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Contributions of Women at the Mughal Court to Education (1526-1707)

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 220 - 246, 28.03.2022


In the Mughal Empire, Mughal ladies took an active role in the field of education. The high incomes of the Mughal ladies ensured their high level of welfare, and thus they had the opportunity to build libraries and madrasahs. The dynasty women of the Mughals, who started to rule in the Indian continent from the 16th century; they have constantly made their presence felt in the fields of art, literature, trade and economy. The aim of this study will be to explain the education and training processes of the women at the Mughal court between the periods of Babur Shah and Alemgîr Shah (Evrengzib). The madrasahs they built, the financial aid they provided to educators and students are among the subjects that will be covered in the study. This study, which is prepared to understand from the perspective of education, how women at the Mughal court, whom foreign merchants, travelers and diplomats of the period mentioned in their personal notes and could not hide their admiration from time to time, obtained this broad perspective from palace management to trade, from literature to art; It will focus on the education of Mughal palace women and their contribution to educational activities.


  • ABD’UL-RAHMAN SHAHABUDDIN, Bazm-e-Taimuria, Azamgarh, 1948.
  • ABU-L-FAZL, The Akbarnama, Vol. II., Fasciculus I., Translated from the Persian by H. Beveridge, Asiatic Society, Calcutta, 1904.
  • AHMAD, Hafiz Shamsuddin, “Zibunnisa Begum and Diwan-i-Mukhfî”, Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society (JBORS), Vol. XIII., Part I, March, 1927, ss. 42-53.
  • ANSARI, A. S. Bazmee, “Gülbeden Begüm”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 14, İstanbul, 1996, s. 436.
  • BANERJI, S. K., Humayun Badshah, Vol. II, Maxwell Company, Lucknow, 1941.
  • BANERJI, S. K., “Some of the Women Relations of Babur”, Journal of Indian Research Institute, Volume IV, (July, 1937-April, 1938), Edited by Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar, Published by Satis Chandra Seal, Calcutta, 1938, ss. 53-60.
  • BAYUR, Yusuf Hikmet, Hindistan Tarihi, Gurkanlı Devletinin Büyüklük Devri (1526-1737), II. Cilt, 2. Baskı, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1987.
  • BEKSAÇ, A. Engin, “Tac Mahal”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 39, İstanbul, 2010, ss. 337-339.
  • BÜYÜKTAŞ, Canan Kuş, Karataş Yozgat, Sevilay, “İktidar ve Aşk: Cihangir Şah’ın Nur Cihan Begüm’e Olan Aşkının Tüzük-i Cihângîrî’deki Yansımaları”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 4, Yıl: 2020, ss. 1591-1615.
  • CAPPER, John, Delhi, The Capital of India, Asian Educational Services, 1997.
  • CHAUDHURI, Jatindra Bimal, Muslim Patronage to Sanskritic Learning, Part I, Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli, Delhi (India) 2009.
  • CHOPRA, Pran Nath, Some Aspects of Society & Culture During the Mughal Age 1526-1707, Shiva Lal Agarwala & Co. Ltd., Educational Publishers, Agra, 1955.
  • FINDLY, Ellison Banks, Nur Jahan Empress of Mughal India, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 1993.
  • GANIE, Zahied Rehman, “Contrıbution of Royal Mughal Ladies in the Field of Art and Architecture from 1526-1707 A.D: A Brief Survey”, International Journal of Research Granthaalayah, Vol. 6 (Iss. 12): December 2018, ss. 34-37.
  • GHAZI, Zahiru’d-din Muhammad Babur Padshah, Babur Nama, Translated from the original Turki Text by Annette Susannah Beveridge, Vols. I and II, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1979.
  • GUL-BADAN BEGAM, Humâyûn-nâma, Translated by Annette S. Beveridge, London, 1902.
  • GÜLBEDEN, Hümayunnâme, Farsçadan çeviren: Abdürrab Yelgar, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1987.
  • HADİ, Muhammad, Tatimma-i Wakiat-i Jahangiri, The History of India as Told by its Own Historians, the Muhammadan Period, the Posthumous Papers of the Late Sir H. M. Elliot, Edited and Continued by Professor John Dowson, Vol. VI, London, 1875.
  • HAVELL, E. B., A Handbook to Agra and the Taj, Sikandra, Fatehpur-Sikri and the Neighbourhood, Longmans, Green, and Co., New York and Bombay, 1904.
  • HUSAIN, Yusuf, Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture, Asia Publishing House, India, 1957.
  • HUSSAIN, Imonul, “Literary Achievements of Medieval Indian Women: A Study of Royal and Mystic Females”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Volume 9, Issue 2(3), February, 2020, ss. 52-60.
  • IFTIKHAR, Rukhsana, “Cultural Contribution of Mughal Ladies”, South Asian Studies, A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, July-December 2010, ss. 323-339.
  • JAFFAR, S. M., Education in Muslim India, IAD Oriental Series: 16, Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli, India, 2009.
