Nowadays, the lean approach is accepted as a key for business operations. In recent years, Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
technique based on lean approach has emerged in the literature as a simple but
effective method to provide a holistic view to the state of the value stream in
a business. The objective of this study is to monitor how the non-value added
(waste) work steps can be removed and productivity growth can be achieved by
applying the VSM technique. For this purpose, after literature review, an
automotive firm is chosen with case study approach and a production process in
that firm is analysed in order to increase productivity with VSM technique.
Within the context of the production process, data is collected with focus
group method and observation. Following data analysis, value stream map both
for current and future situations are prepared in line with analysis results.
In case study, implementation processes are defined clearly and remarkable
efficiency gains in terms of cycle time and machine availability are achieved.
As a result, the study may contribute to conceptual framework in literature and
decision making process in production.
• ABDULMALEK, F. A. & RAJGOPAL, J., (2007), Analyzing the Benefits of Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping Via Simulation: A Process Sector Case Study, International Journal of Production Economics, 107, 223-236.
• ADALI, M. R., KİRAZ, A., AKYÜZ, U. & HALK, B., (2017), Yalın Üretime Geçiş Sürecinde Değer Akışı Haritalama Tekniğinin Kullanılması: Büyük Ölçekli Bir Traktör İşletmesinde Uygulama, Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21 (2), 242-251.
• AHMETOĞLU, F., (2007), Değer Akışı Haritalandırma ve CONWIP Sistemine Yönelik Bir Tasarım, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
• BARBER, C. S. & TIETJE, B. C., (2008), A Research Agenda for Value Stream Mapping the Sales Process, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 27 (2), 155-165.
• BEVILACQUA, M., CIARAPICA, F. E. & GIACCHETTA, G., (2008), Value Stream Mapping in Project Management: A Case Study, Project Management Journal, 39 (3), 110-24.
• BİRGÜN, S., GÜLEN K. & ÖZKAN K., (2006), Yalın Üretime Geçiş Sürecinde Değer Akışı Haritalama Tekniğinin Kullanılması: İmalat Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5 (9), 47–48.
• BOTTGER, P. C. & YETTON, P. W., (1987), Improving Group Performance by Training in Individual Problem Solving, Journal of Applied Psychology, 72 (4), 651–657.
• BRUNT, D., (2000), From Current State to Future State: Mapping the Steel to Component Supply Chain, International Journal of Logistics Research Application, 3 (3), 259-271.
• BULUT, K. & ALTUNAY, H., (2016), Değer Akışı Haritalandırma Yöntemi: Mobilya Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 8 (1), 48-55.
• CROWE, S., CRESSWELL, K., ROBERTSON, A., HUBY, G., AVERY, A. & SHEIKH, A., (2011), The Case Study Approach, Medical Research Methodology, 11: 100, 1-9.
• DICKSON, E. W., SINGH, S., CHEUNG, D. S., WYATT, C. C., NUGENT, A. S., (2009), Application of Lean Manufacturing Techniques in the Emergency Department, The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 37 (2), 177-182.
• DOĞAN, N. Ö. & ERSOY, Y., (2016), Hizmet Sektöründe Değer Akış Haritalama Uygulaması: Bir Üniversite Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Örneği, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 48, 103-116.
• DUFLOU, J. R., SUTHERLAND, J. W., DORNFELD, D., HERRMANN, C., JESWITT, J., KARA, S., HAUS- CHILD, M. & KELLENS, K., (2012), Towards Energy and Resource Efficient Manufacturing: A Processes and Systems Approach, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 61, 587-609.
• DUGGAN, K. J., (2002), Creating Mixed Model in Value Streams, New York: Productivity Press.
• EDTMAYR T., SUNK A. & SIHN W., (2016), An Approach to integrate Parameters and Indicators of Sustainability Management into Value Stream Mapping, Procedia CIRP, 41, 289-294.
• EFE, Ö. F. & ENGİN, O., (2012), Yalın Hizmet: Değer Akış Haritalama ve Bir Acil Serviste Uygulama, Verimlilik Dergisi, 2012/4, 79-107.
