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Effects of fermentation characteristics and feed value of some triticale cultivars ensiled at different stages of maturity

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 90 Sayı: 2, 132 - 142, 15.06.2019


study was carried out to determine the effects of some triticale cultivars
(Karma 2000, Presto and Tatlıcak-97) harvested at different stages of maturity
on the fermentation characteristics, chemical composition and in vitro
digestibility organic matter yields. Triticale cultivars were harvested at ear
emergence, milk and dough stages of maturity and were ensiled in 1.0 litter
special jars equipped with a lid that enabled gas release only. The jars were
stored at 20±2 ºC under laboratory conditions. Silages were sampled for
chemical and microbiological analyses on day 75th after ensiling. In additions
in vitro organic matters digestibility of the silages were determined with
enzymatic methods. The result of the study indicated that fermentation
characteristics, nutritional and cell wall composition, dry and organic matter
yield and digestibility organic matters were affected by harvest stage and
cultivars. Crude protein, crude ash, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent
fibre and acid detergent lignin contents decreased with increasing maturity of
triticale silage whereas dry mater yield, pH value and in vitro organic matter
digestibility increased (P<0.05).


  • 1. Açıkgöz E (1991): Yem Bitkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayınları No:633-2, 456, Bursa.
  • 2. Albayrak S, Mut Z, Töngel Ö (2006): Tritikale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) hatlarında kuru ot ve tohum verimi ile bazı tarımsal özellikler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 13-21.
  • 3. Alçiçek A, Özkan K (1997): Silo yemlerinde fiziksel ve kimyasal yöntemlerle silaj kalitesinin saptanması, Türkiye I. Silaj Kongresi, 235-240, Bursa.4. Anonymus (1986): The Analysis of Agricultural Material, Reference Book:427, London, 428 p.
  • 5. Anonymus (1998): Ausschuss für Bedarfsnormen der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol, 7, 141-149.
  • 6. Aufrère J, B Michalet-Doreau (1988): Comparison of methods for predicting digestibility of feeds. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol, 20, 203–218.
  • 7. Barier AC, Dias JA, Nedel JL (1980): Triticale research. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 26, 46-47.
  • 8. Buxton DR (1996): Quality related characteristics of forages as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 59(1-3), 37–49.
  • 9. Canbolat O (2012): Comparison of in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, relative feed value and metabolizable energy contents of some cereal forages. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 18 (4), 571-577.
  • 10. Chen J, MR Stokes, CR Wallace (1994): Effects of enzyme-inoculant systems on preservation and nutritive value of hay crop and corn silages. J. Dairy Sci, 77, 501-512.
  • 11. Collar C, Aksland G (2001): Harvest stage effects on yield and quality of winter forage. Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi:15.12. 2018.
  • 12. Delogu G, Faccini N, Faccioli P, Reggiani F, Lendini M, Berardo N, M Odoardi (2002): Dry matter yield and quality evaluation at two phenological stages of forage triticale grown in the Po Valley and Sardinia, Italy. Field Crops Res, 74, 207-215.
  • 13. Filya I (2003): Nutritive value ofwhole crop wheat silage harvested at three stages of maturity. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 103, 85-95.
  • 14. Filya İ (2005): Silaj Yapımı, Teknolojisi ve Kullanımı. Süt Hayvancılığı Eğitim Merkezi Yayınları, Hayvancılık Serisi : 8 Yetiştirici El Kitabı, Karacabey, Bursa
  • 15. Fischer R.A (1993): Cereal breeding in developing countries: progress and prospects. In: International Crop Science I Crop Se. Society of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, 201-209.
  • 16. Genç İ, Ülger AC, T Yağbasanlar (1988): Triticale. Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, 21,40-42.
