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The Issue of Stray Dogs in Urban Areas and Potential Solutions

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 17, 34 - 49


Sahipsiz köpek sorunu küresel olarak kentlerde gündelik hayatın önemli bir parçası haline gelmiştir ve pek çok modern şehrin tarihi, başıboş köpeklerle mücadeleyi de içermektedir. Genel olarak sahipsiz hayvanların özelde ise köpeklerin aşırı derecede çoğalmasının toplumsal ve çevresel açıdan pek çok olumsuz etkisi bulunmaktadır. Sahipsiz köpekler bugün pek çok kent için önemli bir politika meselesi haline gelmiştir. Aşılanmamış veya saldırgan köpekler, kamu düzeni ve güvenliği açısından ciddi sıkıntılara neden olmaktadır. İlgili kamu otoriteleri köpeklerden zarar gören halk ile hayvanseverlerin baskılarıyla sıkışmış bir vaziyette sorunu çeşitli yollarla çözmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Kentsel ortamdaki köpek sayısının azaltılması en önemli çözüm olarak görülmekte ve bunun için onların itlaf edilmeleri, kısırlaştırılmaları veya sahiplendirilmeleri gibi pek çok uygulamaya gidilmektedir.
Çalışma literatür araştırmasına dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amaç büyük oranda kentsel ortamda ciddi bir sorun haline gelen köpek saldırıları ve zararları karşısında alınan önlemlerin ve bu önlemlerin sonuçlarının incelenmesidir.
The issue of stray dogs has become a significant concern of daily urban life in cities globally many modern cities have a compelling history of addressing this problem. The overpopulation of stray animals, especially dogs, has numerous negative social impacts and has detrimental environmental consequences. Today, stray dogs have become a crucial policy matter for many cities. Unvaccinated or aggressive dogs can pose severe problems for public safety and order. Public authorities are under pressure from animal lovers and the public badly affected by dogs and are working to solve the problem in various ways. Reducing the number of dogs in urban areas is considered the most effective solution, and various measures,such as culling, sterilization, and adoption, are employed to achieve this goal.
This study is based on a literature review and aims to investigate the measures and consequences of these measures taken against the problem of dog attacks and damages, which have become a significant issue in urban areas.


  • Abdulkarim A, Khan M, ve Aklilu, E (2021). Stray Animal Population Control: Methods, Public Health Concern, Ethics, and Animal Welfare Issues. World Veterinary Journal, 11 (3): 319-326.
  • Action Change (2019). Animal Welfare: Managing Stray Cats And Dogs.
  • Akıntürk, M.S. (2022). Sahipsiz Köpeklere Karşı Çözüm Üretmeliyiz. gundem/sahipsiz-kopeklere-karsi-cozum-uretmeliyiz-3879561. (Erişim tarihi: 11.01.2023).
  • Al-Houssari, N. (2021). Health Alert As Lebanon’s Stray Dog Problem Fuels Rabies Fears.. 1935011/middle-east.
  • Anstett, L. (2023). The Global Stray Dog Problem: Causes And Solutions. global-stray-dog-problem-causes-solutions/.
  • Believers IAS Academy (2023). Stray Dogs And Poor Waste Management. stray-dogs-and-poor-waste-management/.
  • Belkadi, A. ve Shih, F. (2023). NGO Says Mercy Killing Of Stray Animals Is Strictly Controlled By Thai Government.
  • Butler, S. M. (2023). Regulating The Working Dog In Medieval England,
  • (2022). Tajikistan: Will New Legislative Amendments Protect Stray Animals?. tajikistan-will-new-legislative-amendments-protect-stray-animals.
  • Canal, D., Martín, B, de Lucas, M. ve Ferrer, M. (2018). Dogs Are The Main Species Involved In Animal-Vehicle Collisions In Southern Spain: Daily, Seasonal And Spatial Analyses Of Collisions. PLoS One, 14, 13(9). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203693.
