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Yıl 2022, , 1818 - 1840, 29.12.2022



  • Deanesly, Margaret, A History of Early Medieval Europe, Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1969.
  • Heinrich, Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire, çev. Peter Munz, Blackwell, Oxford, 1957.
  • Fredaegarius, Chronicon quod dicitur Fredegarii continuatio, ed. R. Krusch, ch. 126, 129.
  • Genç, Özlem, “Küçük Frank Yıllıkları I: Aziz Amand Yıllığı”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 2016.
  •, kayıt numarası, Id. 57133.
  • Lewis, Arcihald Ross, The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718-1050, University of Texas Press, 1965.
  • McKitterick, Rosamond, The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians, 751-987, Longman Group Limited, New York, 1983.
  • Miller, David Harry, “The Roman Revolution of the Eighth Century: a Study of the Ideological Background of the Papal Separation from Byzantium and Alliance with the Franks”, Mediaeval Studies, S. 36, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1974.
  • Miller, David Harry. “The Motivation of Pepin’s Italian Policy, 754-768”, In Studies in Medieval Culture, c. 4, Western Michigan University, Michigan, 1973.
  • Moss, H. St. L. B., The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814, Oxford University Press, Londra, 1963.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., The Republic of St. Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680-825, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., “Pepin III and the Donation of Pepin”, In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, c. 5, ed. Joseph Reese Strayer, Scribner, New York, 1987.
  • Partner, Peter, The Lands of St. Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and The Early Renaissance, University of California Press, 1972.
  • Thatcher, Edgar Holmes, McNeal, A Source Book for Medieval History, Ed. Oliver J., New York, 1905.
  • Ullmann, Walter, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages; a Study in the Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power, 3. ed., Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1970.
  • Yitzhak Hen, The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Matthew Innes, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000.

Footsteps of the Empire: Pepin III (714-24 September 768)

Yıl 2022, , 1818 - 1840, 29.12.2022


In the aftermath of the collapse of the Roman Empire due to the migration of tribes, a period of chaos and turmoil began in Europe. This period of turmoil continued in the European lands until the reign of Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties. This period is apparently marked with violence in the entire Europe. State administration system was tried to be reconstructed with Merovingian dynasty, and yet this was achieved in short intervals. With Carolingian dynasty, which was founded by Charles Martel, a recovery period was experienced in state administration, legal, economic and religious systems in Western and Central Europe. This dynasty enjoyed its most powerful and systematic period during the reign of Charlemagne. It is, however, the period of Pepin III (Pepin the Short) that brought success in the reign of Charlemagne and prepared the kingdom to transform into an empire. Expansion policy initiated by Pepin III, alliance with the Papacy and policies of building a state administration system paved the way for the achievements in the period of Charlemagne. Besides, convergence with the Papacy facilitated both the development and expansion of Catholic Church and the transition of power in Europe to the Carolingian dynasty. This study aims to evaluate the life and military and diplomatic activities of Pepin III in the light of available data. This research paper intends to contribute to the Medieval Europe studies in Turkey.


  • Deanesly, Margaret, A History of Early Medieval Europe, Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1969.
  • Heinrich, Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire, çev. Peter Munz, Blackwell, Oxford, 1957.
  • Fredaegarius, Chronicon quod dicitur Fredegarii continuatio, ed. R. Krusch, ch. 126, 129.
  • Genç, Özlem, “Küçük Frank Yıllıkları I: Aziz Amand Yıllığı”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 2016.
  •, kayıt numarası, Id. 57133.
  • Lewis, Arcihald Ross, The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718-1050, University of Texas Press, 1965.
  • McKitterick, Rosamond, The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians, 751-987, Longman Group Limited, New York, 1983.
  • Miller, David Harry, “The Roman Revolution of the Eighth Century: a Study of the Ideological Background of the Papal Separation from Byzantium and Alliance with the Franks”, Mediaeval Studies, S. 36, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1974.
  • Miller, David Harry. “The Motivation of Pepin’s Italian Policy, 754-768”, In Studies in Medieval Culture, c. 4, Western Michigan University, Michigan, 1973.
  • Moss, H. St. L. B., The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814, Oxford University Press, Londra, 1963.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., The Republic of St. Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680-825, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., “Pepin III and the Donation of Pepin”, In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, c. 5, ed. Joseph Reese Strayer, Scribner, New York, 1987.
  • Partner, Peter, The Lands of St. Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and The Early Renaissance, University of California Press, 1972.
  • Thatcher, Edgar Holmes, McNeal, A Source Book for Medieval History, Ed. Oliver J., New York, 1905.
  • Ullmann, Walter, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages; a Study in the Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power, 3. ed., Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1970.
  • Yitzhak Hen, The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Matthew Innes, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000.
Yıl 2022, , 1818 - 1840, 29.12.2022



