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Vaşak (Lynx lynx)’ta Larynx Kıkırdakları, Trachea ve Akciğerler Üzerine Makroanatomik ve Histolojik Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 126 - 132, 29.07.2023


Bu çalışmada 1 adet erişkin vaşağın (Lynx lynx) larynx, trachea ve akciğerleri incelendi. Diseksiyon ve ölçümlerle larynx kıkırdakları, trachea ve akciğerlerin makroanatomik ve histolojik yapısı ortaya konulmaya çalışıldı. Trachea’nın bifurcatio trachealis’e kadar, çapları akciğerlere doğru yaklaştıkça daralan, 48 adet kıkırdak halkaya (cartilago trachealis) sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Toplam trachea uzunluğu 172.36 mm idi. Vaşak trachea’sının enine kesitinin daireye benzediği görüldü. Vaşak akciğerindeki pulmo sinister lobus cranialis ve lobus caudalis adında iki ana loptan oluşuyordu. Pulmo sinister’in lobus cranialis’i de kendi arasında pars cranialis ve pars caudalis olarak bölünmüştü. Pulmo dexter lobus cranialis, lobus medius, lobus accessorius ve lobus caudalis olmak üzere dört ana loptan oluşmaktaydı. Trachea’yı dışarıdan saran hiyalin kıkırdak yapısı belirlendi. Bu kıkırdağın açık olan uçlarını kapatan ve kıkırdağı dışardan saran musculus transversus trachea adlı kas yapısı tespit edildi. Trachea’nın tunika mukoza, submukoza, tunika adventisya katmanlarından oluştuğu belirlendi. Akciğeri dıştan saran bağ doku kapsülü, respiratuvar bronşiol sonları, alveoller, intraalveoler septum ve bol miktarda kan damarlarının bulunduğu tespit edildi. İntraalveolar septumlarda; kapillar damarlar, eritrositler belirlendi. Alveol yüzeyini kaplayan tip I ve tip II pnömositler görüldü. Ayrıca alveoler keselerde makrofajların olduğu belirlendi.