  • 17. Geren H (2014): Dry matter yıeld and sılage qualıty of some wınter cereals harvested at dıfferent stages under medıterranean clımate condıtıons. Turk J Field Crops, 19(2), 197-202.
  • 18. Goering HK, Van Soest PJ (1983): Forage Fiber Analyses. Agricultural Handbook, No 379, Washington.
  • 19. Gregory RS (1974): Hexaploid Triticales. Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge. Annual Report. Cambridge UK, Plant Breeding Institute. 85-86.
  • 20. Hackett R, JI Burke (2004): Potential for triticale in low cost production systems. National Tillage Conference, Wednesday, 28th January, 90-104.
  • 21. Kaplan M, Kökten K, Akçura M (2014): Determination of silage characteristics and nutritional values of some triticale genotypes. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 102-107.
  • 22. Karabulut A, Canbolat O, Kamalak A (2006): Effect of maturity stage on the nutritive value of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L) hays. Lotus Newsletter, 36, 11-21.
  • 23. Keleş G (2014): Farklı Gelişme Dönemlerinde Hasat Edilmiş Tritikale Hasılında Morfolojik Unsurların Besin Değeri. Hayvansal Üretim 55(1): 1-6.
  • 24. Koç F, L Coşkuntuna (2003): Silo yemlerinde organik asit belirlemede iki farklı metodun karşılaştırılması. Journal of Animal Production, 44(2), 37-47.
  • 25. Luther MR (1986): Effect of microbial inoculation of whole plant corn silage on chemical characteristics. Preservation and utilization by steers. J Animal Sci, (1), 67-73.
  • 26. Martin CA, O Maurer (1973): Introduction, adaptation and selection of triticale at Apodaca, Nuevo Leon. In XIII Informe de investigation 1971-1972.
  • Division de Ciencias Agropecvarias Maritimas, Instituto Technologico de Monterrey. Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 34-35.
  • 27. McDonald P, Henderson AR, Heron SJE (1991). The Biochemistry of Silage. Second Edition. 340, Chalcombe Publication, Marlow, England.
  • 28. McDonald P, RA Edwards, JFD Greenhalgh (1988): Animal Nutrition. 4th Edition. Longman Scientific and Technical. 543.
  • 29. Nadeau E (2007): Effects of plant species, stage of maturity and additive on the feeding value of whole-crop cereal silage. J Sci Food Agric, 87, 789-801.
  • 30. Nair J, Beattie AD, Christensen D, Yu P, McAllister T, Damiran D, J.McKinnon J (2018): Effect of variety and stage of maturity at harvest on nutrient and neutral detergent fiber digestibility of forage barley grown in western Canada. Can J Anim Sci, 98(2), 299-310.
  • 31. Nursoy H, S Deniz, M Demirel, N Denek (2003): Süt olum döneminde biçilen kimi mısır hasıllarına üre ve melas katkılarının silaj kalitesi ile sindirilebilir kuru madde verimine etkisi. Türk J Vet Animal Sci, 27, 93-99.
  • 32. Ozduven ML, Kursun Onal Z, Koc F (2010): The effects of bacterial inoculants and/or enzymes on the fermentation, aerobic stability and in vitro dry and organic matter digestibility characteristics of triticale silages. Kafkas Unıv Vet Fak Derg, 16(5), 751-756.
  • 33. Rustas BO, Bertilsson J, Martinsson K, Elverstedt T, Nadeau E (2011): Intake and digestion of wholecrop barley and wheat silages by dairy heifers. J Anim Sci, 89: 4131-4141.
  • 34. Seale DR, G Pahlow, SF Spoelstra, S Lindgren, F Dellaglio, JF Lowe (1990): Methods for the microbiological analysis of silage. Proceeding of The Eurobac Conference, Uppsala, 147.
  • 35. Soysal Mİ (1998): Biyometrinin Prensipleri (İstatistik I ve II Ders Notları). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:95, Ders Kitabı No: 64, Tekirdağ, 331.
  • 36. SPSS (2006): SPSS 15 for Windows. SPSS Inc.
  • 37. Sucu E, Aydoğan Çifci E (2016): Effects of lines and inoculants on nutritive value and production costs of triticale silages. R Bras Zootec, 45(7):355-364.
  • 38. Supelco (1998): Analyzing fatty acids by packed column gas chromatography. Bulletin 856B. Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO.
  • 39. Temel S, Tan M (2002): A research on determination of seeding and cutting time in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) under Erzurum conditions. Ataturk Univ Ziraat Fak Derg, 33 (4): 363-368.
  • 40. Wallsten J (2008): Whole-crop cereals in dairy production: Digestibility, Feed Intake and Milk Production. Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea.

