Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 9 - 18, 01.03.2020



  • 1. Park JG, Ramar K, Olson EJ. Updates on definition, consequences, and management of obstructive sleep apnea. Mayo Clin Proc 2011; 86: 549- 54. 2. Köktürk O. Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu epidemiyolojisi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 1998; 46: 193-201, Kara E. Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu: Patofizyoloji, Tanı ve Tedavi Arşiv 2011; 20: 118-129. 3. Köktürk O, Tatlıcıoğlu T, Kemaloğlu Y ve ark. Habitüel horlaması olan olgularda obstrüktif sleep apne sendromu prevalansı. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi, 1997; 45:7-11. 4. Köktürk O. Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu epidemiyolojisi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 1998; 46: 193-201. 5. Pence S. Serebral Lateralizasyon. Van Tıp Dergisi 2000;7: 120–5. 6. Guyton AC. Hall JE. 2013. Tibbi Fizyoloji çev. ed. Berrak Ç. Yegen, Zeynep Solakoğlu, İnci Alican. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Ltd Sti. s. 721-727. 7. Oldfield RC. The assessment and analysis of handedness: The Edinburgh inventory. Neuropsychologia 1971; 9: 97–113. 8. Bryden MP, McManus IC, Bulman-Fleming MB. Evaluating the empirical support for the Geschwind-Behan-Galaburda model of cerebral lateralization. Brain Cogn. 1994; 26: 103-67. 9. Berenbaum SA, Denburg SD. Evaluating the empirical support for the role of testosterone in the Geschwind-Behan-Galaburda model of cerebral lateralization: commentary on Bryden, McManus, and Bulman-Fleming. Brain Cogn. 1995; 27(1): 79-83. 10. Geschwind N, Galaburda AM. Cerebral lateralization. Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology: I. A hypothesis and a program for research. Arch Neurologial, 1985; 42: 428–459. 11. Tan Ü, Akgün A, Komsuoglu S, Telatar M. Inverse relationship between nonverbal intelligence and the parameters of pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in left-handed male subjects: importance of right brain and testosterone. Int J Neurosci 1993; 71: 189-200. 12. Mayes PA. Structure and function of the water-soluble vitamins. In: Murray Dk, Mayes PA, Rodwell VW. Harper's Biochemistry 23.ed. Lange Medical Puplication. London 1993; 573-587. 13. Geschwind N, Galaburda AM. Cerebral lateralization. Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology: II. A hypothesis and a program for research. Arch Neurologial, 42: 521–552. 14. Geschwind N, Galaburda AM. Cerebral lateralization.Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology: III. A hypothesis and a program for research. Arch Neurol.1985; 42: 634-654. 15. Geschwind N, Behan P. Left-handedness: Association with immun disease, migraine and developmental learning disorder. Proc Nall Acad Ccl.Usa 1982; 79: 5097-5100. 16. Smith J. Left-handedness: Its association with allergic disease. Neuropsychologia. 1987; 25: 665-674. 17. Smith BD, Meyers MB, Kline R, Forbetter or for worse: Left-handedness, pathology and talent. J. Clin Exp Neuropsychology. 1989; 6: 944-958. 18.Gümral N, Çalışkan S, Akdoğan M, Özgüner MF, Akkaya A, Özbaş SŞ, Koyu A. Bronişial astımlı hastalarda lateralite ile antioksidanlar arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması. S.D.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg. 2006;13(2):17-21 19. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and Conrad Iber. The AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: rules, terminology and technical specifications. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2007. 20. Grigg-Damberger, Madeleine M. "The AASM scoring manual: a critical appraisal." Current opinion in pulmonary medicine 15.6 (2009): 540-549. 21. Geschwind N, Behan P. Left-handedness: association with immune disease, migraine, and developmental learning disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1982; 79: 5097-100. 22. Ardila A, Roselli D, Geneco. Handedness in Colombia: Some associated conditions. Laterality 2001; 6: 77-87. 23. Annett M. Handedness in families. Annals of Human Genetics 1973; 37: 93-105. 24. Bryden MP. Laterality: Functional asymmetry in the intact brain. New York: Academic Pres 1982. 25. Hardyck C, Goldman R, Petrovich L. A note on the distribution of handedness in relation to sex, race, and age. Human Biology 1975; 47: 369-73. 26. Gilbert AN, Wysocki CJ. Hand preference and age in the United States. Neuropsychologia 1992; 30: 601-8. 27. Silva-Rodriguez A, Escobar-Izquierdo A. Dominancia cerebral: Unestudio sobre la zurdera en una poblacion mexicana [Cerebral dominance. A study on left-handednes s in a Mexican population group]. Gazeta Medica Mexicana 1996; 132: 29-35. 28. Rosselli D, Ramirez C, Zunaiga G. Handedness and migraine. Cephalalgia 1987; 7 (Suppl. 6): 195. 29. Reiss M, Reiss G. Lateral preference in a German population. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1997; 85: 569-74. 30. Dittmar M. Functional and postural lateral preferences in humans: Interrelations and life-span age differences. Human Biology 2002; 74: 569-85. 31. Perelle IB, Ehrman L. An international study of human handedness: The data. Behavioral Genetics 1994; 24: 217-25. 32. Hatta T, Nakatusuka Z. Note on hand preference of Japanese people. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1976; 42: 530-1. 33. Teng EL, Lee PH, Yang K, Chang CP. Handedness in a Chinese population: Biological, social, and pathological factors. Science 1976; 193: 1148-50 34. Ardila A, Roselli D, Geneco. Handedness in Colombia: Some associated conditions. Laterality 2001; 6: 77-87. 35. Viggiano MP, Borelli P, Vanucci M. Hand preference in Italian students. Laterality 2001; 6: 283-6. 36. Tan U. The distribution of hand preference in normal men and women. Int J Neurosci 1988; 41: 35-55. 37. Barut Ç, Özer CM, Yünten Z, Sümbüloğlu S. Genç Erişkinlerde El, Ayak ve Göz Tercihi Sıklığının Belirlenmesi: Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma. Medi Forum 2014; 2: 7-76. 38. Annett, M. Left, Right, Hand and Brain: The Right Shift Theory. Lawrence Erlbaum, London. 1985. 39. Gambineri A, Pelusi C, Pasquali R. Testosterone levels in obese male patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: relation to oxygen desaturation, body weight, fat distribution and the metabolic parameters. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003; 26: 493-8. 40. Luboshitzky R, Aviv A, Hefetz A, Herer P, Shen-Orr Z, Lavie L, et al. Decreased pituitary-gonadal secretion in men with obstructive sleep apnea. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002; 87: 3394-8 41. Luboshitzky R, Lavie L, Shen-Orr Z, Herer P. Altered luteinizing hormone and testosterone secretion in middle-aged obese men with obstructive sleep apnea. Obes Res 2005; 13: 780-6. 42. Kirbas G, Abakay A, Topcu F, Kaplan A, Unlü M, Peker Y. Obstructive sleep apnoea, cigarette smoking and serum testosterone levels in male sleep clinic cohort. J Int Med Res. 2007; 35: 38-45. 43. Canguven O, Salepci B, Albayrak S, Selimoglu A, Balaban M, Bulbul M. Is there a correlation between testosterone levels and the severity of the disease in male patients with obstructive sleep apnea? Arch Ital Urol Androl 2010; 82: 143-7. 44. Bercea RM, Mihaescu T, Cojocaru C, Bjorvatn B. Fatigue and serum testosterone in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Clin Respir J. 2014 doi: 10.1111/crj.12150. 45. Wittert G. The relationship between sleep disorders and testosterone. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2014; 21: 239-43. 46. Liu PY, Yee B, Wishart SM, Jimenez M, Jung DG, Grunstein RR, et al. The short-term effects of high-dose testosterone on sleep, breathing, and function in older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003; 88: 3605-13. 47. Hoyos CM, Killick R, Yee BJ, Grunstein RR, Liu PY. Effects of testosterone therapy on sleep and breathing in obese men with severe obstructive sleep apnoea: arandomized placebo-controlled trial. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012; 77: 599-607.

