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Yara iyileşmesinde Kullanılan Çeşitli Materyallerin iyileşme Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak Araştırılması

Yıl 1995, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 58 - 66, 06.11.1995


Bu çalışma, kobaylarda
oluşturulan yaralarda, kollajen pet, hidrofilik poliüretan sargı, °/olSilver
Sülfadiazin krem ve steril gazlı bezin, yara iyileşmesi üzerine makroskopik ve
mikroskopik olarak etkilerini araştırmak amacı ile yapıldı.

Kollajen pet uygulanan yaralarda diğerlerinden farklı
olarak daha fazla yara kontraksiyonunun geliştiği; granülasyon dokusunun daha
erken görüldüğü ve kısa zamanda yoğunluğunun arttığı dikkati çekti. Kollajen
pet ve °/ol silver sülfadiazin krem uygulanan yaralarda epitelizasyonun,
kullanılan diğer pansuman materyallerine göre daha çabuk tamamlandığı gözlendi


  • Abramo, A.C., Vıola J.C. (1992): Heterologous collagen matrix sponge,histologic and clinical response to its implantation in thrid-degree burn injuries. Br. J. Plastic Surg. 45:117-122.
  • Aktaş, E., Patıroğlu, T.E., Soyver, Ü. (1987): Yara iyileşmesinde topikal ilaçların etkisi. VIII. Prof. Dr. A. Lütfü Sempozyumu ICitabı. 128-137.
  • Alvarez, O.M., Mertz, P A, Eaglstein, W.H. (1983): The effect of occlusive dressings on collagen synthesis and re-epitheliazation in superficial wounds. J. of Surg. Resear. 35:142-148.
  • Armstrong, R.B., Nichols, J., Pachance, J. (1986): Punch biopsv wounds treated wıth Monsel’s solution or a collagenmatrix. Arch. Dermatol. 122:546-549.
  • Beghe, F.C., Neggiani, P. (1992): Lyophilizednon- denatured typ 1 collagen(condress) extracted from bovine achilles tendon and suitable for clinical use. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl)ll-19.
  • Breuing, K., Eriksson, E., Lıu. P, Miller, D.R (1992): Healing of partial thickness porcine skin wounds in a liquid environment. J. of Surg. Research. 52:50-58.
  • Carrico, T.J., Mehrhof, A.I., Cohen I.K. (1984): Biology of wound healing. Surgical Clin. North America. 64(4)721-731.
  • Chvapil, M., Halubec, H. (1991): Inert wound dressing is not desirable. J. Surg. Res. 51: 245-252.
  • Chvapil, M., Chvapil, T., Owen, J.A. (1986): Reaction of various skin wounds in the rat to collagen sponge dressing. J. Surg. Res. 41:410-418.
  • Ding, Y.L., Han, C.M. (1989): Recentadvences in burn wound managmentin Chine Açta Chir. Plast. 31(2): 84- 91.
  • Eaglstein, W.H., Davis, S.C., Mertz, P.M. (1988): Optimal use of an occlusive dressing to enhance healing. Arch. Dermatol. 124:392-395.
  • Falanga, V. (1988): Occlusive wound dressing. Arch. Dermatol. 124:872-877.
  • Geronemus, R.G., Mertz, P.M., Eaglestein, N.H. (1979): Wound healing:The effects of topical antimicrobial agents. Arch. Dermatol. 115:1311-1317.
  • Hammar, H. (1993): Woundhealing. Int. J. Derm. 32(1):6-15.
  • Loiterman, D. A, Bayers, P.H. (1991): Effect of a hydrocellular polyurethane dressing on chronic venous ulcer healing. Int. J. Derm. 3(5): 178-181.
  • Mc Cauley. R.L., Linares, H.A., Pelligrini. V., Hemdon,D.N. (1989): Invitrotoxicityoftopicalantimicrobial agents to human fıbroblast. J. Surg. Res.46:267-268.
  • Mc Cauley, R.L., Yiıng, Yue., Micheal. J.E. (1992): Differential inhibition of human basal keratinocyte growht tosilversulfadiazineandmafenide acetate. J. Surg. Res.52:276-285.
  • Mertz, P.M., Eaglstein, M.D. (1984): The effect of a semiocclusive dressing on the microbial population in superfıcial wounds. Arch. Surg. 119:287-289.
  • Mian, M., Aloisi, R.. Benetti, D., Rossini, S., Fantozzi, R. (1992): Potential role of heterologous collagen in promoting cutaneous wound repair in rats. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV (suppl): 43-52.
  • Mian. M., Begher, F., Mian, E. (1992): Collagen as a pharmacological approach in wound healing. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl)l:9.
  • Mian. E., Martini, P. Beconcini, D., Mian, M. (1992): Healing of öpen skin surfaces with collagen foils. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl):27-34.
  • Palmeri. B. (1992): Heterologous collagen in wound healing: a clinical study. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl)21-25.
  • Regan, M.B., Kırk, S. J., Wasserkrug, H.L., Baıbul, A. (1991): The wound environment as a regülatör of fıbroblast phenotype. J. of Surg. Research. 50(5):442- 448.
  • Sawhney. C.P.. Sharma. R.K.. Rao. K.R.. Kaushish, R. (1989): Long-term experience with 1 percent topical silver sulfadiazine cream in the managment of burn wounds. Bums. 15(6):403-406.
  • Stern, H.S. (1989): Silver sulphadiazine and the healing of partial thickness burns; a prospective clinical trial. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 42(5):581-585.
  • Watcher, M. A., Wheeland, RG. (1989): The role of topical agents in the healing of full-thickness wounds. J. Dermatology Surg. Oncol. 15(11): 1188-1195.