  • JAFFAR, S. M., Some Cultural Aspects of Muslim Rule in India, S. Muhammad Sadiq Khan – Publisher, Peshawar-India, 1939.
  • JAHANGIR, Tuzuk-ı-Jahagiri, Memoirs of Jahangir from the First to the Twelfth Year of His Reign, Vol. I, Translated By Alexander Rogers, Edited By Henry Beveridge, London, 1909.
  • JAHANGIR, The Tuzuk-ı-Jahangiri, Memoirs of Jahangir from the Thirteenth to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Year of His Reign, Translated By Alexander Rogers, Edited By Henry Beveridge, Vol. II, London, 1914.
  • KHAN, Bakhtawar, Mir-at-i Alam - Mir-at-i Jahan-numa, The History of India, as Told by its Own Historians, Voll. VII, The Posthumous Papers of the late Sir H. M. Elliot, Edited and Continued by Proffesor John Dowson, Trübner and Co. And Ludgate Hill, London, 1877.
  • KHAN, Samsamuddaula Shah Nawaz, The Maathir-ul-Umara, Translated into English by H. Beveridge, Revised, annotated and completed by Baini Prasad, Volume I, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, 1941.
  • KIA, Mana “Adab as Ethics of Literary Form and Social Conduct: Reading the Gulistān in Late Mughal India”, in 'No Tapping Around Philology': A Festschrift in Celebration and Honor of Wheeler McIntosh Thackston Jr.’s 70th Birthday, ed. Alireza Korangy and Daniel J. Sheffield. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, November 10, 2014, ss. 281-308.
  • KONUKÇU, Enver, “Cihanârâ Begüm”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 7, İstanbul, 1993, ss. 536-537.
  • KONUKÇU, Enver, “Kâmrân Mirza”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 24, İstanbul, 2001, ss. 286-287.
  • LĀHAWRI, Abd Al-Ḥamīd, Bádsháh námah, Edited by Mawlawis Kabîr Al-Din Ahmad and Abd Al-Rahîm, Vol. II, Printed at the College Press, Calcutta, 1868.
  • LAL, Magan, The Diwan of Zeb-un-nissa, The First Fiffty Ghazals Rendered from the Persian by Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrool with an Introduction and Notes, London, 1913.
  • LAW, Narendra Nath, Promotion of Learning in India During Muhammadan Rule, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1916.
  • MANUCCI, Niccolao, Storia do Mogor or Mogul India 1653-1708, Vol. II, Translated by William Irvine, London, 1907.
  • MIRZA, Mohammad Wahid, “Great Muslim Women in India”, Great Women of India, Editors Swami Madhavananda – Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, Published by Swami Gambhirananda, India, 1953, ss. 378-394.
  • MISRA, Rekha, Women in Mughal India (1526-1748 A.D.), Munshiram Manoharlal, Allahabad, 1967.
  • MONSERRATE, Father, The Commentary of Father Monserrate, On His Journey to the Court of Akbar, Translated by J. S. Holland, Oxford University Press, 1922.
  • MUKHERJEE, Soma, Royal Mughal Ladies and Their Contributions, Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001.
  • MUKHOTY, Ira, Daughters of the Sun Empresses, Queens & Begums of the Mughal Empire, Aleph Book Company, India, 2018.
  • NATH, Renuka, Notable Mughal and Hindu Women in the 16th and 17th Centuries A.D., Inter-India Publications, New Delhi-India, 1957.
  • PATNA, J. S. Jha, “Some Unpublished Records on the State of Currency in Bihar”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Vol. 22, 1959, ss. 390-399.
  • REZAVI, Syed Ali Nadeem, “The Organization of Education in Mughal India”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 2007, Vol. 68, ss. 389-397.
  • SAQI MUST’AD KHAN, Maasir-i- ‘Alamgiri, A History of the Emperor Aurangzib- ‘Alamgir (reign 1658-1707 A.D.), Translated into English and Annotated by Sir Janudath Sarkar, Calcutta, 1947.
  • SARKAR, Jadunath, Anecdotes of Aurangzib (Translated into English with Notes) and Historical Essays, M. C. Sarkar & Sons., Calcutta, 1917.
  • SARKAR, Jadunath, History of Aurangzib, Vol. I, Reign of Shah Jahan, M. C. Sarkar & Sons, Calcutta, 1912.
  • SARKAR, Janudath, Studies in Mughal India, Cambridge-Calcutta, 1919.
  • SMITH, Edmund W., The Moghul Architecture of Fathpur-Sikri, Archaeological Survey of India, Indological Book House, Delhi, 1973.
  • SHARIF, Ja’far, Qanun-i-Islam, Translated by G. A. Herklots, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi, 1972.
  • SHARMA, Karuna, “A Visit to the Mughal Harem: Lives of Royal Women”, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. XXXII, no.2, August 2009, ss. 155-169.
  • SHUSHTERY, A. M. A., Outlines of Islamic Culture, Volume II, Philosophical and Theological Aspects, The Bangalore Press, Bangalore, 1938.
  • SIDDIQUI, Iqtidar Husain, “Nurcihan”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 33, İstanbul, 2007, ss. 251-252.
  • VARDHAN, Arihant Kumar, “Contribution of Women to the Persian Language in Medieval India”, International Journal of Women’s Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring & Summer 2014, ss. 57-64.
  • YASMIN, Angbin, “Middle Class Women in Mughal India”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Vol. 75, Platinum Jubilee (2014), ss. 295-306.

Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707)

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 220 - 246, 28.03.2022


Bâbürlü İmparatorluğu’nda saraylı kadınlar eğitim alanında aktif bir rol üstlenmişlerdir. Saraylı kadınların sahip oldukları yüksek meblağlı gelirler onların refah seviyelerinin yüksek olmasını sağlamış ve bu sayede kütüphaneler, medreseler inşa etme olanağına sahip olmuşlardır. Hint kıtasında 16. yüzyıldan itibaren hüküm sürmeye başlayan Bâbürlülerde hanedan kadınları; sanat, edebiyat, ticaret ve ekonomi alanında sürekli olarak varlıklarını hissettirmişlerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Bâbür Şah ile Âlemgîr Şah (Evrengzib) dönemleri arasında Bâbürlü saray kadınlarının eğitim ve öğrenim süreçlerine bakarak onların eğitim alanında yaptıkları faaliyetleri anlatmak olacaktır. Saray kadınlarının etkinliklerinin hemen her sahada hissedildiği bu dönemlerde, kadınlar aynı zamanda eğitime doğrudan katkıda bulunmuşlardır. İnşa ettirdikleri medreseler, eğitimcilere ve öğrencilere yapmış oldukları maddi yardımlar çalışma içerisinde işlenecek konulardandır. Dönemin yabancı tüccarları, seyyahları ve diplomatlarının kişisel notlarında bahsettikleri ve zaman zaman hayranlıklarını gizleyemedikleri Bâbürlü saray kadınlarının saray yönetiminden ticarete, edebiyattan sanata uzanan bu geniş perspektifi nasıl elde ettiklerine eğitim perspektifinden bakarak anlamak adına hazırlanan bu çalışma; Bâbürlü saray kadınlarının eğitimleri ve eğitim faaliyetlerine olan katkılarına odaklanacaktır.