Fonksiyonel Lateralite ve Obstrüktif Uyku apnesi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 9 - 18, 01.03.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmada OUAS (obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu) tanısı konulan hastaların fonksiyonel lateralite düzeyleri ile hastalığın şiddeti ve uyku parametreleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır.
Materyal Metod: Çalışmaya tek gece PSG (polisomnografi) yapılan ve OUAS tanısı konulan 88 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastalar Geschwind skoruna göre gruplandırılarak, PSG verileri ile lateralite arasındaki farklılıklar Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U, Pearson Korelasyon ve Ki-kare testleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Yaş ortalamaları 50,74±11,77 olan 69 erkek (%78,4), 19 kadın (%21,6) çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların 42’si (%47,7) aşırı sağ elini kullanan, 11’i (%12,5) yalnızca sağ elini kullanan, 2’si (%2,3) sol elini kullanan, 33 kişi (%37,5) ise her iki elini kullanmaktaydı. Aşırı sağ elini kullananlar ile yalnızca sağ elini kullananlar arasında ortalama oksijen desatürasyonu (p:0,015), uykuya dalma süresinde (p:0,027) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark mevcuttu. Aşırı sağ elini kullanan ve sol elini kullanan bireyler arasında uykunun REM evresinde (p:0,040) anlamlı fark bulundu. Aşırı sağ elini kullanan ve her iki elini kullanan bireyler arasında PLM (p:0,000) ve total apne indeksinde (p:0,027) anlamlı fark saptandı. Sağ ve sol elini kullanan bireyler arasında REM uykusu (p:0,048), VKİ (p:0,048) anlamlı fark mevcuttu. Sağ elini ve her iki elini kullanan bireyler arasında total apne indeksi (p:0,010), AHİ (p:0,014), bruksizm (p:0,041), ODİ (p:0,035) anlamlı fark mevcuttu. Sol el ve her iki elini kullanan bireyler arasında toplam apne indeksi (p:0,007), AHİ (p:0,003), toplam uyku süresi (p:0,030), PLM (p:0,040) parametrelerinde anlamlı fark bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Sağ elini, sol elini kullanan kişilerle ile her iki elini kullanan kişiler arasında AHİ’lerinin farklı olması fonksiyonel lateralite ile OUAS arasında beyinde bir ilişki olduğunu düşündürmektedir.


