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Postmortem İnterval Tayininde Göz ve Göz içi Sıvıların Kullanımı

Yıl 2024, , 183 - 188, 30.12.2024


Problemin Tanımı: Ölümün meydana gelmesi ile ölü muayenesi arasında geçen süre postmortem interval (PMI) olarak tanımlanmakta olup adli tıp pratiğinde cevaplanması gereken önemli sorulardan biridir. PMI tayininde temel olarak ölüm sonrası gelişen ölü lekeleri, ölü sertliği, ölü soğuması gibi değişimlerden faydalanılmakta olup bu bulgulara göre PMI hakkında sınırlı bir bilgi edinilmektedir. Göz ve göz içi sıvısı da PMI tayininde sıklıkla incelenen vücut bölümlerinden biridir.
Amaç: Çalışmamızda adli tıp alanında açıklanması gereken önemli konulardan olan PMI tayininde göz ve göz içi sıvısının kullanımı ile ilgili yapılmış çalışmalar güncel literatür ışığında incelenerek adli bakış açısı kazanılması amaçlanmıştır.
Teorik Çerçeve: Yapılan çalışmalarda korneadaki opasite, kalınlık ve endotel hücre yoğunluğundaki değişiminin PMI ile korele olduğu fakat ortam koşulları, yaş, göz kapaklarının kapalı olup olmaması ve standardizasyon eksikliği gibi faktörlerden etkilendiği görülmüştür. Göz içi sıvısındaki elektrolitlerden potasyumun PMI tayininde en güvenilir yöntem olduğu, fakat PMI tayininde diğer yöntemlerle birlikte değerlendirilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. Aminoasitlerde ise sadece triptofan seviyesinin PMI ile ilişkili olduğu bildirilmiştir.
Sonuç: PMI tayininde günümüz bilimsel verileri ışığında birçok yöntem araştırılmış, göz ve göz içi sıvısı da bu konuda sıklıkla araştırma konusu olmuştur. Göz ve göz içi sıvısında birçok çalışma yapılmış olmakla birlikte istenen düzeyde sonuçlar alınamadığı görülmüştür. Ölüm nedeni, ölümün gerçekleştiği mevsim ve hava koşulları, ortam sıcaklığı, ölenin yaşı, var olan hastalıklar, göz içi cerrahi operasyonlar, vücut yapısı, metabolik durum, göz kapaklarının kapalı olup olmaması gibi birçok farklılık bu durumu etkilemektedir. PMI tayininde sadece bir yöntemi uygulamak yerine birden fazla yöntemin birlikte uygulanmasının daha doğru sonuçlar vereceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Abbas A, Farooq A, Farooq MA. (2022). Diagnostic analysis of electrolytes (NA+, k+, CL-, MG+ 2 and PO-34) in cadaveric synovial fluid from knee joint to estimate postmortem interval. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(03), 777.
  • Ansari N, Menon SK. (2017). Determination of time since death using vitreous humor tryptophan. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 62(5), 1351–1356.
  • Atreya A, Ateriya N, Menezes RG. (2024). The eye in forensic practice: In the dead. Medico-Legal Journal, 258172241230210.
  • Balci Y, Basmak H, Kocaturk BK, Sahin A, Ozdamar K. (2010). The importance of measuring intraocular pressure using a tonometer in order to estimate the postmortem interval. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 31(2), 151–155.
  • Belsey SL, Flanagan RJ. (2016). Postmortem biochemistry: Current applications. In Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 41, 49–57.
  • Cantürk İ, Çelik S, Feyzi Şahin M, Yağmur F, Kara S, Karabiber F. (2017). Investigation of opacity development in the human eye for estimation of the postmortem interval. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 37(3), 559–565.
  • Cordeiro C, Ordóñez-Mayán L, Lendoiro E, Febrero-Bande M, Vieira DN, Muñoz-Barús JI. (2019). A reliable method for estimating the postmortem interval from the biochemistry of the vitreous humor, temperature and body weight. Forensic Science International, 295, 157–168.