The Experimental Study of the Eflects on Healing the Use of Different Material on Wound Healing

Yıl 1995, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 58 - 66, 06.11.1995


The aim of our study ıvas to asses the gross and histopathological effects of collagen pad, hydrophilic polyurethane dressing, 1% silver sulphadiazine cream and sterile gauze on ıvound healing in mice. Our findings ıvere compared ıvith each other and ıvith the literatüre findings. The aim of our study ıvas to asses the gross and histopathological effects of collagen pad, hydrophilic polyurethane dressing, 1% silver sulphadiazine cream and sterile gauze on ıvound healing in mice. Our findings ıvere compared ıvith each other and ıvith the literatüre findings.In ıvounds dressed ıvith collagen pad, ıvound contraction
ıvas more prominent; granulation tissue formation was faster and it became
dense ıvithin a short period. In ıvound dressed ıvith collagen pad and 1%
silver sulphadiazin cream, epithelization was faster when compared ıvith the
other wound dressing


  • Abramo, A.C., Vıola J.C. (1992): Heterologous collagen matrix sponge,histologic and clinical response to its implantation in thrid-degree burn injuries. Br. J. Plastic Surg. 45:117-122.
  • Aktaş, E., Patıroğlu, T.E., Soyver, Ü. (1987): Yara iyileşmesinde topikal ilaçların etkisi. VIII. Prof. Dr. A. Lütfü Sempozyumu ICitabı. 128-137.
  • Alvarez, O.M., Mertz, P A, Eaglstein, W.H. (1983): The effect of occlusive dressings on collagen synthesis and re-epitheliazation in superficial wounds. J. of Surg. Resear. 35:142-148.
  • Armstrong, R.B., Nichols, J., Pachance, J. (1986): Punch biopsv wounds treated wıth Monsel’s solution or a collagenmatrix. Arch. Dermatol. 122:546-549.
  • Beghe, F.C., Neggiani, P. (1992): Lyophilizednon- denatured typ 1 collagen(condress) extracted from bovine achilles tendon and suitable for clinical use. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl)ll-19.
  • Breuing, K., Eriksson, E., Lıu. P, Miller, D.R (1992): Healing of partial thickness porcine skin wounds in a liquid environment. J. of Surg. Research. 52:50-58.
  • Carrico, T.J., Mehrhof, A.I., Cohen I.K. (1984): Biology of wound healing. Surgical Clin. North America. 64(4)721-731.
  • Chvapil, M., Halubec, H. (1991): Inert wound dressing is not desirable. J. Surg. Res. 51: 245-252.
  • Chvapil, M., Chvapil, T., Owen, J.A. (1986): Reaction of various skin wounds in the rat to collagen sponge dressing. J. Surg. Res. 41:410-418.
  • Ding, Y.L., Han, C.M. (1989): Recentadvences in burn wound managmentin Chine Açta Chir. Plast. 31(2): 84- 91.
  • Eaglstein, W.H., Davis, S.C., Mertz, P.M. (1988): Optimal use of an occlusive dressing to enhance healing. Arch. Dermatol. 124:392-395.
  • Falanga, V. (1988): Occlusive wound dressing. Arch. Dermatol. 124:872-877.
  • Geronemus, R.G., Mertz, P.M., Eaglestein, N.H. (1979): Wound healing:The effects of topical antimicrobial agents. Arch. Dermatol. 115:1311-1317.
