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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 6, 122 - 150, 30.12.2018


Küreselleşmenin kaçınılmaz sonucu olan rekabette avantaj yakalamak isteyen firmalar bir takım enstrümanlara ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu enstrümanların hiç kuşkusuz en etkilisi inovasyondur. İşletmeler süreklilik esasına göre hareket eden yapılardır. Süreklilik sağlamak her geçen gün işletmeler için daha da zor hale gelmektedir. Bu durumunda işletmeler ayakta kalarak, kendilerine mavi okyanus stratejileri kazandıracak ilave güçlerin peşinden koşmaktadırlar. Alan yazın tarandığında inovasyonun dünyada artan şöhreti görülmektedir. Sektörün adı her ne olursa olsun inovasyonla ilgili ciddi arayışların olduğu aşikardır. Yenilikçilik olarak bilinen inovasyon sürdürülebilir rekabette anahtar rol oynamaktadır. Yeni dünya düzeni sahip olunan kaynakların en etkin şekilde varlığa dönüştürülmesi gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Kaynakların korunarak varlığa dönüşebilmesi de klasik anlayışlarla değil, inovatif düşünce sistemini kültür haline dönüştürmekle mümkündür.


  • Alegre, J., Lapiedra, R., ve Chiva, R. (2006). A Measurement Scale for Product Innovation Performance. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(4), 333-346.
  • Assink, M. (2006). Inhibitors of Disruptive Innovation Capability: A Conceptual Model. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(2), 215-233.
  • Ayhan, A. (2002). Dünden bugüne Türkiye'de Bilim-Teknoloji ve Geleceǧin Teknolojileri (1). İstanbul: Güriş Holding, 168-170.
  • Barker, A. (2002). The Alchemy of Innovation: Perspectives from the Leading Edge: Spiro Press, 16-23.
  • Betz, F. (2003). Managing Technological Innovation: Competitive Advantage From Change. Newyork: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cantillon, R. (1952). Essai Sur La Nature Du Commerce En Général. Paris: Institut national d'études démographiques, 54.
  • Chen, E., ve Ho, K. K.-L. (2002). Demystifying Innovation. Perspectives on Business Innovation (8), 46-52.
  • Cheng, Q., ve Wang, M. (2009, 20-22 Sept. 2009). Risk Analysis and Evaluation of the Destructive Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Paper presented at the 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science.
  • Choi, J. (2017). " Create" or" buy": Internal vs. External Sources of Innovation and Firm Productivity. Retrieved from
  • Cumming, B. S. (1998). Innovation Overview and Future Challenges. European Journal of Innovation Management, 1(1), 21-29.
  • Damanpour, F. (1991). Organizational Innovation: A meta-analysis of Effects of Determinants and Moderators. Academy of management journal, 34(3), 555-590.
  • Damanpour, F. (1992). Organizational Size and Innovation. Organization Studies, 13(3), 375-402.
  • Damanpour, F. (1996). Organizational Complexity and Innovation: Developing and Testing
  • Delmas, M. A. (1999). Exposing Strategic Assets to Create New Competencies: The Case of Technological Acquisition in the Waste Management Industry in Europe and North America. Industrial and Corporate Change, 8(4), 635-671.
  • Dinçer, Ö., ve Fidan, Y. (2016). İşletme Yönetimi (5): Alfa Basim Yayim Dagitim, 179.
  • Drucker, P. (2007a). The Essential Drucker: Selections from the Management Works of Peter F. Drucker: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Drucker, P. (2007b). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles: Butterworth-Heinemann, 41-45.
  • Edvinsson, L., Dvir, R., Roth, N., ve Pasher, E. (2004). Innovations: The New Unit of Analysis in The knowledge Era: The Quest and Context for Innovation Efficiency and Management of IC. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5(1), 40-58.
  • Elçi, Ş. (2006). İnovasyon : Kalkınma ve Rekabetin Anahtarı (2). Ankara: Nova Basın Yayın, 1.
  • Elçi, Ş., Karataylı, I., ve Karaata, S. (2008). Bölgesel İnovasyon Merkezleri İçin Bir Model. Tüsiad, 24-25.
  • Ellonen, R., Blomqvist, K., ve Puumalainen, K. (2008). The Role of Trust in Organisational Innovativeness. European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(2), 160-181.
