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Bal arılarında nosemosise karşı probiyotik, timol, naringenin ve fumagillin uygulamalarının CRITIC-TOPSIS yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2025, , 52 - 61, 15.01.2025


Bal arılarında bağırsak mikroflorasını modüle etmek için antibiyotiklere alternatif olarak probiyotikler ve doğal bitki ekstraktları kullanılmaktadır. Bu bileşikler bağırsakta patojen mikroorganizma kolonizasyonunu önleyerek sürdürülebilir bal arısı üretimi sağlayabilir. Ancak bal arısı hastalıklarını önlemek veya tedavi etmek için uygun ürünleri seçmek zor olabilir. Bu nedenle uygun ürünün belirlenmesinde çok kriterli karar verme (ÇKKV) yöntemleri kullanılabilir. Mevcut çalışmada Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC)-Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) entegre yöntemi yardımıyla temel performans parametreleri (mortalite ve bal verimi) ve Nosema spp. spor sayısında azalma yüzdesi kriteri kullanarak, nosemosis hastalığını tedavi etmek veya önlemek için fumagillin antibiyotiğine alternatif olarak bazı maddelerin değerlendirmesi amaçlandı. Kriter değerleri önceki araştırma çalışmalarından elde edildi ve ilgili araştırmadaki kontrol gruplarına göre düzenlendi. İlk aşamada kriterlerin (Nosema spp. sporları, mortalite ve bal verimi) ağırlıkları, CRITIC analizi kullanılarak hesaplandı. Daha sonra bu kriter ağırlıkları TOPSIS analizinde kullanıldı ve dört alternatif (fumagillin, probiyotikler, timol ve naringenin) sıralandı. Nosema spp.'nin spor sayısını azaltma, mortalite ve bal verimi ağırlıkları sırasıyla 0,428, 0,306 ve 0,266 olarak bulundu. Beklendiği gibi fumagillin antibiyotiğinin 0,670 ile en yüksek puanı aldığı belirlendi. Naringenin, probiyotikler ve timol sırasıyla 0,617, 0,411 ve 0,046 puanla fumagillini takip etti. Sonuç olarak, naringeninin bal arılarındaki Nosemosis hastalığına karşı etkili bir alternatif ürün olabileceği kanısına varıldı. Ancak mevcut bulguların saha çalışmaları ile desteklenmesi gerekmektedir.