  • Collin, A. (2018). Medieval Canines: How Did The People Of The Middle Ages Treat Their Dogs?. https://www.historyhit. com/medieval-canines-how-did-the-people-of-the-middle-ages-treat-their-dogs/.
  • Coomans, J. (2021). What Dogs Have To Do With Medieval Public Health. shs_exchange/dogs-medieval-public-health/.
  • Crossland, D. (2009). Germany's Abandoned Dog Crisis. world/europe/ germany-s-abandoned-dog-crisis-1.528871.
  • Damaj, R. (2021). Economic Meltdown In Lebanon Leaves Pets Homeless. originals/2021/12/economic-meltdown-lebanon-leaves-pets-homeless.
  • Dash, D.K. (2022). Stray Animals Second Biggest Reason For Road Accidents, Dogs Account For 58 % Of Them, Insurance Company Report, stray-animals-second-biggest-reason-for-road-accidents-dogs-account-for-58-of-them-insurance-company-report/articleshow/93812664.cms.
  • Dias RA, Guilloux AG, Borba MR, Guarnieri MC, Prist R, Ferreira F, Amaku, M, Neto, JSFN ve Stevenson, M. (2013). Size and spatial distribution of stray dog population in the University of Sao Paulo campus, Brazil. Prev Vet Med (2013) 110(2):263–73. DOI: 10.1016/j. prevetmed.2012.12.002
  • Four Paws (2023a). Stray Animals: Pets Without A Home, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2023). Four Paws (2023b). Stray Animal Care In Bulgaria.
  • Gandhi, M. (2023). Urban Menace: We Should Lower Our Intolerance Towards Stray Dogs. https://www.downtoearth.
  • Garcia, R. (2016). Dog And Cat Populations Management In Urban Areas. World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress Proceedings.
  • Gordon, R. (2017). From Pests To Pets: Social And Cultural Perceptions Of Animals İn Post-Medieval Urban Centres İn England (AD1500–1900). Papers From The Institute Of Archaeology 27(1), doi:
  • Gökduman, HU, Bayramlı, G. ve İlseven G. (2023). Kay Projesi Nedir Ve Niçin Kay?. /hayvansever/kay_projesi.htm.(10.01.2023).
  • Gündoğdu, C. (2018). The State And The Stray Dogs İn Late Ottoman Istanbul: From Unruly Subjects To Servile Friends, Middle Eastern Studies, 54(4):1-20.DOI:10.1080/00263206.2018.1432482.
  • Intozi (2023). Stray Animals Are The Second Most Common Reason For Accidents, Deaths, And Hazards: How AI Video Analytics Tackles Such Problems. pulse/stray-animals-second-most-common-reason-accidents-deaths-hazards-q1bzf.
  • Kasraoui, S. (2023). Morocco Urges Local Authorities To End Use Of Firearms, Poison Against Stray Dogs.
  • Koutrouvelis, G. (2023). Greece’s Ever-Growing Problem With Stray Pets. 3939/news/ greeces-ever-growing-problem-with-stray-pets/.
  • KUAM News (2018). Stray Dogs Pose Serious Health Hazard For Island Residents.
  • KUENSEL (2021). Time For A Radical Approach In Dealing With Stray Dog Problem?,
  • La Fondation Droit Animal (2023). Déclaration Des Droits De L’animal.
  • Lau, A. (2020). A Country Without Stray Dogs,
  • Leach, A. (2014). Animal Welfare: Why Dogs Are A Development Issue, https://www.theguardian. com/global-development-professionals-network/2014/may/02/animal-welfare-stray-dogs-development.
  • Lenin, J., Uniyal M. ve Vanak, A T. (2016). Do Dogs Threaten People's Right To Safety In Public Spaces?. health/dogs-rabies-neutering-safety.
  • Mark, J. J. (2019). Dogs İn The Ancient World. World History Encyclopedia, article/184/dogs-in-the-ancient-world.
