The Relationship Between Adiponectin and Some Kinds of Cancer
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 49 - 52, 20.04.2016
Nizamettin Günbatar
Bahattin Bulduk
is one of the adipocytokines secreted by
the fat cells of the adipose tissue and on which mostly there has been studies
on. This adipocytokine has important functions such as antidiabetic, antiatetrocyclerotic,
antiinflammatory and inhibitory effects in the formation and developments of
malignancies related with obesity. The metabolic effects of adiponectin are
mediated by the adiponectin receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2. In this review, overall structure and
characteristics of adiponectin and the relation of its blood levels with some
types of cancer has been discussed.
- An W, Bai Y, Deng SX, et al (2012). Adiponectin levels in patients with colorectal cancer and adenoma: a meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer Prev, 21, 126–133.
Arisan ED, Arisan S, Atis G, Palavan-Unsal N, Ergenekon E (2009). Serum adipocytokine levels in prostate cancer patients. Urol Int, 82,203–208.
Baillargeon J, Platz EA, Rose DP, et al (2006). Obesity, adipokines, and prostate cancer in a prospective population-based study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 15, 1331–1335.
Barb D, Neuwirth A, Mantzoros CS, and Balk PS (2007). Adiponectin signals in prostate cancer cells through Akt to activate the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. Endocrine-Related Cancer,14, 995–1005.
Barb D, Williams CJ, Neuwirth AK, Mantzoros CS (2007a). Adiponectin in relation to malignancies: a review of existing basic research and clinical evidence. American J of Clin Nut, 86, 858–866.
Beltowskı J (2003). Adiponectin and resistin–new hormones of white adipose tissue. Med Sci Monit, 9, 55-61.
Blüher M, Brennan AM, Kelesidis T, et al (2007). Total and high-molecular weight adiponectin in relation to metabolic variables at baseline and in response to an exercise treatment program: comparative evaluation of three assays. Diabetes Care, 30,280–285.
Catalan V, Go mez-Ambrosi J, Rodríguez A, et al (2011). Up-regulation of the novel proinflammatory adipokines lipocalin-2,chitinase-3 like-1 and osteopontin as well as angiogenicrelated factors in visceral adipose tissue of patients with colon cancer. J Nutr Biochem, 22, 634–641.
Chinetti G, Zawadski C, Fruchart JC, Staels B (2004). Expression of adiponectin receptors in human macrophages and regulation by agonists of the nuclearreceptors PPAR, PPAR, and LXR. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 314, 151–158.
Cust AE, Kaaks R, Friedenreich C (2007). Plasma adiponectin levels and endometrial cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women. J of Clinic Endoc and Met, 92, 255–263.
Cust AE, Kaaks R, Friedenreich C, et al (2007). Plasma adiponectin levels and endometrial cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 92, 255–263.
Dal Maso L, Augustin LS, Karalis A, et al (2004). Circulating adiponectin and endometrial cancer risk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 89, 1160–1163.
Dalamaga M, Karmaniolas K, Papadavid E, Pelekanos N, Sotiropoulos G, Lekka A (2011). Elevated serum visfatin/nicotinamide phosphoribosyl-transferase levels are asso-ciated with risk of postmenopausal breast cancer indepen-dently from adiponectin, leptin, and anthropometric and metabolic parameters. Menopause, 18, 1198–1204.
Fisher FM, Trujillo ME, Hanif W, et al (2005). Serum high molecular weight complex of adiponectin correlates better with glucose tolerance than total serum adiponectin in Indo-Asian males. Diabetologia, 48, 1084–1087.
Fruebis J, Tsao TS, Javorschi S, et al ( 2001). Proteolytic cleavage product of 30-kDa adipocyte complement-related protein increases fatty acid oxidation in muscle and causes weight loss in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 98, 2005-2010.
Grossmann ME K, Nkhata J, Mizuno NK, Ray A, Cleary MP (2008). Effects of adiponectin on breast cancer cell grow thand signaling. British Journal of Cancer, 98, 370–379.
Günbatar N, (2014). Ratlarda yüksek oranda doymuş yağlı diyet ile aralıklı beslemenin deneysel kolon kanseri gelişimi ve bazı serum inflamasyon markırları üzerine etkisi, YYÜ. Sağ Bil Enst Doktora Tezi, s:79, Van,
Hada Y, Yamauchi T, Waki H, et al (2007). Selective purification and characterization of adiponectin multimer species from human plasma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 356, 487–493.