  • DiMaio VJ, DiMaio DJ. (2001). Forensic pathology (2nd ed.). BocaRaton: CRC Press LCC. Dogan AS, Ozcan BG, Celikay O, Yildiz Z, Bahar A. (2023). The effect of photochromic contact lenses on pupil size. Beyoglu Eye Journal, 8(3), 166–169.
  • Emiral E, Kılıcaslan Yavuz D, Hancı İH, Satıroglu Tufan NL. (2021). Role of cell free DNA and HMGB-1 in postmortem interval determination. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 29, 1-7.
  • Englisch CN, Alrefai R, Lesan CM, Seitz B, Tschernig T. (2024). Postmortem sympathomimetic iris excitability. Annals of Anatomy, 152240.
  • Honey D, Caylor C, Luthi R, Kerrigan S. (2005). Comparative alcohol concentrations in blood and vitreous fluid with illustrative case studies. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 29(5), 365–369.
  • Ingham AI, Byard RW. (2009). The potential significance of elevated vitreous sodium levels at autopsy. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 16(8), 437–440.
  • Baniak N, Campos-Baniak G, Mulla A, Kalra J. (2015). Vitreous humor: A short review on post-mortem applications. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology, 05(01).
  • Kalra J, Mulla A, Kopargaonkar A. (2016). Diagnostic value of vitreous humor in postmortem analysis. SM Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1(1), 1005.
  • Kawashima W, Hatake K, Kudo R, Nakanishi M, Tamaki S, Kasuda S, et al. (2014). Estimating the time after death on the basis of corneal opacity. Journal of Forensic Research, 06(01).
  • Keten A, Tumer AR, Balseven-Odabasi A. (2009). Measurement of ethyl glucuronide in vitreous humor with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Forensic Science International, 193(1–3), 101–105.
  • Langea N, Swearerb S, Sturner WQ. (1994). Human postmortem interval estimation from vitreous potassium: an analysis of original data from six different studies. Forensic Science International, 66(3), 159–174.
  • Larpkrajang S, Worasuwannarak W, Peonim V, Udnoon J, Srisont S. (2016). The use of pilocarpine eye drops for estimating the time since death. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 39, 100–103.
  • Li W, Chang Y, Cheng Z, Ling J, Han L, Li X, et al. (2018). Vitreous humor: A review of biochemical constituents in postmortem interval estimation. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 4(2), 85–90.
  • Li XN, Zheng JL, Hu ZG, Wang BJ. (2013). Relationship between corneal thickness and postmortem interval in rabbit. Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi, 29(4), 241–243.
  • Locci E, Stocchero M, Gottardo R, Chighine A, De-Giorgio F, Ferino G, et al. (2023). PMI estimation through metabolomics and potassium analysis on animal vitreous humour. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 137(3), 887–895.
  • Madea B, Henssge C, Hönig W, Gerbracht A. (1989). References for determining the time of death by potassium in vitreous humor. Forensic Science International, 40(3), 231–243.
  • Madea B. (2005). Is there recent progress in the estimation of the postmortem interval by means of thanatochemistry? Forensic Science International, 151(2–3), 139–149.
  • Madea B, Rödig A. (2006). Time of death dependent criteria in vitreous humor-Accuracy of estimating the time since death. Forensic Science International, 164(2-3), 87–92.
  • Muñoz JI, Suárez-Peñaranda JM, Otero XL, Rodríguez-Calvo MS, Costas E, Miguéns X, et al. (2001). A new perspective in the estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) based on vitreous. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46(2), 209–214.
  • Murthy AS, Das S, Thazhath HK, Chaudhari VA, Adole PS. (2019). The effect of cold chamber temperature on the cadaver’s electrolyte changes in vitreous humor and plasma. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 62, 87–91.