• EMILIANI, M. L. & STECI, D. J., (2004), Using Value Stream Maps to Improve Leadership, Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 25 (8), 622-645.
• ESAIN, A., (2000), Networks, Benchmarking and Development of the Strategic Supply Base: A Case Study, International Journal of Logistics Resource Application, 3 (2), 157-171.
• FAISAL, M. N., BANWET, D. K. & SHANKAR, R., (2006), Mapping Supply Chains on Risk and Customer Sensitivity Dimensions, Journal of Industrial Management & Data Systems, 106 (6), 878-95.
• FAULKNER, W. & BADURDEEN, F., (2014), Sustainable Value Stream Mapping (Sus-VSM): Methodology to Visualize and Assess Manufacturing Sustainability Performance, Journal of Cleaner Production, 85, 8-18.
• FISHER, W. W., BARMAN, S. & KILLINGSWORTH, P. L., (2011), Value Stream Mapping for Improvement Academic Advising, International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education, 4 (1), 45-59.
• GALLONE, P. & TAYLOR, D., (2001), Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Lean Approach, D. Taylor & D. Brunt (Eds.), From Value Stream Mapping the Development of a Lean Logistic Strategy (pp.141-154). United Kingdom: Thomson, Erişim Tarihi: 15 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir.
• GREEN, J. & THOROGOOD, N., (2009), Qualitative Methods for Health Research, 2 edition, Los Angeles: Sage Publications Inc.
• GÜZEL, S., (2011), Hazır Giyim İşletmesinde Yalın Üretime Geçiş: Değer Akışı Haritalandırma, Hat Tasarımı ve Dengeleme, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
• HARON, S. H. A. & RAMLAN, R., (2015), Patient Process Flow Improvement: Value Stream Mapping, Journal of Management Research, 7 (2), 495-505.
• HENRIQUE, D. B., RENTES, A. F., FILHO, M. G., ESPOSTO, K. F., (2016), A New Value Stream Mapping Approach for Healthcare Environments, Production Planning & Control the Management of Operations, 27 (1), 24-48.
• HINES, P. & RICH, N., (1997), The Seven Value Stream Mapping Tools, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 17 (1), 46-64.
• IKATRINASARI, Z. F. & HARYANTO, E. I., (2014), Implementation of Lean Service with Value Stream Mapping at Directorate Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation, Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia, Journal of Service Science and Management, 7, 291-301.
• IMAI, M., (2014), Gemba Kaizen: Sürekli İyileştirmeye Sağduyulu Bir Yaklaşım, (Çev: Oygur Yamak) Ankara: Nobel Yayın.
• KENNEDY, A. & FRANCES-HUNTZINGER, J., (2005), Lean Accounting: Measuring and Managing the Value Stream, Cost Management, 9 (5), 31-38.
• KLOTZ, L., HORMAN, M., BI, H. H. & BECHTEL, J., (2008), The Impact of Process Mapping on Transparency, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 57 (8), 623-636.
• LASA, I. S., LABURU, C. O. & VILA, R. C., (2008), An Evaluation of the Value Stream Mapping Tool, Business Process Management Journal, 14 (1), 39-52.
• LIN, T., (1997), Study and Analysis of Value Stream for Yesco Production, Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.
• MARUDHAMUTHU, R., KRISHNASWAMY, M. & PILLAI, D. M., (2011), The Development and Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Indian Garment Industry, Jordan, Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 5 (6), 527-532.
• MCDONALD, T., AKEN, E. M. V. & RENTES, A. F., (2002), Utilising Simulation to Enhance Value Stream Mapping: A Manufacturing Case Application, International Journal of Logistics Research Application, 5, 213-232.
• MILES, M. B. & HUBERMAN, M., (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook, 2 edition. CA: Sage Publications Inc.
• ÖZKAN, K., BİRGÜN, S. & KILIÇOĞULLARI, P., (2005), Müşteriden Tedarikçiye Değer Yaratma: Otomotiv Endüstrisinde Değer Akışı Haritalandırma Uygulaması, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, V. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 25-27 Kasım 2005, İstanbul, 307-312.