  • Fisk, P. (2011). Creative Genius: An Innovation Guide for Business Leaders, Border Crossers and Game Changers: John Wiley & Sons 97-100.
  • Frambach, R. T., ve Schillewaert, N. (2002). Organizational Innovation Adoption: A Multi-Level Framework of Determinants and Opportunities for Future Research. Journal of Business Research, 55(2), 163-176.
  • Gundling, E., ve Porras, J. I. (2000). The 3M Way to Innovation: Balancing People and Profit: Kodansha International.
  • Harabi, N. (1995). Appropriability of Technical Innovations an Empirical Analysis. Research Policy, 24(6), 981-992.
  • Henderson, R. M., ve Clark, K. B. (1990). Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), 9-30.
  • Jugend, D., Araujo, T. R. d., Pimenta, M. L., Gobbo, J. A., ve Hilletofth, P. (2018). The Role of Cross-Functional Integration in New Product Development: Differences Between Incremental and Radical Innovation Projects. Innovation, 20(1), 42-60.
  • Karadeniz, O. (2016). Türkiye'de İnovasyon ve Kamu Politikası. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kimberly, J. R., ve Evanisko, M. J. (1981). Organizational Innovation: The Influence of Individual, Organizational, and Contextual Factors on Hospital Adoption of Technological and Administrative Innovations. Academy of management journal, 24(4), 689-713.
  • Kırım, A. (2008). Arman Kırım'dan İnnovasyon Dersleri. İstanbul: Om Yayıncılık, 12.
  • Kossek, E. E. (1987). Human Resources Management Innovation. Human resource management, 26(1), 71-92.
  • Kuratko, D. F., ve Hodgetts, R. M. (2001). Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary Approach (5). USA: Harcourt College Publishers, 28.
  • Mathély, P. (1992). Le nouveau droit français des brevets d'invention. France: Librairie du Journal des notaires et des avocats, 62-63.
  • Morris, M. H. (1998). Entrepreneurial Intensity: Sustainable Advantages for Individuals, Organizations, and Societies. London: Quorum, 14-16.
  • Nybakk, E., Crespell, P., Hansen, E., ve Lunnan, A. (2009). Antecedents to Forest Owner Innovativeness: An Investigation of The Non-Timber Forest Products and Services Sector. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(2), 608-618.
  • OECD. (2005). Oslo Kılavuzu : Yenilik Verilerinin Toplanması ve Yorumlanması İçin İlkeler (3). Paris: OECD, 21.
  • Oke, A., Burke, G., ve Myers, A. (2007). Innovation Types and Performance in Growing UK SMEs. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(7), 735-753.
  • Patrick, D., Robert, V., Alexander, V., ve Lodewijk, B. (2018). Barriers to Innovation Within Large Financial Services Firms: An in-Depth Study into Disruptive and Radical Innovation Projects at a Bank. European Journal of Innovation Management, 21(1), 96-112.
  • Patrick, L., ve Ralph, L. (2009). OECD Insights International Trade Free, Fair and Open?: Free, Fair and Open? : OECD Publishing.
  • Porter, M. (1990). Competitive Advantage of Nations: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Massachusetts: Free Press.
  • Read, A. (2000). Determinants of Successful Organisational Innovation: A Review of Current Research. Journal of Management Practice, 3(1), 95-119.
  • Rickards, T. (1985). Stimulating Innovation: A Systems Approach. London: Frances Pinter
  • Roberts, E. B. (1987). Generating Technological Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 8.
  • Rogers, E., ve Shoemaker, F. (1983). Diffusion of Innovation: A Cross-Cultural Approach.
  • Rothwell, R., ve Gardiner, P. (1985). Invention, Innovation, Re-innovation and The Role of The User: A Case Study of British Hovercraft Development. Technovation, 3(3), 167-186.
  • Roy, R. (1994). Towards the Fifth‐Generation Innovation Process. International Marketing Review, 11(1), 7-31.
  • Rubera, G., Griffith, D. A., ve Yalcinkaya, G. (2012). Technological and Design Innovation Effects in Regional New Product Rollouts: A European Illustration. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(6), 1047-1060.