  • Mehta, S. (2017). Sharing The Urban Space – Scientific Study Helps Unfold The Often Misunderstood Human-Stray Dog Conflict. Research Matters, 7.
  • Mervosh, S., McClure, J. ve Oxford, T. (2016). These 6 Charts Explain Why Dallas’ Dog Problem Is So Messed Up.
  • New Forest District Council (2023). Stray, lost and found dogs. /article/1020/Stray-lost-and-found-dogs.
  • NYC Health (2005). Protecting Public Health In New York City: 200 Years Of Leadership, 1805-2005.
  • Passut, T. (2017). Rabies And Babies: The Dangers Of Stray, Wild Animals. babies_the_dangers_of_stray_wild_animals.
  • Pearson, C. (2017). Stray Dogs And The Making Of Modern Paris. Past & Present, 234, 137-172.
  • Pektaş, E.K. (2022). Başıboş Köpek Sorunu Nasıl Çözülür?. Gönül Dergisi, 134.
  • Rahman, Z. (2019). Pakistan’s Biggest City Karachi Grapples With Stray Dog Problem.
  • Rowan, A. (2022). Humane Management Of Global Dogs.
  • Sehgal, R, Chavla, S. ve Reece, J. (2011). Population Survey (Census) of Stray Dog Population in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Stray and Feral Animal Populations Collection. 7. https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository. org/strfapop/7.
  • Singh, V. (2023). Tackling the Challenge of Stray Dogs in the Global South Lessons From the Netherlands.
  • Strand, P. (2011). The Global Dog Population Crisis.
  • Taipei Times (2022). Editorial: Growing Stray Numbers Need Control. /News/ editorials/archives/2022/07/19/2003781996.
  • Taylor, L.H, Wallece, R.M., Balaram, D., Lindenmayer, J.M., Eckery, D.C., Watkiss, B.M., Parravani, E. ve Nel, L.H. (2017). The Role Of Dog Population Management In Rabies Elimination-A Review Of Currebt Approaches And Future Opportunities. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 4:109.
  • Thapa, I.B. (2021). Ending The Cycle Of Suffering For Street Dogs With Action: A Story From Voice Of Animal Nepal.
  • ThePetNest (2023). The Netherlands: World's First Country With Zero Stray Dogs - How They Achieved It. pulse /netherlands-worlds-first-country-zero-stray-dogs-how-achieved.
  • The Times of India (2019). Stray Animal Menace Poses Threat To Commuters in Dehradun. cms. (Erişim Tarihi: 24.09.2023).
  • The Welfare of Stray Dogs (2008). The Street Dog İssue, (Erişim Tarihi:11.10.2023).
  • Tuckel, P.S. ve Milczarski, W. (2020). The Changing Epidemiology Of Dog Bite İnjuries in The United States, 2005–2018, Injury Epidemiology, 7-57.
  • ULUCHAY(2022). Sokak Köpekleriyle İlgili Sorunlar: Komplikasyonlar Ve Çözme Yolları.şim tarihi: 11.12.2023).
  • Vanak A.T. (2023). Growing Stray Dog Problem is Evidence That The Sterilisation Programme Has Failed.
  • Waltham Forest (2023). Dogs, Animals and Pest Control. Https://Www.Walthamforest.Gov.Uk/ Neighbourhoods/Report-Neighbourhood-Problems/Dogs-Animals-And-Pest-Control/How-Report-Stray-Animal.
  • Wandeler AI, Matter HC, Kappeler A, Budde A. (1993). The ecology of dogs and canine rabies: a selective review. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics), 12(1):51-71.
  • Webster, D. (2013). The Economic Impact Of Stray Cats and Dogs At Tourist Destinations On The TourismIndustry, (11.11.2023).
  • WOAH-World Organisation for Animal Health (2011). Terrestrial Animal Health Code. htm. (Erişim tarihi: 20.11.2023).