• ROTHER, M. & SHOOK, J., (1998), Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Elminate Muda, Brookline, Massachusetts: The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc.
• RUSSELL, R. S. & TAYLOR, B. W., (1999), Operations Management, 2th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle Rider.
• SAMAD, M. A., SAIFUL, A. & TUSNIM, N., (2013), Value Stream Mapping to Reduce Manufacturing Lead Time in a Semi- Automated Factory, Asian Transactions on Engineering, 2 (6), 22-28.
• SENTHIL, K. B. & SAMPATH, V. R., (2012), Garment Manufacturing through Lean Initiative – An Empirical Study on WIP Fluctuation in T-Shirt Production Unit, European Journal of Scientific Research, 73 (2), 235-244.
• SETH, D. & GUPTA, V., (2005), Application of Value Stream Mapping for Lean Operations and Cycle Time Reduction: An Indian Case Study, Production Planning & Control, 16 (1), 44–59.
• SETH, D., SETH, N. & GOEL, D., (2008), Application of Value Stream Mapping for Minimization of Wastes in the Processing Side of Supply Chain of Cotton Seed Oil Industry in Indian Context, Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 16, 529-550.
• SHEN, S. X. & HAN, C. F., (2006), China Electrical Manufacturing Services Industry Value Stream Mapping Collaboration, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 18, 285-303.
• SILVA, S. K. P. N., (2012), Applicability of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) in the Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Lean Thinking, 3 (1), 36-41.
• SINGH, B. & SHARMA, S. K., (2009), Value Stream Mapping as a Versatile Tool for Lean Implementation: An Indian Case Study of a Manufacturing Firm, Measuring Business Excellence, 13 (3), 58-68.
• STAKE, R. E., (1995), The Art of Case Study Research, London: Sage Publications Ltd.
• STOECKER, R., (1991), Evaluating and Rethinking the Case Study, The Sociological Review, 39 (1), 88-112.
• SULLIVAN, W. G., MCDONALD, T. N. & AKEN, E. M. V., (2002), Equipment Replacement Decisions and Lean Manufacturing, Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 18, 255-265.
• TAJ, S., (2008), Lean Manufacturing Performance in China: Assessment of 65 Manufacturing Plants, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19 (2), 217-234.
• THORSEN, W., (2005), Value Stream Mapping, New York: McGraw-Hill.
• TYAGI, S., CHOUDHARY, A., CAI, X. & YANG, K., (2015), Value Stream Mapping to Reduce the Lead-Time of a Product Development Process, International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 202-212.
• VENKATRAMAN, K., RAMNATH, B. V., KUMAR, V. M. & ELANCHEZIAN, C., (2014), Application of Value Stream Mapping for Reduction of Cycle Time in a Machining Process, Procedia Material Science, 6, 1187-1196.
• WEE, H. M., WU, S., (2009), Lean Supply Chain and its Effect on Product Cost and Quality: A Case Study on Ford Motor Company, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14 (5), 335-341.
• YILDIZ, E. Z. & GÜNER, M., (2013), Applying Value Stream Mapping Technique in Apparel Industry, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Dergisi, 23 (4), 393-400.
• YIN, R., (1994), Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 2. Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
• YIN, R. K., (1999), Enhancing the Quality of Case Studies in Health Services Research, Health Services Research, 34 (5), 1209-1224.
• YIN, R. K., (2009), Case Study Research, Design and Method, 4. Edition, London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Günümüzde yalın yaklaşım,
işletmeler açısından anahtar kabul edilmekte, son yıllarda alanyazında bu
yaklaşıma dayanan yöntemler içerisinde Değer Akışı Haritalandırma (DAH) Yönteminin
bir işletmedeki değer akışı koşullarına bütüncül bir bakış sağlamada sade ama
etkili bir yöntem olarak öne çıktığı tartışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Vaka
Çalışması Yaklaşımı esas alınarak DAH Tekniğinin bir üretim prosesine
uygulanması ile israfların nasıl ortadan kaldırılabileceğini ve
iyileştirmelerle verimlilik artışı sağlanabileceğini incelemektir. Bu amacı
karşılayabilmek için ilgili alanyazın incelenerek, Vaka Çalışması Yaklaşımıyla seçilen
bir otomotiv firması ve dolasıyla bu firmanın bir fabrikasındaki bir parça
üretim prosesi ele alınmış ve DAH uygulaması ile bu prosesin verimliliği
arttırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada, ele alınan üretim prosesi kapsamında; Belge,
Gözlem ve Odak Grup Görüşmesi yöntemlerinden yararlanılarak veri toplanmıştır.