  • ABD’UL-RAHMAN SHAHABUDDIN, Bazm-e-Taimuria, Azamgarh, 1948.
  • ABU-L-FAZL, The Akbarnama, Vol. II., Fasciculus I., Translated from the Persian by H. Beveridge, Asiatic Society, Calcutta, 1904.
  • AHMAD, Hafiz Shamsuddin, “Zibunnisa Begum and Diwan-i-Mukhfî”, Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society (JBORS), Vol. XIII., Part I, March, 1927, ss. 42-53.
  • ANSARI, A. S. Bazmee, “Gülbeden Begüm”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 14, İstanbul, 1996, s. 436.
  • BANERJI, S. K., Humayun Badshah, Vol. II, Maxwell Company, Lucknow, 1941.
  • BANERJI, S. K., “Some of the Women Relations of Babur”, Journal of Indian Research Institute, Volume IV, (July, 1937-April, 1938), Edited by Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar, Published by Satis Chandra Seal, Calcutta, 1938, ss. 53-60.
  • BAYUR, Yusuf Hikmet, Hindistan Tarihi, Gurkanlı Devletinin Büyüklük Devri (1526-1737), II. Cilt, 2. Baskı, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1987.
  • BEKSAÇ, A. Engin, “Tac Mahal”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 39, İstanbul, 2010, ss. 337-339.
  • BÜYÜKTAŞ, Canan Kuş, Karataş Yozgat, Sevilay, “İktidar ve Aşk: Cihangir Şah’ın Nur Cihan Begüm’e Olan Aşkının Tüzük-i Cihângîrî’deki Yansımaları”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 4, Yıl: 2020, ss. 1591-1615.
  • CAPPER, John, Delhi, The Capital of India, Asian Educational Services, 1997.
  • CHAUDHURI, Jatindra Bimal, Muslim Patronage to Sanskritic Learning, Part I, Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli, Delhi (India) 2009.
  • CHOPRA, Pran Nath, Some Aspects of Society & Culture During the Mughal Age 1526-1707, Shiva Lal Agarwala & Co. Ltd., Educational Publishers, Agra, 1955.
  • FINDLY, Ellison Banks, Nur Jahan Empress of Mughal India, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 1993.
  • GANIE, Zahied Rehman, “Contrıbution of Royal Mughal Ladies in the Field of Art and Architecture from 1526-1707 A.D: A Brief Survey”, International Journal of Research Granthaalayah, Vol. 6 (Iss. 12): December 2018, ss. 34-37.
  • GHAZI, Zahiru’d-din Muhammad Babur Padshah, Babur Nama, Translated from the original Turki Text by Annette Susannah Beveridge, Vols. I and II, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1979.
  • GUL-BADAN BEGAM, Humâyûn-nâma, Translated by Annette S. Beveridge, London, 1902.
  • GÜLBEDEN, Hümayunnâme, Farsçadan çeviren: Abdürrab Yelgar, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1987.
  • HADİ, Muhammad, Tatimma-i Wakiat-i Jahangiri, The History of India as Told by its Own Historians, the Muhammadan Period, the Posthumous Papers of the Late Sir H. M. Elliot, Edited and Continued by Professor John Dowson, Vol. VI, London, 1875.
  • HAVELL, E. B., A Handbook to Agra and the Taj, Sikandra, Fatehpur-Sikri and the Neighbourhood, Longmans, Green, and Co., New York and Bombay, 1904.
  • HUSAIN, Yusuf, Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture, Asia Publishing House, India, 1957.
  • HUSSAIN, Imonul, “Literary Achievements of Medieval Indian Women: A Study of Royal and Mystic Females”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Volume 9, Issue 2(3), February, 2020, ss. 52-60.
  • IFTIKHAR, Rukhsana, “Cultural Contribution of Mughal Ladies”, South Asian Studies, A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, July-December 2010, ss. 323-339.
  • JAFFAR, S. M., Education in Muslim India, IAD Oriental Series: 16, Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli, India, 2009.
  • JAFFAR, S. M., Some Cultural Aspects of Muslim Rule in India, S. Muhammad Sadiq Khan – Publisher, Peshawar-India, 1939.
  • JAHANGIR, Tuzuk-ı-Jahagiri, Memoirs of Jahangir from the First to the Twelfth Year of His Reign, Vol. I, Translated By Alexander Rogers, Edited By Henry Beveridge, London, 1909.
  • JAHANGIR, The Tuzuk-ı-Jahangiri, Memoirs of Jahangir from the Thirteenth to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Year of His Reign, Translated By Alexander Rogers, Edited By Henry Beveridge, Vol. II, London, 1914.
  • KHAN, Bakhtawar, Mir-at-i Alam - Mir-at-i Jahan-numa, The History of India, as Told by its Own Historians, Voll. VII, The Posthumous Papers of the late Sir H. M. Elliot, Edited and Continued by Proffesor John Dowson, Trübner and Co. And Ludgate Hill, London, 1877.
  • KHAN, Samsamuddaula Shah Nawaz, The Maathir-ul-Umara, Translated into English by H. Beveridge, Revised, annotated and completed by Baini Prasad, Volume I, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, 1941.
  • KIA, Mana “Adab as Ethics of Literary Form and Social Conduct: Reading the Gulistān in Late Mughal India”, in 'No Tapping Around Philology': A Festschrift in Celebration and Honor of Wheeler McIntosh Thackston Jr.’s 70th Birthday, ed. Alireza Korangy and Daniel J. Sheffield. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, November 10, 2014, ss. 281-308.
  • KONUKÇU, Enver, “Cihanârâ Begüm”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 7, İstanbul, 1993, ss. 536-537.