Heidemann C, Sun Q, van Dam RM, et al (2008). Total and high molecular weight adiponectin and resistin in relation to the risk for type 2 diabetes in women. Ann Intern Med, 149, 307–316.
Ishikawa M, Kitayama J, Kazama S, Hiramatsu T, HatanoK, Nagawa H (2005). Plasma adiponectin and gastric cancer. Clin Cancer Res, 11, 466–472.
Jeong JY, Bong JG, Park SH, Choi JH, Oh HK (2011). Expression of leptin, leptin receptor, adiponectin, and adiponectin receptor in ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer. Journal of Breast Cancer, 14, 96–103.
Kadowaki T, Yamauchi T (2005). Adiponectin and adiponectin receptors. Endocr Rev, 26, 439-451.
Kaklamani VG, Sadim M, Hsi A (2008). Variants of the adiponectin and adiponectin receptor 1 genes and breast cancer risk. Cancer Research, 68, 3178–3184.
Kelesidis I, Kelesidis T, Mantzoros CS (2006). Adiponectin And cancer: a systematic review. Br J Cancer, 94, 1221–1225.
Kharroubi I, Rasschaert J, Eizirik DL, Cnop M (2003). Expression of adiponectin receptors in pancreatic cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 312, 1118–1122.
Kissebah AH, Sonnenberg GE, Myklebust J, et al (2000). Quantitative traitloci on chromosomes 3 and 17 influence phenotypes of the metabolic syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 97, 14478–14483.
Körner A, Pazaitou-Panayiotou K, Kelesidis T, et al (2007). Total and high molecular weight adiponectin in breast cancer: invitroandin vivostudies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 92, 1041-1048.
Kumar A, Daniel P, Pietruczuk M, Małecka-Panas E (2009). Serum leptin, adiponectin, and resistin concentration in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma (CC) patients. Int J Colorectal Dis, 24, 275–281.
Li H, Stampfer MJ, Mucci L, et al (2010). A 25-year prospective study of plasma adiponectin and leptin concentrations and prostate cancer risk and survival. Clin Chem, 56, 34–43.
Lorincz AM, Sukumar S (2006). Molecular links between obesity and breast cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer 13, 279–292.
Lukanova A, Oderberg SS, Kaaks R, Jellum E, Stattin P (2006). Serum adiponectin is not associated with risk of colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 15, 401–402.
Maeda K, Okubo K, Shimomura I, Funahashi T, Matsuzawa Y, Matsubara K (1996). cDNA cloning and expression of a novel adipose specific collagen-like factor, apM1 (AdiPose Most abundant Gene transcript 1). Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 221, 286–28.
Mantzoros C, Petridou E, Dessypris N (2004). Adiponectin and breast cancer risk, J of Clinic Endoc and Met, 89, 1102–1107.
Michalakis K, Williams CJ, Mitsiades N, et al (2007). Serum adiponectin concentrations and tissue expression of adiponectin receptors are reduced in patients with prostate cancer: a case control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 16, 308–313.
Moon HS, Chamberland JP, Aronis K, Tseleni-Balafouta S, Mantzoros CS (2011). Direct role of adiponectin and adiponectin receptors in endometrial cancer: in vitro and ex vivo studies in humans. Mol Cancer Ther, 10, 2234–2243.
Miyoshi Y, Funahashi T, Kihara S, et al (2003). Association of serum adiponectin levels with breast cancer risk. Clin Cancer Res, 9, 5699 5704.
Nakano Y, Tobe T, Choi-Miura NH, Mazda T &Tomita (1996). Isolation and characterization of GBP28, a novel gelatin-binding protein purified from human plasma. Journal of Biochemistry, 120, 803-812.
Oh SW, Park CY, Lee ES, et al (2011). Adipokines, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and breast cancer recurrence. acohortstudy. Breast Cancer, 13-34.
Otake S, Takeda H, Fujishima S (2010). Decreased levels of plasma adiponectin associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 16, 1252–1257.
OtvosJr L, Haspinger E, Russa FL (2011). Design and development of a peptide-based adiponectin receptor agonist for cancert reatment, BMC Biotechnology, 11, 90-94.
Ouchi N, Kobayashi H, Kihara S, et al (2004). Adiponectin stimulates angiogenesis by promoting cross-talk between AMP-activated protein kinase and Akt signaling in endothelial cells. J Biol Chem, 279, 1304–1309.