  • Napoli PE, Nioi M, Gabiati L, Laurenzo M, De-Giorgio F, Scorcia V, et al. (2020). Repeatability and reproducibility of post-mortem central corneal thickness measurements using a portable optical coherence tomography system in humans: a prospective multicenter study. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
  • Orrico M, Melotti R, Mantovani A, Avesani B, De Marco R, De Leo D. (2008). Criminal investigations pupil pharmacological reactivity as method for assessing time since death is fallacious. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 29(4), 304–308.
  • Özsoy S, Kaya B, Balandiz H, Akyol M, Özge G, Özmen MC, Uysal BS. (2022). Postmortem interval estimation with corneal endothelial cell density. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 43(2), 147–152. Pesko BK, Weidt S, McLaughlin M, Wescott DJ, Torrance H, Burgess K, et al. (2020). Postmortomics: The Potential of Untargeted Metabolomics to Highlight Markers for Time Since Death. Omics: A Journal of İntegrative Biology, 24(11), 649–659.
  • Pigaiani N, Bertaso A, De Palo EF, Bortolotti F, Tagliaro, F. (2020). Vitreous humor endogenous compounds analysis for post-mortem forensic investigation. Forensic Science International, 310, 110235.
  • Prasad BK, Choudhary A, Sinha JN. (2003). A study of correlation between vitreous potassium level and post mortem interval. Kathmandu University Medical Journal (KUMJ), 1(2), 132–134.
  • Rangaiah YKC, Mahesh M, Harish Kumar P, Surekha V, Kattamreddy Ananth R, Shankar R, et al. (2023). Role of vitreous humor and synovial fluid potassium levels in estimating postmortem interval: A study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 17(3).
  • Kurup S, Bharathi M, Narayan, G, Vinayagamoorthi R, Rajesh R, Suvvari TK. (2023). Estimation of time since death from potassium levels in vitreous humor in cases of unnatural death: A facility-based cross-sectional study. Cureus, 15(5), e39572.
  • Thierauf A, Musshoff F, Madea, B. (2009). Post-mortem biochemical investigations of vitreous humor. Forensic Science International, 192(1–3), 78–82.
  • Umapathi A, Chawla H, Singh SB, Tyagi A. (2023). Analysis of changes in electrolytes level in serum after death and its correlation with postmortem interval. Cureus, 15(5), e38957. Zheng J, Huo D, Wen H, Shang Q, Sun W, Xu Z. (2021). Corneal-Smart Phone: A novel method to intelligently estimate postmortem interval. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 66(1), 356–364.


Yıl 2024, , 183 - 188, 30.12.2024


Problem Description: The time between death and examination is defined as postmortem interval (PMI) and is one of the important questions that need to be answered in forensic medicine practice. In estimating the PMI, changes such as livor mortis, rigor mortis, and algor mortis are mainly used, and limited information about PMI is obtained according to these findings. The eye and vitreous fluid are also one of the body parts frequently examined in PMI estimation.
Aim: In our study, it was aimed to gain a forensic perspective by examining the studies on the use of the eye and vitreous fluid in PMI estimation, which is one of the important issues that need to be explained in the field of forensic medicine, in the light of the current literature.
Theoretical Framework: Studies have shown that the change in corneal opacity, thickness and endothelial cell density is correlated with PMI, but is affected by factors such as environmental conditions, age, whether the eyelids are closed or not, and lack of standardization. It has been emphasized that potassium, among the electrolytes in the vitreous fluid, is the most reliable method in estimating PMI, but it should be evaluated together with other methods in estimating PMI. Among amino acids, it has been reported that only tryptophan level is associated with PMI.
Conclusion: Many methods have been researched in PMI estimation in the light of today's scientific data, and the eye and vitreous fluid have also been the subject of frequent research on this subject. Although many studies have been conducted on the eye and vitreous fluid, it seems that the desired results cannot be obtained. Many differences such as the cause of death, the season and weather conditions in which death occurred, ambient temperature, the age of the deceased, existing diseases, intraocular surgical operations, body structure, metabolic status, and whether the eyelids are closed or not, affect this situation. It is thought that applying more than one method together instead of applying only one method in PMI estimation will give more accurate results.


