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Usage of multidimensional scaling technique in the preperation of perception maps: example of private hospitals in Ankara

Yıl 2011, Sayı: 4, 91 - 108, 01.05.2011


Although perception maps are visual tools to be used in the location process of the products for marketing managers in the scope of strategic marketing planning, this issue drew insufficient interest in our country. A gap has also been observed in private hospitals where intense competition has increased rapidly. In this respect, this study has been planned to fill the gap in the private healthcame market and to guide the practitioners.In the first part of the study locating, perception maps and multidimensional scaling technique used in the preparation of the perception maps were examined in detail. In the application part of the study perception maps of 7 7 private hospitals in Ankara were composed according to the data obtained from the consumers. Multidimensional scaling analysis which was determined as the most appropriate statistical technique for the aim of the study was applied to the obtained data. In the frame of the statistical analysis similar and different sides of the private hospitals according to their adjacency and distance were identified. The results of the analysis were interpreted appropriately in detail.


  • BRITO, Pedro Quel has, HAMMOND, kathy, (2007), "Strategic VersucTactical Nature of Sales Promitions" Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 13. Issue 2, s. 131-148
  • CHATURVEDI, Anil, CARROLL, J.Douglas, (2006), "Cluscale: A Three Way Hibrid Model Incorporating Overlapping Clustering and Multidimensional Scaling Structure" Journal of Classification, V.23, s.269-299
  • CHURCHILL, Gilbert J. (1996), Basic Marketing Research, Third Edition, The Dryden Press, USA
  • CONGRAM, Carole A., FRIEDMAN, M.L. (1991), The AMA Handbook of Marketing for The Service Ind., AMA Com.,USA
  • DESARBO, S.Wayne, MONRAI, Ajay K. (1992), "A New Multidimensional Scaling Methodology for the Analysis of Asymmetric Proximity Data in Marketing", Research Marketing Science, Vol. 11, Issue 1, s. 1-20
  • DESARBO, S.Wayne, Jl AN AN, W.V. (2001), "The Joint Spatial Representation of Multiple Variable Batteries Collectea In Marketing Research", Journal of Marketing Research, V.38, s.244-253
  • DESARBO, S.Wayne, RAJDEEP, G., CRYSTAL, J.S. (2008), "A Clustrwise Bilinear Multidimensional Scaling Methodology for Simultaneous Segmentation and Positioning Analyses", Journal of Marketing Research, V.45, s.280-292
  • DEV, Chekitan S., MORGAN, M.S., SHOEMAKE, S.S. (1995), "A Positioning Analysis of Hotel Brands-Based on Travel Manager Perceptions", The Cornel Hotel&Restaurant Administration Quarterly, XXXVI, 6, December, s.80-95
  • FESTERUAND, Troy A. (1999), "US Executives Perceptions of Competing Asian Nations as FDI Destination", Business Forum, V.24, s.24
  • FIRAT, Ümit O. ve DEMİRHAN, A. (2001), Ticaret Bankalarının Performans Analizi, ODTÜ İktisat Kongresi, Ankara
  • FODNESS, Dale, (1990), "Consumer Perceptions of Tourist Attraction", Journal ofTravel Research, XXVIII, 4, Spring, s.3-9
  • FODNESS, Dale, MILNER, L.M. (1992), "A Perceptial Mapping Approach to Theme Park Visitor Segmentation", Tourism Management, XVII, 1, March, s.95-101
  • GÜRSAKAL, Necmi, (2008), Betimsel İstatistik, Dora Yayıncılık, İstanbul
  • JAVALGI, Rajshekhar, THOMAS, E.G., RAO, S.R. (1992), "US Pleasure Travellers Perception of Selected European Destinations", European Journal of Marketing, XXVI, 7, s.45-64
  • KATAHIRA, Hotaka, (1990), "Perceptual Mapping Using Ordered Logit Analysis", Marketing Science, IX, 1, Winter, s.1-17