Pajvani UB, Xueliang D, Combs TP (2003). Structure-function studies of the adipocyte secreted hormone Acrp30/ adiponectin. Implications for metabolic regulation and bioactivity. J Biol Chem, 278, 9073-9085.
Petridou E, Mantzoros CS, Dessypris N, Dikalioti SK, Trichopoulos D (2006). Adiponectin in relation to childhood myeloblastic leukaemia. Br J Cancer, 94, 156–160.
Petridou E, Mantzoros C, Dessypris N, et al (2003). Plasma adiponectin concentrations in relation to endome-trial cancer: a case-control study in Greece. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88, 993-997.
Renehan AG, Tyson M, Egger M, Heller RF, Zwahlen M (2008). Body-mass index and incidence of cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. Lancet. 371, 569–578.
Scherer PE, Williams S, Fogliano M, Baldini G, Lodish HF (1995). A novel serum protein similar to Clq produced exclusively in adipocytes. J Biol Chem, 270, 26746-26749.
Shapiro L, Scherer PE (1998). Thecrystalstructure of a complement-1q family protein suggests an evolutionary link to tumor necrosis factor. Curr Biol, 8, 335-338.
Spyridopoulos TN, Petridou ET, Skalkidou A, et al (2007). Low adi-ponectin levels are associated with renal cell carcinoma: a case-control study. Int J Cancer, 120, 1573–1578.
Steffes MW, Gross MD, Schreiner PJ, et al (2004). Serum adiponectin in young adultsinteractions with central adiposity, circulating levels of glucose, and insulin resistance: the CARDIA study. Ann Epidemiol, 14, 492-98.
Takahashi M, Arita Y, Yamagata K, et al (2000). Genomic structure and mutations in adipose-specific gene, adiponectin. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 24, 861–868.
Takemura Y, Osuga Y, Yamauchi T, et al (2006). Expression of adiponectin receptors and its possible implication in the human endometrium. Endocrinology, 147, 3203–3210.
TianYF, Chu CH, Wu MH (2007). Anthropometric measures, plasma adiponectin, and breast cancer risk. Endocrine Related Cancer, 14, 669–677.
Tilg H, Moschen AR (2006). Adipocytokines: mediators linking adipose tissue, inflammation and immunity. Nat Rev Immunol, 6, 772–783.
Trujillo ME, Scherer PE (2005). Adiponectin journey from an adipocyte secretory protein to biomarker of the metabolic syndrome. J Intern Med, 257, 167–175.
Vona-Davis L, Rose DP (2007). Adipokines as endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine factors in breast cancer risk and progression. Endocr Relat Cancer, 14, 189–206.
Waki H, Yamauchi T, Kamon J, (2003). Impair edmultimerization of human adiponectin mutants associated with diabetes: molecular structure and multimer formation of adiponectin. J Biol Chem, 278, 40352-40363.
Wei EK, Giovannucci E, Fuchs CS, Willett WC, Mantzoros CS (2005). Low plasma adiponectin levels and risk of colorectal cancer in men: a prospectivestudy. J Natl Cancer Inst 97, 1688–1694.
Wolk A, Gridley G, Svensson M, et al (2001). A prospective study of obesity and cancer risk (Sweden). Cancer Causes Control, 12, 13–21.
Xiang X, Saha AK, Wen R, Ruderman NB, Luo Z (2004). AMP-activated protein kinase activators can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells by multiple mechanisms, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 321, 161–167.
Xu A, Chan KW, Hoo RLC (2005). Testosterone selectively reduces the high molecular weight form of adiponectin by inhibiting its secretion from adipocytes. J of Bio Chem, 280, 18073–18080.
Xu XT, Xu Q, Tong JL, et al (2011). Meta-analysis: circulating adiponectin levels and risk of colorectal cancer and adenoma. J Dig Dis, 12, 234–244.
Yamauchi T, Kamon J, Ito Y (2003). Cloning of adiponectin receptors that mediate antidiabetic metabolic effects. Nature, 423, 762-769.
Yıldırım A, Bilici M, Çayir K, Yanmaz V, Yildirim S, Tekin SB (2009). Serum adiponectin levels in patients with esophageal cancer. Japan J of Clinic Oncol, 39, 92–96.