  • 1. Park JG, Ramar K, Olson EJ. Updates on definition, consequences, and management of obstructive sleep apnea. Mayo Clin Proc 2011; 86: 549- 54. 2. Köktürk O. Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu epidemiyolojisi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 1998; 46: 193-201, Kara E. Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu: Patofizyoloji, Tanı ve Tedavi Arşiv 2011; 20: 118-129. 3. Köktürk O, Tatlıcıoğlu T, Kemaloğlu Y ve ark. Habitüel horlaması olan olgularda obstrüktif sleep apne sendromu prevalansı. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi, 1997; 45:7-11. 4. Köktürk O. Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu epidemiyolojisi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 1998; 46: 193-201. 5. Pence S. Serebral Lateralizasyon. Van Tıp Dergisi 2000;7: 120–5. 6. Guyton AC. Hall JE. 2013. Tibbi Fizyoloji çev. ed. Berrak Ç. Yegen, Zeynep Solakoğlu, İnci Alican. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Ltd Sti. s. 721-727. 7. Oldfield RC. The assessment and analysis of handedness: The Edinburgh inventory. Neuropsychologia 1971; 9: 97–113. 8. Bryden MP, McManus IC, Bulman-Fleming MB. Evaluating the empirical support for the Geschwind-Behan-Galaburda model of cerebral lateralization. Brain Cogn. 1994; 26: 103-67. 9. Berenbaum SA, Denburg SD. Evaluating the empirical support for the role of testosterone in the Geschwind-Behan-Galaburda model of cerebral lateralization: commentary on Bryden, McManus, and Bulman-Fleming. Brain Cogn. 1995; 27(1): 79-83. 10. Geschwind N, Galaburda AM. Cerebral lateralization. Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology: I. A hypothesis and a program for research. Arch Neurologial, 1985; 42: 428–459. 11. Tan Ü, Akgün A, Komsuoglu S, Telatar M. Inverse relationship between nonverbal intelligence and the parameters of pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in left-handed male subjects: importance of right brain and testosterone. Int J Neurosci 1993; 71: 189-200. 12. Mayes PA. Structure and function of the water-soluble vitamins. In: Murray Dk, Mayes PA, Rodwell VW. Harper's Biochemistry 23.ed. Lange Medical Puplication. London 1993; 573-587. 13. Geschwind N, Galaburda AM. Cerebral lateralization. Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology: II. A hypothesis and a program for research. Arch Neurologial, 42: 521–552. 14. Geschwind N, Galaburda AM. Cerebral lateralization.Biological mechanisms, associations, and pathology: III. A hypothesis and a program for research. Arch Neurol.1985; 42: 634-654. 15. Geschwind N, Behan P. Left-handedness: Association with immun disease, migraine and developmental learning disorder. Proc Nall Acad Ccl.Usa 1982; 79: 5097-5100. 16. Smith J. Left-handedness: Its association with allergic disease. Neuropsychologia. 1987; 25: 665-674. 17. Smith BD, Meyers MB, Kline R, Forbetter or for worse: Left-handedness, pathology and talent. J. Clin Exp Neuropsychology. 1989; 6: 944-958. 18.Gümral N, Çalışkan S, Akdoğan M, Özgüner MF, Akkaya A, Özbaş SŞ, Koyu A. Bronişial astımlı hastalarda lateralite ile antioksidanlar arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması. S.D.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg. 2006;13(2):17-21 19. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and Conrad Iber. The AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: rules, terminology and technical specifications. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2007. 20. Grigg-Damberger, Madeleine M. "The AASM scoring manual: a critical appraisal." Current opinion in pulmonary medicine 15.6 (2009): 540-549. 21. Geschwind N, Behan P. Left-handedness: association with immune disease, migraine, and developmental learning disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1982; 79: 5097-100. 22. Ardila A, Roselli D, Geneco. Handedness in Colombia: Some associated conditions. Laterality 2001; 6: 77-87. 23. Annett M. Handedness in families. Annals of Human Genetics 1973; 37: 93-105. 24. Bryden MP. Laterality: Functional asymmetry in the intact brain. New York: Academic Pres 1982. 25. Hardyck C, Goldman R, Petrovich L. A note on the distribution of handedness in relation to sex, race, and age. Human Biology 1975; 47: 369-73. 