  • Deanesly, Margaret, A History of Early Medieval Europe, Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1969.
  • Heinrich, Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire, çev. Peter Munz, Blackwell, Oxford, 1957.
  • Fredaegarius, Chronicon quod dicitur Fredegarii continuatio, ed. R. Krusch, ch. 126, 129.
  • Genç, Özlem, “Küçük Frank Yıllıkları I: Aziz Amand Yıllığı”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 2016.
  •, kayıt numarası, Id. 57133.
  • Lewis, Arcihald Ross, The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718-1050, University of Texas Press, 1965.
  • McKitterick, Rosamond, The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians, 751-987, Longman Group Limited, New York, 1983.
  • Miller, David Harry, “The Roman Revolution of the Eighth Century: a Study of the Ideological Background of the Papal Separation from Byzantium and Alliance with the Franks”, Mediaeval Studies, S. 36, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1974.
  • Miller, David Harry. “The Motivation of Pepin’s Italian Policy, 754-768”, In Studies in Medieval Culture, c. 4, Western Michigan University, Michigan, 1973.
  • Moss, H. St. L. B., The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814, Oxford University Press, Londra, 1963.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., The Republic of St. Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680-825, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., “Pepin III and the Donation of Pepin”, In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, c. 5, ed. Joseph Reese Strayer, Scribner, New York, 1987.
  • Partner, Peter, The Lands of St. Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and The Early Renaissance, University of California Press, 1972.
  • Thatcher, Edgar Holmes, McNeal, A Source Book for Medieval History, Ed. Oliver J., New York, 1905.
  • Ullmann, Walter, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages; a Study in the Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power, 3. ed., Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1970.
  • Yitzhak Hen, The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Matthew Innes, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000.

İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768)

Yıl 2022, , 1818 - 1840, 29.12.2022


Roma İmparatorluğu’nun, kavimler göçü sonrası dağılması sonrasında Avrupa’da bir kaos ve kargaşa dönemi başlamıştır. Avrupa topraklarında Marovenj ve Karolenj hanedanlıklarına kadar bahsedilen kargaşa süreci devam etmiştir. Şiddet, bu dönemde bütün Avrupa’da belirgin bir şekilde kendisini göstermiştir. Marovenj hanedanlığı ile devlet yönetim sistemi yeniden tesis edilmeye çalışılmış ancak kısa aralıklarla bu başarılmıştır. Charles Martel’in kurucusu olduğu Karolenj hanedanlığı ile birlikte Batı ve Orta Avrupa’da yeniden devlet yönetim sistemi, hukuk, ekonomi ve dini konularda toparlanma süreci yaşanmıştır. Charles (Charlemagne) dönemi ile bu hanedanlık en güçlü ve sistemli dönemine ulaşmıştır. Ancak Charles dönemindeki başarıyı getiren ve krallığın bir imparatorluğa dönüşmesini hazırlayan III. Pepin (Kısa Pepin) dönemidir. Onun başlatmış olduğu genişleme politikası, Papalık ile ittifak ve devlet yönetim sistemini tesis etme politikaları Charles dönemindeki başarıların gerçekleşmesini sağlamıştır. Ayrıca Papalık ile olan yakınlaşma hem Katolik Kilisesinin gelişmesine ve genişlemesine hem de Avrupa’da güç dengesinin Karolenj hanedanlığına geçmesini kolaylaştırmıştır. Bu çalışma, III. Pepin’in hayatı ve askeri – diplomatik faaliyetlerini eldeki veriler ışığında değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma yazısı, Türkiye’deki Ortaçağ Avrupa çalışmalarına katkı sağlamayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Deanesly, Margaret, A History of Early Medieval Europe, Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1969.
  • Heinrich, Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire, çev. Peter Munz, Blackwell, Oxford, 1957.
  • Fredaegarius, Chronicon quod dicitur Fredegarii continuatio, ed. R. Krusch, ch. 126, 129.
  • Genç, Özlem, “Küçük Frank Yıllıkları I: Aziz Amand Yıllığı”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 2016.
  •, kayıt numarası, Id. 57133.
  • Lewis, Arcihald Ross, The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718-1050, University of Texas Press, 1965.
  • McKitterick, Rosamond, The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians, 751-987, Longman Group Limited, New York, 1983.
  • Miller, David Harry, “The Roman Revolution of the Eighth Century: a Study of the Ideological Background of the Papal Separation from Byzantium and Alliance with the Franks”, Mediaeval Studies, S. 36, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1974.
  • Miller, David Harry. “The Motivation of Pepin’s Italian Policy, 754-768”, In Studies in Medieval Culture, c. 4, Western Michigan University, Michigan, 1973.
  • Moss, H. St. L. B., The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814, Oxford University Press, Londra, 1963.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., The Republic of St. Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680-825, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.
  • Noble, Thomas F.X., “Pepin III and the Donation of Pepin”, In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, c. 5, ed. Joseph Reese Strayer, Scribner, New York, 1987.
  • Partner, Peter, The Lands of St. Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and The Early Renaissance, University of California Press, 1972.
  • Thatcher, Edgar Holmes, McNeal, A Source Book for Medieval History, Ed. Oliver J., New York, 1905.
  • Ullmann, Walter, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages; a Study in the Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power, 3. ed., Methuen & Co Ltd, Londra, 1970.
  • Yitzhak Hen, The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Matthew Innes, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Barış Saday 0000-0001-5106-3659

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Saday, B. (2022). İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768). Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan), 1818-1840.
AMA Saday B. İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768). VAKANÜVİS. Aralık 2022;7(Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan):1818-1840. doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1154473
Chicago Saday, Barış. “İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768)”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, sy. Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan (Aralık 2022): 1818-40.
EndNote Saday B (01 Aralık 2022) İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768). Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7 Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan 1818–1840.
IEEE B. Saday, “İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768)”, VAKANÜVİS, c. 7, sy. Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan, ss. 1818–1840, 2022, doi: 10.24186/vakanuvis.1154473.
ISNAD Saday, Barış. “İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768)”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7/Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan (Aralık 2022), 1818-1840.
JAMA Saday B. İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768). VAKANÜVİS. 2022;7:1818–1840.
MLA Saday, Barış. “İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768)”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 7, sy. Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan, 2022, ss. 1818-40, doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1154473.
Vancouver Saday B. İmparatorluğun Ayak Sesleri: III. Pepin (714-24 Eylül 768). VAKANÜVİS. 2022;7(Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan):1818-40.

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