  • Schuhmacher, M. C., Kuester, S., ve Hultink, E. J. (2018). Appetizer or Main Course: Early Market vs. Majority Market Go-to-Market Strategies for Radical Innovations. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(1), 106-124.
  • Schumpeter, J. A. (1983). The Theory of Economic Development. (Ç. R. Opie). Cambridge: MA: Harvard (eserin orijinali 1934' de yayımlandı), 18-20.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (1992). Ekonomik Terimler: Ansiklopedik Sözlük (1). Ankara: Güzem Can Yayınları, 743.
  • Sheremata, W. A. (1998). New Issues in Competition Policy Raised by Information Technology Industries. Antitrust Bull., 43, 547.
  • Simpson, P. M., Siguaw, J. A., ve Enz, C. A. (2006). Innovation Orientation Outcomes: The Good and the Bad. Journal of Business Research, 59(10), 1133-1141.
  • Swaim, R. W. (2011). The strategic Drucker: growth strategies and marketing insights from the works of Peter Drucker: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Tanyeri, M., ve Fırat, A. (2005). Rekabet Değişkeni Olarak Dış Kaynak Kullanımı (Outsourcing). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(7).
  • TDK. (1969). Türkçe Sözlük (Genişletilmiş Baskı). Ankara: TDK, 324-925.
  • Teece, D. J. (2000). Managing Intellectual Capital: Organizational, Strategic, and Policy Dimensions. Oxford: OUP Oxford.
  • Tekinalp, Ü. (2012). Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku (5). İstanbul: Vedat Kitapçılık, 465-467.
  • Tingström, J. (2005). The Challenge of Environmental Improvement in Different Types of Innovation Projects. In Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 33-44): Springer.
  • Tpmk. (2017). 2016 Faaliyet Raporu. Retrieved from Ankara:
  • Tushman, M. L., ve Moore, W. L. (1982). Readings in The Management of Innovation. Philadelphia: Ballinger.
  • Uzkurt, C. (2008). Pazarlamada Değer Yaratma Aracı Olarak Yenilik Yönetimi ve Yenilikçi Örgüt Kültürü. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. (1986). Central Problems in The Management of Innovation. Management science, 32(5), 590-607.
  • Vila, N., ve Kuster, I. (2007). The Importance of Innovation in International Textile Firms. European journal of marketing, 41(1/2), 17-36.
  • Wickham, P. A. (2006). Strategic Entrepreneurship. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 37.
  • Williams, I., De Silva, D., ve Ham, C. (2009). Promoting and Embedding Innovation: Learning From Experience. Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham.
  • Zawislak, P. A., Borges, M., Wegner, D., Santos, A., ve Castro-Lucas, C. (2008). Towards The Innovation Function. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 3(4), 17-30.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 6, 122 - 150, 30.12.2018



  • Alegre, J., Lapiedra, R., ve Chiva, R. (2006). A Measurement Scale for Product Innovation Performance. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(4), 333-346.
  • Assink, M. (2006). Inhibitors of Disruptive Innovation Capability: A Conceptual Model. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(2), 215-233.
  • Ayhan, A. (2002). Dünden bugüne Türkiye'de Bilim-Teknoloji ve Geleceǧin Teknolojileri (1). İstanbul: Güriş Holding, 168-170.
  • Barker, A. (2002). The Alchemy of Innovation: Perspectives from the Leading Edge: Spiro Press, 16-23.
  • Betz, F. (2003). Managing Technological Innovation: Competitive Advantage From Change. Newyork: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cantillon, R. (1952). Essai Sur La Nature Du Commerce En Général. Paris: Institut national d'études démographiques, 54.
  • Chen, E., ve Ho, K. K.-L. (2002). Demystifying Innovation. Perspectives on Business Innovation (8), 46-52.
  • Cheng, Q., ve Wang, M. (2009, 20-22 Sept. 2009). Risk Analysis and Evaluation of the Destructive Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Paper presented at the 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science.
  • Choi, J. (2017). " Create" or" buy": Internal vs. External Sources of Innovation and Firm Productivity. Retrieved from
  • Cumming, B. S. (1998). Innovation Overview and Future Challenges. European Journal of Innovation Management, 1(1), 21-29.
  • Damanpour, F. (1991). Organizational Innovation: A meta-analysis of Effects of Determinants and Moderators. Academy of management journal, 34(3), 555-590.