  • Hammar, H. (1993): Woundhealing. Int. J. Derm. 32(1):6-15.
  • Loiterman, D. A, Bayers, P.H. (1991): Effect of a hydrocellular polyurethane dressing on chronic venous ulcer healing. Int. J. Derm. 3(5): 178-181.
  • Mc Cauley. R.L., Linares, H.A., Pelligrini. V., Hemdon,D.N. (1989): Invitrotoxicityoftopicalantimicrobial agents to human fıbroblast. J. Surg. Res.46:267-268.
  • Mc Cauley, R.L., Yiıng, Yue., Micheal. J.E. (1992): Differential inhibition of human basal keratinocyte growht tosilversulfadiazineandmafenide acetate. J. Surg. Res.52:276-285.
  • Mertz, P.M., Eaglstein, M.D. (1984): The effect of a semiocclusive dressing on the microbial population in superfıcial wounds. Arch. Surg. 119:287-289.
  • Mian, M., Aloisi, R.. Benetti, D., Rossini, S., Fantozzi, R. (1992): Potential role of heterologous collagen in promoting cutaneous wound repair in rats. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV (suppl): 43-52.
  • Mian. M., Begher, F., Mian, E. (1992): Collagen as a pharmacological approach in wound healing. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl)l:9.
  • Mian. E., Martini, P. Beconcini, D., Mian, M. (1992): Healing of öpen skin surfaces with collagen foils. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl):27-34.
  • Palmeri. B. (1992): Heterologous collagen in wound healing: a clinical study. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. XIV(suppl)21-25.
  • Regan, M.B., Kırk, S. J., Wasserkrug, H.L., Baıbul, A. (1991): The wound environment as a regülatör of fıbroblast phenotype. J. of Surg. Research. 50(5):442- 448.
  • Sawhney. C.P.. Sharma. R.K.. Rao. K.R.. Kaushish, R. (1989): Long-term experience with 1 percent topical silver sulfadiazine cream in the managment of burn wounds. Bums. 15(6):403-406.
  • Stern, H.S. (1989): Silver sulphadiazine and the healing of partial thickness burns; a prospective clinical trial. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 42(5):581-585.
  • Watcher, M. A., Wheeland, RG. (1989): The role of topical agents in the healing of full-thickness wounds. J. Dermatology Surg. Oncol. 15(11): 1188-1195.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Orijinal Araştırma Makaleleri

Atilla Kaya Bu kişi benim

Hasan Bilgili Bu kişi benim

Burhanettin Olcay Bu kişi benim

Yılmaz Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Kasım 1995
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ağustos 1995
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1995 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaya, A., Bilgili, H., Olcay, B., Aydın, Y. (1995). Yara iyileşmesinde Kullanılan Çeşitli Materyallerin iyileşme Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak Araştırılması. Van Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 58-66.


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