  • KIMM, Hong-Bumm, (1996), "Perceptual Mapping of Attributes and Preferences: An Emprical of Hotel F&B Product In Korea", International Journal of Hospitality Management, XV, 4, s.373-391
  • KOTLER, Philip, (1996), Marketing Management Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, USA
  • LEHMANN, Donald, WINER, R.S. (1997), Product Management, Second Edition, Richard Irwin, USA
  • LOVELOCK, Cristopher H. (1996), Services Marketing, Prentice Hall, USA
  • LOWENGART, O., MENIPAZ, E. (2001), "On The Marketing of Nations and Multinational Corparations: A Competitive Positioning Mapping", Management Decision, V.39, No:4, s.302-314
  • MAC KAY, David, DROGE, C. (1990), "Extensions of Probabilistic Perceptual Maps with Implications for Competitive Positioning and Choice", International Journal of Research in Marketing, VII, s.265-282
  • MARTIN, J. Andrew, (2006), "Personel Bests (PBs): A Proposed Multidimensional Model and Empirical Analysis", British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 76
  • MYERS, James H. (1996), Segmentation and Positioning for Strategic Marketing Decisions, American Marketing Associations, Chicago
  • PANKHANIA, Asha, LEE, Nick, HOOLEY, Graham, (2007), "Within-Country Ethnic Differences and Product Positioning: A Comparison of the Perceptions of Two British Sub. Cultures", Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.15, Issue 2-3, s.121-138
  • PRIDE, William H., FERRELL, O.C. (1997), Marketing,Tenth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
  • QUNNINGHAM, Lawrance F., YOUNG, Clifford E., LEE, Moonkyu, (2005), "Customer Perceptions of Service Dimensions: American and Asian Perspectives",The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 1, s. 43-59
  • RYAN, Chris, PIKE, Steve, (2003), "Maori-Based Tourism in Rotorua: Perceptions of Place by Domestic Visitors", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 11, Issue 4, s. 307-321
  • SAĞMAL, Özgür, Özel Hastaneler Araştırması,
  • SIMITH, M.Scott, CLARK, M. (1990), "Hospital Image and The Positioning of Service Centers: An Application In Market Analysis and Strategy Development", Journal of Health Care Marketing, V.10,1990, s.13
  • SINHA, Ashish, (2000), "Understanding Supermarket Competition Using Choice Maps", Marketing Letters, V. 11, s.21-35
  • SINHA, Indrojit, DESARBO, W.S. (1998), "An Integrated Apporoach Toward The Spatral Modelling of Perceived Customer Value", Journal of Marketing Research, XXXV, May, s. 236-249
  • TATLI DİL, Hüseyin, (2002), Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz, Ziraat Matbaacılık A.Ş., Ankara
  • TEAS, R.Keneth, GRAPENTIRE, Terry H. (2004), "Testing Market Positioning Themes: A Perceptual Mapping Approach", Journal of Marketing Communications, V.10, s.267-288
  • TEMEL, Türkan, (2003), Özel Hastaneler Sektör Profili, İstanbul Ticaret Odası
  • URBAN, Glen L., STAR, S.H. (1991), Advanced Marketing Strategy Phenomena Analysis Decisions, Prentice Hall Inc., USA
  • ÜNER, Mithat M. (1998), "Otel İşletmelerinde Stratejik Pazarlama Planlamasında Kullanılabilecek Görsel Bir Araç", Anotolia Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9, Eylül-Aralık, s.17-25
  • ÜNER, Mithat M., ALKİBAY, Sanem, (2001), "Algılama Haritaları: Depart-manlı Mağazalar Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma", Gazi Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı:3, Kış, s.79-110
  • WILKIE, William L. (1994), Consumer Behavior, John Wiley&Sons Inc., NewYork

Algılama haritalarının hazırlanmasında çok boyutlu ölçekleme tekniğinin kullanılması: Ankara ili özel hastaneler örneği