Bazı tritikale çeşitlerinde farklı olgunlaşma dönemlerinin silolamada fermantasyon özellikleri ve yem değeri üzerine etkileri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 90 Sayı: 2, 132 - 142, 15.06.2019


Bu çalışma, farklı olgunlaşma dönemlerinde hasat edilen bazı
tritikale çeşitlerinin (Karma, Presto ve Tatlıcak-97) fermantasyon özellikleri,
besin madde içerikleri ve birim alandan üretilen
in vitro sindirilebilir organik madde miktarını belirlemek amacıyla
yürütülmüştür. Başaklanma, süt olum ve hamur dönemlerinde hasat edilen tritikale
çeşitleri 2 cm boyutunda parçalanarak 1,0 litrelik yalnızca gaz çıkışına olanak
tanıyan özel anaerobik kavanozlara silolanmıştır. Kavanozlar laboratuvar
koşullarında 20±2°C' de depolanmışlardır. Silolamadan sonraki 75. günde her
gruptan 3'er kavanoz açılarak silajlarda kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler
yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, enzimatik yöntemle silajların
in vitro organik madde sindirilebilirlikleri saptanmıştır. Çalışma
sonunda fermantasyon özellikleri, ham besin maddeleri ve hücre duvarı
kompozisyonları, birim alandan elde edilen kuru ve organik madde verimleri ve
birim alandan elde edilen sindirilebilir organik madde miktarları olgunluk
dönemi ve çeşit farklılıklarından önemli derecede etkilendikleri saptanmıştır.
Hasat zamanının gecikmesiyle birlikte
tritikale silajlarının laktik ve asetik asit ile amonyak azotu, ham protein,
ham kül,
nötr deterjan lif, asit deterjan lif ve asit deterjan lignin içerikleri azalırken, kuru madde verimleri,
pH değeri ve
in vitro organik madde
sindirilebilirliklerini ise artmıştır (P<0,05).