  • Abbas A, Farooq A, Farooq MA. (2022). Diagnostic analysis of electrolytes (NA+, k+, CL-, MG+ 2 and PO-34) in cadaveric synovial fluid from knee joint to estimate postmortem interval. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(03), 777.
  • Ansari N, Menon SK. (2017). Determination of time since death using vitreous humor tryptophan. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 62(5), 1351–1356.
  • Atreya A, Ateriya N, Menezes RG. (2024). The eye in forensic practice: In the dead. Medico-Legal Journal, 258172241230210.
  • Balci Y, Basmak H, Kocaturk BK, Sahin A, Ozdamar K. (2010). The importance of measuring intraocular pressure using a tonometer in order to estimate the postmortem interval. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 31(2), 151–155.
  • Belsey SL, Flanagan RJ. (2016). Postmortem biochemistry: Current applications. In Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 41, 49–57.
  • Cantürk İ, Çelik S, Feyzi Şahin M, Yağmur F, Kara S, Karabiber F. (2017). Investigation of opacity development in the human eye for estimation of the postmortem interval. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 37(3), 559–565.
  • Cordeiro C, Ordóñez-Mayán L, Lendoiro E, Febrero-Bande M, Vieira DN, Muñoz-Barús JI. (2019). A reliable method for estimating the postmortem interval from the biochemistry of the vitreous humor, temperature and body weight. Forensic Science International, 295, 157–168.
  • DiMaio VJ, DiMaio DJ. (2001). Forensic pathology (2nd ed.). BocaRaton: CRC Press LCC. Dogan AS, Ozcan BG, Celikay O, Yildiz Z, Bahar A. (2023). The effect of photochromic contact lenses on pupil size. Beyoglu Eye Journal, 8(3), 166–169.
  • Emiral E, Kılıcaslan Yavuz D, Hancı İH, Satıroglu Tufan NL. (2021). Role of cell free DNA and HMGB-1 in postmortem interval determination. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 29, 1-7.
  • Englisch CN, Alrefai R, Lesan CM, Seitz B, Tschernig T. (2024). Postmortem sympathomimetic iris excitability. Annals of Anatomy, 152240.
  • Honey D, Caylor C, Luthi R, Kerrigan S. (2005). Comparative alcohol concentrations in blood and vitreous fluid with illustrative case studies. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 29(5), 365–369.
  • Ingham AI, Byard RW. (2009). The potential significance of elevated vitreous sodium levels at autopsy. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 16(8), 437–440.
  • Baniak N, Campos-Baniak G, Mulla A, Kalra J. (2015). Vitreous humor: A short review on post-mortem applications. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology, 05(01).
  • Kalra J, Mulla A, Kopargaonkar A. (2016). Diagnostic value of vitreous humor in postmortem analysis. SM Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1(1), 1005.
  • Kawashima W, Hatake K, Kudo R, Nakanishi M, Tamaki S, Kasuda S, et al. (2014). Estimating the time after death on the basis of corneal opacity. Journal of Forensic Research, 06(01).
  • Keten A, Tumer AR, Balseven-Odabasi A. (2009). Measurement of ethyl glucuronide in vitreous humor with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Forensic Science International, 193(1–3), 101–105.
  • Langea N, Swearerb S, Sturner WQ. (1994). Human postmortem interval estimation from vitreous potassium: an analysis of original data from six different studies. Forensic Science International, 66(3), 159–174.
  • Larpkrajang S, Worasuwannarak W, Peonim V, Udnoon J, Srisont S. (2016). The use of pilocarpine eye drops for estimating the time since death. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 39, 100–103.
  • Li W, Chang Y, Cheng Z, Ling J, Han L, Li X, et al. (2018). Vitreous humor: A review of biochemical constituents in postmortem interval estimation. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 4(2), 85–90.
  • Li XN, Zheng JL, Hu ZG, Wang BJ. (2013). Relationship between corneal thickness and postmortem interval in rabbit. Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi, 29(4), 241–243.