  • Damanpour, F. (1992). Organizational Size and Innovation. Organization Studies, 13(3), 375-402.
  • Damanpour, F. (1996). Organizational Complexity and Innovation: Developing and Testing
  • Delmas, M. A. (1999). Exposing Strategic Assets to Create New Competencies: The Case of Technological Acquisition in the Waste Management Industry in Europe and North America. Industrial and Corporate Change, 8(4), 635-671.
  • Dinçer, Ö., ve Fidan, Y. (2016). İşletme Yönetimi (5): Alfa Basim Yayim Dagitim, 179.
  • Drucker, P. (2007a). The Essential Drucker: Selections from the Management Works of Peter F. Drucker: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Drucker, P. (2007b). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles: Butterworth-Heinemann, 41-45.
  • Edvinsson, L., Dvir, R., Roth, N., ve Pasher, E. (2004). Innovations: The New Unit of Analysis in The knowledge Era: The Quest and Context for Innovation Efficiency and Management of IC. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5(1), 40-58.
  • Elçi, Ş. (2006). İnovasyon : Kalkınma ve Rekabetin Anahtarı (2). Ankara: Nova Basın Yayın, 1.
  • Elçi, Ş., Karataylı, I., ve Karaata, S. (2008). Bölgesel İnovasyon Merkezleri İçin Bir Model. Tüsiad, 24-25.
  • Ellonen, R., Blomqvist, K., ve Puumalainen, K. (2008). The Role of Trust in Organisational Innovativeness. European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(2), 160-181.
  • Fisk, P. (2011). Creative Genius: An Innovation Guide for Business Leaders, Border Crossers and Game Changers: John Wiley & Sons 97-100.
  • Frambach, R. T., ve Schillewaert, N. (2002). Organizational Innovation Adoption: A Multi-Level Framework of Determinants and Opportunities for Future Research. Journal of Business Research, 55(2), 163-176.
  • Gundling, E., ve Porras, J. I. (2000). The 3M Way to Innovation: Balancing People and Profit: Kodansha International.
  • Harabi, N. (1995). Appropriability of Technical Innovations an Empirical Analysis. Research Policy, 24(6), 981-992.
  • Henderson, R. M., ve Clark, K. B. (1990). Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), 9-30.
  • Jugend, D., Araujo, T. R. d., Pimenta, M. L., Gobbo, J. A., ve Hilletofth, P. (2018). The Role of Cross-Functional Integration in New Product Development: Differences Between Incremental and Radical Innovation Projects. Innovation, 20(1), 42-60.
  • Karadeniz, O. (2016). Türkiye'de İnovasyon ve Kamu Politikası. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kimberly, J. R., ve Evanisko, M. J. (1981). Organizational Innovation: The Influence of Individual, Organizational, and Contextual Factors on Hospital Adoption of Technological and Administrative Innovations. Academy of management journal, 24(4), 689-713.
  • Kırım, A. (2008). Arman Kırım'dan İnnovasyon Dersleri. İstanbul: Om Yayıncılık, 12.
  • Kossek, E. E. (1987). Human Resources Management Innovation. Human resource management, 26(1), 71-92.
  • Kuratko, D. F., ve Hodgetts, R. M. (2001). Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary Approach (5). USA: Harcourt College Publishers, 28.
  • Mathély, P. (1992). Le nouveau droit français des brevets d'invention. France: Librairie du Journal des notaires et des avocats, 62-63.
  • Morris, M. H. (1998). Entrepreneurial Intensity: Sustainable Advantages for Individuals, Organizations, and Societies. London: Quorum, 14-16.
  • Nybakk, E., Crespell, P., Hansen, E., ve Lunnan, A. (2009). Antecedents to Forest Owner Innovativeness: An Investigation of The Non-Timber Forest Products and Services Sector. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(2), 608-618.
  • OECD. (2005). Oslo Kılavuzu : Yenilik Verilerinin Toplanması ve Yorumlanması İçin İlkeler (3). Paris: OECD, 21.
  • Oke, A., Burke, G., ve Myers, A. (2007). Innovation Types and Performance in Growing UK SMEs. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(7), 735-753.