  • Abbasabadi BM, Moradi HR, Aferi S, Kyıllar M (2021). Histomorphology of the lower respiratory tract in the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica). Anat Histol Embryol, 50 (3), 534-542.
  • Akgün RO, Bakici C, Ekim O, Bumin A, Orhan İÖ (2018). Sectional evaluation of anatomic structures in cat (felis catus) thoracic cavity by computed tomography imaging and silicone plastination methods. Int J Morphol, 36 (4), 1246-1251.
  • Arı HH, Kuru N, Uslu S, Özdemir Ö (2018). Morphological and histological study on the foot pads of the Anatolian bobcat (Lynx lynx). Anat Rec, 301, 932–938.
  • Arı HH, Uslu S (2021). Morphology and histology of the Eurasian lynx (lynx lynx) planum nasale. Slov Vet Res, 58 (4), 147-153.
  • Bacha WJ, Bacha LM (2012). Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology. 3th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New Jersey. Bahadır A, Yıldız H (2014). Veteriner Anatomi, Hareket Sistemi & İç Organlar, extended 5th ed., Ezgi bookstore, Bursa.
  • Banks WJ (1993). Applied Veterinary Histology. 3th ed. St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Cano I, Perez W (2009). Quantitative anatomy of the trachea of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi). Int J Morphol, 27 (3), 905-908.
  • Dabanoğlu I, Öcal MK, Kara ME (2001). A quantitavie study on the trachea of the dog. Anat Histol Embryol, 30 (1), 57-59.
  • Demiraslan Y, Dayan MO (2021). Veteriner Sistematik Anatomi, 1th ed., Atlas bookstore, Konya.
  • Dursun N (2008). Veteriner Anatomi II, 12th ed., Medisan publication, Ankara.
  • Düzler A, Nur İH, Çirli Ş (2005). Ceylanda larynx kıkırdakları ve trachea üzerinde makro-anatomik bir araştırma. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2(1), 23-28.
  • Eurell JA, Frappier BL (2006). Textbook of Veterinary Histology. 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Iowa, USA.
  • Evans HE, de Lahunta A (2013). Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog. 4th ed., WB Sunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • Fonseca CMB, da Silva ABS, Cavalcante MMADS et al. (2017). Morphology of laryngeal cartilage of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) Linnaeus, 1758. Microsc Res Tech, 80 (10), 1089-1095.
  • Gartner LP, Hiatt JL (2014). Color Atlas and Text of Histology. 6th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business, Philadelphia.
  • Gezer İnce N, Pazvant N (2010). Macro-anatomic study on larynx and trachea in sea gulls. Acta Vet Eurasia, 36, 1-6.
  • Gündemir O, Esener OBB, Alpak H (2017). A macroanatomic study on larynx cranialis of turkeys in thrace region, Turkey. Acta Vet Eurasia, 43, 89-91.
  • Girgin A, Alabay B, Liman N et al. (2010). Veteriner Özel Histoloji. 2th ed., Nobel publication, Ankara.
  • Halıgür A, Özkadif S (2021). Kızıl tilki (Vulpes vulpes)’de larynx kıkırdak’larının ve trachea’nın morfolojik çalışması. MAE Vet Fak Derg, 6 (3), 109- 114.
  • Hazıroğlu M, Çakır A (2018). Veteriner Anatomi Konu Anlatımı ve Atlas. Güneş bookstore, 4th ed. in: Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJC. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, London, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Toronto: W.B. Saunders Company.
  • König HE, Liebich HG (2015). Veteriner Anatomi (Evcil Memeli Hayvanlar), 6th ed., Medipres, Germany. Kütükçü AE. (2016). Türkiye’deki Memeli Hayvanların İz Rehberi. WWF.
  • Masseaua I, Reinero CR (2019). Thoracic computed tomographic interpretation for clinicians to aid in the diagnosis of dogs and cats with respiratory disease. Vet J, 253, 105388.
  • N.A.V. (2017). International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature. Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV). 6th ed. World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Hanover (Germany), Ghent (Belgium), Columbia, MO (U.S.A.), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
  • Onuk B, Tütüncü Ş, Kabak M (2013). The morphological study of the larynx cranialis in stork (Ciconia ciconia l.). Acta Vet Eurasia, 39, 148-154.
  • Osorio-Echeverri JS, Orrego-Metaute DA, Murillo-Escobar JP, Tamayo-Arango L (2019). Three-dimensional cat virtual anatomy: development of an interactive virtual anatomical software. J Morphol Sci, 36, 105–114.
  • Özkadif S, Dayan MO, Demiraslan Y, Aykut M, Özgel Ö (2016). Morphometric properties of larynx and trachea in the New Zealand rabbit. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 32 (4), 208-213.
  • Perez W, Lima M, Cunarro B (2006). Larynx anatomy in a tiger (Panther tigris, Linnaeus, 1758). J Anim Vet Adv, 5 (12), 1093-1095.
  • Ross MH, Pawlina W (2016). Histology a Text and Atlas. 7th ed., Wolters Kluwer Health, Netherlands.
  • W.W.F. (2016)-Türkiye (Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı) Türkiye'deki Memeli Hayvanların İz Rehberi.
  • Voyevoda TV, Shishkin GS, Valitskaya RI, Umantseva ND (1992). Macrostructure differences of polar fox and dog lungs. Anat Rec, 234, 89-92.
  • Wysocki J, Kielska E, Janiuk I, Charuta A (2010). Analysis of larynx measurements and proportions in young and adult domestic pigs (Sus scropha domestica). Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 34 (4), 339-347.

Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 126 - 132, 29.07.2023


In this study the larynx, trachea, and lungs of one 1.5-year-old adult female lynx (Lynx lynx) were examined. The macro anatomical and histological structure of the larynx cartilages, trachea, and lungs were tried to be revealed by dissection and measurements. It was determined that the trachea had 48 cartilage rings (cartilago trachealis) up to the bifurcatio trachealis, the diameters of which narrow as they approach the lungs. The total tracheal length was 172.36 mm. It was seen that the cross-section of the lynx trachea resembled a circle. The hyaline cartilage structure surrounding the trachea was determined. A muscle structure called musculus transversus trachea, which closes the open ends of this cartilage and surrounds the cartilage from the outside, was detected. It was determined that the trachea consisted of tunica mucosa, submucosa, and tunica adventitia layers. The pulmo sinister in the lynx lung consisted of two main lobes, lobus cranialis, and lobus caudalis. Lobus cranialis was also divided among itself as pars cranialis and pars caudalis. Pulmo dexter was divided into four main lobes as lobus cranialis, lobus medius, lobus caudalis, and lobus accessorius. It was determined that there was connective tissue capsule surrounding the lung, respiratory bronchioles, alveoli, intraalveolar septum, and abundant blood vessels. In intraalveolar septum; capillaries, erythrocytes were determined. Type I and type II pneumocytes were seen covering the alveolar surface. In addition, it was determined that there were macrophages in the alveolar sacs.


  • Abbasabadi BM, Moradi HR, Aferi S, Kyıllar M (2021). Histomorphology of the lower respiratory tract in the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica). Anat Histol Embryol, 50 (3), 534-542.
  • Akgün RO, Bakici C, Ekim O, Bumin A, Orhan İÖ (2018). Sectional evaluation of anatomic structures in cat (felis catus) thoracic cavity by computed tomography imaging and silicone plastination methods. Int J Morphol, 36 (4), 1246-1251.
  • Arı HH, Kuru N, Uslu S, Özdemir Ö (2018). Morphological and histological study on the foot pads of the Anatolian bobcat (Lynx lynx). Anat Rec, 301, 932–938.
  • Arı HH, Uslu S (2021). Morphology and histology of the Eurasian lynx (lynx lynx) planum nasale. Slov Vet Res, 58 (4), 147-153.
  • Bacha WJ, Bacha LM (2012). Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology. 3th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New Jersey. Bahadır A, Yıldız H (2014). Veteriner Anatomi, Hareket Sistemi & İç Organlar, extended 5th ed., Ezgi bookstore, Bursa.
  • Banks WJ (1993). Applied Veterinary Histology. 3th ed. St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Cano I, Perez W (2009). Quantitative anatomy of the trachea of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi). Int J Morphol, 27 (3), 905-908.
  • Dabanoğlu I, Öcal MK, Kara ME (2001). A quantitavie study on the trachea of the dog. Anat Histol Embryol, 30 (1), 57-59.
  • Demiraslan Y, Dayan MO (2021). Veteriner Sistematik Anatomi, 1th ed., Atlas bookstore, Konya.
  • Dursun N (2008). Veteriner Anatomi II, 12th ed., Medisan publication, Ankara.
  • Düzler A, Nur İH, Çirli Ş (2005). Ceylanda larynx kıkırdakları ve trachea üzerinde makro-anatomik bir araştırma. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2(1), 23-28.
  • Eurell JA, Frappier BL (2006). Textbook of Veterinary Histology. 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Iowa, USA.
  • Evans HE, de Lahunta A (2013). Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog. 4th ed., WB Sunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • Fonseca CMB, da Silva ABS, Cavalcante MMADS et al. (2017). Morphology of laryngeal cartilage of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) Linnaeus, 1758. Microsc Res Tech, 80 (10), 1089-1095.
  • Gartner LP, Hiatt JL (2014). Color Atlas and Text of Histology. 6th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business, Philadelphia.
  • Gezer İnce N, Pazvant N (2010). Macro-anatomic study on larynx and trachea in sea gulls. Acta Vet Eurasia, 36, 1-6.
  • Gündemir O, Esener OBB, Alpak H (2017). A macroanatomic study on larynx cranialis of turkeys in thrace region, Turkey. Acta Vet Eurasia, 43, 89-91.
  • Girgin A, Alabay B, Liman N et al. (2010). Veteriner Özel Histoloji. 2th ed., Nobel publication, Ankara.
  • Halıgür A, Özkadif S (2021). Kızıl tilki (Vulpes vulpes)’de larynx kıkırdak’larının ve trachea’nın morfolojik çalışması. MAE Vet Fak Derg, 6 (3), 109- 114.
  • Hazıroğlu M, Çakır A (2018). Veteriner Anatomi Konu Anlatımı ve Atlas. Güneş bookstore, 4th ed. in: Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJC. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, London, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Toronto: W.B. Saunders Company.
  • König HE, Liebich HG (2015). Veteriner Anatomi (Evcil Memeli Hayvanlar), 6th ed., Medipres, Germany. Kütükçü AE. (2016). Türkiye’deki Memeli Hayvanların İz Rehberi. WWF.
  • Masseaua I, Reinero CR (2019). Thoracic computed tomographic interpretation for clinicians to aid in the diagnosis of dogs and cats with respiratory disease. Vet J, 253, 105388.
  • N.A.V. (2017). International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature. Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV). 6th ed. World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Hanover (Germany), Ghent (Belgium), Columbia, MO (U.S.A.), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
  • Onuk B, Tütüncü Ş, Kabak M (2013). The morphological study of the larynx cranialis in stork (Ciconia ciconia l.). Acta Vet Eurasia, 39, 148-154.
  • Osorio-Echeverri JS, Orrego-Metaute DA, Murillo-Escobar JP, Tamayo-Arango L (2019). Three-dimensional cat virtual anatomy: development of an interactive virtual anatomical software. J Morphol Sci, 36, 105–114.
  • Özkadif S, Dayan MO, Demiraslan Y, Aykut M, Özgel Ö (2016). Morphometric properties of larynx and trachea in the New Zealand rabbit. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 32 (4), 208-213.
  • Perez W, Lima M, Cunarro B (2006). Larynx anatomy in a tiger (Panther tigris, Linnaeus, 1758). J Anim Vet Adv, 5 (12), 1093-1095.
  • Ross MH, Pawlina W (2016). Histology a Text and Atlas. 7th ed., Wolters Kluwer Health, Netherlands.
  • W.W.F. (2016)-Türkiye (Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı) Türkiye'deki Memeli Hayvanların İz Rehberi.
  • Voyevoda TV, Shishkin GS, Valitskaya RI, Umantseva ND (1992). Macrostructure differences of polar fox and dog lungs. Anat Rec, 234, 89-92.
  • Wysocki J, Kielska E, Janiuk I, Charuta A (2010). Analysis of larynx measurements and proportions in young and adult domestic pigs (Sus scropha domestica). Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 34 (4), 339-347.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gülseren Kırbaş Doğan 0000-0003-3770-9956