  • Klassen SS, VanBlyderveen W, Eccles L, Kelly PG, Borges D, Goodwin PH, et al. Nosema ceranae infections in honey bees (Apis mellifera) treated with pre/probiotics and impacts on colonies in the field. Vet Sci. 2021;8(6):107.
  • Borges D, Guzman-Novoa E, Goodwin PH. Effects of prebiotics and probiotics on honey bees (Apis mellifera) infected with the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae. Microorganisms. 2021;9(3):481.
  • Georgi I, Didaras NA, Nikolaidis M, Dimitriou TG, Charistos L, Hatjina F, et al. The impact of Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae natural infection on honey bee (Apis mellifera) and bee bread microbiota. Appl Sci. 2022;12(22):11476.
  • Li JH, Evans JD, Li WF, Zhao YZ, DeGrandi-Hoffman G, Huang SK, et al. New evidence showing that the destruction of gut bacteria by antibiotic treatment could increase the honey bee's vulnerability to Nosema infection. PLoS One. 2017;12(11):e0187505.
  • Commission E. Commission Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 of 22 December 2009 on pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits in foodstuffs of animal origin. Off J Eur Union. 2010;15(2377):1-72.
  • Maggi M, Negri P, Plischuk S, Szawarski N, De Piano F, De Feudis L, et al. Effects of the organic acids produced by a lactic acid bacterium in Apis mellifera colony development, Nosema ceranae control and fumagillin efficiency. Vet Microbiol. 2013;167(3-4):474-83.
  • Tlak Gajger I, Nejedli S, Cvetnić L. Influence of probiotic feed supplement on Nosema spp. infection level and the gut microbiota of adult honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Microorganisms. 2023;11(3):610.
  • Ptaszyńska AA, Borsuk G, Zdybicka-Barabas A, Cytryńska M, Małek W. Are commercial probiotics and prebiotics effective in the treatment and prevention of honeybee nosemosis C? Parasitol Res. 2016;115(1):397-406.
  • Kunat-Budzyńska M, Budzyński M, Schulz M, Strachecka A, Gancarz M, Rusinek R, et al. Natural substances, probiotics, and synthetic agents in the treatment and prevention of honeybee nosemosis. Pathogens. 2022;11(11):1269.
  • Salehi B, Fokou PV, Sharifi-Rad M, Zucca P, Pezzani R, Martins N, et al. The therapeutic potential of naringenin: A review of clinical trials. Pharmaceuticals. 2019;12(1):11.
  • Glavinic U, Blagojevic J, Ristanic M, Stevanovic J, Lakic N, Mirilovic M, et al. Use of thymol in Nosema ceranae control and health improvement of infected honey bees. Insects. 2022;13(7):574.
  • Farhadi Z, Sadeghi AA, Motamedi Sedeh F, Chamani M. The effects of thymol, oxalic acid (Api-Bioxal) and hops extract (Nose-Go) on viability, the Nosema sp. spore load and the expression of vg and sod-1 genes in infected honey bees. Anim Biotechnol. 2023;34(9):4736-45.
  • Hassan I, Alhamrouni I, Azhan NH. A CRITIC–TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making approach for optimum site selection for solar PV farm. Energies. 2023;16(10):4245.
  • Borges D, Guzman-Novoa E, Goodwin PH. Control of the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera) using nutraceutical and immuno-stimulatory compounds. PLoS One. 2020;15(1):e0227484.
  • Vargas-Valero A, Barrientos-Medina RC, Medina Medina LA. Efficacy of thymol in control of the fungus Nosema ceranae in Africanized Apis mellifera. Rev Mex Cienc Pecu. 2021;12(2):633-43.
  • Aziz MA, Azeem M, Ahmed MS, Siddique F, Jamal M. Control of Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman (Acari: Varroidae) on Apis mellifera linguistica by using thymol and formic acid in Pothwar region of Punjab, Pakistan. Asian J Agric Biol. 2015;3(4):150-4.
  • Diakoulaki D, Mavrotas G, Papayannakis L. Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: The CRITIC method. Comput Oper Res. 1995;22(7):763-70.
  • Hwang CL, Yoon K. Methods for multiple attribute decision making. In: Hwang CL, Yoon K, editors. Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications A State-of-the-Art Survey. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 1981. p. 58-191.
  • Hwang CL, Lai YJ, Liu TY. A new approach for multiple objective decision making. Comput Oper Res. 1993;20(8):889-99.
  • Zulqarnain R, Saeed M, Ahmad N, Dayan F, Ahmad B. Application of TOPSIS method for decision making. IJSRMSS. 2020;7(2):76-81.
  • Hanine M, Boutkhoum O, Tikniouine A, Agouti T. Application of an integrated multi-criteria decision making AHP-TOPSIS methodology for ETL software selection. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):263.
  • Maistrello L, Lodesani M, Costa C, Leonardi F, Marani G, Caldon M, et al. Screening of natural compounds for the control of Nosema disease in honeybees (Apis mellifera). Apidologie. 2008;39(4):436-45.
  • Higes M, Martín-Hernández R, Botías C, Bailón EG, González-Porto AV, Barrios L, et al. How natural infection by Nosema ceranae causes honeybee colony collapse. Environ Microbiol. 2008;10(10):2659-69.
  • Costa C, Lodesani M, Maistrello L. Effect of thymol and resveratrol administered with candy or syrup on the development of Nosema ceranae and on the longevity of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in laboratory conditions. Apidologie. 2010;41(2):141-50.
  • Özkırım A, Küçüközmen B. Application of herbal essential oil extract mixture for honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) against Nosema ceranae and Nosema apis. J Apic Sci. 2021;65(1):163-75.
  • Huang WF, Solter LF. Comparative development and tissue tropism of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. J Invertebr Pathol. 2013;113(1):35-41.
  • Iorizzo M, Letizia F, Ganassi S, Testa B, Petrarca S, Albanese G, et al. Recent advances in the biocontrol of nosemosis in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). J Fungi. 2022;8(5):424.
  • van den Heever JP, Thompson TS, Otto SJG, Curtis JM, Ibrahim A, Pernal SF. Evaluation of Fumagilin-B® and other potential alternative chemotherapies against Nosema ceranae-infected honeybees (Apis mellifera) in cage trial assays. Apidologie. 2016;47(5):617-30.

