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Siber Güvenlikte Yapay Zekanın Rolü ve Önemi: Bir Derleme

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 97 - 105, 25.12.2022


Yapay zeka teknolojileri, siber güvenlik de dahil olmak üzere birçok alanı kapsamaktadır. Siber güvenliğin temel amacı; bilişim sistemlerini bilgisayar korsanları tarafından gerçekleştirilebilecek yetkisiz erişim, verilerin silinmesi/değiştirilmesi gibi şantajlara karşı korumak ve siber saldırıları önlemektir. Bu çalışma da, yapay zeka teknolojilerinin temel çerçevesi ve kavramları vurgulanarak dijital ortamda siber güvenliğin sağlanması konusunda yapay zekanın rolü ve önemi anlatılmıştır. Sanal dünyada her geçen gün daha da karmaşıklaşan siber tehditler karşısında kullanıcıların mahremiyetini ve verilerini koruyabilmek için yapay zeka yöntemlerini kullanmanın gerekli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • [1] David L. O., Nwulu N. I., Aigbavboa C. O., and depoju O. O., “Integrating fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies into the water, energy & food nexus for sustainable security: A bibliometric analysis,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol63, pp:132522, August 2022.
  • [2] Ebekozien A. and Aigbavboa C., “COVID-19 recovery for the Nigerian construction sites: The role of the fourth industrial revolution technologies,” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol.69, pp:102803, June 2021.
  • [3] Perwej Y., Abbas S. Q., Dixit J. P., Akhtar N., and Jaiswal A. K., “A Systematic Literature Review on the Cyber Security,” International Journal of scientific research and management, vol. 9, no.12, pp:669-710, 2021.
  • [4] Alawida M., Omolara A. E., Abiodun O. I., and Al-Rajab M., “A deeper look into cybersecurity issues in the wake of Covid-19: A survey,” Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, In press, August 2022.
  • [5] Kuzlu M., Fair C., and Guler O., “Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity,” Discover Internet of Things", vol. 1, no. 7, pp:1-14, February 2021.
  • [6] Aggarwal K., Mijwil M. M., Sonia, Al-Mistarehi AH., Alomari S., Gök M., Alaabdin, A. M., and Abdulrhman S. H., “Has the Future Started? The Current Growth of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning,” Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, vol.3, no.1, pp:115-123, January 2022.
  • [7] Tsaramirsis G., Kantaros A., Al-Darraji I., Piromalis D., Apostolopoulos C., et al., “A Modern Approach towards an Industry 4.0 Model: From Driving Technologies to Management,” Journal of Sensors, vol.2022, no.5023011, pp:1-18, June 2022.
  • [8] Saura J. R., Ribeiro-Soriano D., and Palacios-Marqués D., “Setting B2B digital marketing in artificial intelligence-based CRMs: A review and directions for future research,” Industrial Marketing Management, vol.98, pp: 161-178, October 2021.
  • [9] Mijwil M. M., Aggarwal K., Doshi R., Hiran K. K., and Gök M., “The Distinction between R-CNN and Fast R-CNN in Image Analysis: A Performance Comparisont,” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.5, pp:429-437, Novmber 2022.
  • [10] Rammo F. M. and Al-Hamdani M. N., “Detecting The Speaker Language Using CNN Deep Learning Algorithm,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp: 43–52, January 2022.
  • [11] Murad N. M., Rejeb L., and Said L. B., “The Use of DCNN for Road Path Detection and Segmentation,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp: 119-127, June 2022.
  • [12] Korteling J. E., Boer-Visschedijk G. C. V., Blankendaal R. A. M., Boonekamp R. C., and Eikelboom A. R., “Human- versus Artificial Intelligence,” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, vol.4, no.622364, pp:1-13, March 2021.
  • [13] Zhang Y., Geng P., Sivaparthipan C. B., and Muthu B. A.,”Big data and artificial intelligence based early risk warning system of fire hazard for smart cities,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol.45, pp:100986, June 2021.
  • [14] Qamar R., Bajao N., Suwarno I., and Jokhio F. A., “Survey on Generative Adversarial Behavior in Artificial Neural Tasks,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp: 83–94, March 2022.
  • [15] Mijwil, M. M., and Shukur B. S., “A Scoping Review of Machine Learning Techniques and Their Utilisation in Predicting Heart Diseases,” Ibn AL- Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 35, no.3, pp: 175-189, July 2022.
  • [16] Li Y., Xia J., Zhang S., Yan J., Ai X., and Dai K., “An efficient intrusion detection system based on support vector machines and gradually feature removal method,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol.39, no.1, pp:424-430, January 2012.
  • [17] Meskó, B., Hetényi, G. & Győrffy, Z. Will artificial intelligence solve the human resource crisis in healthcare?. BMC Health Serv Res 18, 545 (2018).
  • [18] Blog website, The significant difference between AI, ML and Deep Learning, USoft,
  • [19] Ramadan R. A., Aboshosha B. W., Alshudukhi J. S., Alzahrani A. J., El-Sayed A., and Dessouky M. M., “Cybersecurity and Countermeasures at the Time of Pandemic,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol.2021, no.6627264, pp:1-19, February 2021.
  • [20] Adamu U. and Awan I., “Ransomware Prediction Using Supervised Learning Algorithms,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, 26-28 August 2019, pp:1-6, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • [21] Ahsan M., Nygard K. E., Gomes R., Chowdhury M., Rifat N., and Connolly J. F., “Cybersecurity Threats and Their Mitigation Approaches Using Machine Learning—A Review,” Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, vol.2, no.3, pp:1-29, July 2022.