  • 1. Açıkgöz E (1991): Yem Bitkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayınları No:633-2, 456, Bursa.
  • 2. Albayrak S, Mut Z, Töngel Ö (2006): Tritikale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) hatlarında kuru ot ve tohum verimi ile bazı tarımsal özellikler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 13-21.
  • 3. Alçiçek A, Özkan K (1997): Silo yemlerinde fiziksel ve kimyasal yöntemlerle silaj kalitesinin saptanması, Türkiye I. Silaj Kongresi, 235-240, Bursa.4. Anonymus (1986): The Analysis of Agricultural Material, Reference Book:427, London, 428 p.
  • 5. Anonymus (1998): Ausschuss für Bedarfsnormen der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol, 7, 141-149.
  • 6. Aufrère J, B Michalet-Doreau (1988): Comparison of methods for predicting digestibility of feeds. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol, 20, 203–218.
  • 7. Barier AC, Dias JA, Nedel JL (1980): Triticale research. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 26, 46-47.
  • 8. Buxton DR (1996): Quality related characteristics of forages as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 59(1-3), 37–49.
  • 9. Canbolat O (2012): Comparison of in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, relative feed value and metabolizable energy contents of some cereal forages. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 18 (4), 571-577.
  • 10. Chen J, MR Stokes, CR Wallace (1994): Effects of enzyme-inoculant systems on preservation and nutritive value of hay crop and corn silages. J. Dairy Sci, 77, 501-512.
  • 11. Collar C, Aksland G (2001): Harvest stage effects on yield and quality of winter forage. Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi:15.12. 2018.
  • 12. Delogu G, Faccini N, Faccioli P, Reggiani F, Lendini M, Berardo N, M Odoardi (2002): Dry matter yield and quality evaluation at two phenological stages of forage triticale grown in the Po Valley and Sardinia, Italy. Field Crops Res, 74, 207-215.
  • 13. Filya I (2003): Nutritive value ofwhole crop wheat silage harvested at three stages of maturity. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 103, 85-95.
  • 14. Filya İ (2005): Silaj Yapımı, Teknolojisi ve Kullanımı. Süt Hayvancılığı Eğitim Merkezi Yayınları, Hayvancılık Serisi : 8 Yetiştirici El Kitabı, Karacabey, Bursa
  • 15. Fischer R.A (1993): Cereal breeding in developing countries: progress and prospects. In: International Crop Science I Crop Se. Society of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, 201-209.
  • 16. Genç İ, Ülger AC, T Yağbasanlar (1988): Triticale. Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, 21,40-42.
  • 17. Geren H (2014): Dry matter yıeld and sılage qualıty of some wınter cereals harvested at dıfferent stages under medıterranean clımate condıtıons. Turk J Field Crops, 19(2), 197-202.
  • 18. Goering HK, Van Soest PJ (1983): Forage Fiber Analyses. Agricultural Handbook, No 379, Washington.
  • 19. Gregory RS (1974): Hexaploid Triticales. Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge. Annual Report. Cambridge UK, Plant Breeding Institute. 85-86.
  • 20. Hackett R, JI Burke (2004): Potential for triticale in low cost production systems. National Tillage Conference, Wednesday, 28th January, 90-104.
  • 21. Kaplan M, Kökten K, Akçura M (2014): Determination of silage characteristics and nutritional values of some triticale genotypes. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 102-107.
  • 22. Karabulut A, Canbolat O, Kamalak A (2006): Effect of maturity stage on the nutritive value of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L) hays. Lotus Newsletter, 36, 11-21.
  • 23. Keleş G (2014): Farklı Gelişme Dönemlerinde Hasat Edilmiş Tritikale Hasılında Morfolojik Unsurların Besin Değeri. Hayvansal Üretim 55(1): 1-6.
  • 24. Koç F, L Coşkuntuna (2003): Silo yemlerinde organik asit belirlemede iki farklı metodun karşılaştırılması. Journal of Animal Production, 44(2), 37-47.
  • 25. Luther MR (1986): Effect of microbial inoculation of whole plant corn silage on chemical characteristics. Preservation and utilization by steers. J Animal Sci, (1), 67-73.
  • 26. Martin CA, O Maurer (1973): Introduction, adaptation and selection of triticale at Apodaca, Nuevo Leon. In XIII Informe de investigation 1971-1972.
  • Division de Ciencias Agropecvarias Maritimas, Instituto Technologico de Monterrey. Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 34-35.
  • 27. McDonald P, Henderson AR, Heron SJE (1991). The Biochemistry of Silage. Second Edition. 340, Chalcombe Publication, Marlow, England.
  • 28. McDonald P, RA Edwards, JFD Greenhalgh (1988): Animal Nutrition. 4th Edition. Longman Scientific and Technical. 543.
  • 29. Nadeau E (2007): Effects of plant species, stage of maturity and additive on the feeding value of whole-crop cereal silage. J Sci Food Agric, 87, 789-801.
  • 30. Nair J, Beattie AD, Christensen D, Yu P, McAllister T, Damiran D, J.McKinnon J (2018): Effect of variety and stage of maturity at harvest on nutrient and neutral detergent fiber digestibility of forage barley grown in western Canada. Can J Anim Sci, 98(2), 299-310.
  • 31. Nursoy H, S Deniz, M Demirel, N Denek (2003): Süt olum döneminde biçilen kimi mısır hasıllarına üre ve melas katkılarının silaj kalitesi ile sindirilebilir kuru madde verimine etkisi. Türk J Vet Animal Sci, 27, 93-99.
  • 32. Ozduven ML, Kursun Onal Z, Koc F (2010): The effects of bacterial inoculants and/or enzymes on the fermentation, aerobic stability and in vitro dry and organic matter digestibility characteristics of triticale silages. Kafkas Unıv Vet Fak Derg, 16(5), 751-756.
  • 33. Rustas BO, Bertilsson J, Martinsson K, Elverstedt T, Nadeau E (2011): Intake and digestion of wholecrop barley and wheat silages by dairy heifers. J Anim Sci, 89: 4131-4141.
  • 34. Seale DR, G Pahlow, SF Spoelstra, S Lindgren, F Dellaglio, JF Lowe (1990): Methods for the microbiological analysis of silage. Proceeding of The Eurobac Conference, Uppsala, 147.
  • 35. Soysal Mİ (1998): Biyometrinin Prensipleri (İstatistik I ve II Ders Notları). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:95, Ders Kitabı No: 64, Tekirdağ, 331.
  • 36. SPSS (2006): SPSS 15 for Windows. SPSS Inc.
  • 37. Sucu E, Aydoğan Çifci E (2016): Effects of lines and inoculants on nutritive value and production costs of triticale silages. R Bras Zootec, 45(7):355-364.
  • 38. Supelco (1998): Analyzing fatty acids by packed column gas chromatography. Bulletin 856B. Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO.
  • 39. Temel S, Tan M (2002): A research on determination of seeding and cutting time in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) under Erzurum conditions. Ataturk Univ Ziraat Fak Derg, 33 (4): 363-368.
  • 40. Wallsten J (2008): Whole-crop cereals in dairy production: Digestibility, Feed Intake and Milk Production. Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi

Özlem Karadağoğlu 0000-0002-5917-9565

Mehmet Levent Özdüven Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Aralık 2018
Kabul Tarihi 9 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 90 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Karadağoğlu Ö, Özdüven ML. Bazı tritikale çeşitlerinde farklı olgunlaşma dönemlerinin silolamada fermantasyon özellikleri ve yem değeri üzerine etkileri. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 2019;90(2):132-4.

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