Verilerin analiz edilmesi ile öncelikli olarak mevcut Değer Akış Haritası
çıkarılmış ve sonrasında analiz sonuçlarına dayanarak geliştirilen
iyileştirmelerle gelecek durum için Değer Akış Haritası tekrar çizilmiştir. Bu
süreçlerde, oluşturulan beyin fırtınası takımı ile birlikte çalışılmıştır.
Gerçekleştirilen uygulama ile özellikle çevrim zamanı ve makineler konusunda
önemli verimlilik artışları sağlanmıştır. Uygulama süreçleri mümkün olduğunca
ayrıntılı ve açık olarak tanımlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dolayısıyla çalışmanın hem
kavramsal alanyazına hem de özellikle üretim sektörlerindeki karar alıcılara
katkı sağlayıcı ipuçları içeren bir niteliğe sahip olduğu söylenebilir.
• ABDULMALEK, F. A. & RAJGOPAL, J., (2007), Analyzing the Benefits of Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping Via Simulation: A Process Sector Case Study, International Journal of Production Economics, 107, 223-236.
• ADALI, M. R., KİRAZ, A., AKYÜZ, U. & HALK, B., (2017), Yalın Üretime Geçiş Sürecinde Değer Akışı Haritalama Tekniğinin Kullanılması: Büyük Ölçekli Bir Traktör İşletmesinde Uygulama, Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21 (2), 242-251.
• AHMETOĞLU, F., (2007), Değer Akışı Haritalandırma ve CONWIP Sistemine Yönelik Bir Tasarım, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
• BARBER, C. S. & TIETJE, B. C., (2008), A Research Agenda for Value Stream Mapping the Sales Process, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 27 (2), 155-165.
• BEVILACQUA, M., CIARAPICA, F. E. & GIACCHETTA, G., (2008), Value Stream Mapping in Project Management: A Case Study, Project Management Journal, 39 (3), 110-24.
• BİRGÜN, S., GÜLEN K. & ÖZKAN K., (2006), Yalın Üretime Geçiş Sürecinde Değer Akışı Haritalama Tekniğinin Kullanılması: İmalat Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5 (9), 47–48.
• BOTTGER, P. C. & YETTON, P. W., (1987), Improving Group Performance by Training in Individual Problem Solving, Journal of Applied Psychology, 72 (4), 651–657.
• BRUNT, D., (2000), From Current State to Future State: Mapping the Steel to Component Supply Chain, International Journal of Logistics Research Application, 3 (3), 259-271.
• BULUT, K. & ALTUNAY, H., (2016), Değer Akışı Haritalandırma Yöntemi: Mobilya Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 8 (1), 48-55.
• CROWE, S., CRESSWELL, K., ROBERTSON, A., HUBY, G., AVERY, A. & SHEIKH, A., (2011), The Case Study Approach, Medical Research Methodology, 11: 100, 1-9.
• DICKSON, E. W., SINGH, S., CHEUNG, D. S., WYATT, C. C., NUGENT, A. S., (2009), Application of Lean Manufacturing Techniques in the Emergency Department, The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 37 (2), 177-182.
• DOĞAN, N. Ö. & ERSOY, Y., (2016), Hizmet Sektöründe Değer Akış Haritalama Uygulaması: Bir Üniversite Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Örneği, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 48, 103-116.
• DUFLOU, J. R., SUTHERLAND, J. W., DORNFELD, D., HERRMANN, C., JESWITT, J., KARA, S., HAUS- CHILD, M. & KELLENS, K., (2012), Towards Energy and Resource Efficient Manufacturing: A Processes and Systems Approach, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 61, 587-609.