  • [22] Eghtesadi M. and Florea A., “Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and TikTok: a proposal for health authorities to integrate popular social media platforms in contingency planning amid a global pandemic outbreak,” Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 111, pp:389-391, June 2020.
  • [23] Bohr, A., and Memarzadeh, K., “The rise of artificial intelligence in healthcare applications”. In Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, pp: 25-60. Academic Press, 2020.
  • [24] Jordan Novet, 2017, Microsoft has a new app that tells the visually impaired what's in front of them. CNBC [online]. 18 July 2017. [Accessed;13 December 2022]. Available from:
  • [25] Mijwil, M. M. and Al-Zubaidi, E. A., “Medical Image Classification for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” Iraqi Journal of Science, vol.62, no.8, pp: 2740-2747, August 2021.
  • [26] Mijwil, M. M., “Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Lung X-Ray Images Used to Detect COVID-19 in Humans,” Iraqi Journal of Science, vol.62, no.6., pp: 2099-2109, July 2021.
  • [27] Mijwil M. M., Aggarwal K., Doshi R., Hiran K. K., Sundaravadivazhagan B. “Deep Learning Techniques for COVID-19 Detection Based on Chest X-ray and CT-scan Images: A Short Review and Future Perspective,” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.3, pp:224-231, July 2022.
  • [28] Nasare, R., Shende, A., Aparajit, R., Kadukar, S., Khachane, P., & Gaurkar, M. “Women Security Safety System using Artificial Intelligence”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol. 8, February 2020,
  • [29] Dwivedi Y. K., Hughes D. L., Coombs C., Constantiou I., Duan Y., et al., “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life,” International Journal of Information Management, vol.55, pp:102211, December 2020.
  • [30] Ahmed S., Abbood Z. A., Farhan H. M., Yasen B. T., Ahmed M. R., Duru A. D., “Speaker Identification Model Based on Deep Neural Networks,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 1, p:108–114, January 2022.
  • [31] Mijwil, M. M., Al-Mistarehi, AH., and Aggarwal K., “The Effectiveness of Utilising Modern Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Initiatives to Combat COVID-19 in South Korea: A Narrative Review,” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, vol.9, no.5, pp:343-352, November 2021.
  • [32] Palaniappan A., Dave U., and Gosine B., “Comparing South Korea and Italy’s healthcare systems and initiatives to combat COVID-19,” Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, vol.44, pp:1-5, April 2020.
  • [33] Pal, R. “Applications Of Artificial Intelligence in Company Management, E-Commerce, And Finance: A Review”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, vol.11, February: 2022.
  • [34] Mijwil, M. M., Abttan R. A., and Alkhazraji A., “Artificial intelligence for COVID-19: A Short Article,” Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, vol.10, no.1, pp:1-6, May 2022.
  • [35] Ilyas, M., Rehman, H., & Naït-Ali, A., “Detection of covid-19 from chest x-ray images using artificial intelligence: An early review”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.05436, 2020.
  • [36] Yi, J., Zhang, H., Mao, J., Chen, Y., Zhong, H., & Wang, Y., “Review on the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control system based on AI”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 105184, 2022.
  • [37] Abbas N. N., Ahmed T., Shah S. H. U., Omar M., and Park H. W., “Investigating the applications of artificial intelligence in cyber security,” Scientometrics, vol. 121, pp:1189–1211, September 2019.
  • [38] Chandrasekhar A. M. and Raghuveer K., “Confederation of FCM clustering, ANN and SVM techniques to implement hybrid NIDS using corrected KDD cup 99 dataset,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, 03-05 April 2014, pp:1-6, Melmaruvathur, India.
  • [39] Sudiro, Sunny Arief, and Saepul Lukman. "Minutiae matching algorithm using artificial neural network for fingerprint recognition." 2015 3rd international conference on artificial intelligence, modelling and simulation (AIMS). IEEE, 2015.
  • [40] Ding, Changxing, and Dacheng Tao. "Trunk-branch ensemble convolutional neural networks for video-based face recognition." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40.4 (2017): 1002-1014.
  • [41] Amberkar, Aditya, et al. "Speech recognition using recurrent neural networks." 2018 international conference on current trends towards converging technologies (ICCTCT). IEEE, 2018.
  • [42] Li, Cheng, and Xing Ming Li. "Cyber performance situation awareness on fuzzy correlation analysis." 2017 3rd IEEE international conference on computer and communications (ICCC). IEEE, 2017.
  • [43] Park, Cheol Young, et al. "A process for human-aided multi-entity bayesian networks learning in predictive situation awareness." 2016 19th international conference on information fusion (FUSION). IEEE, 2016.
  • [44] Ahmed, Mohiuddin, Abdun Naser Mahmood, and Jiankun Hu. "A survey of network anomaly detection techniques." Journal of Network and Computer Applications 60 (2016): 19-31.
  • [45] Ji, Yuede, Benjamin Bowman, and H. Howie Huang. "Securing malware cognitive systems against adversarial attacks." 2019 IEEE international conference on cognitive computing (ICCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • [46] Girish, L., and Sridhar KN Rao. "Anomaly detection in cloud environment using artificial intelligence techniques." Computing (2021): 1-14.