  • World Animal Foundation (2023). How Many Dogs Are in The World And What The Canine Population Means To Humans!, Https://Worldanimalfoundation.Org/Dogs/How-Many-Dogs-Are-İn-The-World/.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 17, 34 - 49


Sahipsiz köpek sorunu küresel olarak kentlerde gündelik hayatın önemli bir parçası haline gelmiştir ve pek çok modern şehrin tarihi, başıboş köpeklerle mücadeleyi de içermektedir. Genel olarak sahipsiz hayvanların özelde ise köpeklerin aşırı derecede çoğalmasının toplumsal ve çevresel açıdan pek çok olumsuz etkisi bulunmaktadır. Sahipsiz köpekler bugün pek çok kent için önemli bir politika meselesi haline gelmiştir. Aşılanmamış veya saldırgan köpekler, kamu düzeni ve güvenliği açısından ciddi sıkıntılara neden olmaktadır. İlgili kamu otoriteleri köpeklerden zarar gören halk ile hayvanseverlerin baskılarıyla sıkışmış bir vaziyette sorunu çeşitli yollarla çözmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Kentsel ortamdaki köpek sayısının azaltılması en önemli çözüm olarak görülmekte ve bunun için onların itlaf edilmeleri, kısırlaştırılmaları veya sahiplendirilmeleri gibi pek çok uygulamaya gidilmektedir.
Çalışma literatür araştırmasına dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amaç büyük oranda kentsel ortamda ciddi bir sorun haline gelen köpek saldırıları ve zararları karşısında alınan önlemlerin ve bu önlemlerin sonuçlarının incelenmesidir.


  • Abdulkarim A, Khan M, ve Aklilu, E (2021). Stray Animal Population Control: Methods, Public Health Concern, Ethics, and Animal Welfare Issues. World Veterinary Journal, 11 (3): 319-326.
  • Action Change (2019). Animal Welfare: Managing Stray Cats And Dogs.
  • Akıntürk, M.S. (2022). Sahipsiz Köpeklere Karşı Çözüm Üretmeliyiz. gundem/sahipsiz-kopeklere-karsi-cozum-uretmeliyiz-3879561. (Erişim tarihi: 11.01.2023).
  • Al-Houssari, N. (2021). Health Alert As Lebanon’s Stray Dog Problem Fuels Rabies Fears.. 1935011/middle-east.
  • Anstett, L. (2023). The Global Stray Dog Problem: Causes And Solutions. global-stray-dog-problem-causes-solutions/.
  • Believers IAS Academy (2023). Stray Dogs And Poor Waste Management. stray-dogs-and-poor-waste-management/.
  • Belkadi, A. ve Shih, F. (2023). NGO Says Mercy Killing Of Stray Animals Is Strictly Controlled By Thai Government.
  • Butler, S. M. (2023). Regulating The Working Dog In Medieval England,
  • (2022). Tajikistan: Will New Legislative Amendments Protect Stray Animals?. tajikistan-will-new-legislative-amendments-protect-stray-animals.
  • Canal, D., Martín, B, de Lucas, M. ve Ferrer, M. (2018). Dogs Are The Main Species Involved In Animal-Vehicle Collisions In Southern Spain: Daily, Seasonal And Spatial Analyses Of Collisions. PLoS One, 14, 13(9). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203693.
  • Collin, A. (2018). Medieval Canines: How Did The People Of The Middle Ages Treat Their Dogs?. https://www.historyhit. com/medieval-canines-how-did-the-people-of-the-middle-ages-treat-their-dogs/.
  • Coomans, J. (2021). What Dogs Have To Do With Medieval Public Health. shs_exchange/dogs-medieval-public-health/.
  • Crossland, D. (2009). Germany's Abandoned Dog Crisis. world/europe/ germany-s-abandoned-dog-crisis-1.528871.