• DUGGAN, K. J., (2002), Creating Mixed Model in Value Streams, New York: Productivity Press.
• EDTMAYR T., SUNK A. & SIHN W., (2016), An Approach to integrate Parameters and Indicators of Sustainability Management into Value Stream Mapping, Procedia CIRP, 41, 289-294.
• EFE, Ö. F. & ENGİN, O., (2012), Yalın Hizmet: Değer Akış Haritalama ve Bir Acil Serviste Uygulama, Verimlilik Dergisi, 2012/4, 79-107.
• EMILIANI, M. L. & STECI, D. J., (2004), Using Value Stream Maps to Improve Leadership, Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 25 (8), 622-645.
• ESAIN, A., (2000), Networks, Benchmarking and Development of the Strategic Supply Base: A Case Study, International Journal of Logistics Resource Application, 3 (2), 157-171.
• FAISAL, M. N., BANWET, D. K. & SHANKAR, R., (2006), Mapping Supply Chains on Risk and Customer Sensitivity Dimensions, Journal of Industrial Management & Data Systems, 106 (6), 878-95.
• FAULKNER, W. & BADURDEEN, F., (2014), Sustainable Value Stream Mapping (Sus-VSM): Methodology to Visualize and Assess Manufacturing Sustainability Performance, Journal of Cleaner Production, 85, 8-18.
• FISHER, W. W., BARMAN, S. & KILLINGSWORTH, P. L., (2011), Value Stream Mapping for Improvement Academic Advising, International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education, 4 (1), 45-59.
• GALLONE, P. & TAYLOR, D., (2001), Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Lean Approach, D. Taylor & D. Brunt (Eds.), From Value Stream Mapping the Development of a Lean Logistic Strategy (pp.141-154). United Kingdom: Thomson, Erişim Tarihi: 15 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir.
• GREEN, J. & THOROGOOD, N., (2009), Qualitative Methods for Health Research, 2 edition, Los Angeles: Sage Publications Inc.
• GÜZEL, S., (2011), Hazır Giyim İşletmesinde Yalın Üretime Geçiş: Değer Akışı Haritalandırma, Hat Tasarımı ve Dengeleme, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
• HARON, S. H. A. & RAMLAN, R., (2015), Patient Process Flow Improvement: Value Stream Mapping, Journal of Management Research, 7 (2), 495-505.
• HENRIQUE, D. B., RENTES, A. F., FILHO, M. G., ESPOSTO, K. F., (2016), A New Value Stream Mapping Approach for Healthcare Environments, Production Planning & Control the Management of Operations, 27 (1), 24-48.
• HINES, P. & RICH, N., (1997), The Seven Value Stream Mapping Tools, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 17 (1), 46-64.
• IKATRINASARI, Z. F. & HARYANTO, E. I., (2014), Implementation of Lean Service with Value Stream Mapping at Directorate Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation, Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia, Journal of Service Science and Management, 7, 291-301.
• IMAI, M., (2014), Gemba Kaizen: Sürekli İyileştirmeye Sağduyulu Bir Yaklaşım, (Çev: Oygur Yamak) Ankara: Nobel Yayın.
• KENNEDY, A. & FRANCES-HUNTZINGER, J., (2005), Lean Accounting: Measuring and Managing the Value Stream, Cost Management, 9 (5), 31-38.
• KLOTZ, L., HORMAN, M., BI, H. H. & BECHTEL, J., (2008), The Impact of Process Mapping on Transparency, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 57 (8), 623-636.
• LASA, I. S., LABURU, C. O. & VILA, R. C., (2008), An Evaluation of the Value Stream Mapping Tool, Business Process Management Journal, 14 (1), 39-52.
• LIN, T., (1997), Study and Analysis of Value Stream for Yesco Production, Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.
• MARUDHAMUTHU, R., KRISHNASWAMY, M. & PILLAI, D. M., (2011), The Development and Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Indian Garment Industry, Jordan, Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 5 (6), 527-532.
