil Ünver Saraydin, ve Özlem Delibaş. “Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin Ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 50, sy. 2 (Ekim 2024): 171-76.
EndNote Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Ünver Saraydin S, Delibaş Ö (01 Ekim 2024) Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 50 2 171–176.
IEEE B. Özdenoğlu Kutlu, S. Ünver Saraydin, ve Ö. Delibaş, “Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi”, Uludağ Tıp Derg, c. 50, sy. 2, ss. 171–176, 2024, doi: 10.32708/uutfd.1472983.
ISNAD Özdenoğlu Kutlu, Berna vd. “Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin Ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 50/2 (Ekim 2024), 171-176.
JAMA Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Ünver Saraydin S, Delibaş Ö. Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. 2024;50:171–176.
MLA Özdenoğlu Kutlu, Berna vd. “Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin Ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 50, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 171-6, doi:10.32708/uutfd.1472983.
Vancouver Özdenoğlu Kutlu B, Ünver Saraydin S, Delibaş Ö. Diyabetin Uterus Dokusu Üzerinde Morfolojik Etkilerinin ve Mucin-1 Ekspresyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. 2024;50(2):171-6.

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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