Adiponektinin Bazı Kanser Türleri ile İlişkisi
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 49 - 52, 20.04.2016
Nizamettin Günbatar
Bahattin Bulduk
adipoz dokuda yağ hücreleri tarafından salınan ve son zamanlarda üzerinde en
çok çalışma yapılan adipositokinlerden birisidir. Bu adipositokin
antidiyabetik, antiatetrosklerotik, antiinflamatuvar ve obezite ilişkili
malignansilerin oluşumu ve gelişimini önlemede önemli fonksiyonlara sahiptir.
Adiponektinin metabolik etkilerine Adiponektin reseptörleri AdipoR1 ve AdipoR2
aracılık etmektedir. Bu derlemede adiponektinin genel yapısı, özellikleri ve
dolaşımdaki miktarının kanser ile olan ilişkisi değerlendirilmiştir.
- An W, Bai Y, Deng SX, et al (2012). Adiponectin levels in patients with colorectal cancer and adenoma: a meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer Prev, 21, 126–133.
Arisan ED, Arisan S, Atis G, Palavan-Unsal N, Ergenekon E (2009). Serum adipocytokine levels in prostate cancer patients. Urol Int, 82,203–208.
Baillargeon J, Platz EA, Rose DP, et al (2006). Obesity, adipokines, and prostate cancer in a prospective population-based study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 15, 1331–1335.
Barb D, Neuwirth A, Mantzoros CS, and Balk PS (2007). Adiponectin signals in prostate cancer cells through Akt to activate the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. Endocrine-Related Cancer,14, 995–1005.
Barb D, Williams CJ, Neuwirth AK, Mantzoros CS (2007a). Adiponectin in relation to malignancies: a review of existing basic research and clinical evidence. American J of Clin Nut, 86, 858–866.
Beltowskı J (2003). Adiponectin and resistin–new hormones of white adipose tissue. Med Sci Monit, 9, 55-61.
Blüher M, Brennan AM, Kelesidis T, et al (2007). Total and high-molecular weight adiponectin in relation to metabolic variables at baseline and in response to an exercise treatment program: comparative evaluation of three assays. Diabetes Care, 30,280–285.
Catalan V, Go mez-Ambrosi J, Rodríguez A, et al (2011). Up-regulation of the novel proinflammatory adipokines lipocalin-2,chitinase-3 like-1 and osteopontin as well as angiogenicrelated factors in visceral adipose tissue of patients with colon cancer. J Nutr Biochem, 22, 634–641.
Chinetti G, Zawadski C, Fruchart JC, Staels B (2004). Expression of adiponectin receptors in human macrophages and regulation by agonists of the nuclearreceptors PPAR, PPAR, and LXR. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 314, 151–158.
Cust AE, Kaaks R, Friedenreich C (2007). Plasma adiponectin levels and endometrial cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women. J of Clinic Endoc and Met, 92, 255–263.
Cust AE, Kaaks R, Friedenreich C, et al (2007). Plasma adiponectin levels and endometrial cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 92, 255–263.
Dal Maso L, Augustin LS, Karalis A, et al (2004). Circulating adiponectin and endometrial cancer risk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 89, 1160–1163.
Dalamaga M, Karmaniolas K, Papadavid E, Pelekanos N, Sotiropoulos G, Lekka A (2011). Elevated serum visfatin/nicotinamide phosphoribosyl-transferase levels are asso-ciated with risk of postmenopausal breast cancer indepen-dently from adiponectin, leptin, and anthropometric and metabolic parameters. Menopause, 18, 1198–1204.
Fisher FM, Trujillo ME, Hanif W, et al (2005). Serum high molecular weight complex of adiponectin correlates better with glucose tolerance than total serum adiponectin in Indo-Asian males. Diabetologia, 48, 1084–1087.
Fruebis J, Tsao TS, Javorschi S, et al ( 2001). Proteolytic cleavage product of 30-kDa adipocyte complement-related protein increases fatty acid oxidation in muscle and causes weight loss in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 98, 2005-2010.
Grossmann ME K, Nkhata J, Mizuno NK, Ray A, Cleary MP (2008). Effects of adiponectin on breast cancer cell grow thand signaling. British Journal of Cancer, 98, 370–379.
Günbatar N, (2014). Ratlarda yüksek oranda doymuş yağlı diyet ile aralıklı beslemenin deneysel kolon kanseri gelişimi ve bazı serum inflamasyon markırları üzerine etkisi, YYÜ. Sağ Bil Enst Doktora Tezi, s:79, Van,
Hada Y, Yamauchi T, Waki H, et al (2007). Selective purification and characterization of adiponectin multimer species from human plasma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 356, 487–493.