The Role and Essence of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity: A Survey

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 97 - 105, 25.12.2022


Today, artificial intelligence technologies are entering into many areas, including the area of cybersecurity, which is a branch of technology. The role of cybersecurity is to defend systems, networks and data from hacking and threats, preventing unauthorised access, tampering with, or deleting data, or blackmailing users. This article strives to determine the significance and role of artificial intelligence in achieving cybersecurity in the digital environment and seeking to preserve user data and information from the penetration and destruction of systems by highlighting the essential dimensions and concepts of artificial intelligence techniques. In this article, the authors decided to confirm the role of artificial intelligence in conducting cybersecurity for users of social networking sites. This article concluded that it is necessary to think about artificial intelligence techniques in employing them to protect the privacy and data of individuals and users across various digital platforms and in all areas.


  • [1] David L. O., Nwulu N. I., Aigbavboa C. O., and depoju O. O., “Integrating fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies into the water, energy & food nexus for sustainable security: A bibliometric analysis,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol63, pp:132522, August 2022.
  • [2] Ebekozien A. and Aigbavboa C., “COVID-19 recovery for the Nigerian construction sites: The role of the fourth industrial revolution technologies,” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol.69, pp:102803, June 2021.
  • [3] Perwej Y., Abbas S. Q., Dixit J. P., Akhtar N., and Jaiswal A. K., “A Systematic Literature Review on the Cyber Security,” International Journal of scientific research and management, vol. 9, no.12, pp:669-710, 2021.
  • [4] Alawida M., Omolara A. E., Abiodun O. I., and Al-Rajab M., “A deeper look into cybersecurity issues in the wake of Covid-19: A survey,” Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, In press, August 2022.
  • [5] Kuzlu M., Fair C., and Guler O., “Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity,” Discover Internet of Things", vol. 1, no. 7, pp:1-14, February 2021.
  • [6] Aggarwal K., Mijwil M. M., Sonia, Al-Mistarehi AH., Alomari S., Gök M., Alaabdin, A. M., and Abdulrhman S. H., “Has the Future Started? The Current Growth of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning,” Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, vol.3, no.1, pp:115-123, January 2022.
  • [7] Tsaramirsis G., Kantaros A., Al-Darraji I., Piromalis D., Apostolopoulos C., et al., “A Modern Approach towards an Industry 4.0 Model: From Driving Technologies to Management,” Journal of Sensors, vol.2022, no.5023011, pp:1-18, June 2022.
  • [8] Saura J. R., Ribeiro-Soriano D., and Palacios-Marqués D., “Setting B2B digital marketing in artificial intelligence-based CRMs: A review and directions for future research,” Industrial Marketing Management, vol.98, pp: 161-178, October 2021.
  • [9] Mijwil M. M., Aggarwal K., Doshi R., Hiran K. K., and Gök M., “The Distinction between R-CNN and Fast R-CNN in Image Analysis: A Performance Comparisont,” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.5, pp:429-437, Novmber 2022.
  • [10] Rammo F. M. and Al-Hamdani M. N., “Detecting The Speaker Language Using CNN Deep Learning Algorithm,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp: 43–52, January 2022.
  • [11] Murad N. M., Rejeb L., and Said L. B., “The Use of DCNN for Road Path Detection and Segmentation,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp: 119-127, June 2022.
  • [12] Korteling J. E., Boer-Visschedijk G. C. V., Blankendaal R. A. M., Boonekamp R. C., and Eikelboom A. R., “Human- versus Artificial Intelligence,” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, vol.4, no.622364, pp:1-13, March 2021.