Şükran Aras 0000-0002-3267-5251

Ebru Karadağ Sarı 0000-0003-3637-3688

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Şubat 2023
Kabul Tarihi 3 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kırbaş Doğan, G., Aras, Ş., & Karadağ Sarı, E. (2023). Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx). Van Veterinary Journal, 34(2), 126-132.
AMA Kırbaş Doğan G, Aras Ş, Karadağ Sarı E. Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx). Van Vet J. Temmuz 2023;34(2):126-132. doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1255862
Chicago Kırbaş Doğan, Gülseren, Şükran Aras, ve Ebru Karadağ Sarı. “Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx Lynx)”. Van Veterinary Journal 34, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2023): 126-32.
EndNote Kırbaş Doğan G, Aras Ş, Karadağ Sarı E (01 Temmuz 2023) Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx). Van Veterinary Journal 34 2 126–132.
IEEE G. Kırbaş Doğan, Ş. Aras, ve E. Karadağ Sarı, “Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx)”, Van Vet J, c. 34, sy. 2, ss. 126–132, 2023, doi: 10.36483/vanvetj.1255862.
ISNAD Kırbaş Doğan, Gülseren vd. “Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx Lynx)”. Van Veterinary Journal 34/2 (Temmuz 2023), 126-132.
JAMA Kırbaş Doğan G, Aras Ş, Karadağ Sarı E. Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx). Van Vet J. 2023;34:126–132.
MLA Kırbaş Doğan, Gülseren vd. “Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx Lynx)”. Van Veterinary Journal, c. 34, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 126-32, doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1255862.
Vancouver Kırbaş Doğan G, Aras Ş, Karadağ Sarı E. Macro Anatomical and Histological Study of Larynx Cartilage, Trachea, and Lungs in Lynx (Lynx lynx). Van Vet J. 2023;34(2):126-32.


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