  • Damaj, R. (2021). Economic Meltdown In Lebanon Leaves Pets Homeless. originals/2021/12/economic-meltdown-lebanon-leaves-pets-homeless.
  • Dash, D.K. (2022). Stray Animals Second Biggest Reason For Road Accidents, Dogs Account For 58 % Of Them, Insurance Company Report, stray-animals-second-biggest-reason-for-road-accidents-dogs-account-for-58-of-them-insurance-company-report/articleshow/93812664.cms.
  • Dias RA, Guilloux AG, Borba MR, Guarnieri MC, Prist R, Ferreira F, Amaku, M, Neto, JSFN ve Stevenson, M. (2013). Size and spatial distribution of stray dog population in the University of Sao Paulo campus, Brazil. Prev Vet Med (2013) 110(2):263–73. DOI: 10.1016/j. prevetmed.2012.12.002
  • Four Paws (2023a). Stray Animals: Pets Without A Home, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2023). Four Paws (2023b). Stray Animal Care In Bulgaria.
  • Gandhi, M. (2023). Urban Menace: We Should Lower Our Intolerance Towards Stray Dogs. https://www.downtoearth.
  • Garcia, R. (2016). Dog And Cat Populations Management In Urban Areas. World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress Proceedings.
  • Gordon, R. (2017). From Pests To Pets: Social And Cultural Perceptions Of Animals İn Post-Medieval Urban Centres İn England (AD1500–1900). Papers From The Institute Of Archaeology 27(1), doi:
  • Gökduman, HU, Bayramlı, G. ve İlseven G. (2023). Kay Projesi Nedir Ve Niçin Kay?. /hayvansever/kay_projesi.htm.(10.01.2023).
  • Gündoğdu, C. (2018). The State And The Stray Dogs İn Late Ottoman Istanbul: From Unruly Subjects To Servile Friends, Middle Eastern Studies, 54(4):1-20.DOI:10.1080/00263206.2018.1432482.
  • Intozi (2023). Stray Animals Are The Second Most Common Reason For Accidents, Deaths, And Hazards: How AI Video Analytics Tackles Such Problems. pulse/stray-animals-second-most-common-reason-accidents-deaths-hazards-q1bzf.
  • Kasraoui, S. (2023). Morocco Urges Local Authorities To End Use Of Firearms, Poison Against Stray Dogs.
  • Koutrouvelis, G. (2023). Greece’s Ever-Growing Problem With Stray Pets. 3939/news/ greeces-ever-growing-problem-with-stray-pets/.
  • KUAM News (2018). Stray Dogs Pose Serious Health Hazard For Island Residents.
  • KUENSEL (2021). Time For A Radical Approach In Dealing With Stray Dog Problem?,
  • La Fondation Droit Animal (2023). Déclaration Des Droits De L’animal.
  • Lau, A. (2020). A Country Without Stray Dogs,
  • Leach, A. (2014). Animal Welfare: Why Dogs Are A Development Issue, https://www.theguardian. com/global-development-professionals-network/2014/may/02/animal-welfare-stray-dogs-development.
  • Lenin, J., Uniyal M. ve Vanak, A T. (2016). Do Dogs Threaten People's Right To Safety In Public Spaces?. health/dogs-rabies-neutering-safety.
  • Mark, J. J. (2019). Dogs İn The Ancient World. World History Encyclopedia, article/184/dogs-in-the-ancient-world.
  • Mehta, S. (2017). Sharing The Urban Space – Scientific Study Helps Unfold The Often Misunderstood Human-Stray Dog Conflict. Research Matters, 7.
  • Mervosh, S., McClure, J. ve Oxford, T. (2016). These 6 Charts Explain Why Dallas’ Dog Problem Is So Messed Up.
  • New Forest District Council (2023). Stray, lost and found dogs. /article/1020/Stray-lost-and-found-dogs.
  • NYC Health (2005). Protecting Public Health In New York City: 200 Years Of Leadership, 1805-2005.