• MCDONALD, T., AKEN, E. M. V. & RENTES, A. F., (2002), Utilising Simulation to Enhance Value Stream Mapping: A Manufacturing Case Application, International Journal of Logistics Research Application, 5, 213-232.
• MILES, M. B. & HUBERMAN, M., (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook, 2 edition. CA: Sage Publications Inc.
• ÖZKAN, K., BİRGÜN, S. & KILIÇOĞULLARI, P., (2005), Müşteriden Tedarikçiye Değer Yaratma: Otomotiv Endüstrisinde Değer Akışı Haritalandırma Uygulaması, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, V. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 25-27 Kasım 2005, İstanbul, 307-312.
• ROTHER, M. & SHOOK, J., (1998), Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Elminate Muda, Brookline, Massachusetts: The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc.
• RUSSELL, R. S. & TAYLOR, B. W., (1999), Operations Management, 2th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle Rider.
• SAMAD, M. A., SAIFUL, A. & TUSNIM, N., (2013), Value Stream Mapping to Reduce Manufacturing Lead Time in a Semi- Automated Factory, Asian Transactions on Engineering, 2 (6), 22-28.
• SENTHIL, K. B. & SAMPATH, V. R., (2012), Garment Manufacturing through Lean Initiative – An Empirical Study on WIP Fluctuation in T-Shirt Production Unit, European Journal of Scientific Research, 73 (2), 235-244.
• SETH, D. & GUPTA, V., (2005), Application of Value Stream Mapping for Lean Operations and Cycle Time Reduction: An Indian Case Study, Production Planning & Control, 16 (1), 44–59.
• SETH, D., SETH, N. & GOEL, D., (2008), Application of Value Stream Mapping for Minimization of Wastes in the Processing Side of Supply Chain of Cotton Seed Oil Industry in Indian Context, Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 16, 529-550.
• SHEN, S. X. & HAN, C. F., (2006), China Electrical Manufacturing Services Industry Value Stream Mapping Collaboration, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 18, 285-303.
• SILVA, S. K. P. N., (2012), Applicability of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) in the Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Lean Thinking, 3 (1), 36-41.
• SINGH, B. & SHARMA, S. K., (2009), Value Stream Mapping as a Versatile Tool for Lean Implementation: An Indian Case Study of a Manufacturing Firm, Measuring Business Excellence, 13 (3), 58-68.
• STAKE, R. E., (1995), The Art of Case Study Research, London: Sage Publications Ltd.
• STOECKER, R., (1991), Evaluating and Rethinking the Case Study, The Sociological Review, 39 (1), 88-112.
• SULLIVAN, W. G., MCDONALD, T. N. & AKEN, E. M. V., (2002), Equipment Replacement Decisions and Lean Manufacturing, Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 18, 255-265.
• TAJ, S., (2008), Lean Manufacturing Performance in China: Assessment of 65 Manufacturing Plants, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19 (2), 217-234.
• THORSEN, W., (2005), Value Stream Mapping, New York: McGraw-Hill.
• TYAGI, S., CHOUDHARY, A., CAI, X. & YANG, K., (2015), Value Stream Mapping to Reduce the Lead-Time of a Product Development Process, International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 202-212.
• VENKATRAMAN, K., RAMNATH, B. V., KUMAR, V. M. & ELANCHEZIAN, C., (2014), Application of Value Stream Mapping for Reduction of Cycle Time in a Machining Process, Procedia Material Science, 6, 1187-1196.
• WEE, H. M., WU, S., (2009), Lean Supply Chain and its Effect on Product Cost and Quality: A Case Study on Ford Motor Company, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14 (5), 335-341.
• YILDIZ, E. Z. & GÜNER, M., (2013), Applying Value Stream Mapping Technique in Apparel Industry, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Dergisi, 23 (4), 393-400.
• YIN, R., (1994), Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 2. Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
• YIN, R. K., (1999), Enhancing the Quality of Case Studies in Health Services Research, Health Services Research, 34 (5), 1209-1224.
• YIN, R. K., (2009), Case Study Research, Design and Method, 4. Edition, London: Sage Publications Ltd.