Heidemann C, Sun Q, van Dam RM, et al (2008). Total and high molecular weight adiponectin and resistin in relation to the risk for type 2 diabetes in women. Ann Intern Med, 149, 307–316.
Ishikawa M, Kitayama J, Kazama S, Hiramatsu T, HatanoK, Nagawa H (2005). Plasma adiponectin and gastric cancer. Clin Cancer Res, 11, 466–472.
Jeong JY, Bong JG, Park SH, Choi JH, Oh HK (2011). Expression of leptin, leptin receptor, adiponectin, and adiponectin receptor in ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer. Journal of Breast Cancer, 14, 96–103.
Kadowaki T, Yamauchi T (2005). Adiponectin and adiponectin receptors. Endocr Rev, 26, 439-451.
Kaklamani VG, Sadim M, Hsi A (2008). Variants of the adiponectin and adiponectin receptor 1 genes and breast cancer risk. Cancer Research, 68, 3178–3184.
Kelesidis I, Kelesidis T, Mantzoros CS (2006). Adiponectin And cancer: a systematic review. Br J Cancer, 94, 1221–1225.
Kharroubi I, Rasschaert J, Eizirik DL, Cnop M (2003). Expression of adiponectin receptors in pancreatic cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 312, 1118–1122.
Kissebah AH, Sonnenberg GE, Myklebust J, et al (2000). Quantitative traitloci on chromosomes 3 and 17 influence phenotypes of the metabolic syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 97, 14478–14483.
Körner A, Pazaitou-Panayiotou K, Kelesidis T, et al (2007). Total and high molecular weight adiponectin in breast cancer: invitroandin vivostudies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 92, 1041-1048.
Kumar A, Daniel P, Pietruczuk M, Małecka-Panas E (2009). Serum leptin, adiponectin, and resistin concentration in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma (CC) patients. Int J Colorectal Dis, 24, 275–281.
Li H, Stampfer MJ, Mucci L, et al (2010). A 25-year prospective study of plasma adiponectin and leptin concentrations and prostate cancer risk and survival. Clin Chem, 56, 34–43.
Lorincz AM, Sukumar S (2006). Molecular links between obesity and breast cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer 13, 279–292.
Lukanova A, Oderberg SS, Kaaks R, Jellum E, Stattin P (2006). Serum adiponectin is not associated with risk of colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 15, 401–402.
Maeda K, Okubo K, Shimomura I, Funahashi T, Matsuzawa Y, Matsubara K (1996). cDNA cloning and expression of a novel adipose specific collagen-like factor, apM1 (AdiPose Most abundant Gene transcript 1). Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 221, 286–28.
Mantzoros C, Petridou E, Dessypris N (2004). Adiponectin and breast cancer risk, J of Clinic Endoc and Met, 89, 1102–1107.
Michalakis K, Williams CJ, Mitsiades N, et al (2007). Serum adiponectin concentrations and tissue expression of adiponectin receptors are reduced in patients with prostate cancer: a case control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 16, 308–313.
Moon HS, Chamberland JP, Aronis K, Tseleni-Balafouta S, Mantzoros CS (2011). Direct role of adiponectin and adiponectin receptors in endometrial cancer: in vitro and ex vivo studies in humans. Mol Cancer Ther, 10, 2234–2243.
Miyoshi Y, Funahashi T, Kihara S, et al (2003). Association of serum adiponectin levels with breast cancer risk. Clin Cancer Res, 9, 5699 5704.
Nakano Y, Tobe T, Choi-Miura NH, Mazda T &Tomita (1996). Isolation and characterization of GBP28, a novel gelatin-binding protein purified from human plasma. Journal of Biochemistry, 120, 803-812.
Oh SW, Park CY, Lee ES, et al (2011). Adipokines, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and breast cancer recurrence. acohortstudy. Breast Cancer, 13-34.
Otake S, Takeda H, Fujishima S (2010). Decreased levels of plasma adiponectin associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 16, 1252–1257.
OtvosJr L, Haspinger E, Russa FL (2011). Design and development of a peptide-based adiponectin receptor agonist for cancert reatment, BMC Biotechnology, 11, 90-94.