Evaluation of probiotics, thymol, naringenin, and fumagillin applications against nosemosis in honeybees by CRITIC-TOPSIS method

Yıl 2025, , 52 - 61, 15.01.2025


Natural herbal extracts and probiotics have been used as alternatives to antibiotics to modulate honeybee gut microflora. These compounds can provide sustainable honeybee production by preventing pathogenic microorganism colonization in the gut. However, selecting the right products to prevent or treat honeybee diseases can be challenging. Therefore, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods can be used to determine the suitable product. We aimed to use the Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC)-Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) integrated method to evaluate some substances as alternatives to fumagillin antibiotic for treating or preventing nosemosis disease using main performance parameters (mortality and honey yield) and Nosema spp. spore count reduction per cent criteria. The criteria values were acquired from previous research studies and adjusted based on the control groups in the relevant research. Criteria (Nosema spp. spores, mortality, and honey yield) weights were calculated using CRITIC analysis. These criteria weights were used in the TOPSIS analysis, and four alternatives (Fumagillin, probiotics, thymol, and naringenin) were ranked. The weightage of Nosema spp. spores reduction, mortality, and honey yield were 0.428, 0,306, and 0.266, respectively. Expectedly, we determined that the fumagillin antibiotic had the highest score of 0.670. Naringenin, probiotics, and thymol followed the fumagillin with scores of 0.617, 0.411, and 0.046, respectively. In conclusion, we suggested that naringenin might be a potent alternative product against nosemosis in honeybees. However, the present findings must be supported by field studies.