Yıl 2011, Sayı: 4, 91 - 108, 01.05.2011


Algılama haritaları pazarlama yöneticilerinin stratejik pazarlama planlaması kapsamında ürün konumlandırma işleminde kullanabilecekleri görsel bir araç olmasına rağmen, ülkemizde bu konu yeterli ilgi görmemektedir. Yoğun rekabetin hızla arttığı özel hastane pazarında da bu boşluk görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, özel hastane pazarındaki bu boşluğu doldurmak ve uygulamacılara yol göstermek amacıyla bu çalışma planlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada konumlandırma, algılama haritaları ve algılama haritalarının hazırlanmasında kullanılan çok boyutlu ölçekleme tekniği detaylı şekilde incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın uygulama bölümünde ise Ankara'da faaliyet gösteren 11 özel hastanenin algılama haritaları, tüketici anketlerinden elde edilen verilerle düzenlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere, çalışmanın amacına en uygun istatistiksel teknik olarak belirlenen çok boyutlu ölçekleme analizi uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz çerçevesinde özel hastanelerin yakınlık ve uzaklıklarına göre benzer ve farklı yönleri ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Sonuçlar, analize uygun şekilde ayrıntılı olarak yorumlanmıştır.


  • BRITO, Pedro Quel has, HAMMOND, kathy, (2007), "Strategic VersucTactical Nature of Sales Promitions" Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 13. Issue 2, s. 131-148
  • CHATURVEDI, Anil, CARROLL, J.Douglas, (2006), "Cluscale: A Three Way Hibrid Model Incorporating Overlapping Clustering and Multidimensional Scaling Structure" Journal of Classification, V.23, s.269-299
  • CHURCHILL, Gilbert J. (1996), Basic Marketing Research, Third Edition, The Dryden Press, USA
  • CONGRAM, Carole A., FRIEDMAN, M.L. (1991), The AMA Handbook of Marketing for The Service Ind., AMA Com.,USA
  • DESARBO, S.Wayne, MONRAI, Ajay K. (1992), "A New Multidimensional Scaling Methodology for the Analysis of Asymmetric Proximity Data in Marketing", Research Marketing Science, Vol. 11, Issue 1, s. 1-20
  • DESARBO, S.Wayne, Jl AN AN, W.V. (2001), "The Joint Spatial Representation of Multiple Variable Batteries Collectea In Marketing Research", Journal of Marketing Research, V.38, s.244-253
  • DESARBO, S.Wayne, RAJDEEP, G., CRYSTAL, J.S. (2008), "A Clustrwise Bilinear Multidimensional Scaling Methodology for Simultaneous Segmentation and Positioning Analyses", Journal of Marketing Research, V.45, s.280-292
  • DEV, Chekitan S., MORGAN, M.S., SHOEMAKE, S.S. (1995), "A Positioning Analysis of Hotel Brands-Based on Travel Manager Perceptions", The Cornel Hotel&Restaurant Administration Quarterly, XXXVI, 6, December, s.80-95
  • FESTERUAND, Troy A. (1999), "US Executives Perceptions of Competing Asian Nations as FDI Destination", Business Forum, V.24, s.24
  • FIRAT, Ümit O. ve DEMİRHAN, A. (2001), Ticaret Bankalarının Performans Analizi, ODTÜ İktisat Kongresi, Ankara
  • FODNESS, Dale, (1990), "Consumer Perceptions of Tourist Attraction", Journal ofTravel Research, XXVIII, 4, Spring, s.3-9
  • FODNESS, Dale, MILNER, L.M. (1992), "A Perceptial Mapping Approach to Theme Park Visitor Segmentation", Tourism Management, XVII, 1, March, s.95-101
  • GÜRSAKAL, Necmi, (2008), Betimsel İstatistik, Dora Yayıncılık, İstanbul
  • JAVALGI, Rajshekhar, THOMAS, E.G., RAO, S.R. (1992), "US Pleasure Travellers Perception of Selected European Destinations", European Journal of Marketing, XXVI, 7, s.45-64
  • KATAHIRA, Hotaka, (1990), "Perceptual Mapping Using Ordered Logit Analysis", Marketing Science, IX, 1, Winter, s.1-17
  • KIMM, Hong-Bumm, (1996), "Perceptual Mapping of Attributes and Preferences: An Emprical of Hotel F&B Product In Korea", International Journal of Hospitality Management, XV, 4, s.373-391