  • Passut, T. (2017). Rabies And Babies: The Dangers Of Stray, Wild Animals. babies_the_dangers_of_stray_wild_animals.
  • Pearson, C. (2017). Stray Dogs And The Making Of Modern Paris. Past & Present, 234, 137-172.
  • Pektaş, E.K. (2022). Başıboş Köpek Sorunu Nasıl Çözülür?. Gönül Dergisi, 134.
  • Rahman, Z. (2019). Pakistan’s Biggest City Karachi Grapples With Stray Dog Problem.
  • Rowan, A. (2022). Humane Management Of Global Dogs.
  • Sehgal, R, Chavla, S. ve Reece, J. (2011). Population Survey (Census) of Stray Dog Population in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Stray and Feral Animal Populations Collection. 7. https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository. org/strfapop/7.
  • Singh, V. (2023). Tackling the Challenge of Stray Dogs in the Global South Lessons From the Netherlands.
  • Strand, P. (2011). The Global Dog Population Crisis.
  • Taipei Times (2022). Editorial: Growing Stray Numbers Need Control. /News/ editorials/archives/2022/07/19/2003781996.
  • Taylor, L.H, Wallece, R.M., Balaram, D., Lindenmayer, J.M., Eckery, D.C., Watkiss, B.M., Parravani, E. ve Nel, L.H. (2017). The Role Of Dog Population Management In Rabies Elimination-A Review Of Currebt Approaches And Future Opportunities. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 4:109.
  • Thapa, I.B. (2021). Ending The Cycle Of Suffering For Street Dogs With Action: A Story From Voice Of Animal Nepal.
  • ThePetNest (2023). The Netherlands: World's First Country With Zero Stray Dogs - How They Achieved It. pulse /netherlands-worlds-first-country-zero-stray-dogs-how-achieved.
  • The Times of India (2019). Stray Animal Menace Poses Threat To Commuters in Dehradun. cms. (Erişim Tarihi: 24.09.2023).
  • The Welfare of Stray Dogs (2008). The Street Dog İssue, (Erişim Tarihi:11.10.2023).
  • Tuckel, P.S. ve Milczarski, W. (2020). The Changing Epidemiology Of Dog Bite İnjuries in The United States, 2005–2018, Injury Epidemiology, 7-57.
  • ULUCHAY(2022). Sokak Köpekleriyle İlgili Sorunlar: Komplikasyonlar Ve Çözme Yolları.şim tarihi: 11.12.2023).
  • Vanak A.T. (2023). Growing Stray Dog Problem is Evidence That The Sterilisation Programme Has Failed.
  • Waltham Forest (2023). Dogs, Animals and Pest Control. Https://Www.Walthamforest.Gov.Uk/ Neighbourhoods/Report-Neighbourhood-Problems/Dogs-Animals-And-Pest-Control/How-Report-Stray-Animal.
  • Wandeler AI, Matter HC, Kappeler A, Budde A. (1993). The ecology of dogs and canine rabies: a selective review. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics), 12(1):51-71.
  • Webster, D. (2013). The Economic Impact Of Stray Cats and Dogs At Tourist Destinations On The TourismIndustry, (11.11.2023).
  • WOAH-World Organisation for Animal Health (2011). Terrestrial Animal Health Code. htm. (Erişim tarihi: 20.11.2023).
  • World Animal Foundation (2023). How Many Dogs Are in The World And What The Canine Population Means To Humans!, Https://Worldanimalfoundation.Org/Dogs/How-Many-Dogs-Are-İn-The-World/.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kamu Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Gülizar Çakır Sümer 0000-0001-6642-5130

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 17

Kaynak Göster

APA Çakır Sümer, G. (2024). KENTSEL ALANLARDAKİ SAHİPSİZ KÖPEKLER SORUNU VE ÇÖZÜM UYGULAMALARI. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(17), 34-49.