  • Klassen SS, VanBlyderveen W, Eccles L, Kelly PG, Borges D, Goodwin PH, et al. Nosema ceranae infections in honey bees (Apis mellifera) treated with pre/probiotics and impacts on colonies in the field. Vet Sci. 2021;8(6):107.
  • Borges D, Guzman-Novoa E, Goodwin PH. Effects of prebiotics and probiotics on honey bees (Apis mellifera) infected with the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae. Microorganisms. 2021;9(3):481.
  • Georgi I, Didaras NA, Nikolaidis M, Dimitriou TG, Charistos L, Hatjina F, et al. The impact of Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae natural infection on honey bee (Apis mellifera) and bee bread microbiota. Appl Sci. 2022;12(22):11476.
  • Li JH, Evans JD, Li WF, Zhao YZ, DeGrandi-Hoffman G, Huang SK, et al. New evidence showing that the destruction of gut bacteria by antibiotic treatment could increase the honey bee's vulnerability to Nosema infection. PLoS One. 2017;12(11):e0187505.
  • Commission E. Commission Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 of 22 December 2009 on pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits in foodstuffs of animal origin. Off J Eur Union. 2010;15(2377):1-72.
  • Maggi M, Negri P, Plischuk S, Szawarski N, De Piano F, De Feudis L, et al. Effects of the organic acids produced by a lactic acid bacterium in Apis mellifera colony development, Nosema ceranae control and fumagillin efficiency. Vet Microbiol. 2013;167(3-4):474-83.
  • Tlak Gajger I, Nejedli S, Cvetnić L. Influence of probiotic feed supplement on Nosema spp. infection level and the gut microbiota of adult honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Microorganisms. 2023;11(3):610.
  • Ptaszyńska AA, Borsuk G, Zdybicka-Barabas A, Cytryńska M, Małek W. Are commercial probiotics and prebiotics effective in the treatment and prevention of honeybee nosemosis C? Parasitol Res. 2016;115(1):397-406.
  • Kunat-Budzyńska M, Budzyński M, Schulz M, Strachecka A, Gancarz M, Rusinek R, et al. Natural substances, probiotics, and synthetic agents in the treatment and prevention of honeybee nosemosis. Pathogens. 2022;11(11):1269.
  • Salehi B, Fokou PV, Sharifi-Rad M, Zucca P, Pezzani R, Martins N, et al. The therapeutic potential of naringenin: A review of clinical trials. Pharmaceuticals. 2019;12(1):11.
  • Glavinic U, Blagojevic J, Ristanic M, Stevanovic J, Lakic N, Mirilovic M, et al. Use of thymol in Nosema ceranae control and health improvement of infected honey bees. Insects. 2022;13(7):574.
  • Farhadi Z, Sadeghi AA, Motamedi Sedeh F, Chamani M. The effects of thymol, oxalic acid (Api-Bioxal) and hops extract (Nose-Go) on viability, the Nosema sp. spore load and the expression of vg and sod-1 genes in infected honey bees. Anim Biotechnol. 2023;34(9):4736-45.
  • Hassan I, Alhamrouni I, Azhan NH. A CRITIC–TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making approach for optimum site selection for solar PV farm. Energies. 2023;16(10):4245.
  • Borges D, Guzman-Novoa E, Goodwin PH. Control of the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera) using nutraceutical and immuno-stimulatory compounds. PLoS One. 2020;15(1):e0227484.
  • Vargas-Valero A, Barrientos-Medina RC, Medina Medina LA. Efficacy of thymol in control of the fungus Nosema ceranae in Africanized Apis mellifera. Rev Mex Cienc Pecu. 2021;12(2):633-43.
  • Aziz MA, Azeem M, Ahmed MS, Siddique F, Jamal M. Control of Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman (Acari: Varroidae) on Apis mellifera linguistica by using thymol and formic acid in Pothwar region of Punjab, Pakistan. Asian J Agric Biol. 2015;3(4):150-4.
  • Diakoulaki D, Mavrotas G, Papayannakis L. Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: The CRITIC method. Comput Oper Res. 1995;22(7):763-70.
  • Hwang CL, Yoon K. Methods for multiple attribute decision making. In: Hwang CL, Yoon K, editors. Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications A State-of-the-Art Survey. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 1981. p. 58-191.
  • Hwang CL, Lai YJ, Liu TY. A new approach for multiple objective decision making. Comput Oper Res. 1993;20(8):889-99.
  • Zulqarnain R, Saeed M, Ahmad N, Dayan F, Ahmad B. Application of TOPSIS method for decision making. IJSRMSS. 2020;7(2):76-81.
  • Hanine M, Boutkhoum O, Tikniouine A, Agouti T. Application of an integrated multi-criteria decision making AHP-TOPSIS methodology for ETL software selection. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):263.
  • Maistrello L, Lodesani M, Costa C, Leonardi F, Marani G, Caldon M, et al. Screening of natural compounds for the control of Nosema disease in honeybees (Apis mellifera). Apidologie. 2008;39(4):436-45.
  • Higes M, Martín-Hernández R, Botías C, Bailón EG, González-Porto AV, Barrios L, et al. How natural infection by Nosema ceranae causes honeybee colony collapse. Environ Microbiol. 2008;10(10):2659-69.
  • Costa C, Lodesani M, Maistrello L. Effect of thymol and resveratrol administered with candy or syrup on the development of Nosema ceranae and on the longevity of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in laboratory conditions. Apidologie. 2010;41(2):141-50.
  • Özkırım A, Küçüközmen B. Application of herbal essential oil extract mixture for honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) against Nosema ceranae and Nosema apis. J Apic Sci. 2021;65(1):163-75.
  • Huang WF, Solter LF. Comparative development and tissue tropism of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. J Invertebr Pathol. 2013;113(1):35-41.
  • Iorizzo M, Letizia F, Ganassi S, Testa B, Petrarca S, Albanese G, et al. Recent advances in the biocontrol of nosemosis in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). J Fungi. 2022;8(5):424.
  • van den Heever JP, Thompson TS, Otto SJG, Curtis JM, Ibrahim A, Pernal SF. Evaluation of Fumagilin-B® and other potential alternative chemotherapies against Nosema ceranae-infected honeybees (Apis mellifera) in cage trial assays. Apidologie. 2016;47(5):617-30.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Hekimlik, Zootekni, Genetik ve Biyoistatistik

Emre Şahin 0000-0001-7625-1883

Sedat Yelkovan 0000-0002-7209-6350

Doğukan Özen 0000-0003-1943-2690

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 13 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Şahin E, Yelkovan S, Özen D. Bal arılarında nosemosise karşı probiyotik, timol, naringenin ve fumagillin uygulamalarının CRITIC-TOPSIS yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesi. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 2025;96(1):52-61.

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Veteriner Hekimler Derneği / Turkish Veterinary Medical Society