  • KOTLER, Philip, (1996), Marketing Management Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, USA
  • LEHMANN, Donald, WINER, R.S. (1997), Product Management, Second Edition, Richard Irwin, USA
  • LOVELOCK, Cristopher H. (1996), Services Marketing, Prentice Hall, USA
  • LOWENGART, O., MENIPAZ, E. (2001), "On The Marketing of Nations and Multinational Corparations: A Competitive Positioning Mapping", Management Decision, V.39, No:4, s.302-314
  • MAC KAY, David, DROGE, C. (1990), "Extensions of Probabilistic Perceptual Maps with Implications for Competitive Positioning and Choice", International Journal of Research in Marketing, VII, s.265-282
  • MARTIN, J. Andrew, (2006), "Personel Bests (PBs): A Proposed Multidimensional Model and Empirical Analysis", British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 76
  • MYERS, James H. (1996), Segmentation and Positioning for Strategic Marketing Decisions, American Marketing Associations, Chicago
  • PANKHANIA, Asha, LEE, Nick, HOOLEY, Graham, (2007), "Within-Country Ethnic Differences and Product Positioning: A Comparison of the Perceptions of Two British Sub. Cultures", Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.15, Issue 2-3, s.121-138
  • PRIDE, William H., FERRELL, O.C. (1997), Marketing,Tenth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
  • QUNNINGHAM, Lawrance F., YOUNG, Clifford E., LEE, Moonkyu, (2005), "Customer Perceptions of Service Dimensions: American and Asian Perspectives",The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 1, s. 43-59
  • RYAN, Chris, PIKE, Steve, (2003), "Maori-Based Tourism in Rotorua: Perceptions of Place by Domestic Visitors", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 11, Issue 4, s. 307-321
  • SAĞMAL, Özgür, Özel Hastaneler Araştırması,
  • SIMITH, M.Scott, CLARK, M. (1990), "Hospital Image and The Positioning of Service Centers: An Application In Market Analysis and Strategy Development", Journal of Health Care Marketing, V.10,1990, s.13
  • SINHA, Ashish, (2000), "Understanding Supermarket Competition Using Choice Maps", Marketing Letters, V. 11, s.21-35
  • SINHA, Indrojit, DESARBO, W.S. (1998), "An Integrated Apporoach Toward The Spatral Modelling of Perceived Customer Value", Journal of Marketing Research, XXXV, May, s. 236-249
  • TATLI DİL, Hüseyin, (2002), Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz, Ziraat Matbaacılık A.Ş., Ankara
  • TEAS, R.Keneth, GRAPENTIRE, Terry H. (2004), "Testing Market Positioning Themes: A Perceptual Mapping Approach", Journal of Marketing Communications, V.10, s.267-288
  • TEMEL, Türkan, (2003), Özel Hastaneler Sektör Profili, İstanbul Ticaret Odası
  • URBAN, Glen L., STAR, S.H. (1991), Advanced Marketing Strategy Phenomena Analysis Decisions, Prentice Hall Inc., USA
  • ÜNER, Mithat M. (1998), "Otel İşletmelerinde Stratejik Pazarlama Planlamasında Kullanılabilecek Görsel Bir Araç", Anotolia Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9, Eylül-Aralık, s.17-25
  • ÜNER, Mithat M., ALKİBAY, Sanem, (2001), "Algılama Haritaları: Depart-manlı Mağazalar Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma", Gazi Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı:3, Kış, s.79-110
  • WILKIE, William L. (1994), Consumer Behavior, John Wiley&Sons Inc., NewYork
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Aykut Ekiyor Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Ekiyor, A. (2011). Algılama haritalarının hazırlanmasında çok boyutlu ölçekleme tekniğinin kullanılması: Ankara ili özel hastaneler örneği. Verimlilik Dergisi(4), 91-108.

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