  • [13] Zhang Y., Geng P., Sivaparthipan C. B., and Muthu B. A.,”Big data and artificial intelligence based early risk warning system of fire hazard for smart cities,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol.45, pp:100986, June 2021.
  • [14] Qamar R., Bajao N., Suwarno I., and Jokhio F. A., “Survey on Generative Adversarial Behavior in Artificial Neural Tasks,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp: 83–94, March 2022.
  • [15] Mijwil, M. M., and Shukur B. S., “A Scoping Review of Machine Learning Techniques and Their Utilisation in Predicting Heart Diseases,” Ibn AL- Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 35, no.3, pp: 175-189, July 2022.
  • [16] Li Y., Xia J., Zhang S., Yan J., Ai X., and Dai K., “An efficient intrusion detection system based on support vector machines and gradually feature removal method,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol.39, no.1, pp:424-430, January 2012.
  • [17] Meskó, B., Hetényi, G. & Győrffy, Z. Will artificial intelligence solve the human resource crisis in healthcare?. BMC Health Serv Res 18, 545 (2018).
  • [18] Blog website, The significant difference between AI, ML and Deep Learning, USoft,
  • [19] Ramadan R. A., Aboshosha B. W., Alshudukhi J. S., Alzahrani A. J., El-Sayed A., and Dessouky M. M., “Cybersecurity and Countermeasures at the Time of Pandemic,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol.2021, no.6627264, pp:1-19, February 2021.
  • [20] Adamu U. and Awan I., “Ransomware Prediction Using Supervised Learning Algorithms,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, 26-28 August 2019, pp:1-6, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • [21] Ahsan M., Nygard K. E., Gomes R., Chowdhury M., Rifat N., and Connolly J. F., “Cybersecurity Threats and Their Mitigation Approaches Using Machine Learning—A Review,” Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, vol.2, no.3, pp:1-29, July 2022.
  • [22] Eghtesadi M. and Florea A., “Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and TikTok: a proposal for health authorities to integrate popular social media platforms in contingency planning amid a global pandemic outbreak,” Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 111, pp:389-391, June 2020.
  • [23] Bohr, A., and Memarzadeh, K., “The rise of artificial intelligence in healthcare applications”. In Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, pp: 25-60. Academic Press, 2020.
  • [24] Jordan Novet, 2017, Microsoft has a new app that tells the visually impaired what's in front of them. CNBC [online]. 18 July 2017. [Accessed;13 December 2022]. Available from:
  • [25] Mijwil, M. M. and Al-Zubaidi, E. A., “Medical Image Classification for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” Iraqi Journal of Science, vol.62, no.8, pp: 2740-2747, August 2021.
  • [26] Mijwil, M. M., “Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Lung X-Ray Images Used to Detect COVID-19 in Humans,” Iraqi Journal of Science, vol.62, no.6., pp: 2099-2109, July 2021.
  • [27] Mijwil M. M., Aggarwal K., Doshi R., Hiran K. K., Sundaravadivazhagan B. “Deep Learning Techniques for COVID-19 Detection Based on Chest X-ray and CT-scan Images: A Short Review and Future Perspective,” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.3, pp:224-231, July 2022.
  • [28] Nasare, R., Shende, A., Aparajit, R., Kadukar, S., Khachane, P., & Gaurkar, M. “Women Security Safety System using Artificial Intelligence”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol. 8, February 2020,
  • [29] Dwivedi Y. K., Hughes D. L., Coombs C., Constantiou I., Duan Y., et al., “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life,” International Journal of Information Management, vol.55, pp:102211, December 2020.
  • [30] Ahmed S., Abbood Z. A., Farhan H. M., Yasen B. T., Ahmed M. R., Duru A. D., “Speaker Identification Model Based on Deep Neural Networks,” Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 1, p:108–114, January 2022.