  • Patrick, D., Robert, V., Alexander, V., ve Lodewijk, B. (2018). Barriers to Innovation Within Large Financial Services Firms: An in-Depth Study into Disruptive and Radical Innovation Projects at a Bank. European Journal of Innovation Management, 21(1), 96-112.
  • Patrick, L., ve Ralph, L. (2009). OECD Insights International Trade Free, Fair and Open?: Free, Fair and Open? : OECD Publishing.
  • Porter, M. (1990). Competitive Advantage of Nations: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Massachusetts: Free Press.
  • Read, A. (2000). Determinants of Successful Organisational Innovation: A Review of Current Research. Journal of Management Practice, 3(1), 95-119.
  • Rickards, T. (1985). Stimulating Innovation: A Systems Approach. London: Frances Pinter
  • Roberts, E. B. (1987). Generating Technological Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 8.
  • Rogers, E., ve Shoemaker, F. (1983). Diffusion of Innovation: A Cross-Cultural Approach.
  • Rothwell, R., ve Gardiner, P. (1985). Invention, Innovation, Re-innovation and The Role of The User: A Case Study of British Hovercraft Development. Technovation, 3(3), 167-186.
  • Roy, R. (1994). Towards the Fifth‐Generation Innovation Process. International Marketing Review, 11(1), 7-31.
  • Rubera, G., Griffith, D. A., ve Yalcinkaya, G. (2012). Technological and Design Innovation Effects in Regional New Product Rollouts: A European Illustration. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(6), 1047-1060.
  • Schuhmacher, M. C., Kuester, S., ve Hultink, E. J. (2018). Appetizer or Main Course: Early Market vs. Majority Market Go-to-Market Strategies for Radical Innovations. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(1), 106-124.
  • Schumpeter, J. A. (1983). The Theory of Economic Development. (Ç. R. Opie). Cambridge: MA: Harvard (eserin orijinali 1934' de yayımlandı), 18-20.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (1992). Ekonomik Terimler: Ansiklopedik Sözlük (1). Ankara: Güzem Can Yayınları, 743.
  • Sheremata, W. A. (1998). New Issues in Competition Policy Raised by Information Technology Industries. Antitrust Bull., 43, 547.
  • Simpson, P. M., Siguaw, J. A., ve Enz, C. A. (2006). Innovation Orientation Outcomes: The Good and the Bad. Journal of Business Research, 59(10), 1133-1141.
  • Swaim, R. W. (2011). The strategic Drucker: growth strategies and marketing insights from the works of Peter Drucker: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Tanyeri, M., ve Fırat, A. (2005). Rekabet Değişkeni Olarak Dış Kaynak Kullanımı (Outsourcing). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(7).
  • TDK. (1969). Türkçe Sözlük (Genişletilmiş Baskı). Ankara: TDK, 324-925.
  • Teece, D. J. (2000). Managing Intellectual Capital: Organizational, Strategic, and Policy Dimensions. Oxford: OUP Oxford.
  • Tekinalp, Ü. (2012). Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku (5). İstanbul: Vedat Kitapçılık, 465-467.
  • Tingström, J. (2005). The Challenge of Environmental Improvement in Different Types of Innovation Projects. In Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 33-44): Springer.
  • Tpmk. (2017). 2016 Faaliyet Raporu. Retrieved from Ankara:
  • Tushman, M. L., ve Moore, W. L. (1982). Readings in The Management of Innovation. Philadelphia: Ballinger.
  • Uzkurt, C. (2008). Pazarlamada Değer Yaratma Aracı Olarak Yenilik Yönetimi ve Yenilikçi Örgüt Kültürü. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. (1986). Central Problems in The Management of Innovation. Management science, 32(5), 590-607.
  • Vila, N., ve Kuster, I. (2007). The Importance of Innovation in International Textile Firms. European journal of marketing, 41(1/2), 17-36.
  • Wickham, P. A. (2006). Strategic Entrepreneurship. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 37.
  • Williams, I., De Silva, D., ve Ham, C. (2009). Promoting and Embedding Innovation: Learning From Experience. Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham.
  • Zawislak, P. A., Borges, M., Wegner, D., Santos, A., ve Castro-Lucas, C. (2008). Towards The Innovation Function. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 3(4), 17-30.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, Y. (2018). İNOVASYONUN KAVRAMSAL ÇERÇEVESİ. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(6), 122-150.