26. Gilbert AN, Wysocki CJ. Hand preference and age in the United States. Neuropsychologia 1992; 30: 601-8. 27. Silva-Rodriguez A, Escobar-Izquierdo A. Dominancia cerebral: Unestudio sobre la zurdera en una poblacion mexicana [Cerebral dominance. A study on left-handednes s in a Mexican population group]. Gazeta Medica Mexicana 1996; 132: 29-35. 28. Rosselli D, Ramirez C, Zunaiga G. Handedness and migraine. Cephalalgia 1987; 7 (Suppl. 6): 195. 29. Reiss M, Reiss G. Lateral preference in a German population. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1997; 85: 569-74. 30. Dittmar M. Functional and postural lateral preferences in humans: Interrelations and life-span age differences. Human Biology 2002; 74: 569-85. 31. Perelle IB, Ehrman L. An international study of human handedness: The data. Behavioral Genetics 1994; 24: 217-25. 32. Hatta T, Nakatusuka Z. Note on hand preference of Japanese people. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1976; 42: 530-1. 33. Teng EL, Lee PH, Yang K, Chang CP. Handedness in a Chinese population: Biological, social, and pathological factors. Science 1976; 193: 1148-50 34. Ardila A, Roselli D, Geneco. Handedness in Colombia: Some associated conditions. Laterality 2001; 6: 77-87. 35. Viggiano MP, Borelli P, Vanucci M. Hand preference in Italian students. Laterality 2001; 6: 283-6. 36. Tan U. The distribution of hand preference in normal men and women. Int J Neurosci 1988; 41: 35-55. 37. Barut Ç, Özer CM, Yünten Z, Sümbüloğlu S. Genç Erişkinlerde El, Ayak ve Göz Tercihi Sıklığının Belirlenmesi: Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma. Medi Forum 2014; 2: 7-76. 38. Annett, M. Left, Right, Hand and Brain: The Right Shift Theory. Lawrence Erlbaum, London. 1985. 39. Gambineri A, Pelusi C, Pasquali R. Testosterone levels in obese male patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: relation to oxygen desaturation, body weight, fat distribution and the metabolic parameters. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003; 26: 493-8. 40. Luboshitzky R, Aviv A, Hefetz A, Herer P, Shen-Orr Z, Lavie L, et al. Decreased pituitary-gonadal secretion in men with obstructive sleep apnea. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002; 87: 3394-8 41. Luboshitzky R, Lavie L, Shen-Orr Z, Herer P. Altered luteinizing hormone and testosterone secretion in middle-aged obese men with obstructive sleep apnea. Obes Res 2005; 13: 780-6. 42. Kirbas G, Abakay A, Topcu F, Kaplan A, Unlü M, Peker Y. Obstructive sleep apnoea, cigarette smoking and serum testosterone levels in male sleep clinic cohort. J Int Med Res. 2007; 35: 38-45. 43. Canguven O, Salepci B, Albayrak S, Selimoglu A, Balaban M, Bulbul M. Is there a correlation between testosterone levels and the severity of the disease in male patients with obstructive sleep apnea? Arch Ital Urol Androl 2010; 82: 143-7. 44. Bercea RM, Mihaescu T, Cojocaru C, Bjorvatn B. Fatigue and serum testosterone in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Clin Respir J. 2014 doi: 10.1111/crj.12150. 45. Wittert G. The relationship between sleep disorders and testosterone. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2014; 21: 239-43. 46. Liu PY, Yee B, Wishart SM, Jimenez M, Jung DG, Grunstein RR, et al. The short-term effects of high-dose testosterone on sleep, breathing, and function in older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003; 88: 3605-13. 47. Hoyos CM, Killick R, Yee BJ, Grunstein RR, Liu PY. Effects of testosterone therapy on sleep and breathing in obese men with severe obstructive sleep apnoea: arandomized placebo-controlled trial. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012; 77: 599-607.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Saygın

Önder Öztürk

Ulugbik Khayri Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Özgüner

Ahmet Akkaya

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mart 2020
Kabul Tarihi 30 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Saygın M, Öztürk Ö, Khayri U, Özgüner M, Akkaya A. Fonksiyonel Lateralite ve Obstrüktif Uyku apnesi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması. UB. 2020;1(1):9-18.