  • KONUKÇU, Enver, “Kâmrân Mirza”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 24, İstanbul, 2001, ss. 286-287.
  • LĀHAWRI, Abd Al-Ḥamīd, Bádsháh námah, Edited by Mawlawis Kabîr Al-Din Ahmad and Abd Al-Rahîm, Vol. II, Printed at the College Press, Calcutta, 1868.
  • LAL, Magan, The Diwan of Zeb-un-nissa, The First Fiffty Ghazals Rendered from the Persian by Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrool with an Introduction and Notes, London, 1913.
  • LAW, Narendra Nath, Promotion of Learning in India During Muhammadan Rule, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1916.
  • MANUCCI, Niccolao, Storia do Mogor or Mogul India 1653-1708, Vol. II, Translated by William Irvine, London, 1907.
  • MIRZA, Mohammad Wahid, “Great Muslim Women in India”, Great Women of India, Editors Swami Madhavananda – Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, Published by Swami Gambhirananda, India, 1953, ss. 378-394.
  • MISRA, Rekha, Women in Mughal India (1526-1748 A.D.), Munshiram Manoharlal, Allahabad, 1967.
  • MONSERRATE, Father, The Commentary of Father Monserrate, On His Journey to the Court of Akbar, Translated by J. S. Holland, Oxford University Press, 1922.
  • MUKHERJEE, Soma, Royal Mughal Ladies and Their Contributions, Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001.
  • MUKHOTY, Ira, Daughters of the Sun Empresses, Queens & Begums of the Mughal Empire, Aleph Book Company, India, 2018.
  • NATH, Renuka, Notable Mughal and Hindu Women in the 16th and 17th Centuries A.D., Inter-India Publications, New Delhi-India, 1957.
  • PATNA, J. S. Jha, “Some Unpublished Records on the State of Currency in Bihar”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Vol. 22, 1959, ss. 390-399.
  • REZAVI, Syed Ali Nadeem, “The Organization of Education in Mughal India”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 2007, Vol. 68, ss. 389-397.
  • SAQI MUST’AD KHAN, Maasir-i- ‘Alamgiri, A History of the Emperor Aurangzib- ‘Alamgir (reign 1658-1707 A.D.), Translated into English and Annotated by Sir Janudath Sarkar, Calcutta, 1947.
  • SARKAR, Jadunath, Anecdotes of Aurangzib (Translated into English with Notes) and Historical Essays, M. C. Sarkar & Sons., Calcutta, 1917.
  • SARKAR, Jadunath, History of Aurangzib, Vol. I, Reign of Shah Jahan, M. C. Sarkar & Sons, Calcutta, 1912.
  • SARKAR, Janudath, Studies in Mughal India, Cambridge-Calcutta, 1919.
  • SMITH, Edmund W., The Moghul Architecture of Fathpur-Sikri, Archaeological Survey of India, Indological Book House, Delhi, 1973.
  • SHARIF, Ja’far, Qanun-i-Islam, Translated by G. A. Herklots, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi, 1972.
  • SHARMA, Karuna, “A Visit to the Mughal Harem: Lives of Royal Women”, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. XXXII, no.2, August 2009, ss. 155-169.
  • SHUSHTERY, A. M. A., Outlines of Islamic Culture, Volume II, Philosophical and Theological Aspects, The Bangalore Press, Bangalore, 1938.
  • SIDDIQUI, Iqtidar Husain, “Nurcihan”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 33, İstanbul, 2007, ss. 251-252.
  • VARDHAN, Arihant Kumar, “Contribution of Women to the Persian Language in Medieval India”, International Journal of Women’s Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring & Summer 2014, ss. 57-64.
  • YASMIN, Angbin, “Middle Class Women in Mughal India”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Vol. 75, Platinum Jubilee (2014), ss. 295-306.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Habibe Karayel Külünk 0000-0002-7138-8570

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karayel Külünk, H. (2022). Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707). Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 220-246.
AMA Karayel Külünk H. Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707). VAKANÜVİS. Mart 2022;7(1):220-246. doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1034068
Chicago Karayel Külünk, Habibe. “Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707)”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, sy. 1 (Mart 2022): 220-46.
EndNote Karayel Külünk H (01 Mart 2022) Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707). Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7 1 220–246.
IEEE H. Karayel Külünk, “Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707)”, VAKANÜVİS, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 220–246, 2022, doi: 10.24186/vakanuvis.1034068.
ISNAD Karayel Külünk, Habibe. “Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707)”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7/1 (Mart 2022), 220-246.
JAMA Karayel Külünk H. Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707). VAKANÜVİS. 2022;7:220–246.
MLA Karayel Külünk, Habibe. “Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707)”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 220-46, doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1034068.
Vancouver Karayel Külünk H. Bâbürlü Saray Kadınlarının Eğitime Olan Katkıları (1526-1707). VAKANÜVİS. 2022;7(1):220-46.

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