  • [31] Mijwil, M. M., Al-Mistarehi, AH., and Aggarwal K., “The Effectiveness of Utilising Modern Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Initiatives to Combat COVID-19 in South Korea: A Narrative Review,” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, vol.9, no.5, pp:343-352, November 2021.
  • [32] Palaniappan A., Dave U., and Gosine B., “Comparing South Korea and Italy’s healthcare systems and initiatives to combat COVID-19,” Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, vol.44, pp:1-5, April 2020.
  • [33] Pal, R. “Applications Of Artificial Intelligence in Company Management, E-Commerce, And Finance: A Review”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, vol.11, February: 2022.
  • [34] Mijwil, M. M., Abttan R. A., and Alkhazraji A., “Artificial intelligence for COVID-19: A Short Article,” Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, vol.10, no.1, pp:1-6, May 2022.
  • [35] Ilyas, M., Rehman, H., & Naït-Ali, A., “Detection of covid-19 from chest x-ray images using artificial intelligence: An early review”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.05436, 2020.
  • [36] Yi, J., Zhang, H., Mao, J., Chen, Y., Zhong, H., & Wang, Y., “Review on the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control system based on AI”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 105184, 2022.
  • [37] Abbas N. N., Ahmed T., Shah S. H. U., Omar M., and Park H. W., “Investigating the applications of artificial intelligence in cyber security,” Scientometrics, vol. 121, pp:1189–1211, September 2019.
  • [38] Chandrasekhar A. M. and Raghuveer K., “Confederation of FCM clustering, ANN and SVM techniques to implement hybrid NIDS using corrected KDD cup 99 dataset,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, 03-05 April 2014, pp:1-6, Melmaruvathur, India.
  • [39] Sudiro, Sunny Arief, and Saepul Lukman. "Minutiae matching algorithm using artificial neural network for fingerprint recognition." 2015 3rd international conference on artificial intelligence, modelling and simulation (AIMS). IEEE, 2015.
  • [40] Ding, Changxing, and Dacheng Tao. "Trunk-branch ensemble convolutional neural networks for video-based face recognition." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40.4 (2017): 1002-1014.
  • [41] Amberkar, Aditya, et al. "Speech recognition using recurrent neural networks." 2018 international conference on current trends towards converging technologies (ICCTCT). IEEE, 2018.
  • [42] Li, Cheng, and Xing Ming Li. "Cyber performance situation awareness on fuzzy correlation analysis." 2017 3rd IEEE international conference on computer and communications (ICCC). IEEE, 2017.
  • [43] Park, Cheol Young, et al. "A process for human-aided multi-entity bayesian networks learning in predictive situation awareness." 2016 19th international conference on information fusion (FUSION). IEEE, 2016.
  • [44] Ahmed, Mohiuddin, Abdun Naser Mahmood, and Jiankun Hu. "A survey of network anomaly detection techniques." Journal of Network and Computer Applications 60 (2016): 19-31.
  • [45] Ji, Yuede, Benjamin Bowman, and H. Howie Huang. "Securing malware cognitive systems against adversarial attacks." 2019 IEEE international conference on cognitive computing (ICCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • [46] Girish, L., and Sridhar KN Rao. "Anomaly detection in cloud environment using artificial intelligence techniques." Computing (2021): 1-14.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Maad M. Mıjwıl 0000-0002-2884-2504

Emre Sadıkoğlu 0000-0002-7341-4621

Emine Cengiz 0000-0002-6695-9500

Hasibe Candan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA M. Mıjwıl, M., Sadıkoğlu, E., Cengiz, E., Candan, H. (2022). Siber Güvenlikte Yapay Zekanın Rolü ve Önemi: Bir Derleme. Veri Bilimi, 5(2), 97-105.

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