  • Locci E, Stocchero M, Gottardo R, Chighine A, De-Giorgio F, Ferino G, et al. (2023). PMI estimation through metabolomics and potassium analysis on animal vitreous humour. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 137(3), 887–895.
  • Madea B, Henssge C, Hönig W, Gerbracht A. (1989). References for determining the time of death by potassium in vitreous humor. Forensic Science International, 40(3), 231–243.
  • Madea B. (2005). Is there recent progress in the estimation of the postmortem interval by means of thanatochemistry? Forensic Science International, 151(2–3), 139–149.
  • Madea B, Rödig A. (2006). Time of death dependent criteria in vitreous humor-Accuracy of estimating the time since death. Forensic Science International, 164(2-3), 87–92.
  • Muñoz JI, Suárez-Peñaranda JM, Otero XL, Rodríguez-Calvo MS, Costas E, Miguéns X, et al. (2001). A new perspective in the estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) based on vitreous. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 46(2), 209–214.
  • Murthy AS, Das S, Thazhath HK, Chaudhari VA, Adole PS. (2019). The effect of cold chamber temperature on the cadaver’s electrolyte changes in vitreous humor and plasma. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 62, 87–91.
  • Napoli PE, Nioi M, Gabiati L, Laurenzo M, De-Giorgio F, Scorcia V, et al. (2020). Repeatability and reproducibility of post-mortem central corneal thickness measurements using a portable optical coherence tomography system in humans: a prospective multicenter study. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
  • Orrico M, Melotti R, Mantovani A, Avesani B, De Marco R, De Leo D. (2008). Criminal investigations pupil pharmacological reactivity as method for assessing time since death is fallacious. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 29(4), 304–308.
  • Özsoy S, Kaya B, Balandiz H, Akyol M, Özge G, Özmen MC, Uysal BS. (2022). Postmortem interval estimation with corneal endothelial cell density. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 43(2), 147–152. Pesko BK, Weidt S, McLaughlin M, Wescott DJ, Torrance H, Burgess K, et al. (2020). Postmortomics: The Potential of Untargeted Metabolomics to Highlight Markers for Time Since Death. Omics: A Journal of İntegrative Biology, 24(11), 649–659.
  • Pigaiani N, Bertaso A, De Palo EF, Bortolotti F, Tagliaro, F. (2020). Vitreous humor endogenous compounds analysis for post-mortem forensic investigation. Forensic Science International, 310, 110235.
  • Prasad BK, Choudhary A, Sinha JN. (2003). A study of correlation between vitreous potassium level and post mortem interval. Kathmandu University Medical Journal (KUMJ), 1(2), 132–134.
  • Rangaiah YKC, Mahesh M, Harish Kumar P, Surekha V, Kattamreddy Ananth R, Shankar R, et al. (2023). Role of vitreous humor and synovial fluid potassium levels in estimating postmortem interval: A study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 17(3).
  • Kurup S, Bharathi M, Narayan, G, Vinayagamoorthi R, Rajesh R, Suvvari TK. (2023). Estimation of time since death from potassium levels in vitreous humor in cases of unnatural death: A facility-based cross-sectional study. Cureus, 15(5), e39572.
  • Thierauf A, Musshoff F, Madea, B. (2009). Post-mortem biochemical investigations of vitreous humor. Forensic Science International, 192(1–3), 78–82.
  • Umapathi A, Chawla H, Singh SB, Tyagi A. (2023). Analysis of changes in electrolytes level in serum after death and its correlation with postmortem interval. Cureus, 15(5), e38957. Zheng J, Huo D, Wen H, Shang Q, Sun W, Xu Z. (2021). Corneal-Smart Phone: A novel method to intelligently estimate postmortem interval. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 66(1), 356–364.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Burak Kaya 0000-0003-3324-7045

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaya, B. (2024). Postmortem İnterval Tayininde Göz ve Göz içi Sıvıların Kullanımı. Van Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(3), 183-188.


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