Ouchi N, Kobayashi H, Kihara S, et al (2004). Adiponectin stimulates angiogenesis by promoting cross-talk between AMP-activated protein kinase and Akt signaling in endothelial cells. J Biol Chem, 279, 1304–1309.
Pajvani UB, Xueliang D, Combs TP (2003). Structure-function studies of the adipocyte secreted hormone Acrp30/ adiponectin. Implications for metabolic regulation and bioactivity. J Biol Chem, 278, 9073-9085.
Petridou E, Mantzoros CS, Dessypris N, Dikalioti SK, Trichopoulos D (2006). Adiponectin in relation to childhood myeloblastic leukaemia. Br J Cancer, 94, 156–160.
Petridou E, Mantzoros C, Dessypris N, et al (2003). Plasma adiponectin concentrations in relation to endome-trial cancer: a case-control study in Greece. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88, 993-997.
Renehan AG, Tyson M, Egger M, Heller RF, Zwahlen M (2008). Body-mass index and incidence of cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. Lancet. 371, 569–578.
Scherer PE, Williams S, Fogliano M, Baldini G, Lodish HF (1995). A novel serum protein similar to Clq produced exclusively in adipocytes. J Biol Chem, 270, 26746-26749.
Shapiro L, Scherer PE (1998). Thecrystalstructure of a complement-1q family protein suggests an evolutionary link to tumor necrosis factor. Curr Biol, 8, 335-338.
Spyridopoulos TN, Petridou ET, Skalkidou A, et al (2007). Low adi-ponectin levels are associated with renal cell carcinoma: a case-control study. Int J Cancer, 120, 1573–1578.
Steffes MW, Gross MD, Schreiner PJ, et al (2004). Serum adiponectin in young adultsinteractions with central adiposity, circulating levels of glucose, and insulin resistance: the CARDIA study. Ann Epidemiol, 14, 492-98.
Takahashi M, Arita Y, Yamagata K, et al (2000). Genomic structure and mutations in adipose-specific gene, adiponectin. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 24, 861–868.
Takemura Y, Osuga Y, Yamauchi T, et al (2006). Expression of adiponectin receptors and its possible implication in the human endometrium. Endocrinology, 147, 3203–3210.
TianYF, Chu CH, Wu MH (2007). Anthropometric measures, plasma adiponectin, and breast cancer risk. Endocrine Related Cancer, 14, 669–677.
Tilg H, Moschen AR (2006). Adipocytokines: mediators linking adipose tissue, inflammation and immunity. Nat Rev Immunol, 6, 772–783.
Trujillo ME, Scherer PE (2005). Adiponectin journey from an adipocyte secretory protein to biomarker of the metabolic syndrome. J Intern Med, 257, 167–175.
Vona-Davis L, Rose DP (2007). Adipokines as endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine factors in breast cancer risk and progression. Endocr Relat Cancer, 14, 189–206.
Waki H, Yamauchi T, Kamon J, (2003). Impair edmultimerization of human adiponectin mutants associated with diabetes: molecular structure and multimer formation of adiponectin. J Biol Chem, 278, 40352-40363.
Wei EK, Giovannucci E, Fuchs CS, Willett WC, Mantzoros CS (2005). Low plasma adiponectin levels and risk of colorectal cancer in men: a prospectivestudy. J Natl Cancer Inst 97, 1688–1694.
Wolk A, Gridley G, Svensson M, et al (2001). A prospective study of obesity and cancer risk (Sweden). Cancer Causes Control, 12, 13–21.
Xiang X, Saha AK, Wen R, Ruderman NB, Luo Z (2004). AMP-activated protein kinase activators can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells by multiple mechanisms, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 321, 161–167.
Xu A, Chan KW, Hoo RLC (2005). Testosterone selectively reduces the high molecular weight form of adiponectin by inhibiting its secretion from adipocytes. J of Bio Chem, 280, 18073–18080.
Xu XT, Xu Q, Tong JL, et al (2011). Meta-analysis: circulating adiponectin levels and risk of colorectal cancer and adenoma. J Dig Dis, 12, 234–244.
Yamauchi T, Kamon J, Ito Y (2003). Cloning of adiponectin receptors that mediate antidiabetic metabolic effects. Nature, 423, 762-769.
Yıldırım A, Bilici M, Çayir K, Yanmaz V, Yildirim S, Tekin SB (2009). Serum adiponectin levels in patients with esophageal cancer. Japan J of Clinic Oncol, 39, 92–96.